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发生抑郁症的风险因素一.遗传因素大约有40-70%的患者有遗传的倾向,因此抑郁症患者的亲属,特别是一级亲属发生抑郁症的危险性明显高于一般人群。女性发生抑郁症的遗传倾向高于男性。二.性别因素在成人女性患病比男性高,比例约为2:1对于儿童来说,男性儿童的患病率略高于女性,因此儿童期的男孩更值得注意三.儿童期的经历儿童期双亲的丧失。儿童期缺乏双亲的关爱。儿童期受到虐待,特别是性虐待。儿童期的其它经历,例如由于各种原因失去朋友或不能与成年人保持正常的关系和进行正常的交流。四.人格因素较为明显的焦虑、强迫、冲动等特征的个体成为发生抑郁综合征或抑郁症的易患个体具体表现为:过分疑虑及谨慎 力求完美道德感过强过分看重工作成效而不顾乐趣和人际关系 出于维护躯体安全感的需要,在生活风格上有许多限制;或回避那些与人密切交往的社交或职业活动等。五.社会环境婚姻状况的不满意(离异或、分居或丧偶的个体发生抑郁症的危险性明显高于婚姻状况良好者,其中男性更为突出)。人际关系紧张经济状况重要丧失,重大生活事件,特别是持续时间在2-3个月以上的生活事件,对个体抑郁症的发生构成重要的影响。六.躯体疾病慢性中枢神经系统疾病(如帕金森氏病癫痫)慢性躯体疾病(如心肌梗塞、糖尿病、甲减、恶性肿瘤等)Many people simply want to know what the cause of depression is. If you are dealing with depression, you probably would also like to know what causes it, too. There are many different reasons why someone may have bouts of depression. It is impossible to pinpoint one specific reason and label it the cause of depression.很多人就想知道抑郁症的原因是什么。如果你正在处理抑郁症,你可能也想知道是什么原因导致它,太。原因有许多不同的人可能有抑郁症发作。是不可能确定一个具体的原因和标签,抑郁的原因。Biological vulnerability is one cause of depression. Some depressions can run in families. For instance, bipolar depression and major depression seems to run in families. Studies have been done which show that individuals who have bipolar disorder in each generation of their family have a different genetic makeup than individuals who do not suffer from bipolar depression. However, it is important to note that not every person that has the genetic makeup that would make them vulnerable to bipolar depression will develop it. However, there are people who develop depression who have no family history of the depression. So, suffice it to say that while biological factors can be one cause of depression, it is not the only thing that could be the cause of depression.生物的弱点是造成抑郁的原因之一。一些抑郁症可以运行在家庭。例如,双相抑郁和抑郁症似乎运行在家庭。研究已经完成,显示个人双相情感障碍在每一代的家庭有不同的基因构成比那些不患有双相抑郁。然而,重要的是要注意,并不是每个人的基因构成,会使他们容易受到双相抑郁将开发它。然而,有些人患上抑郁症没有家族史的萧条。所以,我只想说,虽然生物因素可以造成抑郁症的原因之一,并不是唯一可能是抑郁症的原因。People who are vulnerable to depression seem to have a variety of psychological factors involved. Individuals who have a low self-esteem, who are pessimistic and who suffer from anxiety and stress seem to be more prone to having bouts of depression. A persons environment can also have much to do with the cause of depression. If an individual grows up in a home where discouragement is the norm and pessimism reigns, the person may be vulnerable to depression.人容易受到抑郁症似乎各种心理因素。人有自卑,悲观和患有焦虑和压力似乎更倾向于在抑郁症发作。一个人的环境也可以与抑郁的原因。如果一个人在这样的家庭环境里长大的挫折是很正常的和悲观主义盛行,可能容易受到抑郁症的人。It should be noted that life can be the cause of depression. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, gone through a chronic illness, have work problems, a family crisis or problems with your finances, you may be vulnerable to becoming depressed. All of these scenarios can trigger depression, especially for someone who may have biological or psychological factors already present.应该注意,生活可以是抑郁的原因。如果你经历了亲人的死亡,经历了慢性疾病,有工作上的问题,一个家庭危机或你的财务问题,你可能会容易变得沮丧。所有这些场景可以导致抑郁,尤其是对那些可能有生理或心理因素存在。Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Millions of people are diagnosed with depression each year. The best thing you can do if you are showing signs of depression is to be honest with yourself. If you think you are dealing with depression, go to your doctor. Many times taking an anti depression medication for a set period of time can kick the depression to the curb. If you do not seek out treatment for your depression, it could become worse. Depression can truly debilitate a person if left untreated. No one can snap out of major depression. Admitting a problem with depression is not a sign of weakness. If anything, it is a sign of strength.抑郁症是什么值得羞耻的东西。每年成千上万的人被诊断为抑郁症。你能做的最好的事情如果你抑郁的迹象就是对自己诚实。如果你认为你正在处理抑郁症,去你的医生。多次服用抗抑郁药物的一组一段时间可以踢路边的抑郁。如果你不寻求治疗抑郁症,它可能变得更糟。抑郁症能真正使虚弱的人如果不及时治疗。没有人能摆脱抑郁症的。承认一个问题与抑郁症不是弱者的标志。如果有什么值得说的,那是实力的象征。If you know someone and he or he is showing signs of depression, it is a good idea to talk to him or her about it. Many times people get into a slump when they are depressed and they need someone to take them by the hand so they can seek help. If a person is suffering from major depression, setting up a doctors appointment may seem like a monumental task. Offer to do it for your loved one. Accompany your loved one to the doctor if it would make him or her feel better. Never put down someone who is suffering from depression or tell them to get over it. This kind of attitude can plunge a person into a more intense depression. If someone you love is showing signs of suicide, get help for him or her immediately. Dont worry about the repercussions or if your loved one will be angry with you. The most important thing is that your loved one gets help.如果你知道有人和他或他是抑郁症的迹象,这是一个好主意跟他或她。很多时候人们会陷入衰退低迷时,他们需要有人把他们的手,这样他们就可以寻求帮助。如果一个人患有抑郁症,设置一个医生的约会可能看起来像一个巨大的任务。主动提出做你所爱的人。陪你的爱人去看医生如果它会使他或她的感觉更好。从来没有放下的人患有抑郁症或告诉他们去克服它。这种态度可以使一个人陷入一个更强烈的抑郁。如果你爱的人是自杀的迹象,立即得到帮助他或她。不要担心影响或如果你深爱的人会生你的气。最重要的是你所爱的人得到帮助。


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