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.1 .2 This course is for students who need experience and guidance in writing a research paper.Therefore it is basically designed to help senior English students become accustomed to the fundamental process of writing a research paper for academic courses;it provides with discussion of procedures for graduation papers,the presentation of principles of of documentation documentation and bibliographic formsbibliographic forms,and the comprehensive treatment of the conventions for presenting the results of research.3You will be able to:Closely read texts collected;B e c o m e f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e resources of the college library;become competent in using these resources;1.Identify a broad area of research related to the subject,focus the topic through some general background reading;.4Critically select and synthesize research materials Learn how to summarize,paraphrase and choose quotes from textsIdentify research questions,brainstorm,outline,draft,revise,and proofreadCorrectly document document the sources Understand and avoid plagiarismCreate a consistent and acceptable format for a paper in MLA style Be ready for the graduation research paper writing.5Decide what topic you are going to choose for your graduation paper concerning one of the following:English and American literature,linguistics,lexicology,English language teaching and learning,or Second language acquisition,translation,etc.6Warming-up exercise 1 Warming-up exercise 1 1.Discuss:What is research 1.Discuss:What is research?In Collins English Language Dictionary,ResearchResearch is defined as“a detailed study“a detailed study of aof asubject or an aspect of a subject.If you subject or an aspect of a subject.If you do do research,you collect data and analyze research,you collect data and analyze facts facts and information and try to gain new and information and try to gain new knowledge or new understanding”(p.1231)knowledge or new understanding”(p.1231).,in Wier)defines research as“a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information(data)for some purpose”.11Research is“a systematic approach to finding answers to questions”(p.1).-from Hatch,E.and Farhady,H.(1982).Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics.Rowley:NewburyHouse Publishers,INC.12A simplified model of research.13SignificantOriginalAnswerable.142).Enjoying a systematic approach Research should follow a set of procedures which are clearly described and can be fully justified.3).Obtaining valid answers The claimed answer is the only answer that we can obtain.152.What is a research PaperResearch paper is more than the sum of your sources,more than a collection of different pieces of information about a topic,and more than a review of the literature in a field.A research paper analyzes a perspective or argues a point.Your finished research paper should present your own thinking present your own thinking backed up by others ideas and information.backed up by others ideas and information.16It is a formal,written argument in which all evidence is systematically documented.A review of literature To assist you in crafting your paper,you need to provide examples from the past articles to show how others have addressed these issues.It requires an investigation of past research but means making chart for future research.17The aim of a literature review is to show your reader(your tutor)that you have read,and have a good grasp of,the main published work concerning a particular topic or question in your field.18It is very important to note that your review should not be simply a description of what others have published in the form of a set of summaries,but should take the form of a critical discussion,showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments,theories and approaches.It should be a synthesis and analysis of the relevant published work,linked at all times to your own purpose and rationale.19A good literature review,therefore,is critical of what has been written,identifies areas of controversy,raises questions and identifies areas which need further research.20When you write an essay,you use everything that you personally know and have thought about a subject.When you write a research paper you build upon what you know about the subject and make a deliberate attempt to find out what experts know.21A research paper involves surveying a field of knowledge in order to find the best possible information in that field.In essence,it involves the writer in searching for published information on a specific topic,studying and thinking about this information,then writing about the topic in a way that makes use of the information.22Research paperReportTerm paper Review of literatureThesis Dissertation.23Research paperResearch paper:a paper based on work in the libraryReportReport:a thorough record or description of the results of firsthand experiences,empirical studies,or reading in primary sources.(presenting information as objectively as possible)Term paperTerm paper:a project summarizing or demonstrating mastery of the work of a term.Sometimes it is interchangeable with research paper.24Review article:Review article:a presentation of secondary sources,which are organized,evaluated and analyzed to apprise the reader of the current state of research on a topic.It can also serve to identify problems with the sources or to suggest possibilities for future research.Thesis:Thesis:a substantial research project.It should draw an original conclusion based on information derived from research.Masters or Undergraduates Dissertation:Dissertation:a research paper submitted by a candidate for the doctoral degree.25By saying primary research,it means the data are collected directly from our lived experiences.These data have not existed in any documents before.They are first-hand and original information.It is also called empirical research.26Secondary research is a kind of study which makes use of data in documents,books and journals.These data have been collected by other people for their own purposes.It is often called documentary or library research.27Theoretical research Theoretical research is primarily concerned with constructing theories or testing existing theories.Practical research Practical research is usually conducted by people who are directly involved in L2 teaching,such as L2 language teachers,L2 textbook compilers or L2 test designers.The major aim of practical research is to seek a practical solution to a problem in our daily life.28UnityUnity:all parts or elements of the writing constituting an organic and harmonious wholeCoherenceCoherence:all parts well connected to show logical relationsEmphasis:Emphasis:special and significant stress given to important ideas by means of position,repetition,or other indicationDevelopment:Development:adequate elaboration and sufficient expansionClarity:Clarity:precise,concise,and lucid in style.29Good writing Calls for critical reading and critical thinking Involves thoughtful revisionIs directed toward an audienceAchieves a clear purposePulses with creativity Expresses ideas clearly.30Introduction Body Conclusion.31states what what is to be discussed and give the context or backgroundcontext or background of the subject,normally mentioning work done by others;mentions howhow the writer will deal with the subject,whether by summarizing and synthesizing the work of others(a report),or by arguing logically about facts and theories,or by presenting the results of experimental researchexperimental research,or in any other way or combination of ways;.32introduces the subject,indicating the importanceimportance and validity of the problem;The potential contribution of the study and the need for the research;and any necessary background information should be provided.States a clear and concise statement of the statement of the problemproblem;The schedule and procedures for gathering data should be explained.the end of the introduction usually includes the thesis statement.thesis statement.33The body The body is the longest section of a research paper,which should be d i s t i n g u i s h e d f r o m t h e introduction and the conclusion.consists of many paragraphs,carefully linked with the introduction and conclusion and with each other,which presents information and discussion in an organized way.34The concluding paragraph(s)Usually summarizesummarize the main points of the paper;restate,in different wording,the thesis thesis statementstatement;Often also has some indication of the implicationimplications and consequences of the study,such as a recommendation for action or further research.35Choosing a subjectUsing the libraryNarrowing the focusFinding relevant books and articlesPreparing Preliminary bibliography Preliminary thesis statementPreliminary outlineTaking notes.36Revising thesis statementRevising outlineStarting the preliminary draftCompleting the preliminary draftFinal draft.37The importance of finding a topicThe importance of finding a topicThe first stage of the writing process is The first stage of the writing process is invention.invention.选题的过程同时也是初步科学研究的选题的过程同时也是初步科学研究的创造性思维创造性思维的过程。的过程。A good beginning is half the success.A good beginning is half the success.爱因斯坦爱因斯坦:“:“提出问题往往比解决问题更重提出问题往往比解决问题更重要要”。.38课题课题论题论题题目题目课题课题是指某一学科重大科研项目,其研究范围比论题大得多.如:“英汉语言与文化对比研究”是一个大课题.论题:英汉新词语比较研究 英汉委婉语及其文化色彩对比研究英汉外来词对比研究英汉语句法比较研究英语习语及其文化内涵研究.39论题论题限定了研究的范围对象 目标 中心和方向,是科学研究所围绕进行并试图得到解答的某一具体问题.是内容要素.题目题目是指论文的标题或名称.如:论题:英汉新词语比较研究题目:论英汉新词语的构词特点英汉新词语及其产生途径研究英汉新词语的来源及其展望论英汉新词语构词手段的共同特性.40Principles of choosing a topic Practicality,interest,Practicality,interest,originality,originality,and manageability and manageability.411.using/Assess personal experiencepersonal experience for topic discovery2.talking with others to find a subject 3.using your imagination to develop a topic Free writeFree write List key words List key words.424.Using source materials for topicdiscovery Search a table of contents to Search a table of contents to find a subject find a subject Examine a books index to Examine a books index to discover discover .43 Scan an encyclopedia article Scan an encyclopedia article when searching for a subjectwhen searching for a subject S e a r c h t h e h e a d i n g s i n S e a r c h t h e h e a d i n g s i n periodical indexesperiodical indexes. that are too big(broad)Topics that are too big(broad)Topics that are too trivial Topics that are too trivial Topics that are too controversial Topics that are too controversial.51Typically,it is much wiser to choose a Typically,it is much wiser to choose a small or specific topic and approach it small or specific topic and approach it from a micro-perspective(from a micro-perspective(小题小做小题小做 )or)or to choose a small topic and approach it to choose a small topic and approach it from a macro-perspective(from a macro-perspective(小题大做小题大做 ).You).You are not encouraged to choose a big topic are not encouraged to choose a big topic but deal with it superficially,in a but deal with it superficially,in a touch-and-go fashion(touch-and-go fashion(大题小做大题小做 ).).52I.Why to narrow the topic?1)It is difficult to make sense out of millions of words in the library on such issues.2)Apart from being more difficult to research,the big topic is also more difficult to write about.3)Omissions and oversights are nowhere more crudely obvious than in a small paper on a big topic.53II.How to narrow the topic II.How to narrow the topic.54Broad topic MythologyMythology first narrowing Beowulf Beowulf further narrowing Courtesy codes Courtesy codes in in Beowulf Beowulf.55Subject:Modern American fiction Modern American fiction Limited subject:Theodore Dreiser Theodore Dreiser as a naturalist as a naturalist Further narrowing:Sister Carrie as Sister Carrie as a naturalistic novel a naturalistic novel Further narrowing:Naturalism Naturalism in Dreisers Sister Carrie.56General subject:Health:Health Narrowed:Health Maintenance Health Maintenance Narrowed further:Health for Children Health for Children about Health Maintenanceabout Health MaintenanceNarrowed further:Problems and Solutions Problems and Solutions in in Educating Children about Health Educating Children about Health Maintenance Maintenance Narrowed furtherNarrowed further:The Most Effective:The Most Effective Type of Type of Television Cartoon for Television Cartoon for Educating Children Educating Children about Health about Health Maintenance Maintenance .57 The process of narrowing the topic involves preliminary investigation of sources and preliminary reading.These activities should next lead you to formulate your research question(or questions)that states what you want to know about the topic.58Research questions:Research questions:What image of women is conveyed by What image of women is conveyed by advertisements in leading national magazines?advertisements in leading national magazines?Do magazine advertisements over the last ten Do magazine advertisements over the last ten years reflect any changes in the way women years reflect any changes in the way women are presented?are presented?How do womenHow do womens groups respond to current s groups respond to current advertisements for women and womenadvertisements for women and womens products?s products?.59to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it to evaluate the proposed study.60What you plan to accomplish,why you want to do it and how you are going to do it;Your purpose for doing the study;The significance of your study;.614.the context or background of t h e s u b j e c t,n o r m a l l y mentioning work done by others;5.your thesis statement of the paper;6.the outline of the paper;7.the bibliography(works cited).621.1.毕业论文题目毕业论文题目2.2.本选题的研究目的本选题的研究目的3.3.本选题在国内外同行业中的研究本选题在国内外同行业中的研究现状现状4.4.研究本选题的意义研究本选题的意义5.5.本选题的主要观点、内容、重点本选题的主要观点、内容、重点6.6.本选题的题纲本选题的题纲7.7.参考文献参考文献.63本选题国内外研究的现状 对隐喻的研究在国外已形成较为完整的体系其中以Lakoff&Johnson(1987)的研究最具有代表性,而对于其汉译的研究却凤毛麟角。国内对于隐喻的研究主要受 Lacoff&Johnson 理论的影响,其中以胡壮麟、朱永生为主要代表。在隐喻翻译的研究方面,李国南(1990),胡文仲(1994)对于英汉成语或谚语中的习用性比喻的喻体进行过比较,并探讨了其翻译的途径。在近期出版的刊物中.64有对隐喻翻译研究方面的文章,其中以徐莉娜的隐喻的翻译为主要代表。但其研究的范围也只局限于文学、修辞用语的隐喻翻译。2).65Researching the TopicResearching the Topic1.Field research 1.Field research 2.Library research 2.Library research 3.Internet research 3.Internet research.66Observing Observing Interviewing Interviewing Using questionnaires Using questionnaires.67Library sources and materials Library sources and materials a.general references:a.general references:dictionariesdictionariesencyclopediasencyclopediasb.indexes,Catalogs,and b.indexes,Catalogs,and AbstractsAbstracts c.Electronic and Online c.Electronic and Online Sources Sources.681.Compiling a Working 1.Compiling a Working BibliographyBibliography:Listing sources on cards or Listing sources on cards or in a computer filein a computer file.69Bibliographies are lists of Bibliographies are lists of publications that authors publications that authors have consulted or quoted;have consulted or quoted;they are generally placed at they are generally placed at the endsthe ends of books or articles of books or articles.70book citationbook citationarticle citationarticle citation Internet sourceInternet source.711.Author(s)or of the editor(s),1.Author(s)or of the editor(s),compiler(s),translator(s)compiler(s),translator(s)2.2.Title of the book with any Title of the book with any subtitlesubtitle3.Place of publication 3.Place of publication 4.4.publisher,publication housepublisher,publication house5.5.Date of publication Date of publication 6.Call number 6.Call number.72Winfield,Richard Dien.Winfield,Richard Dien.Law in Law in Civil Society Civil Society.Madison:U.Madison:U of Winsconsin P,1995.of Winsconsin P,1995.731 1.Author(s)or editor(s)Author(s)or editor(s)2.Title of the article within 2.Title of the article within quotation marks;quotation marks;3.Name of the periodical 3.Name of the periodical(underlined);(underlined);4.4.volume number;volume number;5.5.Issue Number Issue Number 6.Date of publication 6.Date of publication 7.Inclusive numbers 7.Inclusive numbers.74Gaunt,Simon.“The Significance of Silence.”Paragraph 13(1990):202-16.751.Authors name Authors name 2.2.Title of the work or material in Title of the work or material in quotation marksquotation marks3.3.Name of the periodical Name of the periodical(underlined)(underlined)4.4.Volume number,issue number Volume number,issue number5.5.Date of publicationDate of publication6.6.Date of access Date of access Network address Network address .76Authors name title of the work or material in quotation marksname of the periodical(underlined)volume number,issue number,or other identifying numberdate of publication date of access and network address.77Calabrese,Michael.“Between Despair and Ecstasy:Marco Polos Life of the Buddha.”Exemplaria 9.1(1997).22 June 1998.78Austen,Jane.Pride and Prejudice.Ed.Henry Churchyard.1996.10 Sept.1998.79When following MLA style,you are supposed to list all the sources you have cited in your paper alphabetically.This list is called“Works Cited”.80Alphabetized by the last name of the author:Word-by-word order and letter-by-letter order:Word-by-word order:complete words precede longer words containing them.Rules:space following the comma after a surname precedes any other letters.Alphabetization continues across hyphens,slanted lines,apostrophes,and serial comma.81Word-by-word orderWord-by-word orderHard TimesThe Harder They ComeLetter-by-letter order:Letter-by-letter order:The Harder They ComeHard Times.82Macdonald Observatory MacDonald,RamseyThe Mass-Luminosity RelationMass,Thomas Mass Media EventsMcCullers,Anderson,and Jones:Three Gothic McCullers,Carson.83MacDonald,RamseyMacdonald Observatory Mass,ThomasThe Mass-Luminosity RelationMass Media EventsMcCullers,CarsonMcCullers,Anderson,and Jones:Three Gothic.84Begin the list of sources on a separate page after the text of your paper and the explanatory notes for MLA style.Type the heading Works Cited on top of a separate page.85List all the sources by authors last name in the alphabetic order.If the author is unknown,alphabetize the source by the first major word of the title.Begin each entry with the left margin.Dont indent the first line of each entry,but intent five spaces in the subsequent lines.86戴炜栋,何兆熊,华钧戴炜栋,何兆熊,华钧.简明英语语言学简明英语语言学 教程教程M.M.上海:上海外语教育出版社,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.1999.高玉娟高玉娟.语言歧义与语境语言歧义与语境J.J.辽宁师范大学学辽宁师范大学学 报,报,2000,(1):24-26.2000,(1):24-26.87葛传规葛传规.新英汉词典新英汉词典Z.Z.上海译文出版上海译文出版 社社,2000.,2000.霍伊霍伊.语篇中的词汇模式语篇中的词汇模式M.M.上海外语上海外语 教育出版社,教育出版社,2000.2000.88钟文发.非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应 用A.赵微.运筹学的理论与应用:中 国运筹学第五届大会论文集C.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,1996.34-35.89专著 M论文集 C报纸文章 N期刊文章 J学位论文 D报告 R其他 Z.901)Evaluate the collected information by looking at the following basic Criteria:RelevancyObjectivityCredibility.912)Incorporate sources in your writing through the following three ways:SummarizingParaphrasing Quoting.92.93 Step 1.Searching for topic Step 2.Narrowing your topicStep 3.Gathering InformationStep 4.Using InformationStep 5.Documenting Information.94As Joseph Gibaldi points out,“Nearly all research builds on previous research.Researchers commonly begin a project by studying past work in the area and deriving relevant information and ideas from their predecessors”(114).95Importance of using and Importance of using and documenting Sourcesdocumenting SourcesTo justify,support,illustrate,or expand on To justify,support,illustrate,or expand on a viewpoint a viewpoint To challenge,refute,or contradict a To challenge,refute,or contradict a viewpointviewpointTo give authenticity and accuracy To give authenticity and accuracy To serve as a rhetorical strategy,and To serve as a rhetorical strategy,and To guide readers to certain informationTo guide readers to certain information.96Summarizing Paraphrasing Quoting.97In MLA style,referring to the works of others in your text is done in two ways,either through paraph


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