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Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section AThe map of China Where have you been?Where are you going?I have been to Im going to When did you go there?I went thereHow did you go there?I went there byMake a surveyNameWhere have you been?When did you go?What did you see?How did you go?Where do you want to go?How are you going to get there?Miss WuHangzhoutwo years agothe West Lakeby trainShanghaiby plane Please ask your classmates these questions,andthen write your report.Im Mickey.Im Donald.Do you know the answers of them?1.How many Disneyland parks are there in the world?2.Where are they?美国美国 洛杉矶洛杉矶 USA Los Angeles美国美国 奥兰多奥兰多 USA Orlando日本日本 东京东京 Japan Tokyo法国法国 巴黎巴黎 France Paris中国中国 香港香港 China Hong KongThere are 5.Read this article about a theme park.Circle the places,things and activities you think are interesting.Underline the ones you think are boring.1.Disneyland is an _ park and also a _ park.2.The theme includes Disney _ and Disney _.3.For example,_ is themed with Disney characters.4._ is a huge boat that also has the Disney theme.5.The boat rides have _ routes,but they all end up in the _ place.amusementthememoviescharactersthe roller coasterDisney CruisedifferentsameTrue or False and check them!1.There are some Disneylands in the world.2.Disneyland is only an amusement park.3.Disney Cruise is very interesting but it doesnt have the Disney theme.There are several Disneylands in the world.Disneyland is not only an amusement park,but also a theme park.Disney cruise is very interesting and it also has the Disney theme.1.What famous Disney characters have you heard of?2.Where have you seen them?3.Do you know if there are other Disneyland amusement parks in the world?4.What can we also call Disneyland?5.Why do we call it a theme park?6.What can you see all the time in the park and the roller coaster in Disneyland?7.What else can you do in Disneyland?8.Do the Disney Cruises(the huge boats)take the same route?Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,and many other famous Disney characters.Perhaps we have even seen them in movies.But have you ever been to Disneyland?In fact,there are now four different Disneyland amusement parks around the world.Two are in the United States,one is in Japan,and the other is in France.唐老鸭唐老鸭人物;角色人物;角色see saw seen 迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼乐园one the other 一个一个另一个另一个 米老鼠米老鼠 Disneyland is an amusement park,but we can also call it a theme park.It has all the normal attractions that you can find at an amusement park,but it also has a theme.The theme,of course,is Disney movies and Disney characters.For example,you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks,but in Disneyland,the roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.主题公园主题公园 过山车过山车有吸引力的事物有吸引力的事物(或人)(或人)This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster.You can also watch Disney movies,eat in Disney restaurants,and buy Disney gifts.And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time!Have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise?These are huge boats that also have the Disney theme.You can take a ride on the boat for several days,and you can sleep and eat on board.see sb.doing sth.看见某人做某事看见某人做某事船船巡游;巡航巡游;巡航 兜风兜风在船(或车、飞机)上在船(或车、飞机)上 There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland.You can shop,go to Disney parties,and eat dinner with Mickey Mouse!The boat rides all take different routes,but they all end up in the same place.That is Disneys own island.It is just so much fun in Disneyland!路线路线 结束结束岛,岛屿岛,岛屿2.辨析:辨析:hear,hear of,hear from hear 为动词,为动词,有有“听见听见”和和“听说听说”之意。作之意。作“听见听见”解,解,只强调结果;只强调结果;作作“听说听说”解时,其后一般跟从句。例如:解时,其后一般跟从句。例如:My grandma cant hear very well.我奶奶听觉不好。我奶奶听觉不好。I hear that they miss us very much.我听说他们很想念我们。我听说他们很想念我们。hear of 意为意为“听说,听到听说,听到”,其后跟名词或从句。,其后跟名词或从句。例如:例如:Have you ever heard of Edison?你听说过爱迪生吗?你听说过爱迪生吗?hear from意为意为“收到收到的信;得到的信;得到消息消息”。注意:注意:hear from 的宾语应该是的宾语应该是“人人”,而不是,而不是“信信”。例如:。例如:Have you heard from Joan recently?最近你收到过琼的来信吗?最近你收到过琼的来信吗?3.famous adj.著名的,出名的;极好的著名的,出名的;极好的 Lu Xun is one of the famous writers in China 鲁迅是中国著名作家之一。鲁迅是中国著名作家之一。辨析:辨析:be famous for,与与 be famous as be famous for意为意为“因为因为而出名而出名/著名著名”,for后接表示特点、特长后接表示特点、特长 的名词或表示人或物闻名的原因。例如:的名词或表示人或物闻名的原因。例如:Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。be famous as 意为意为“以以身份出名身份出名”,as后一般接表示职业的名词。后一般接表示职业的名词。例如:例如:Han Hong is famous as a pop singer.韩红作为流行歌手而闻名。韩红作为流行歌手而闻名。1.N_ of the two boys is from Canada.2.Have you s_ his film before?3.There is a big river in the town.The students here usually take the b_ to school.4.Taiwan is the largest i_ in China.5.Donald Duck is one of the most famous Disney c_.一、请根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词一、请根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.A:Have you ever been to a water park?B:_,I havent.C:Me _.Lets go to Water City tomorrow!D:Neither _ I.Lets go to Water City tomorrow!2.A:Ive been to the zoo a lot of times.B:Me _.And Ive been to the aquarium also.C:So _ I,Sarah.I went there on our last school trip.二、二、在空白处填入一个适当的词,使对话完整并正确。在空白处填入一个适当的词,使对话完整并正确。三、三、从方框内选择合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填从方框内选择合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空,完成句子空,完成句子。(1)I really wanted to _ today!(2)Hey,have you ever been to _?(3)We can take the _.The station is near the museum.(4)Would you like _?(5)Have you _ to the zoo?(6)Have you ever been to Water World?No,Ive _ been there.(7)Lets go skating _.(8)Could I _ your bike?go skating,to come,subway,borrow,been,the space museum,instead,never1.He _ _(be)to the History Museum several times.2._ you ever _(be)to the zoo?Yes.I _(go)there last summer.I _(see)many kinds of animals there.3.Where is Mr Wang?He _ _(go)to the library.He wants to borrow some library books.4.Rodgers _(plant)those trees.He _(do)it the day before yesterday.5.We _ _(learn)English for more than two years.四、四、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,完成句子。用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,完成句子。


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