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小学英语知识树AlphabetGreetingsIntroductionsSchoolColoursNumbersFestivalsFriendsHobbiesAnimalsFamilySportsFoodTimeTravelWeatherShoppingSizeChangesFeelingsMannersPossessionDiscussionsPersonsPosition小学英语知识树编写说明1、树,木本植物的总称,主要四部分是根、干、枝、叶。小学英语知识树也主要有四部分组成:根部英语语言;树干小学英语知识;树枝教材话题;树叶构成话题的内容材料。当小学英语知识、学习方法和策略融为一体,就构成了一棵郁郁葱葱的“小学英语知识树”。2、上面大树图作为一个图例,是在认真研读新课标、分析3-6年级教学内容的前提下,注重了8册教材中话题的包含与联系,较全面系统地分解相关的知识。树的主干是“小学英语”,教材中的25个话题作为主要分枝,各话题所涉及的内容、概念及规律是枝叶,这样有助于教师全面整体地了解教材内容,把握好知识间的纵横联系与整合。英语知识树的创建并不是新生事物,它与我们平日教学实践中引导学生构建知识网络图的道理是一样的,其目的就是通过构建知识树,使老师自己对所教知识能够全面了解和把握,使学生对所学知识有清晰地认识和理解。3、每位英语教师,不管是教哪个年级的,只要对照一、二级新课程标准,通研本学科全部教材,明确各年级学科知识的前后联系和目标要求,找好关键知识点,在理解的基础上都可以轻松的画出知识树。4、教师在开学前研讨备课时,首先要通读整册教材,然后对照新课标要求,了解编者的意图、原则、体系和知识的前后联系,画出整册书的知识结构图,构成学科知识树。5、知识树的编写形式多样,既可以师师合作、又可以生生合作,也可以独立完成。既可以是大树图,又可以是其他创意的图式,总之,无论什么样的形式,都要知识网络清晰,一目了然。6、知识树的创建要贴近生活实际,贴近小学生生理、心理发展水平,力争做到全面系统地阐述话题所涉猎的学科知识,努力渗透基本的学科教学思想和方法,培养学生辩证全面地思考问题的良好习惯,提高学生善于抓住本质,进行分析、对比、抽象、综合、概括、创新的能力。7、图例中的知识树以Food话题为样板,从概念、学习要求、学习要点、知识背景、具体内容五各方面进行构思设计,遵循由易到难,由浅入深,由低年级到高年级的知识梯度,每个话题尽量将小学英语全套教材的相关内容网络其中,具有典型性、针对性、递进性和完整性。同时设计了一些练习题,强调一题多解,举一反三,这样可以把有关知识纳入结构体系中,增加题目的综合度,有利于提高综合能力,培养思维的灵活性和深刻性。此外,为了与今后的学习更好地衔接,便于查阅一些资料,部分内容有所拓展延伸。这些内容主要是教师使用,可以让教师对教材的知识做到前伸后延,对知识有一个系统的认识,便于把握教材的深度。FoodFood:Chinese food Western food Vegetable Drink学习要求:1、能听说读写关于食物的单词和词组。 2、能熟练运用有关用餐的日常用语。学习要点: words phrases sentences exercises知识背景:饮食是人类生活重要的组成部分。由于社会形成、经济发展、地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的不同,造就了中西饮食文化的差异。比如说,中国人的传统饮食习俗是以植物性食料为主,主食是五谷、辅食是蔬菜、外加少量肉食;而西方饮食主要以高热量的肉类为主。因此,学习中西方饮食文化的差异有利于了解中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学,对于英语学习起着重要的作用。具体内容:Words Chinese food : soup汤,chicken鸡肉,fish鱼,dumpling饺子 noodles面条 rice 米饭egg鸡蛋 cake蛋糕 Western food : bread面包,cheese干酪,pizza匹萨,chips薯条,sandwich 三明治 milk 牛奶hotdog 热狗 biscuits 饼干icecream冰淇淋 chocolate 巧克力 turkey 火鸡 hamburger汉包 cola 可乐sausage 香肠 butter 奶油sweets 糖果soup 汤 Vegetable : potato马铃薯, tomato西红柿, Fruits: strawberry草莓grape葡萄, orange橙, watermelon西瓜, pineapple菠萝, mango芒果, banana香蕉, peach桃, pear梨, apple苹果, cake蛋糕 Drink:juice果汁 water水 tea 茶 duck 鸭 vegetables 蔬菜 coffee 咖啡 water 水 Phrases1. 一杯水 a bottle of water 2. 二杯茶 two bottles of water3. 三块蛋糕 three pieces of cake4. 一些吃的 something to eat 5. 一些肉 some meat6. 三瓶果汁three bottles of orange 7. 一袋苹果a bag of apples 8. 一些喝的something to drink Sentences What do you prefer, bananas or apples?Do you like Chinese food?What do you have for dinner?How about /What about a drink?Is there a restaurant near here?Could I have the menu,please?Its very delicious.Im thirsty/hungry/full.Could I have a cup of coffee?No,thanks.I have had enough.Id like/Ill have Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner Exercises 一、选择填空 1. What about _ to eat? A. some foods B. somethingC. some milk D. some banana 2. I can see _ egg in her hand. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3.A: Is there _ bread on the table? B: No, there isnt_. A. any. some B. some. some C. some. any D. any. any 4. Jim would like _. A. two bottles of milks B. two bottle of milksC. two bottles of milk D. two bottle of milk 5. I would like some _ and an orange. A. a bread B. breadC. breads D. the breads 6. There isnt _ orange in the bottle. Please give me_. A. any. any B. any. someC. some. some D. some. any 7. Lets have something to eat. _ some cakes?A. What are B. Whats aboutC. What about D. What are about 8.Please give me _. Asome breadsBsome bread Cany bread Dany breads 9What about two _? Aglass milk Bglass milks Cglass of milkDglasses of milk10Would you like _? Asomething drinking Bsomething to drink Canything drinking Danything to drink11There are _ on the table.Atwo bottle of milk Btwo bottle of milksCtwo bottles of milks Dtwo bottles of milk12Its time _ breakfastAhave Bto Cfor Dhave to13-Would you like _ bananas? -Yes, please.Amany Bany Cmuch Dsome14-Whats your favourite food? -_.AHamburgers BWater CJuice DCoffee15What would you like _ breakfast?Ato Bof Cfor Dat16My favourite drink _ coffee and milk.Ahave Bis Chas Dare17Im not hungry, but Im _.Athirsty Bgood Cbig Dsmall18Its very late now. I _ go home.Acan Bmust Cmay Dhave19Wed like _ of apple juice.Atwo glass Btwo glasses Cone class Da bottles20-Would you like some bread? -_.AI dont want BI dont knowCNo, thanks DI not think so21How many _ of bread do you want?Abottles Bcups Cglasses Dpieces22I _ any apples and oranges in the box.Acan see Bcant look Ccant see Dcan look 二、补全对话 在下列对话的空白处填入一个恰当的词、词组或句子,使对话完整,正确。A: Can I help you? B: Id 26 some apples, please. _A: What 27 these yellow ones? _B: No, 28 . Id like some red ones. _A: They are 29 there. Can you see them? _ B: Yes, they are very nice. Id like five apples, please. A: OK. 30 you are. 30. _三、以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确。 1. gl_s A. a B. as C. ar D. sa 2. f_d A. u B. oo C. ul D. o 3. m_lk A. i B. e C. ie D. a 4. ri_e A. s B. c C. ck D. k 5. _t A. ee B. ea C. ei D. a四、填入所缺的词,完成下列句子。1请给我一杯牛奶。Please give a _ _ milk _ me.2是做游戏的时间了。_ time _ _ games.3你想喝一些橘子汁吗?Would you _ _ orange?4吃点东西,怎么样?_ _ _ to eat?五、根据句意补全单词,使句意完整。1Im very _, please give me a bottle of water.2Its twelve oclock. Its time for _.3-What would you like for _? -Bread and milk.4-Would you like _ to eat? -Some cakes.5Id like a bottle of _ juice.6How many _ can you see on the table?7Wed like two _ and some potato chips.8-Do you have _ ice cream? -Yes, we do.9_ I have lunch at school.10I have supper at home with my _.六、根据句意和所给提示词连词成句。1你最喜欢的食物是什么?your favourite food _2我喜爱的食物是汉堡包和炸土豆条。my, hamburger, potato chip_3你能看见筐里有多少个鸡蛋?有六个。how many, can, in the basket, six _4你想要一杯咖啡吗?不,谢谢,我想要杯茶。would, a glass of coffee, thanks, Id like_5汤姆早饭吃什么?一杯牛奶和一些蛋糕。what, Tom, have, breakfast, milk, cake_


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