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主格主格 I youhe/she/it 宾格宾格 me youhim/her/it第一人称单数第一人称单数 第二人称单数第二人称单数 第三人称单数第三人称单数 我我 你你 他他/她她/它它be 动词动词 是是beamis areI amHe/She/It isYou are口诀:口诀:我用我用am,你用你用are,is连着他她它连着他她它肯定句变一般疑问句:肯定句变一般疑问句:1.先找先找be动词,如果有,就把动词,如果有,就把be动词提前。动词提前。我的我的my 改为你的改为你的your 我是我是I am改为你是改为你是Are you2.找情态动词找情态动词can,如果有,就把如果有,就把can提前。提前。3.找找have got/has got,如果有如果有,就把就把have/has 提前提前,got不提前。不提前。4.用助动词用助动词do,把把do放在句首。放在句首。注意:注意:I 变成变成you,do大写。大写。我喜欢吃月饼。我喜欢吃月饼。I like to eat mooncakes.(变一般疑问句变一般疑问句)Do you like to eat mooncakes?肯定句变否定句:1.先找be动词,如果有be动词后加not.2.找情态动词can,如果有在can后加not.例:I can jump.(变否定句)I can not jump.He can draw a tree.(变否定句)He can not draw a tree.选择疑问句:两个或两个以上一般疑问句用选择疑问句:两个或两个以上一般疑问句用or连接,相同部分省略,回答不能有连接,相同部分省略,回答不能有yes,no1.This is a desk.This is a chair.2.I have a loaf of bread.I have a bar of chocolate.3.There is some melon juice in the is some grape juice in the bottle.4.Peter can write a letter.Peter can read a letter.5.My mother likes dancing.My mother likes singingIs this a desk or a chair?Do you have a loaf of bread or a bar of chocolate?Is there any melon juice or any grape juice in the bottle?Can Peter write a letter or read a letter?Does your mother like dancing or singing?现在进行时现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作表示正在进行的动作 构成构成:主语主语+be+动词动词ing例:它是一个柠檬。例:它是一个柠檬。It is a lemon .What is it?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句一般疑问句 what “什么什么”(特殊疑问词)(特殊疑问词)(对画线部分提问)疑问词疑问词 意思意思 用法用法 What 什么什么 问东西、事物问东西、事物 What day 星期几星期几 问星期几问星期几 What time 什么时间什么时间 问具体时间问具体时间 How 怎样怎样 问情况,状态问情况,状态 Who 谁谁 问人问人 How old 多大年纪多大年纪 问年纪问年纪 Whose 谁的谁的 问主人问主人 How many 多少数量(可数名词)多少数量(可数名词)问数量问数量 Where 在哪里在哪里 问地点问地点 How much 多少钱;多少数量多少钱;多少数量(不可数名词)(不可数名词)What colour什么颜色什么颜色 问颜色问颜色 When 什么时候什么时候 问时间问时间 问月份问月份 1.They are playing basketball.(一般疑问一般疑问)_ _ playing basketball?2.They are playing basketball.(划线提问划线提问)_ _ _ _?3.She is watching TV.(一般疑问一般疑问)_ _ _ TV?4.She is watching TV.(划线提问划线提问)_ _ _ _?5.Im singing.(划线提问划线提问)_ _ _ _?6.They are dozing on the bench.(划线提问划线提问)_ _ _ _ on the bench?6.They are dozing on the bench.(划线提问划线提问)_ _ _ dozing?人称代词 单数 复数 主格I you he she it we you they 宾格me you him her itus you them 物主代词 my我的your你的 his他的her她的its它的 our我们的your你们的their他们的 canread draw sing 能能(情态动词情态动词)读读 动词动词画画 动词动词唱唱 动词动词/kn/ri:d/dr:/si/I can read.I can draw.I can sing.我能读。我能读。我能画。我能画。我能唱。我能唱。/da:ns/ri:d /dmp/dance write jump跳舞跳舞 动词动词 写写 动词动词 跳跳 动词动词readsingtouchsmellfeeltastegocome读读唱唱触摸触摸闻闻感觉感觉品尝品尝去去来来Practise:1.()I can _.A jumping B jumped C jump D jumps2.()I can _.A reading B reads C read CC How many.?多少(对数量提问)多少(对数量提问)How many+可数名词复数可数名词复数(+are there)?有多少?有多少?例:例:1.有多少本书?有多少本书?How many books are there?2.多少支钢笔?多少支钢笔?How many pens?3.多少块橡皮?多少块橡皮?How many rubbers?1.How many_are there?(有多少书包?)有多少书包?)Two _.(有两个书包)有两个书包)2.How many _are there?(有多少橡皮)有多少橡皮)_rubbers.(两块两块)3.How many _are there?(有多少格尺有多少格尺?)_rulers.(三个)三个)4.How many _are there?(有多少铅笔?)有多少铅笔?)_ pencils.(五支)五支)bagsbagsrubbersTworulersThreepencilsFiveHow old 多大多大 (对年龄提问)(对年龄提问)位于句首位于句首问问:你多大了?:你多大了?How old are you?答答:我五岁了。:我五岁了。I am five(years old).are am 是是be动词动词练习练习 1._ _ are you?2.()I _ five years old.A.is B.are C.am 3.()He is three year A B C 4.I _ dance.(能)(能)5.I can _ .(我能读)我能读)6.I can _ a tree.(我能画一棵树)(我能画一棵树)7.I can _ a song.(我能唱一首歌)我能唱一首歌)把把year改为改为yearsBC canreaddrawsingHow old祈使句:祈使句:触摸你的脚趾触摸你的脚趾Touch your toes.触摸你的手臂触摸你的手臂Touch your arms.挥一挥你的手挥一挥你的手Wave your hand.触摸触摸tttouch挥挥waveweiv1.触摸你的鼻子。触摸你的鼻子。Touch your nose.2.触摸这个苹果。触摸这个苹果。Touch the apple.3.触摸我的胳膊。触摸我的胳膊。Touch my arm.4.挥一挥你的橡皮。挥一挥你的橡皮。Wave your rubber.5.挥一挥我的格尺。挥一挥我的格尺。Wave my ruler.6.挥一挥这本书。挥一挥这本书。Wave the book.变一般疑问变一般疑问1、That is a peach.(做肯定否定回答)Is that a peach?2、This is my pencil.Is this your pencil?3、This is a melon.Is this a melon?4、This is my rubber.Is this your rubber?5、It is a bag.Is it a bag?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,it is.No,it isntYes,it is.No,it isnt做肯定、否定回答做肯定、否定回答:1.Can he dance?2.Can she jump?3.Can you write?4.Can he draw?Yes,I can.No,I can not.Yes,he can.No,he can not.Yes,she can.No,she can not.Yes,he can.No,he can not.做肯定或否定回答:做肯定或否定回答:1.Is he a teacher?2.Is she May?3.Is it a dog?4.Is he Tom?5.Are you Tim?Yes,he is.No,he is not.Yes,she is.No,she is not.Yes,it is.No,it is not.Yes,he is.No,he is not.Yes,I am.No,I am not.like 喜欢+名词+to+动词1、我喜欢柠檬。2、我喜欢钢笔。3、我喜欢吃苹果。I like lemons.I like pens.I like to eat apples.1、我喜欢吃瓜。I like to eat melons.2、我喜欢跳舞。I like to dance.3、我喜欢橘子。I like oranges.4、我喜欢读书。I like to read books.5、我喜欢吃月饼。I like to eat mooncakes.例:它是一个柠檬。例:它是一个柠檬。It is a lemon .What is it?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句一般疑问句 what “什么什么”(特殊疑问词)(特殊疑问词)(对画线部分提问)例例:我喜欢吃月饼我喜欢吃月饼.I like to eat mooncake.What do you like to eat?(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)1.I like to eat bananas .What do you like to eat?2.I like apples .What do you like?3.I like to sing songs.What do you like to sing?4.I like to read books.What do you like to read?对画线部分提问:对画线部分提问:1.他有一个自行车。他有一个自行车。I have got a bicycle.What have you got?2.她有一个气球。她有一个气球。She has got a balloon.What has she got?对画线部分提问对画线部分提问 句型练习:1.I have got a ball.(对画线部分提问)What have you got?2.She has got a doll.What has she got?3.He has got a bicycle.What has he got?4.You have got two books.What have you got?sharpbluntroughsofthardsmoothTouch the _,how does it feel?It feels .Bens basketballToms knifePeters footballAlices pencil caseS1:Whats this?S2:Its a S1:Touch it.How does it feel?S2:ItsS1:Whose is this/that?S2:ItsS1:Lets go back to him/her.S2:OK.1.This is Dannys knife.(划线提问)Whose knife is this?2.This is his fathers car.(划线提问)Whose car is this?3.Its my bag.(划线提问)Whose bag is it?4._ _ is that?Its Alices pencil.5.Whose pencil case is this?_ Jills.6._(who)teacher is she?Shes _(Kitty and Ben).Whose pencilItsWhoseKitty and Bens 1.These are Miss Fangs books.(划线提问)2.Those are our rulers.(划线提问)3.Whose knives _(be)these?_(its)Eddies.


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