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冀教版小学英语第七册Lesson18: Snow! Its Winter!教学案例一、教材分析: 本单元讲述Li Ming 在加拿大度过冬天的事情。本课教学内容是让学生学习描述冬天衣着和户外游戏的单词及日常用语。通过这节课的学习,让学生能够流利地介绍在冬天,自己穿的服饰、爱干的活动及冬天的景色。二、教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:(1) 听、说、读、写服饰词汇连指手套的两种说法mittens和mitts。冬天喜欢干的事skate, ski。冬天能看到的东西ice, snow。(2) 能够语音清楚、语调流畅地朗读课文,并能听清课文正确地找到所给的问题。(3) 能够牢固地掌握并运用句型_like(s) to _.并能将之运用到谈论冬天的话题中。2、情感及文化目标:(1) 培养学生敢张嘴说英语,能灵活运用所学知识,与他们交流的能力。(2) 鼓励学生大胆地根据所学知识谈论冬天的衣着和活动,使每个人都在小组内积极参与、合作学习。(3) 通过学习这一课,教育学生热爱自然,使学生提高锻炼身体的意识。三、教学重点、难点分析:1、教学重点:(1) 掌握冬天衣着词汇。如:hat, winter jacket, mittens(mitts), winter boots, scarf.(2) 掌握动词:skate, ski, learn, teach.(3) 喜欢干某事的句型“_like(s) to _.”的理解、掌握和运用。2、教学难点:(1) 区分_like(s) to skate on the ice 和_like(s) to ski on the snow.(2) 能灵活运用喜欢干某事的句型,并把它运用到介绍冬天中。四、教学过程:(一)Step 1: Warming upA. T: How many months are there in a year?C: Twelve months .Sing “the months song ”.B. Revision T: You know there are four seasons in a year .What are they? Whats your favorite season?C. Match T: Whats the date ? Girls are group1.Boys are group2. Time: thirty seconds.设计意图:这节课讲的是冬天,是上节课季节一课的延伸。因此在开头,我设计了师生同唱“The month song”。通过这首歌,我们自然地引出了季节。之后在比赛中使学生加深、巩固对日期的记忆。自然地过渡,使学生很快融入到课堂中。(二)Step 2: New teaching T: January is in winter. Is the winter warm? S: No.T: What do you wear in winter?S1.S2.S3.S4.S5: I wear a hat / a scarf. / a winter jacket. / pants and winter boots . / mittens.(出示 mittens和mitts的单词卡片和图片)T: What does Jenny wear? Where is she going? Listen to the audiotape. Find out the questions and draw lines under the passage.S1: Jenny wears her winter jacket, hat, scarf and mittens.T: Here is Jennys closet. Can you help her put on her winter clothes?(出示Jenny的壁厨)设计意图:让学生回忆自己在冬天都穿了什么,而引出新词mittens和mitts. 这一环节把课文知识和日常生活相联系。之后我安排的让学生带着问题去听,学生就不会盲从的去听了。听完录音后,让学生帮助Jenny从衣柜中找冬天的衣服穿,一下子就调动了学生的积极性。(三)Step 3: Talk about the picture Q1: How many people are there in this picture? Q2: Who are they? Q3: what are they doing? Q4: What can you see? S1: There are six people. S2: They are Jenny, Steven, Danny, Li Ming, Kim and Mr. Wood. S3.S4.S5: They are standing. /talking./ looking out of the window. S6: I can see much snow. T: Guess hows the weather outside? S7: The weather is snowy and cold. T: Yes. Its a snowy day! The weather is cold.设计意图:让学生带着问题去观察图,目的是培养学生会看图,培养他们能够自己看图说话的能力。最后一句话为引出下文做好铺垫。(四)Step 4 New teaching What do you like to do in winter?S1.S2: I like to make a snowman. /throw the snowballs.T: How about Danny? What does Danny like to do?(出示skate卡片假装Danny) T: I like to skate. Skate. Spell and read.(电脑出现冰的图片)T: Where does Danny skate?Ice .Spell and read.On the ice. Ice! Ice! Ice ! On the ice.(强调the的读音)(Danny)T: I like to skate on the ice. Do you like to skate on the ice?S: Yes. /No.T: What else does Danny like to do?(出示ski卡片假装Danny)T: I like to ski. Read and spell.T:( 电脑出示snow) Whats this? Its snow. Snow. Snow. Snow. On the snow.(假装Danny)T: I like to ski on the snow.(拿走Danny卡片)Danny likes to ski on the snow. He likes to ski on the snow.T: Can you skate?S: Yes.T: But I cant skate .I want to learn. (出示learn)Read and guess what it means?T: I want to learn. Can you help me? Can you teach me? (出示teach)Guess what it means?T: Come here to teach me, please.(学生示范,教师学习)T: I can skate. Thank you. You are a good teacher.设计意图:本课的重点词为动词skate, ski,learn, teach.名词snow, ice.因此这部分教学设计的时间偏长。为了更贴近学生,在文章教学的开始我先问了一个“What do you like to do?”学生兴高采烈地向全班介绍自己在冬天爱干的事。然后老师话锋一转,转向了Danny,问Danny爱干什么?引出skate on the ice和ski on the snow.特别强调on the ice中the的读法。最后让学生教老师滑冰,把课堂推向了一个高潮。在不知不觉中,学生学会了本课的另两个生词teach和learn。(五)Step 5:ActivitiesT: Talk about why you like winter?设计意图:语言的形成光靠老师在课堂中讲和师生交流是不够的,让学生把支离破碎的语言形成系统的,自己的语言,小组活动这种方式就显得尤为重要了。小组内生生交流,让他们之间相互取长补短,为他们用英语交流提供了机会,使学生语言的提高提供了平台。(六)Step 6: Homework1.Listen to the tape and read the text.2.Do the activity book.3.Do you like winter? Draw a picture and tell me why.设计意图:这是一个分层次的作业,目的是让学生把今天学的知识巩固并且延伸到课堂之外,从而达到“学以致用”的教学目的


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