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Unit5 MusicLanguage points Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or _(music)?Have you ever famous singer or _(music)?Have you ever _(_(梦想梦想)playing in front of thousands of)playing in front of thousands of people at a concert,at which everyone is clapping people at a concert,at which everyone is clapping and _(and _(欣赏欣赏)your music?Do you sing)your music?Do you sing karaoke and _karaoke and _(假装)(假装)you are a famous you are a famous singer _ Song Zuying or Liu Huan?singer _ Song Zuying or Liu Huan?_(说实话)(说实话),a lot of people,a lot of people _(把名和利看得很重)(把名和利看得很重).But just.But just how do people _how do people _(组成乐队)(组成乐队).musiciandreamed ofpretendTo be honest attach great importance to becoming rich and famousform a bandlikeappreciating1.form vt.形成;制成form the habit of 形成 的习惯in the form of 以 的形式 n.形态;形状;表格他已养成读书的习惯。他已养成读书的习惯。他喜欢用歌唱的方式表达谢意。他喜欢用歌唱的方式表达谢意。He has formed the habit of reading.He prefers to express his thanks in the form of singing.说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会。To be honest,I dont think we have a chance of winning.Policeman:You must be honest.Criminal:Sir,believe me.Im quite _ you and Im quite _ what I do and say.honest withhonest in2.To be honest 说实话说实话 be honest with sb.:对对老实说老实说 be honest in sth.坦白坦白附上;连接;附上;连接;贴一张近照到你的申请表上。贴一张近照到你的申请表上。Attach a recent photo to your application form.贴,粘贴贴,粘贴他将标签(他将标签(label)贴在行李箱上。)贴在行李箱上。He attached a label to his trunk.认为有(重要性、意义等)。认为有(重要性、意义等)。我认为这个研究很重要。我认为这个研究很重要。I attach great importance to this research.类似表达还有:类似表达还有:attach importance,significance,value,weight,etc.to(sth)认为认为有重要性(或意义、价值、有重要性(或意义、价值、分量等)分量等)3.attach to doing sth.2)This hospital is attached to the medical college.1)We should attach primary(第一位的)importance to the development of economy.4)I am very attached to that old picture.be attached to 喜欢/对有感情/附属附属 attached adj.附加的,依恋的,爱慕的 pretend to do/be 假装做某事假装做某事 pretend to be doing 假装正在做某事假装正在做某事 pretend to have done 假装已做某事假装已做某事 pretend that-clause 假装假装+that从句从句4.and 4.and pretendpretend you are a famous singer like?you are a famous singer like?The police are setting a trap for the drug-sellers.One pretends _(假扮假扮成卖雪糕的成卖雪糕的)standing at the corner.One pretends _(假装刚刚购物完假装刚刚购物完)and be waiting the bus.One pretends _(假装好像正在看假装好像正在看)a newspaper.(to be)an ice-cream selleras if he were readingto have finished shopping Sometimes they may play to _ Sometimes they may play to _(passer-by)in the street or subway so that they(passer-by)in the street or subway so that they can _ _(can _ _(赚额外的钱赚额外的钱)for themselves or to pay for their instruments.for themselves or to pay for their instruments.Later they _Later they _(表演)(表演)in pubs in pubs or clubs,or clubs,for whichfor which they are paid _ they are paid _(现(现金)金).earn some extra moneygive performancespassers-byin cash 5.The musician were to _ each 5.The musician were to _ each other as well as play music,other as well as play music,most of _most of _was was based loosely on the Beatles.based loosely on the Beatles.play jokes onplay a joke/trick on sb.play jokes/tricks on sb.make fun of/laugh at sb.Son:Susan cried today.She said we shouldnt _(嘲笑她嘲笑她).But actually we _(只是说说笑只是说说笑).Father:Listen.No one likes _(被被嘲笑嘲笑)or _(被戏弄被戏弄),you know.have made fun of herwere just jokingbeing laughed atplayed jokes/tricks onwhich戏弄;开玩笑戏弄;开玩笑 6.As some of these actors could not sing well 6.As some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to _(enough,they had to _(依依靠其他音乐家靠其他音乐家)to help them.They were so)to help them.They were so popular _ their fans formed clubs in order to popular _ their fans formed clubs in order to _ _(_ _(更熟悉他们更熟悉他们).).The band _(The band _(解散解散)about 1970,_)about 1970,_ happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.rely on other musiciansthatget more familiar with thembroke upbutCan you think of some synonyms(Can you think of some synonyms(同义词同义词)of)of“rely on”?“rely on”?Synonyms of“rely on/upon”:Synonyms of“rely on/upon”:depend on depend on 依靠,指望依靠,指望 count on count on 依靠,指望依靠,指望说实话,我梦想着有一天不再依靠父母。说实话,我梦想着有一天不再依靠父母。Translation:To be honest,I am dreaming of not relying on my parents one day.阅读句子阅读句子,体会相关短语的意思。体会相关短语的意思。I am familiar with the smell of the baking bread;that is to say,the smell of the baking bread is familiar to me.总结:总结:表示主语表示主语“某人某人熟悉,为熟悉,为_表示主语表示主语“为某人所熟为某人所熟悉悉”,为为_Sb be familiar with sb./sth.sth be familiar to sb.7.Sb be/get familiar with sth/sb sth be/get familiar to sb用用“rely on”“be/get familiar with”“be/get familiar to”填空填空 Nowadays,we have to _ our parents to live,but how much do you know about them?_they _ _you?When are their birthdays?What are their favourites?.Actually,we should _ _them.rely onAre familiar to get more familiar with 破裂破裂,拆散拆散 他们的友谊已经破裂了。他们的友谊已经破裂了。Their friendship has broken up.驱散驱散警察用武力驱散了人群。警察用武力驱散了人群。The police broke up the crowd by violence.8.The band 8.The band broke upbroke up about 1970,but happily they about 1970,but happily they reunitedreunitedbreak away(from )摆脱;脱离摆脱;脱离break down 出故障;坏了出故障;坏了break into 破门而入;打碎破门而入;打碎break out 爆发爆发(灾难;战争灾难;战争)break in 插嘴;打断;破门而入插嘴;打断;破门而入break through 克服;突破克服;突破,冲破冲破break off 中中/切切/折断;突然终折断;突然终止止break away,break down,break off,break out,break up,break into,break in,break throughThe police tried to _ _ the crowd.His house was _ _last night.The Anti-Japanese War _ _ in 1937.His car _ _ half-way.Dad would occasionally _ _with a suggestion.The prisoner _ _ from his guards.He _ the mirror _ _ and threw it into the dustbin.He _ a piece of chocolate and offered it to me.The sun _the cloud finally.break upbroken intobroke outbroke downbreak inbroke awaybroke into pieces broke offbroke through In 2008,we _ a band and sometimes played In 2008,we _ a band and sometimes played music to the _ in the street to _ music to the _ in the street to _ _ money.Our music _ mainly _ _ our school _ money.Our music _ mainly _ _ our school life._ _ _,we were also _ _ life._ _ _,we were also _ _ _ famous(_ famous(梦想成名梦想成名)one day.After a year)one day.After a year _ _(_ _(大约大约),we _ _ to prepare for the),we _ _ to prepare for the examinations.Anyway,we should _ _ examinations.Anyway,we should _ _ _ _ our study first.But we will _ _ our study first.But we will _ next year._ next year.formed formedFill in the blanks:passers-by passers-by earn earn extra extra was based on was based on To be honest To be honest dreaming of dreaming of becoming becoming or so or so broke up broke up reunite reunite attach great attach great importance to importance to 9.passers-by 9.passers-by 1).由可数名词由可数名词+介词、副词构成的复合名词,把介词、副词构成的复合名词,把名词部分变成复数名词部分变成复数 lookers-on 旁观者旁观者two sons-in-law 两个女婿两个女婿 2).但是由但是由man或或woman构成的合成词构成的合成词,复数前后复数前后的词都要加复数。的词都要加复数。men-doctors women-servants3).可数名词结尾的复合名词,把结尾变复数可数名词结尾的复合名词,把结尾变复数 tooth-brushes boy-friends10.performancesn.演出演出;演奏演奏;表演表演CThe evening performance begins at 8 oclock.晚上的演出八点开始。v.perform/act perform“表演;执行;运转,工作”;其主语可以是人,也可以为动物。act“扮演、担任”某一角色,主语通常是人。1).The monkeys _ very well at the circus.2).He _ Deng Xiaoping with deep feeling.perform acted 1.The doctor _an operation to save the girls life.2.Tom and his band _skillfully music by Mozart.3.The car _ well.perform a task/perform ones duty 执行任务/履行义务perform the piano/magic tricks 表演钢琴、魔术perform on the flute 吹奏长笛performedperformedperformsDo you still remember Do you still remember some useful expressions some useful expressions about“all”?about“all”?11.above all:most important of all;especially 最重要的是,尤其 in all:altogether;as a total 一共;总计 after all:毕竟;终究;别忘了at all:(否定句)根本,完全(疑问句)到底,究竟 Id like to buy a house-modern,comfortable,and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A.in all B.above all C.after all D.at all2.People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her._,she is a great musician.A.After all B.As a result C.In other words D.As usual短语搜索短语搜索 1.梦想做梦想做 _2.在音乐会上在音乐会上 _3.实话实说实话实说 _4.认为认为很重要很重要 _5.成名第一步成名第一步 _6.赚额外的钱赚额外的钱 _7.表演表演 _8.用现金用现金 _9.录制唱片录制唱片 _make recordsdream of/about doingat a concertto be honestattach importance to(doing)sththe first step to fameearn extra moneygive performancesin cash10.in a different way _11.play a joke/jokes on sb._12.be based on _13.put an advertisement in a newspaper _14.rely on sb.(to do)_ 15.pretend to do sth _16.be familiar with _17.a year or so _18.break up _ 在报纸上做广告在报纸上做广告用不同的方式用不同的方式开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑以以为基础为基础依靠某人依靠某人(做某事做某事)假装做某事假装做某事对对熟悉熟悉大约一年(大约一年(about a year)解散解散


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