外研版(三起)四上Module 2《Unit 2 What are you doing》ppt课件2.ppt

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Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing? 你正在做什么? 眼疾口快! 请迅速说出所看到图片的动 词短语! listen(to) 听 listen to music 听音乐 Shes listening to music. talk 说话,交谈 talk to 和 交谈 talk to my friend 和我的朋友交谈 children 孩子 们 单数: child 孩子 China 中国 Lets chant ! (小组合作,用自己喜欢的方式拍手练习) listen,listen,listen to music talk, talk, talk to my friend Children, children, we are children China, China, we love China. Listen and repeat,then answer. (听并跟读,然后回答问题 ) 1.What is Sam doing? Hes. 2.What is Amy doing? Shes. 3.What is Tom doing? Hes. What are you doing,children? 你们在干什么,孩子们? Im listening to music. 我正在听音乐。 一口气练习 Im talking to my friend. 我正在和我的朋友交谈。 Whats Tom doing? 汤姆在干什么? Hes reading a book about China. 他正在读 一本关于中国的书 。 Mr Smart: Mrs Smart: Sam: Amy: Tom: Game What are you doing? Im playing football. What are you doing? Im playing basketball. What are you doing? Im playing table tennis. What are you doing? Im swimming. What are you doing? Im doing morning exercises . What are you doing? Im watching TV. Relaxing time! 放松时刻到了! 火眼金睛 Im reading a book. Hes flying a kite. Shes taking pictures. Theyre riding a bike. 温馨提示: 表示正在干什么, 用 be(amisare)+现在分词的形式来描述。 超级变变变 1.read- 5.talk- 2.watch- 6.take- 3.fly- 7.do- 4.play- 8. ride- reading watching flying playing talking taking doing riding Listen and match, then say. 听音连线,说一说。 小小表演家 要求:小组表演赛,一人采访, 其他人边做动作边说。 A: what are you doing? B: Im playing basketball. C: Im Sing and do the actions 唱一唱,做一做 Im listening to music. Im reading a book. Im writing a letter. Come here and look. Im playing football. Im talking to you. Im doing my homework. Are you doing it too? Homework (作业) 1、听并跟读 M2U2课文两遍,读 熟背诵。 2、运用所学的进行时态的句子 写出 3个句子,描写正在发生的 事情。如: My father is watching TV. doing listening to watching reading 小小规律我来找 read-reading listen-listening fly-flying take-taking ride -riding 顺口溜: 现在分词很好记, 动词后加 ing, 词尾若有哑声 e, 去 e再加别忘记。


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