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血管加压素和危重病血管加压素和危重病 Case report The picture of AVP AVP-R and antagonists Related agents Clinical use XX,M,60yrs 服 DDV 300ml 24小时 转入我院 ICU 被发现时昏迷,大汗,瞳孔针尖样 入当地医院气管插管 MV 后洗胃4h shock DOPA 转入时 20ug/kg/min24小时应用阿托品45mg XX,F,31yrs 足月经阴分娩后阴道出血 分娩后1.5小时 CPR CPR5分钟成功 分娩后3小时 子宫全切术 分娩后5小时转入ICU:七窍出血 持续低血压7小时 NE2-4,DOPA10-20,AVP 2-8U/h 入 ICU7小时 FFP 3200ml 冷沉淀20U RBC32U 血小板1人份Why?When?Who?Dose?合成:视上核和室旁核 储存:垂体后叶 代谢:肝脏和肾脏 半衰期10-35min受体受体分布分布 作用作用V1a血管血管平滑肌,肝脏,肾小球出球小动脉收缩血管,促进肝糖元分解,增加血小板聚集,增加肾小球灌注压,GFR 增加V2肾脏肾集合管促进水重吸收,抗利尿V3(V1b)垂体垂体刺激 ACTH 释放 V2R Antagonist (Tolvaptan托伐普坦,商品名-苏麦卡,satavaptan,lixivaptan)V1a-V2R Antagonist (conivaptan)肝硬化腹水,心衰,SIADH 加压素(vasopressin)血管加压素 精氨酸加压素(AVP)抗利尿激素(ADH)抗利尿作用/血管平滑肌收缩作用 特利加压素(terlipresssin,t-GLVP)一种新型人工合成血管加压素 垂体后叶素垂体后叶素 含催产素和加压素 收缩子宫/抗利尿/升高血压 猪牛羊脑神经垂体中提取鞣酸加压素(长效尿崩停)去氨加压素(弥凝)抗利尿作用/血管加压作用比 约为加压素的1200-3000倍 中枢性尿崩症 CDI CPR Septic shockBecause the effects of AVP have not been shown to differ from those of E in CA,1 dose of AVP 40 units IV/IO may replace either the 1st or 2nd dose of E in the treatment of CA(Class IIb,LOE A).加压素40u 1次 IV/IO 可用于替代CPR 时首剂或第二剂副肾素 AVP improves vital organ blood flow during closed-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pigs Circulation.1995;91:215221AVP 0.03 u/min can be added to NE with intent of either raising MAP or decreasing NE dosage(UG).在 NE 应用的基础上,感染性休克病人可加用 AVP 0.03u/min 以进一步提高 MAP 或减少 NE 用量Low dose AVP is not recommended as the single initial vasopressor for treatment of sepsis-induced hypotension 不推荐小剂量加压素作为脓毒症性低血压单独的初始升压药物 AVP doses 0.03-0.04 u/min should be reserved for salvage therapy(failure to achieve adequate MAP with other vasopressor agents)(UG).高剂量 AVP(0.03-0.04u/min)可用于脓毒性休克病人其他升压药物效果不满意的补救性治疗relative vasopressin deficiency AVP concentrations are elevated in early S.Shock,but decrease to normal range in the majority of patients between 24 and 48 hrs as shock continues.In the presence of hypotension,vasopressin would be expected to be elevated The VASST trial an RCT:comparing NE to NE+AVP 0.03 U/min no difference in outcome An a priori defined subgroup analysis demonstrated that survival among patients receiving 15 g/min NE at the time of randomization was better with the addition of AVP;N Engl J Med 2008;358:877887 Higher doses of vasopressin have been associated with cardiac,digital,and splanchnic ischemia and Should be reserved for situations where alternative vasopressors have failed Crit Care Med 2003;31:13941398 AVP levels are reduced in adults with septic shock AVP levels seem to vary extensively in children no recommandation


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