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5A M4 Unit 11 WaterThe children are playing in the park.They like this swing.They like that slide.They can swing very high.They can slide very fast._ Dai people in Yunnan,China,have a“Water Festival”.Brothers and sisters gather together to welcome _ New Year._,_ pour water at each other.How exciting!TheThentheirtheyHow do we use water?Where does water come from?Water makes our life wonderful!We use water toHow do we use water?Water is amazing.It comes from everywhere over the world.Where does water come from?It comes fromWater is amazing.Water can flow and fly in the water cycle.water cycleWater is amazing.We can make dirty water clean by water treatment.water treatmentreuseclean the streetwater the flowersWater makes their life exciting!Who are they?They are pouring water at each other.What are they doing?They are the Dai people.Water makes our life exciting!What can we do with water?We can exciting activitiesrow a boatski on water diveswimhave a water fightterrible(very bad)amazingwonderfulexcitingpolluted waterfloodWhat happened?What colour is the water?What happened?Is the water clean?Polluted water makes our life terrible.polluted waterMany people die in the flood.How terrible!We should help each other.FloodSometimes,heavy rains bring too much water.Too much water makes a flood.The flood flushes away our cars and houses.Flood can make our life terrible,too.too much watervery little waterrarePlants and animals die without water.People are thirsty.Water is rare(very little)in many places.wash vegetableswater the flowerswash clothesSave water,save the world.Tips:Choose one opinion and read it aloud.Then,the other student says facts to support the opinion.opinions Water makes our life wonderful.Water is rare in many places.Water can make our life terrible.Water makes our life exciting.Water is amazing.factsWater and lifeWater makes our life _.We use water to.Firemen use water to put out fires.Farmers use water to grow crops.Water is _.It comes from everywhere over the world.It comes from the Water can flow and fly in the water cycle.We can make dirty water clean by water treatment.Water makes our life _.The Dai people in Yunnan,China,have a“Water Festival”.They pour water at each other.Water is _ in our life.But,sometimes water can make our life _.Fish cant live in polluted water.The flood flushes away our cars and houses.Many people die in the flood.Water is _ in many places.People are thirsty.Plants and animals die without water.Save water,save our life.wonderfulamazingexcitingusefulterriblerareWATERwonderfulamazingterribleexcitingrareWATERopinionsfactswonderfulamazingexcitingterriblerareusefulWe use water toeverywhere water cycleactivitiesWater Festivalpolluted waterfloodpeopleplantsP3 Water and lifewater treatmentanimals


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