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八年级英语下册 U8T1整套学案 仁爱版一、本课重点活动是1a和3。二、目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: cotton, silk, so that, scarf, jeans, overcoat, handbag, hat, sock 2. Learn the structure of “so that ” :I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.三、教学过程:1. 自主学习:利用工具书做好课前预习。2. 语言点导学: 1I like it so much that my father bought it for me. 译:_ My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. 译:_思考:so -that-_ that引导了_状语从句练习:1.那个男孩是那么矮以至于他够不到树上的橘子。 The boy is _ _ _he _ _the oranges _the tree. 2.玛丽是那么可爱,每个人都很喜欢她。 Maria_ _ _ _everyone _ her. 链接:so that- 以便于,为了 引导_状语从句 1I sit in front of the classroom so that I can hear clearly. 译:_ 2我起得很早以便能赶上早班车。 译:_ 链接:in order to - 以便于,为了。后面跟动词原形 2Is it a cotton one ? No, its a silk one . 译:_ My coats are so small that I want to buy some new ones. 点拨:句中one/ones是_词,one代替前文提到的可数名词_数; ones代替前文提到的可数名词_数。 填空:1This story is as interesting as that _. 2The apples on the table are bigger that the _ in the basket. 区别:你能区分代词it 与代词one吗? it指同一个,而one指同一类 My pen is lost and I cant find_anywhere. So I have to buy_ . 3 .Excuse me, could you tell me where to buy a scarf? 译:_ 点拨:疑问词what / which / whom / when / how /where 等后跟动词不定式短语, 作动词的宾语。 练习:1 .I dont know what to do next. 译:_ 2. I dont know how to deal with it. 译:_ 3您能告诉我怎样到火车站吗? Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ the train station? 年级八下科目英语执笔胡志信审核冯俊英杜蕊娟课题U8 T1SB课型新授课时1时间2012. 5一、 The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。二、. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: pocket, size, be made of, natural 2. Master the usage of adverbial clauses of result: I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look more handsome. Its such a cool windbreaker that you should take it immediately. The silk hat looks very beautiful so that Jane wants to buy it immediately.三、教学过程:1. 自主学习:利用工具书做好课前预习。2. 语言点导学: 1. Everyone is preparing for our fashion show. 译:_点拨:everyone, someone, anyone, everything, something, anything, nothing 等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 1)每个人都想参加学校运动会。Everyone _ to _ _ _the school sports meet. 2) 大家都到齐了吗?_ everyone here? 32. Its such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it immediately. 译:_点拨:such + a(n) + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 that = so + 形容词 + a(n) + 单数可数名词 that such + 形容词 + 复数可数名词/不可数名词that = so + 形容词 + 复数可数名词/不可数名词 that 练习:1)汤姆是个如此聪明的学生以至于他能解出那道难题。 Tom is such _ _ _ _he can _ _ the difficult problem. Tom is so _ _ _ _ he can _ _the difficult problem.Tom is so _ _ he can _ _the difficult problem.注意:当形容词是many和much时,只能使用so! so many / so much3. Its made of natural materials. 译:_点拨:be made of -由制成 (made 是过去分词) 这件夹克是用皮革做的。The _ _ _ _ _拓展: This kind of paper is made from wood. 译:_总结: 由材料做成, 能看出原材料的是_; 看不出原材料的是_ 年级八下科目英语执笔胡志信审核冯俊英 杜蕊娟课题U8 T1SC课型新授课时1时间2012. 5一、The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。二、Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: depend on, glove, nearly, northern, as well as, rather, similar, catch ones eye, silver, iron, heat2. Go on learning the structure of “sothat ” and “such that ”.The T-shirt is so bright that Kangkang looks lively.Its such a bright T-shirt that Kangkang looks lively.3. Learn about the dressing culture in North America.4. Be able to read the instruction tags in the clothes: 100% cotton Made of 100% cotton.三、教学过程:1. 自主学习:利用工具书做好课前预习。2. 语言点导学:1. What people wear depends on their likes and dislikes. 译:_思考:A) what people wear (人们所穿的) 在句中作_语从句 B) depend on-_ C) likes and dislikes_练习: A.我们不应该总依赖于我们的父母。We shouldnt always _ _ our _. B.每个人各有不同的好恶。Everyone _ different_ _ _.2. Generally, people in Canada and the United States wear suits for working in offices, as well as for more formal occasions, just as people do in China. 点拨: as well as-除之外(也) 链接:as well 也,还(用于句末),起副词作用,相当于too 或also 注意:当as well as位于两个主语之间时,谓语动词和前一个主语保持一致当not onlybut also位于两个主语之间时,谓语动词和后一个主语保持一致填空:We as well as Linda _(be) interested in western tables manners. 转换为not onlybut also _ _we_ _Linda_(be) interested in western tables manners.3. As soon as he walked in, a silk scarf caught her eye, so she bought it. 点拨: catch ones eye - 引起某人的注意 练习:为了引起别人的注意,他总是穿着浅色的衣服。He always _ _clothes _ _ to _ _ _. 年级八下科目英语执笔胡志信审核冯俊英 杜蕊娟课题U8 T1SD课型新授课时1时间2012. 5一、The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。二、Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: society, easy-going2. Review the usages of “so that ”, “ so that ” and “such that ”I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.3. Know about more knowledge about clothes.三、教学过程:1. 自主学习:利用工具书做好课前预习。2. 语言点导学:1. The first types of clothes were made of animal skins.译:_点拨:type - 类型,种类 同义词是_ type用作动词意思是- 打字 typist-打字员be made of - 由制成 对比:be made from - _ 1)这种瓶子是用玻璃做的。The _ of bottles _ _ _ glass. 2)这种酒是用葡萄做的。This _ of wine _ _ _ grapes. 2.People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun, wind, rain and cold.译:_点拨:protectfrom-保护免遭侵害练习: Sunglasses can protect our eyes from the sunshine. 译:_3 But in modern society clothes do more than just keep warm.(1) more than 多于,不仅仅 e.g. She is more than a teacher, she is also our friend. (2) no more than 不超过 e.g. The boy is no more than five .4. As the saying goes, “You are what you wear.” As the saying goes 常言道,正如谚语所说。Unit 8 Topic 1 Section A Class: Name: 一、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.多漂亮的外套啊!_ 2.一套唐装_3.在校门口_4.举办班级时装秀_5.一起去购物_6.下个星期一_7.支付不起_8.够到那些苹果_9.在三楼_10.男装部_二、根据句意及首字母填空:1. This silk blouse is nicer than the c_ one. 2. The s_ around the girls neck(脖子) makes her more lovely and beautiful. 3. The girl opened her h_ and took out a postcard with a British stamp on it. 三、单选: ( )1. The girl _ a red coat is my sister. A. wearsB. inC. wearD. puts on( )2. Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda?I have only $10. I cant _ it. A. borrowB. affordC. sell D. bring( )3. I want to buy a hat _ I will look more handsome. A. soB. so thatC. thatD. that so( )4. This pair of sunglasses _ very expensive. A. isB. areC. paysD. does( )5. Did you see who the driver was?No, the car ran so fast _ I couldnt have a good look at his face. A. thatB. whichC. asD. afterUnit 8 Topic 1 Section B Class: Name: 一、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.为我们的时装秀做准备_2.带两个大兜的棉质裤_3.多大号_4.由天然材料-制成的_5.一顶紫色的丝绸帽_6.一条羊毛连衣裙_7.一件皮夹克_8.对感到满意_9.为支付了¥300_10.给买了一条棉制短裙_二、 情景交际。根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. Can you tell me what I should wear in the office?B. Is that a new shirt youre wearing?C. How are things going on with you?D. Thats all right. E. Whats it made of?F. no problem. G. Can you tell me where I need to go?Black: Hi, Tom. Long time no see!Tom: Hi, Black. 11 Black: Fine. Thanks for asking. Tom: 12 Black: Yes. I talked with the seller for a long time to get the price I wanted. Tom: It looks cool. 13 Black: Its made of silk. Its very soft. Tom: Does your company let you wear casual(非正式的) clothes in the office?Black: Sure, 14 As long as we dont have the business partners(伙伴). Tom: Could I wear my swimming pants in the office?Black: No way! Tom: 15 I dont want to look ugly. Black: I think you need some good advice. Listen carefully!Unit 8 Topic 1 Section C Class: Name: 一、根据首字母提示填空1. In winter, we have to wear g_ to work in a cold place.2. Today _ (near) every family in our country has a TV set. 3. In _ (north) parts of America, people often wear warm clothes in winter. 4. The machine should be _ (heat) before we use it5.I would like a white s_ necklace.6. People in n_ China like eating dumplings.二、根据汉语提示填空1. The old man said he could not _ _ (依靠) his son all the time. 2. Different people wear different clothes on _ _ (特殊的日子). 3. There are some different shoes,_ _ (例如) sports shoes and boots here. 4. Today, people in the cities around the world wear rather _ (相似的) clothes. 三、单选( ) 1. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Dont _ your dictionary all the time. A. work on B. depend on C. decide on D. put on ( ) 2. The red scarf in the market_. A. catch her eyes B. catch her eye C. caught her eye D. caught her eyes( ) 3. Hes _ as tall as you are. A. nearly B. near C. hardly D. hard( ) 4. They sell books _ newspapers. A. as well B. as well as C. as good as D. asUnit 8 Topic 1 Section D Class: Name: 一、根据首字母和所给单词的正确形式填空1. This costume is made of _ (nature) material.2. In modern s_, clothes do more than keep us warm. 3. As the old _ (say) goes, “Time waits for no man!”二、单选( )1. _ shoes would you like to buy?39. A. How long B. What size of C. How wideD. What color( )2. Youd better take a sun umbrella to protect yourself _ the sun shine. A. ofB. fromC. underD. to( )3. This purse is made _ leather _ France. A. of; byB. by; fromC. from; in三、综合短文填空Different people have different clothes. In modern_(社会),clothes do more than keep us warm.In many countries, a lot of people wear special clothes on special days. For example, at Christmas, some peoplewear Santa Claus _(帽子).In winter, Canadian people usually wear coats, _ (手套),boots and so on. _ (澳大利亚人)like natural materials. But in the informal days, what people wear _(取决于)on their likes and dislikes.


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