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1. It was _ surprise that my first teaher ,aledady 90,was still living and in _ good health. A. the ,a B. / , a C. a ,/ D. a ,the 2.The letcher was so _ that all the people in the hall were _. A. Moving , exciting B. moved , exciting C. moved , excited D .moving ,excited3. we must _ to all the people how important it is to protect the limited fresh water on the earth .A. Get across B. get down C. get over D. get through 4. The story is set in the 1980s ,when many Chinese _ abroad to study or to do business. A. go B. have gone C . will go D. went5. The present lifestyle of the native people differs littgle from _ of their ancestors. A. it B. one C . that D. thoes 6. Look out! Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair . A. that B. which C. of which D. whose 7. With a liittle more care you _ this traffic accident. A. could avoid B. would avoid C. could have avoided D. must have avoided8. Is the flower beautiful ? -Yes .At least its _ the one I bought yesterday . A. no better than B. no worse than C. as bad as D. not better than 9. Not until then _ to realize the importance of strengthening the peace and harmony of the world .A.did they come B. had the come C. have come D. they had come 10. -How is business ? -So ,you know in warm weather ,fruit _ long .A. doesnt keep B. is not keep C. is not keeping D. cant be kept11. _ we admit that there are still some problems about NMET, we dont mean that It is of no use.A. Until B. While C. As D. Unless 12. The governmemt should think about the medical reforn again and take measures to improve it .A. Youer confusing me B. I cannot agree more C.Thatt all right D. Go ahead ,please13. _ ,and the problem could be settled .A.If you double your efforts B. So long as you keep up your spirits C.Making greating efforts D. A Bit more efforts14._ 500g of honey ,a single bee would have to make about 10 million trips from the hjive to the flower and back again.A. Producing B. To produce C. Being produced D. Having produced 15Is there any vaccine against bird flu that cab be used on humans? -No, but scientists are working to develop _.A. That B. it C. one D. so 16. Oh, the TV has been on all night long. -Pardon me .But I remembered _ it off before going to bed .A. turing B . to turn C . turned D. turn 17. We should make _ a role for us roommates to turn off the lights at 10 pm.A . it B . that C . one D . all 18. -Can I get you a cup of coffee? -_ A . Thats very nice of you B. With pleasure C. You can ,please D. Thank you for the coffee 单词拼写:1. The book is designed _(专门地) for beginers.2. Going on a trip to a far-away _(目的地) can be expensive and difficult.3. It is a non-profit _(组织) 4. You are wrong so you shold make _(道歉)5. The show is being hold in the capital between October 10 and _(十一月) 27 6. As a league_(书记) ,he is highly spoken of by the teachers and students and regarded as an outgoing student with great ability.7. Not having seen her for 15 years or so ,Bob failed to_(认出) his sister at first sight.8. The people of various_(国籍) ehjoy complete equality before laws.9._(判断)from his appearance ,he must have walked a long way .10. Victor is really strict ,but_(渐渐地) you will get used to hm ,I think. Many teachers worry about the effects of television on young people. Accordingto studies, any children spend more time 76._watching television than they spend in school. Because so 77._much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of 78._read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries 79._much about the radio program young people listen to, 80._although radios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder about 81._the effects of television commercials. On one year the 82._average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all 83._planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want 84._things that they dont real need. 85._高三英语练考试题1.The long-lasting war ,filled with blood and deaths ,ended in peoples sadness, _ no result .A. reached B . to reach C . would reach D. reaching 2. The governmemt should think about the medical reform again and take measures to improve it .-_A. Youer confusing me B. I cannot agree more C.Thatt all right D. Go ahead ,please3. _ ,and the problem could be settled .A.If you double your efforts B. So long as you keep up your spirits C.Making greating efforts D. A Bit more efforts4Is there any vaccine against bird flu that can be used on humans? -No, but scientists are working to develop _. A.That B. it C. one D. so 5The books we borrowed from Mr Wang are difficult to _. A. be understood B. be understanding C. understand D. understood 6. Althrough I _ him ,I dont _what he told me just now. A. believe ,believe B. believe ,believe in C. believe in believe in D. believe in believe7. Paul doesnt have to be made _ .He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. leaning 8. Hearing the news , _.A. tears came into his eyes B . his face turned pale C. his eyes were filled with tears D. he couldnt help crying out 9. Since you have repaired my TV set , _ is no need for me to buy a new one . A. it B. there C. this D. that 10.-Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end? -If you keep still ,you can sit _ end. A. neither B. either C. each D. any 11.-How many of you were invited to the dinner party? -_ A. None B. No one C. Many D. Not many12.They lost their way in the forest, and _made matters worse was that night began to fall.A. that B. it C. what D. which13. He abused at the tourist ; _ , he refused to apologize. A. making things worse B .making things bad C. to make things worse D. to make things bad 14.I quickly dressed myself and , _ my schoolbag ,went to school. A. carried B .being carry C. carrying D . to carry15. When I got home last night , I was frightened to find that in front my door _. A. was seated a large dog B. sat a large dog C . was a large dog seated D. did a large dog seated16. M y manager promised that he would ,_ , give me a chance to go abroad.A. if possible B. if so C. when needed C. where necessary 17. -Can we meet tomorrow atternoon ? -Not in the afternoon , Im afraid. I _. A. will be working B. am goig to work C. an about to work D. will work18. _ that all mountain roads were closed. A. So becamed the dangerous weather B. So dangerous did the weather became C. So dangerous became the weather D. Dangerous the weather became so 19 They always give the vacant seat to _ comes first. A. who B. whoever C. whom D.whomever20. Thomas Edison was accustomed to _ 5 hours every day .A. to sleeping B. to sleep C . sleep D . sleeping 21. A war is so crul that it always causes great losses, _ has happenged in Iraq and other countries. A. that B. which C. as D. one 22.- David has made great progress recently.-_, and _.A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have youC. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)When I was about ten, my dad came home with a big box. It was a computer. We didnt see Dad for the next week. He was so 23 the computer that he spent all his 24 time in the basement trying to put it 25 . We only saw him when he 26 for some food. He looked dazed(感到迷乱), as this was his new 27 and he was going to finish it or die 28 .One bright morning the basement door 29 opened and Dad stood there with a smile on his face. “Ive done it,” he shouted. Mum was about to cry as it was like a family 30 . We then followed him downstairs and 31 waited while he turned it on. With 32 , Dad began to teach us how to use it.I had the 33 to be the first to use it. I spent three days writing a report on it, and it was time to 34 it out. I pushed the button which I thought was supposed to work and the screen 35 black. Then it started 36 and making noise. I didnt realize that it wasnt 37 until I saw smoke coming from the computer. The whole family ran in and Dad stood there 38 shocked. We decided to 39 him alone. That was also the worst day of my 40 life.The next morning the computer was moved to the backroom. It doesnt make any noise and flash anymore. 41 , it sits collecting 42 , waiting for someone to turn the switch on.23. A. on B. into C. over D. in24. A. whole B. work C. free D. part25. A. out B. up C. through D. together26. A. came up B. went up C. got up D. took up27. A. idea B. project C. trick D. star28. A. out B. away C. trying D. making29. A. quickly B. strangely C. quietly D. suddenly30. A. reunion B. party C. meeting D. event31. A. patiently B. anxiously C. carefully D. calmly32. A. excitement B. difficulty C. curiosity D. ease33. A. chance B. advantage C. honour D. permission34. A. turn B. take C. keep D. print35. A. went B. continued C. remained D. changed36. A. shaking B. moving C. shouting D. flashing37. A. right B. normal C. standard D. ordinary38. A. mass of B. kind of C. bits of D. lots of 39. A. have B. keep C. leave D. get40. A. real B. entire C. hard D. pleasant41. A. Besides B. Still C. However D. Instead42. A. dust B. something C. information D. nothing Last week I went to the theatre. I have a good seat. 43. _The play was very interesting, but I could enjoy it . 44. _A young man and a young woman was sitting behind 45. _me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry about. 46. _I could not listen the actors. I turned round and looked at 47. _the man and a woman angrily. They did not pay attention. 48. _In the end, they could not bear it. I turned round again. 49. _“I cant hear a word!” I said angrily. “Its none 50. _for your business,” the young man said rudely. 51. _“This is a privately conversation!” 52. _、短文改错(满分10分)Most smokers want to stop smoking. Many a smoker 76. has tried more than once but fail. Although they77. failed know smoking may kill them and cause a serious illness, 78. or they cant give it up. The reason is because tobacco 79. that contains nicotine which is a drug that makes one80. gets into the habit of smoking. Once you start smoking the drug,81. taking it is hard to stop. If you go with it for an hour or two,82. without you begin to feel bad. The only thingcan stop 83. that you feel bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in84. feeling cigarettes. So your habit of smoking continues down.85. down Last week I went to the theatre. I have a good seat. 76. _The play was very interesting, but I could enjoy it . 77. _A young man and a young woman was sitting behind 78. _me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry about. 79. _I could not listen the actors. I turned round and looked at 80. _the man and a woman angrily. They did not pay attention. 81. _In the end, they could not bear it. I turned round again. 82. _“I cant hear a word!” I said angrily. “Its none 83. _for your business,” the young man said rudely. 84. _“This is a privately conversation!” 85. _五、改错76.havehad77.could后加not78.waswere79.about(去掉)80.listenhear81.athe82.theyI83.84.forof85privatelyprivateMany teachers worry about the effects of television on young people. Accordingto studies, any children spend more time 76._watching television than they spend in school. Because so 77._much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of 78._read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries 79._much about the radio program young people listen to, 80._although radios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder about 81._the effects of television commercials. On one year the 82._average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all 83._planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want 84._things that they dont real need. 85._答案及剖析:76.anymany/some。any是不定代词,表示一定数量一些,修饰和代替可数名词复数或不可数名词,既可指人,又可指物。但一般用在否定句、疑问句中。而此处为肯定句句式,根据上下文语境,应用不定代词many(接可数名词)或some(接可数或不可数名词)。77.BecauseBecause of。Because为连词,其后应跟从句,而此处其后跟的是动名词短语(so much viewing),因而应改为短语介词Because of。78.去掉be。情态动词may的否定式,为may not,后接不带to的不定式动词(与助动词一样),后接动词原形,而构成谓语动词。79.readreading。因为句中read位于介词of之后,介词之后的宾语应是名词或动名词。80.programprograms。program为可数名词,此处the radio programs应为复数名词,因为由语境young people listen to判断肯定为多种广播节目。81.noisenoisy。前者为名词,后者为形容词,与be连用为系表结构,形成复合谓语。复合谓语,主要说明主语的特征、类属、状态、身份等。如:She seems quite optimistic about it.她似乎对这件事很乐观。82.OnIn。介词on表时间,特指某一天,某时间。如:I usually go to the cinema on Sunday.我通常在星期天去看电影。而介词in表示一般时间或表年、月、季节。如:In one year I can write about twenty letters to my mother.在一年里我能给母亲写大约二十封信。83.无错。84.去掉第二个to。句中make children to want things.中to为多余,因为动词make为使役性动词,主动态make接复合宾语时,应为make somebody do something.而不是make sobody to do something。类似用法,除使役动词let, have外,还有感觉动词,如feel, see, hear, watch, notice等。如:Let me do it for you.让我来替你做。What made you think like that?是什么使你这样想?但注意使役动词,感觉动词改为被动结构时,其后的不定式仍需加to。如:He was seen to enter the theatre.有人看见他进了剧院。85.realreally。real是形容词,really是副词,really在句中they dont really need,修饰动词need。


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