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短文填空练习:河南农民捐十万斤葱给武汉Step 1 Find out the following useful expressions according to the Chinese tips:1. lies in位于2. as soon as只要;与一样快3. get a chance找到一个机会4. without hesitation没有丝毫的犹豫。5. take measures采取措施6. Premier Li Keqiang李克强总理 7. as well 也8. green onions葱9. protect .from.保护免受伤害10. virus病毒11. in their 70s 七十多岁12. a neighboring village邻村13. more than 超过Step 2 原版阅读Song county lies in the city of Luoyang, one of the poorest counties in China, but as soon as people get a chance to help others they do so without hesitation.We took strict protection measures, so I wasnt afraid . And Premier Li Keqiang had been there as well.Wuhan really needs our green onions because they can protect people from viruses and bacteria.Even older people in their 70s joined in. Children also helped. More than 300 people in our village worked together for three days. On the last day the secretary of a neighboring village also brought in more than 100 people from his village to help us.We may sometimes wonder what distinguishes heroes with ordinary people. What makes these people so special. For me is the very fact that they mix the heroic with the ordinary by doing what they can to enrich others.Step 3 中文翻译:嵩县位于洛阳市,是中国的贫困县之一。但只要那里的人们找到一个能协助他人的机会,他们也没有丝毫的犹豫。 “我不害怕,怕什么?防护措施肯定做好。总理都去了,我怕什么。”“武汉很需要我们的葱,因为我们的葱能杀菌消炎抗病毒。”朴实的朱德林这样认为。挖葱的时候,七十多岁的老太太老大爷都去了,小孩子也协助从地里往外拿葱,最后一天邻村的村支部书记也带了一百多个人来给他们协助。 “有时候我们会想,英雄和普通人的区别在哪里。在我眼中,这些人就是我们平凡生活中的伟大英雄,他们竭尽所能协助并充盈着他人的人生。”Step 4 语法填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式准确、意义相符的单词。Song county lies in the city of Luoyang, one of the poorest _1_ in China, but as soon _2_ people get _3_ chance to help _4_ they do so without hesitation.We _5_ strict protection measures, so I wasnt afraid . And Premier Li Keqiang had been there as well.Wuhan really needs our green onions _6_ they can _7_ people from viruses and bacteria._8_ older people in their 70s helped us. Children also helped. More than 300 people in our village worked together for three days. On the last day the secretary of a neighboring village also brought in _9_ than 100 people from his village _10_ us.答案:1.counties 2. as 3. a 4.others 5.took 6.because 7.protect 8.Even 9. more 10. to help


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