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章节Unit 1 Language Learning课时4教学目的ObjectivesTo arouse the students interests for the topic of this unit and to make them take part in the language learning activities on their own initiative。To let students reflect on their own experiences of language learning and identify the problems in learning English.To let students learn the important new words and expressions To let students master the writing skills: cause-and-effectTo let students master the reading skills: make out the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues.教学重点及突出方法Emphasis is placed on: topic understandingimproving the students reading ability.Approaches: further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching 教学难点及突破方法Difficulty in teaching: While meeting new English words, students are more likely to look them up in the dictionary instead of trying to figure out their meaning by reading through the context.Approach: Shift their focus from separate words to the context.相关内容素材Materialsin-class reading passageafter-class reading passagesproverbs from internetaudio-visual materialssimulated test of CET-4教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点Unit One Language Learning Section A Learning Foreign LanguageSection B Keys to Successful Online LearningGeneral Teaching Procedure and Time AllocationThe first week: Period 1&2 (90 minutes): I. Introduction of Unit 1. (5ms)II. Topic understanding: English learning and online learning (10ms)III. Intensive reading study: Section A Learning Foreign Langrage (70ms) leading in section A comprehension questions text structure analysis study of new words, expressions and typical sentence patterns writing skill: cause and effect patternIV. Assigning after-class homework (5ms)The second week: Period 3&4 (90ms):I. A brief review of the main idea of section A (5ms)II. Explanation of exercises in Section A (15ms)The students are required to check the answer by themselves in online classroom. The teacher can scan their online records and select some difficult exercises in which the students have trouble and explain them in this reading class.III. Extensive reading study: Section B Keys to successful online learning (55ms) reading skill: figure out the word meaning through the context clues text understanding study of important language pointsIV. Further central topic understanding (10ms) Group discussion: What are the qualities of a successful language learner?V. Question raising and answering (5ms) Students are supposed to raise questions concerning unit 1 which they still dont understand after two weeks study. Peer students and the teacher offer answers and help. Detailed Teaching ProcedureThe first week: Period 1&2 (90 minutes):I. Introduction of Unit 1 (5ms)Have you ever wanted to have more control over your own education? Now, freedom to study what interests you is possible through the use of personal computers. The passages in this unit introduce you to studying by computer. The first passage tells how one student learned English using a computer. The second points out the qualities you need to help you succeed when studying by computer. The third provides examples of successful learning outside of regular classrooms. Studying by computer may be one of the best discoveries of your life. You are one of the new pioneers in education.II. Topic understanding: English learning and online learning (10ms)Students work in groups of four and exchange ideas of their own experience with each other on the topic of the following two questions. Teacher goes around the classroom to see the students reactions and ask several students to present answers of their own group.Question 1: Why do you learn English?Question 2: Do you have any trouble in learning English? If any, what is it?Reference to Q1: My parents want me to; To go on holiday in an English speaking country; To make friends with people who speak English; Its my hobby; I need it for my job; To pass an exam.Reference to Q2: I had to be faced with many problems in learning English, such as pronunciation, grammar rules, and cultural background. And the most frustrating one was how to memorize a large body of new words.III. Intensive reading: Section A Learning Foreign Langrage (70ms)i. Lean-in (5ms)What do you know about online learning? Online learning, a form of distance education, refers to learning and other supportive resources that are available through a networked computer. With the development of the Internet, online learning often takes place on the Internet. In an online lesson, the computer displays material in response to a learners request. ii. Comprehension questions (5ms)Students read through the passage quickly for the answer to each question. Q1: What made the authors English learning in junior middle school very successful? The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students. Q2: What does online English learning require according to the passage? Much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. Q3: What interests the author most about English according to the last paragraph? He could communicate with many more people than before.iii. Text structure analysis (10ms)Students work individually to divide the whole passage into several major parts and summarize the main idea of each part, then compare the answer with the partners to see whether they share the same idea or have different answers. If different, whose ides is correct?The passage should be divided into three major parts:Part I: Para. 1 IntroductionMain idea: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.Part II: Pare 2-7 Main bodyMain idea: The authors 4 stages of language learning experiences: junior middle school, senior middle school, college and online learningPart III: Para.8 Conclusion Main idea: Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything. iv. Study of language points (new words, expressions and typical sentence patterns) vocabulary check(In order to check whether the students have done full preparation of the new words and the passage, some vocabulary exercises are given before the new words are explained.)The students are supposed to recall the newly-learned words on the right when reading the old words given on the left: 1) Worth doing rewarding2) Different, not the same unlike3) Providing help, constructive positive4) Means of entering, entrance access5) State of being dedicated to devoted to commitment6) a small number, two or three a couple of7) take part or become involved in an activity participant in8) meet or discover sth by chance come across9) buy, sell or exchange trade forSentence analysis and explanation (In order to check the students self-learning, the teacher can give some difficult sentences to ask the students to translate or paraphrase. Of course they can give otherdifficult sentences, too. So the teacher can explain and help them to understand better.)1. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating; it was well worth the effort. (Line 2) well: adv. 在此起强调作用, 意为: 相当;很e.g. I should be well content to do the job together with you.be well worth sth./ doing sth. : be rewarding enough for the time or effort 值得(做)类似的句式还有:1) be worthy of doing / to do sth.2) it is worthwhile doing sth.3) it is worth ones while to do sth.2. I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. (Line 6)句中“never worrying”为现在分词短语作状语表示伴随。本课的许多句子中出现了现在分词作状语的例子,如:Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted (Line 11)3. While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (Line 9) 此句中 while 含有对比之意,意为:而;却(whereas)e.g. The work is easy for an expert, while it is challenging for an inexperienced person.Translate: 英语世界通行,而土耳其语离开本国就没有人说了。English is understood all over the world while Turkish is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.4. It didnt take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. (Line 12) It takes/ took sb. sth. to do sth. 花某人(如时间)做某事e.g. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to achieve ones career objective.lose ones eagerness/ interest to do 失去做某事的渴望/兴趣e.g. As a result of her dishonesty, I lost my desire to form further friendship with her.5. However, the situation was far from perfect. (Line 18) far from + a./n./ v-ing: 很不;决非;非但反而 e.g. My parents are far from satisfied with my academic performance. (notat all )父母对我的学业很不满意。6. I soon got access to the necessary equipment. (Line 30) access: n. way of entering, right of using / reaching/ entering e.g. gain / get / have / keep access to Through online learning we get access to many new patterns of thinking.通过网络学习我们接触到许多新的思维模式。7. I worked hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and to complete assignments on time. (L. 34)minimum a. 最低的e.g. He couldnt join the police because he was below the minimum height allowed by the rule.More practice:1) She could not be a fashion model, because she didnt meet the minimum height requirement.(因为她身高未达到最低规定标准。)2) 85 out of 100 is the minimum passing mark for a fast-track class. (进入快班的最低分数线 )v. writing skill: cause and effect relation1. Students are required to read paragraph 2 and figure out the main idea, and then tell how the author develops his idea.Para. 2: Topic: My learning experience in junior middle schoolCause: I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Effect: Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years. 2. Students read paragraph 3 and further their understanding of the cause and effect relation Para. 3 Topic: My learning experience in senior middle school is different from before Cause: While my former teacher, my new teacher quickly punished . Whenever answered incorrectly, shouted, “No! No! No!”Effect: It didnt take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English. 3. Signal words for a cause-effect relationWhich words or phrases could show cause-and-effect relations?Cause: because of, due to, owing to, as, since, because, now that, on account of, for, etc.Effect: so, therefore, as a result, consequently, in consequence, accordingly, hence, thus, etc.IV. Assigning after-class homework (5ms) Students are required to do the following assignments after class or in the self-study net class:1. Review what they have learned in this class;2. Do Exercises III VII in Section A on page 7-9;3. Write a passage based on the cause and effect relation: Topic: succeeding in language learning 4. preview Section BThe second week: Period 3&4 (90ms)I. A brief review of the main idea of section A (5ms)Students are supposed to recall the general idea of section A by completing the following summary:Learning a foreign language is not only a very difficult and rewarding experience but also a frustrating and valuable one. When language teachers use positive methods, students feel encouraged to answer eagerly. Teachers who are not patient cause students to lose their desire in speaking English. Very large classes may give students fewer chances to answer. Online learning brings many benefits such as learning the value of hard work, gaining insights into other cultures. such a learning method makes it possible to communicate with many more people and to bridge the gap between different cultures.II. Explanation of exercises in Section A (15ms)Most mistakes are found in Exercise VII on page 9 (Chinese-English translation) according to the online records of the students in net class. Therefore, the translation exercise needs the teachers further explanation.1.与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西。 We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.2.在市长(mayor)的帮助下,我们最终获准接触这起交通事故的受害者。 With the mayors help, we were at last allowed access to those people who suffered from the traffic accident.3.鲍勃和弗兰克一直不和。令他们尴尬的是,他们将到同一个部门工作。 Bob and Frank didnt get along well with each other. it was embarrassing that they were to work in the same department.4.小时候,我总告诉妹妹说狼(wolf)来了,把她吓得直哭。 As a boy, I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was coming.5.作科学研究不容易,不仅需要时间、精力和经费,还需要具有自制力和奉献精神。 It is not easy to do scientific research; it requires time, energy and money as well as discipline and commitment.III. Extensive reading: Section B Keys to successful online learning (55ms)i. Reading skill: figure out the word meaning through the context clues Most experienced readers try to guess or make out the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues. In order to make meanings clear, good writers often provide orgive such clues for readers. So it is very important for students to develop the ability to guess the meaning of the new words in the context.Here are some context clues that are helpful for guessing word meaning:1) definition of a difficult word2) helping words along with punctuation3) the opposite of a new word4) general information or ones own experience5) examples of a difficult word6) word building7) explanation of a difficult wordReading skill practice: students are supposed to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentences and tell the technique used.1) Jane is indecisive, that is, she cant make up her mind. 优柔寡断/犹豫不决/ word building and definitionl 2) He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill脸色苍白/ explanationl 3) The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.门梁/ general information and ones own experiencel 4) Select either of these periodicals: Time, Newsweek or The New Yorker. 期刊/杂志 / word building and examplesl 5) The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers.大片雪花/ explanationsl 6) Most of us agreed; however, Bill dissented. 不同意/ oppositeii. Text understanding Students work in groups of four and figure out the answer to the question:What are the keys to successful online learning according to the passage?Reference: Being open-minded, able to communicate through writing, willing to speak up, take the program seriously, accept critical thinking, think before replying and keep up with the course.iii. Study of important points (words, expressions and sentences)1. While regular schools still exist, the virtual classroom plays an important role in todays learning community. (Para.1) play a role in: have a position or job in. e.g. People have come to understand that computer is playing an increasingly important role in our life. 人们开始意识到计算机在我们生活中起着越来越重要的作用。community: n. a group of people living together and/or united by shared interests e.g. the academic community 学术界 the black community 黑人社区2. In the virtual classroom nearly all communication is written, so it is critical that students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing. (Para.5)critical: a. 1) very important; very serious or dangerous e.g. I didnt realize the unemployment problem was all that critical here. 我原来不知 道这儿的失业问题这么严重。Note: In the that-clause of it is/was critical that . pattern, we should either use should + bare infinitive or simply use bare infinitive. Very often, fluent native speakers use only the bare infinitive.It was critical that the teacher (should) not punish the students who gave incorrect answers. 关键的是那位老师不应该惩罚回答错误的学生。It is critical that you (should) keep up with the progress of an online course. 跟上网络课程的进度十分重要。critical: 2) finding fault Dont be critical of him; he is a beginner. 不要对他挑剔, 他是初学者。She looks on everything with a critical eye. 她用批判的眼光观察每一件事。3. This means students must be absolutely explicit with their comments and requests. (Para.7) absolutely: adv. completely It is difficult to cross the desert by car, but not absolutely impossible. 开车穿越沙漠很难,但并非完全不可能。They seemed to have absolutely no sense of moral principles. 他们似乎完全没有道德原则。explicit: a. clear and fully expressed He gave an explicit description of how the accident happened. 他清楚地讲述了事故发生的经过。The agreement is explicit in saying the rent must be paid by the tenth of every month. 这份协议清楚地说明了必须在每个月十号付房租。comment: n. opinion about an event or a person She asked the Minister if he had any comment on the governments new decision. 她问部长对政府的新决定有何评论。There has been no comment so far from the police about the case. 到目前为止警方对这一案件没有任何评论。IV. Further central topic understanding (10ms) Students work in group of four and discuss the following question: What are the qualities of a successful language learner? Reference: self-control, commitment, persistence, etc.V. Question raising and answering (5ms) Students are supposed to raise questions concerning unit 1 which they still dont understand after two weeks study. Peer students and the teacher offer answers and help.教学后记AchievementsBy the end of unit, the majority of my students have achieved the goals which are set previously at the beginning of the unit: They were exposed to some new reading skills which they felt original so that they are eager to apply and master them and which are really helpful and effective in solving one of their problems in reading a passage to making out the meaning of a new word.During the teaching process of this unit, improving students reading ability has been put weight on. And formative evaluation methods, including self-assessment, peer-assessment and teachers evaluation, are applied to both in-class reading and after-class reading passages. During the whole reading teaching and learning process, both students and I are exposed to the drawbacks of improving reading. We have been striving for that goal by incessantly questioning, offering solutions, re-questioning, so on and so forth.They practiced their speaking and listening abilities by doing some pre-reading and post-reading activities.They learned a new vocabulary in this unit. An important portion of it was emphasized and is supposed to be memorized and applied. And students used as many new words as they can to write a composition.Weaknesses Students have difficulty in improving their sense of comprehension. They cant answer the questions relatively easily in the listening partReflection and Future Plan I develop a good way of increasing the students sense of accomplishment to do some exercises and they can get right answers immediately or almost immediately after this kind of training. If so, they will at once love this technique and try to use it by themselves next time. So we are going to apply such a method in the following units. Add more audio-visual material to make students more cheerful.章节Unit 2 Generation Gap课时4教学目的 At the end of the study of this unit, students are supposed to meet the following standards:Get understanding of generati


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