Unit 1 Who is younger? (第一教时)228 Wed 1

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Unit 1 Who is younger? (第一教时)228 Wed 1_第1页
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Unit 1 Who is younger? (第一教时)2.28 Wed. 1一 教学内容:Part B and drills:“Who is ?”二 教学目标:1.Words and expressions:tall, light, young, old, heavy ( four skills); 2.Drills: Who is ?(比较级); 3.语法知识:形容词的比较级。三 教学重点和难点:1Drills: Who is ?(比较级); 2语法知识:形容词的比较级。四 课前准备:1录音与磁带; 2挂图; 3一些可以用来比较长短、大小、轻重等的物品。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Revisions1.Greetings:Welcome back to school. Are you glad to see each other? Who is on duty? Are you all here? Did you have a good time at the Spring Festival? What did you do at the Spring Festival? 2.Free talk: What did you do at the Spring Festival? 3.Ask S1 and S2:How old are you? Two students answer. ThenI say: xxx is older. xxx is younger.1.Ask : Who is younger?出示课题。 2.Teach:old, older; young and younger3.Practise: Who is older or younger, A or B, your mother or your father, your mother or me etc?B Presentations4.Ask students:How tall are you? 5.Ask : Who is taller or shorter? 6.Teach: tall , taller; short,shorter. 7.利用实物或挂图,同法教学:long, longer; Strong, stronger; big, bigger; small, smaller;fat, fatter; thin, thinner; heavy, heavier;light, lighter. 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2. 利用实物或挂图,说:old, older; young, younger; tall ,taller; long, longer; short,shorter; Strong, tronger;etc. 3.Quess:old or older? light or lighter? etc. 4. 利用实物或挂图,ask and answer: Whois?Which is ? 5讲解形容词的比较级,并分析归纳其构成方法 : 1)一般情况下直接加 er 2)重读辅音节结尾的双写最后一个辅音字母加 er3)以辅音字母加y 结尾的,变 y为i 再加er 4)有些词为不规则的形容词,另当别论。3)以辅音字母加y 结尾的,变 y为i 再加er 4)有些词为不规则的形容词,另当别论。六 板书设计:Unit One Whosyounger? PartB 1.oldolder 2.youngyounger3.shortshorter 4.thinthinner 5.long longer6.fat fatter 7.heavy heavier8.strongstronger 9.light lighter 10.talltaller11.big bigger 12.smallsmaller 七 作业设计:1.Listen and repeat; 2.Copy 3.Preview Part C and Part E 4.归纳并记忆形容词的比较级 。八 教学反思: 本节课因为所教内容比较简单,学生从浅层来看,单词的读音已经基本掌握,但更深一步要求:正确地运用形容词的比较级 进行说句子,许多同学还不能正确掌握,需要进一步练习。Unit 1 Who is younger? (第二教时)3.1 Thu. 2一 教学内容:Part C and E二 教学目标:1Words: than , centimetre ; 2Drills:Whos taller than David? ; Gan Shan is taller than David.(四会) Whose school bag is heavier , yours or mine?(三会)。三 教学重点和难点:1能用句型Whos taller than David? ; Gan Shan ix taller than David. Whose school bag is heavier , yours or mine?等含有形容词比较级的句型进行交际; 2理解并能正确的运用 形容词的比较级。四 课前准备:1 录音与磁带; 2挂图; 3一些可以用来比较长短、大小、轻重等的物品。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Revisions1.利用实物挂图等在句型中复习12组单词; 2在复习中自然导出句型:than. 3.Teach than B Presentations1.Ask some students to stand up.Whos taller than xxx? 2.Pair work: Whos taller than? 3.Whos taller ,your father or your mother? 用older, younger, shorter, stronger, fatter, thinner,等进行练习;C Practise1.利用学生的实物进行问答: Whose ruler is longer, yours or mine? 2.Group work:Whose is ? 3.Free talk:Whose is? 1.Say: xxxs is .than B. 2.Say: Shang Hai is bigger than Nanjing. Changjiang is longer than Huanghe. A elephant is bigger than a bear. A panda is fatter than a horse.D Read and act1.Lets play football.Who will be the goalkeeper? Why? 2引导学生交流。 3教学运用: Im as tall as you.学习单词: centimeter 4.让学生用Im as young as you.He is as strong as xxx.etc.进行交流; 5浏览图后的判断题 6学生自读并完成本项目 7模仿表演。六 板书设计:Unit OneWhos younger? than , centimetre Whos taller than David? ; Gan Shan is taller than David. Whose school bag is heavier , yours or mine? Yours , I think. 七 作业设计:1.Part C ask and answer; 2.Part E read and act; 3.调查你同学的年龄、身高、体重,自制成表 Name Age Height Weight 八 教学反思:上节课已经进行了句型的渗透,形容词的比较级陈述句型,本节课通过巩固学生已经90%掌握;本节课句型,学生回答教好,但要求根据图片或实际情况进行提问,有些学生1与2两种句式混淆:Whos taller than , David or Gao Shan?错的同学比较多。学生写的情况可能更不理想。Unit 1 Who is younger? (第三教时)3.5 Mon. 3一 教学内容:Part D , E and H二 教学目标:1能用Im as tall as you. Su Hais aunt is younger than Su Hais mother等日常交际用语进行交际; 2会唱歌曲I wish I was taller. 3进一步的理解与掌握形容词的比较级以及相关句型的运用 4能根据所听对话完成相关的练习三 教学重点和难点:1能用等日常交际用语进行交际 2会唱歌曲I wish I was taller. 3进一步的理解与掌握形容词的比较级以及相关句型的运用四 课前准备:1录音与磁带 2挂图与“金太阳”光盘 3一些可以用来比较长短、大小、轻重等的物品。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Revisions1.Free talk 2.Who is older? Whos taller than.? Whose bag is heavier,or.? Ask and answer. Part C ask answer 3出示自己调查的表格情况,进行问答 用形容词的比较级进行说话练习B Play a gameListen and guess. 1.展示自己的表格后, 说:My friends older than B.He is shorter than C. He is heavier than C. Who is my friend? 2.Group work. C Sing a song1 放录音,让学生感受歌曲的旋律 2 读歌词,了解歌词大意 3 随录音哼唱 4 边唱边做动作, 5 分组练习D Listen and write1、小组活动,讨论图片内容,巩固本单元的词汇及语言表达,也为听力大基础 2、听法指导,先看题目,在听的过程中抓关键词; 3、放录音 4、听完以后先口头回答问题: Is the photo new? Whos older ,Su Hais mother or her aunt? Whos the man in black? Is Su Hais father younger than her uncle? How many people are there in the photo? 5、学生独立完成填空练习。 6、检查。六 板书设计:Unit OneWhos younger? Im as tall as you. Su Hais aunt is younger than Su Hais mother Part H: Sing a songI wish Iwas taller. 七 作业设计:1、学唱歌曲 2、同学之间开展小组练习: Who is my friend? 3、预习课文,听录音5遍。 4、完成联系册相关练习。八 教学反思:本节课主要的目的使训练学生听录音,提取有用信息,并能用完成填空的方式重构这些信息的能力。在这节课中,我引导学生先做一些group work,讨论图片内容,以进一步巩固本单元的词汇及语音表达,也为听力打基础。Unit 1 Who is younger? (第四教时)3.6 Tue. 4一 教学内容:Part A二 教学目标:1.Words: chat, twin , minute, child, also andcute 2.Drills: Im taller than Su Yang. Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.三 教学重点和难点:能够根据所学内容,联系生活实际,将所学的语言项目运用于交际。四 课前准备:1录音与磁带; 2挂图与“金太阳”光盘。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Revisions1、Free talk; 2、出示实物比较长短、大小,并用句子进行描述 3、唱英文歌曲 4、汇报小组游戏情况B Presentations and Practise1、出示Jack的人物头像,向学生做如下介绍:Look, do you remember this cute little boy?引导学生学习生词cute; Yes , he is Jack. He is Bens cousin .Hes only five years old.转向一名学生,问How old are you?. Oh, you are eleven.So you are six years older than him. And youre taller than him, too. 2、利用“金太阳”光盘,介绍对话背景:This was the last day of the vacation.Su Hai wanted to have a walk. Look, she met Jack.Hes a cute little boy. He s younger than Ben and hes shorter.Su Hai was very glad to see him.They sat down under a big tree and had a chat. 引导学生学习生词chat. Lets listen . 3、学习引文部分; 4、整体听课文录音,学生理解对话内容 5、分段概括: 第一段:Jack, this is Su HaiHello, Su Hai(Greetings),用引导朗读的方法引导学生学习,启发学生想象课文中的人物,还可以怎样问候? 第二段:Su Hai has a twin sisterI want to meet her one day.这是课文的重点段落,先与学生自由交谈,在情景中学习生词:twin, minute, child, also; Oh Su Hai is taller than Su Yang. Whos taller? Whos younger? Whos shorter? 运用语言进行描述; 第三段:Do you have any brothers or sisters,Jack?.So youve got a brother.让学生模仿本段内容进行描述 6、听录音跟读课文,采用多种形式朗读 7、用自己的话复述课文 8、就自己的家庭成员进行描述。 9、完成课后相关练习。六 板书设计:Unit One Whos younger? Part A: chatIm taller thanSu Yang. twin Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than me. minute child also cute 七 作业设计:1、听课文,读背课文 2、小组开展活动 3、模仿课文,编写对话 4、复习第一单元 5、完成联系册相关练习八 教学反思:本节课主要是教授课文内容,在学习课文内容之后,教师可以采用多种形式朗读,并在长句的朗读及语气上做相应的指导。接着,教师可以引导学生用给动画配音的方式,进一步熟悉、掌握课文内容。还可以引导学生用自己的话复述课文的内容。Unit 1 Who is younger? (第五教时)3.7 Wed. 5一 教学内容:Part F and G二 教学目标:1、检查课文学习情况,并进行延伸 2、全面复习第一单元 3、掌握字母组合 or 在单词中的发音三 教学重点和难点:1、全面复习第一单元 2、字母组合or 在单词中的发音四 课前准备:1、录音与磁带 2、班级真实情况调查表 3、单词与音标卡片五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Revisions1、齐唱歌曲I wish I was tall. 2、听写:tall, light, young, old,(写出它们的比较级) child,(写出它的复数形式) also(写出它的进意词) chat(组一个词), Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. Whose school bag is heavier? Mine is heavier. 3、检查课文掌握情况; 4、表演自编对话 5、检查练习册情况,订正作业。B Play a game1.展示自己的表格后, 说:My friends older than B.He is shorter than C. He is heavier than C. Who is my friend? 2.Group work. 3.先准备好的、按班级真实情况的表格进行拓展性游戏 4.自读书上F部分C Listen and repeat1、出示单词卡片 2、请读音比较好的学生朗读, 3、读单词体会,找出共同的发音 4、跟读录音 5、指导朗读句型 6、展开竞赛,看谁读的又快又准 7、归纳整理其他例词 如:worker 8、鼓励学生用其它例词进行造句六 板书设计:Unit One Whos younger? tall, light,young, oldheavy Im as tall as you. Su Yangs(twenty minutes ) younger than Su Hai. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. Part G:Listen and repeat word workbook world worm The children are writing words about worms in the underground world in their workbooks七 作业设计:1、复习第一单元,准备测验 2、进一步整理自编对话; 3、完成练习册所有练习 4、预习Unit Two 八 教学反思:本节课主要是让学生做书上F部分的一个游戏。在做游戏前,教师要引导学生做好充分的准备工作,制作好表格,以保证活动的顺利进行。在活动时做好将学生所想要别人猜测的人物名字暗暗写在一张小纸条上,以使游戏更有可信度。Unit 1 Who is younger? (第六教时)3.8 Thu. 6一 教学内容:完成拓展每课练上本单元的练习题。


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