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Distance Education and Virtual LaboratoriesThe rapid development of Internet technology and its wide range of applications, making it the carrier of all kinds of information. Internet virtual laboratory has become the new 21st century model of distance education, much attention in the reform of traditional teaching methods, education, resource sharing, to improve the standard of teaching in the areas of conservation investment in education is important.Keywords:Internet, Distance education virtual ,Laboratory IntroductionDistance education is to overcome the traditional face-to-face mode of education for certain deficiencies (enrollment is limited, inflexible teaching methods, education, waste of money, etc.) a new mode of education. The first long-distance education is distance education; then a radio station from broadcasting the University of the dissemination of information; when the popularity of television, the TV University came into being. Of the three methods of distance education to the best teaching methods and TV. Not only can hear the voices, and images can be seen. In recent years, as computer technology and the rapid development of communication technology, there has been education multimedia systems.In less than 20 years, the Internet in the world have achieved rapid development in the world today has become the largest coverage, information resources, the most abundant computer information network. Distance education as the key - the teaching of information transmission, the Internet no doubt has a clear advantage. Virtual laboratory is based on Internet-based on the information carrier, and its people have demonstrated to the information age, a new way of education and scientific research.Future development of education in the mainstreamCorrespondence, radio, television and other distance learning modes, all the features on the Internet can be realized easily. As long as the establishment of an educational Web site, users will not longer be subject to time restrictions, visit the education web site will be able to receive long-distance education. But not limited to give full expression to the Internet to disseminate the message of a powerful feature. Internet-based virtual laboratory the emergence of distance education will be elevated to a higher level.Virtual Lab (Virtual Laboratory) the concept of the University of Virginia by the United States (University of Virginia) William Wolf (WilliamWolf) Professor in 1989, first put forward, and it describes a computer network-based virtual laboratory environment to in different tools to build an integrated information and technology, network-based integrated environment. In this environment, users can very effectively use a variety of the world distribution of data, information, apparatus, equipment and human resources.Virtual Laboratory of the original made for the purpose of facilitating scientific research, the researchers engaged in research on the remote can work: the use of instruments and equipment, shared data resources, such as the exchange of information. Virtual Laboratory in essence is a distributed computer system, in which the system is equipped with remote control, remote sensing study of the capacity of the network equipment and data acquisition platform for collaborative activities support a variety of tools, built to support data sharing Digital Library.Different professional disciplines have their own virtual laboratory characteristics. But whether it is a virtual laboratory professional disciplines are by their respective virtual machines (Virtual Instrumentation), composed of. Virtual instrument is the process through the application of computer hardware and function combine user-friendly graphical interface to operate computers, thereby completing the object of the test data collection, analysis and judgments, such as display and data storage.Virtual instrument compared with the traditional instruments, has its side of the same, and different side. The same point: the virtual machines with the same three main functions, namely, data collection, data analysis, results showed. Virtual instruments in a transparent manner to computer resources and equipment monitoring and control hardware combined with the ability to realize the function of the operation of equipment. With the traditional instruments is different: in a given computing capacity and the necessary hardware equipment, the structure and use of virtual instrument technology is the key to software, software that equipment.To sum up, the virtual instrument is defined by the users own, a free combination of computing platforms, hardware, software and complete system composed of the necessary annexes. Virtual instrument is a function of the characteristics of fixed separation between the traditional instruments are not available.The development of virtual laboratories in the status quo at home and abroadPut forward the concept of virtual laboratory more than a decade since the only time, but because of their attractive application prospects in developing countries, some progress has been made.At present, the virtual laboratory has been very common in developed countries. United States, as todays scientific and technological power, in order to continue to maintain its science and technology in the field of leadership, with particular emphasis on information technology research and has been a virtual laboratory for research and development in their strategic planning. At the end of 1991, the United States Science Foundation, the United States-owned National Council for Scientific Research Advisory Board of the Department of Computer and Telecommunications set up a national (scientific) to laboratory committee of scientists whose mission is to survey the needs of information technology to coordinate research cooperative relations, organization and implementation of specific information technology development. Since then.As first proposed the concept of virtual laboratory, and has strong technological strength and strong financial resources of the United States, from the very beginning attached great importance to research and development of virtual laboratories, research in this field has a leading position. Virtual instrument system and its graphical programming language has become a science and engineering students of the University of a required course, and its popularity is quite extensive. Some foreign universities have set up a remote virtual laboratory. University of Hannover, Germany, established a virtual lab automation; Spain e Department of the University has developed a virtual platform of electronic equipment; Italy pawa number of universities have established distance education virtual laboratories; National University of Singapore has developed a remote oscilloscope experiment experiments and pressure vessels.,the features of virtual laboratory Virtual laboratory can not be compared with traditional laboratory features to determine its scientific research, education (especially long-distance education) in a good application prospects.(1) TransparencyVirtual Laboratory for all databases, hardware, or even integrated into a system staff, using the standard functions of a unified command to achieve the service, which determines the transparency of the structure of the transparent characteristics of virtual laboratory.(2) Shared resourcesThe establishment of a virtual laboratory is one of the purposes of resource sharing in order to do so. To this end, the need to establish a unified standard inquiry e-libraries, databases, intelligent retrieval system, database and other application software, users can share data, software, hardware and other related resources. This feature can reduce duplication of investment, a significant investment cost savings.(3) Interaction interoperabilityOnce the virtual laboratory, opening up, that is, interactive, remote users can operate the same local laboratory and at the same time the exchange of information between users. Remote users is required to open a series of hardware and software support, they are an integral part of the Virtual Laboratory.(4) User autonomyUsers can develop their own virtual instrument used in a way that allows users to take the necessary measures to protect their data, information, the user has sufficient autonomy.(5) ExpansionIn todays information age, the very rapid rate of knowledge update, new, better performance of the instruments and equipment update cycle becoming shorter and shorter. Therefore, the virtual laboratory must be kept up to date hardware and software to upgrade at any time, the service function at any time to increase the performance of virtual laboratory must have the upgrade, the service functions of the characteristics of increased.远程教育与虚拟实验室因特网技术的迅速发展及其广泛的应用,使之成为各种信息的载体。因特网虚拟实验室已成为21世纪新型的远程教育模式,备受人们的重视,在改革传统教学方法、教育资源共享、提高教学水平、节约教育投资等方面具有重要意义。关键词:虚拟实验室 远程教育 因特网一、引言远程教育是为克服传统的面对面教育模式的某些不足(招生人数有限、教育方法不灵活、教育资金浪费等)而产生的一种新型教育模式。最初的远程教育是函授教育;此后出现了由广播电台传播信息的广播大学;当电视普及以后,电视大学应运而生。在上述三种远程教育方法中,以电视大学的教学方式最优。不仅能听到声音,而且可以看到图像。近些年来,随着计算机技术与通信技术的迅速发展,出现了教育多媒体系统,它能够交互地同时处理、传输、管理文本、图形、图像、语言、视频、动画等多种形式的信息。多媒体远程教育系统在一定程度上弥补了电视大学的某些不足,但仍不能实现实验操作。网上虚拟实验室的出现,使远程教育更趋完善,为教育发展史写下了光辉的一页。在不足20 年时间里,因特网在全球得到了迅速发展,已成为当今世界上覆盖面最大、信息资源最丰富的计算机信息网络。作为远程教育的关键-教学信息的传递,因特网无疑具有明显的优势。虚拟实验室正是建立在以因特网为信息载体的基础上,它的产生向人们展示了信息时代一种全新的教育方式和科学研究方式。二、虚拟实验室是今后高层次远程教育的发展主流函授、广播、电视等远程教育模式的所有功能,在因特网上均能轻易实现。只要建立一个教育网站,用户就不再受时空的限制,访问教育网站就能够接受到远程教育。但仅限于此还不能充分体现出因特网强大的信息传递功能。基于因特网的虚拟实验室的出现,将远程教育提升到更高的层次上。虚拟实验室(Virtual Laboratory) 概念,是由美国弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia) 的威廉沃尔夫(WilliamWolf) 教授于1989 年首先提出的,它描述了一个计算机网络化的虚拟实验室环境,致力于构筑一个综合不同工具和技术的信息化、网络化的集成环境。在这个环境里,用户可以非常有效地利用世界上分布的各种数据、信息、仪器设备及人力等资源。虚拟实验室提出的初衷是为了方便科学研究工作,科研人员在远程即可从事研究工作:使用仪器设备、共享数据资源、交流信息等。虚拟实验室实质上是一个分布式计算机系统,在该系统中,配置有遥控、遥测能力的网络化研究设备和数据采集平台,有支持协作活动的各种工具,建有可以支持数据共享的数字式图书馆。加入到因特网的虚拟实验室可视为建立了一个可以演示、操纵、控制实验的特殊网站。用户可以在任何时候,从任何地点访问虚拟实验室网站。它的建立大大提高了实验教学的伸缩性和适应性。不同的学科专业的虚拟实验室有各自的特点。但无论是学科专业的虚拟实验室都是由各自的虚拟仪器(Virtual Instrumentation) 组成的。虚拟仪器是指通过应用程序将计算机与功能化硬件结合起来,用户通过友好的图形界面来操作计算机,从而完成了对被测对象的数据采集、分析、判断、显示和数据存储等。虚拟仪器与传统仪器相比,有其相同的一面,又有不同的一面。相同点是:虚拟仪器同样具有三大功能,即数据采集、数据分析处理、结果显示。虚拟仪器以透明的方式把计算机资源和仪器硬件的测控能力结合起来,实现仪器的功能运作。与传统仪器不同的是:在给定计算机运算能力和必要的仪器硬件以后,构造和使用虚拟仪器的关键技术在于软件,“软件即仪器”。应用软件程序将可选硬件(如GPIB、VXI、RS - 232 、DAQ 等) 和可重复使用源码库函数等软件结合起来实现模块间的通信、定时与触发,源码库函数为用户构造自己的虚拟仪器系统提供了基本的软件模块。当用户的学习目的或测试要求改变时,可以方便地由用户自行增减硬软件模块或重新配置系统以满足测试要求。综上所述,虚拟仪器是由用户自己定义、自由组合的计算机平台、硬件、软件以及完成系统功能的必需附件组成的。虚拟仪器的这个特点是功能固定、彼此分离的传统仪器所不具备的。三、虚拟实验室在国内外发展现状虚拟实验室概念的提出至今仅为十余年的时间,但因其诱人的应用前景,各国均在大力开发,已经取得了一些进展。目前,虚拟实验室在发达国家已十分普及。美国作为当今的科技强国,为继续保持其在科学技术领域的领先地位,尤其重视信息技术的研究,并已将虚拟实验室列入其科研发展的战略规划。在1991 年底,美国科学基金会、美国国家科学研究顾问委员会所属的计算机与远程通信部组成了一个“全国(科学) 合作实验室委员会”,其任务是调查科学家对信息技术的需求,协调科研合作关系,组织并实施具体的信息技术开发。此后,美国联邦政府投入资金在海洋学、天体物理学和分子生物学三大领域建造了各自的虚拟实验室作为示范工程,开展了一系列探索性研究并取得了实质性进展。美国一些政府部门,如能源部,正在制定计划将其所属的科研机构过渡到虚拟实验室环境中。目前,越来越多的科学家正投身于构筑一个覆盖全美国的虚拟实验室的工作中来。作为首先提出虚拟实验室概念,并具有雄厚的科研实力和强大财力的美国,从一开始就十分重视虚拟实验室的研究与开发,在该领域的研究已处于领先地位。虚拟仪器系统及其图形编程语言已成为各大学理工科学生的一门必修课,其普及程度是相当广泛的。国外的一些大学已组建了远程虚拟实验室。德国的汉诺威大学建立了虚拟自动化实验室;西班牙大学电子系开发了电子仪器虚拟工作平台;意大利帕瓦多大学建立了远程虚拟教育实验室;新加坡国立大学开发了远程示波器实验和压力容器实验。四、虚拟实验室的功能特点虚拟实验室具有传统实验室无法比拟的功能特点,决定了它在科研、教育(特别是远程教育) 中的良好应用前景。(1) 透明性虚拟实验室的所有数据库、硬件,甚至人员集成于一个系统,使用标准的统一命令来实现功能服务,这种透明的结构决定了虚拟实验室的透明特征。(2) 资源共享性建立虚拟实验室的宗旨之一就是为了做到资源共享。为达到此目的,需要建立统一查询标准的电子图书馆、数据库、智能化检索系统、应用软件库等,用户可以共享数据、软件、硬件等相关资源。这个特性能够减少重复投资,大大节约投资成本。(3) 互动操作性虚拟实验室一旦开放,即具有互动性,远程用户同样可以操作本地实验室,同时用户之间可以交流信息。开放远程用户程序需要有一系列软硬件的支持,它们都是虚拟实验室的组成部分。(4) 用户自主性用户可以制定自己使用的虚拟仪器的方式,允许用户采取必要的措施保护自己的数据、资料,用户具有充分的自主性。(5) 扩展性在当今的信息时代里,知识更新速度十分迅速,新型的、性能更优的仪器设备更新周期越来越短。因此,虚拟实验室的硬件必须随时更新,软件也要随时升级,服务功能也要随时增加,虚拟实验室必须具备性能升级、服务功能增加的特性。


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