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1Reward for virtueReward for virtue 奥美佳英语奥美佳英语2每日几句每日几句1 East or west,home is best.东好西好,还是家里最好。2 Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。)3 Its never too late to mend.过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。4 Constant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石。5 Misfortunes never come alone/single.祸不单行。6 Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。34Which kind of food mustnt you eat too much?5Which one is the rich food?HamburgerVegetables6DiscussWhich do you think is healthy food?Which is junk food(垃圾食品)(垃圾食品)?7To keep healthy,we should eat more _ we should eat less_.8910fatIf the pig wants to get thinner,it has to eat less food and take more exercise.11Take enough exercise such as running,playing football,swimming.ect.12thinIf Mr.Black wants to be fatter,he has to eat more food.13Enjoy the story Is Hugh healthy or not?What did he do?What kind of food has he forbidden himself in the list?Why did Hughs diet not work?【New words and expressions】(】(10)reward n.报偿报偿 virtue n.美德美德 diet n.节食节食 forbid v.禁止禁止 hurriedly adv.匆忙地匆忙地 embarrass v.使尴尬使尴尬 guiltily adv.内疚地内疚地 strict adj.严格的严格的 reward v.给奖赏给奖赏 occasionally adv.偶尔地偶尔地reward n.报偿;报偿;v.给奖赏给奖赏 give sb.a reward 给给报偿报偿 reward sb.with sth.用用奖赏奖赏.reward sb.for sth.因为因为给某人奖赏给某人奖赏 reward him for the first prizevirtue n.美德美德 strongpoints n.长处,长处,shortpoints n.短处,短处,weak points 弱点弱点 merit n.优点优点 diet n.节食节食 go on a diet=be on a diet 实行节食实行节食 forbid(forbade,forbidden)v.禁止禁止 forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 Forbidden City 紫禁城紫禁城(被禁止的城市被禁止的城市);Forbidden fruit 禁果禁果 embarrass v.使尴尬使尴尬 sth.embarrass sb.让让感到尴尬感到尴尬 You embarrassed me.你让我感到尴尬你让我感到尴尬 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬令人尴尬 embarrassed adj.感到尴尬感到尴尬 embarrassment n.尴尬尴尬To my embarrassment让我感到尴尬的是让我感到尴尬的是guiltily adv.内疚地内疚地 Guilty conscience 问心有愧问心有愧 clear conscience 问心无愧问心无愧 strict adj.严格的严格的 be strict with sb.对某人严格对某人严格 My father is strict with me.be strict in sth.对对严格严格 他在画画方面很严格他在画画方面很严格 He is strict in drawing Be strict with sb in sth对某人在某方面很严格对某人在某方面很严格 妈妈对我在交朋友方面很严格妈妈对我在交朋友方面很严格 Mom is strict with me in making friends.occasionally adv.偶而地偶而地 on the occasion 偶尔偶尔 off and on 偶尔偶尔 now and again 偶尔偶尔【课文讲解】【课文讲解】1、My friend,Hugh,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.He began his diet a week ago.things(要用复数形式)可以表示(要用复数形式)可以表示“情况,情形,状况,情况,情形,状况,形势形势”等含义:等含义:How are things going on with you?get作不及物动词时可以表示作不及物动词时可以表示“变得变得”:I got interested in French.diet用于表示治疗某种疾病或调节体重的用于表示治疗某种疾病或调节体重的“特种饮食特种饮食”、“规定饮食规定饮食”时通常与时通常与on连用:连用:The doctor put him on a strict diet.医生让他严格控制饮食。医生让他严格控制饮食。我从前节食看一个星期,但是然后我放弃了我从前节食看一个星期,但是然后我放弃了 I once went on a diet for a week,but then I gave up.19 2、First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.first of all 首先首先,首要首要(许多事情中首要的许多事情中首要的,即最重要的即最重要的)首先我必须要看看你的护照首先我必须要看看你的护照 First of all I must see your passport.at first 首先(句型首先(句型at first,then 起起先先然后然后)In all 总共总计总共总计 write out 写出,(正式)写,全部写出写出,(正式)写,全部写出 你应该写出一个关于人口的报告你应该写出一个关于人口的报告.You should write out a report on population.3、The list included most of the things Hugh loves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate;and sweets.most of 大部分大部分 include和和contain都有都有“包含包含”的意思,但的意思,但contain可以用于表示所包含的全部事物可以用于表示所包含的全部事物,如果指如果指的是里面所含的成分时的是里面所含的成分时,也用也用contain;include的宾语指的是部分内容或容量的宾语指的是部分内容或容量,表示一个整体由表示一个整体由几个部分组成几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分侧重包括者只是整体的一部分.Does the bill _ a tip?include21 4、Yesterday I paid him a visit.pay sb.a visit 拜访某人拜访某人 今天我可以拜访你吗今天我可以拜访你吗 Shall I pay you a visit today?Shall I pay a visit to you today?pay a visit to sb./someplace 拜访某人拜访某人/某地某地.call on sb./at some place 拜访某人拜访某人/某地某地 have a visitvisit225、I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever.be surprised to do sth./be surprised at sth.看到他我很惊讶I was surprised to see him我很惊讶他的到来 I was surprised at his arrival让我很惊讶的是To my great surpriseMuch to my surpriseas as 中间加原级中间加原级asas ever 像往常一样,照旧,依然像往常一样,照旧,依然as clean as ever;as quiet as ever 6、He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.lead sb.into(让让进门进门);show sb.out(送送出出门门);see sb.off(送行送行)因为下雨了,兔子让狼进了他的房子,雨停了,兔子送因为下雨了,兔子让狼进了他的房子,雨停了,兔子送狼出门,狼出门,Because of rain,the rabbit led the wolf into his house.When it stopped raining,the rabbit showed the wolf out.我明天早上回去机场给你送行我明天早上回去机场给你送行 I will see you off at the airport next moring.7、It was obvious that he was very embarrassed.obviously It was obvious that(it 为形式为形式主语主语)显然显然 显然我们都会长大并且变老显然我们都会长大并且变老.It is obvious that we will grow up and get old.24 6、He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.Hurry in a hurry 立即 匆忙 hurry up 赶快 in no hurry 不着急 不匆忙 No hurry 不忙 不必着急 In such a hurry 如此匆忙 Hurry call 紧急电话25 When I asked him what he was doing,he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.explain 向某人解释某事向某人解释某事 explain to sb sth=explain sth to sb 他向我解释了这件事情他向我解释了这件事情 He explained to me the matter.He explained the matter to me.explain+that从句从句 He explains that he is careless.26Then he showed me the contents of the parcel.It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!向某人展示某物向某人展示某物Show sb sth=show sth to sb她向我展示她的钻戒她向我展示她的钻戒She showed me her diamond ringShe showed her diamond ring to me.show in 领入领入show off炫耀炫耀 show up 露面露面 on show展览着展览着27【Special difficulties】Raise and Rise.raise作动词时只能作及物动词,作动词时只能作及物动词,即它必须跟宾语。它可以表示即它必须跟宾语。它可以表示“举举起,往上提,使起,往上提,使升高升高”等含义:等含义:rise作动词时通常为不及物动词,作动词时通常为不及物动词,表示表示“起立,起床,(日、月等)起立,起床,(日、月等)升起升起”等含义等含义 Will those who agree with me please _their hands?Why did they _prices?Youre still in bed and the sun has already_!All the students _when the teacher came into the classroom.Heavy rains have _the level of the river this year.raiseraise risenroseraised Lay and Lie.lay(laid,laid)vt.搁,铺,准备搁,铺,准备 lie(lay,lain)vi.躺,平卧躺,平卧 I _your clothes on the bed so you could put them away.If you cant cook the dinner,you can at least _the table.Are you going to spend the whole morning _ in bed?Beat and Win.beat vt.打败,战胜,胜过,超过打败,战胜,胜过,超过.表示一个球队打表示一个球队打败另一个球队也用败另一个球队也用beat。win vt.在在获胜(成功),赢得,获得,夺得获胜(成功),赢得,获得,夺得beat后面接对手,后面接对手,win不能接对手。不能接对手。They _their enemy,though they were fewer in number.I _you.我打败了你。我打败了你。Who the race/the war?laidlaylying beatbeatwon29 give sb.a reward of$1/for doing sth.reward sb.with$1/for doing sth./reward sb.for sth.2.decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth.=make up ones mind to do sth.2.go/be on a diet3.pay sb.a visit4.Contain,include 5.first of all/worst of all/best of all/least of all尤其尤其6.raise/rise;lay/lie;beat/win30 Hugh is so fat that he has gone on a diet.He has forbidden himself all the foods he likes but he has not lost weight.When the writer visited him yesterday,he hid a large parcel under his desk.The parcel contained chocolates and sweets.Hugh said that he had to reward himself occasionally because his diet was so strict.31


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