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1业内优讲DFT is a mathematical based flow manufacturing technique.It utilizes a demand pull technique to communicate demand-to-build and demand-to-pull material to replace that consumed by already completed products.It is a pull process,pulled from the back,or the completion,of the product.2业内优讲On Time DeliveryMultek95100%Topsearch8090%Cycle timeMultek168hrs for normal 2+4+2 HDI projectsTopsearch?3业内优讲2)PE:制定OMS,并对OMS进行全面布置3)PROD:负责执行DFT并反馈相关信息OMS:Operational Method SheetKanban size 指工序与工序之间或岗位与岗位之间半成品或物料数量的最大值.半成品或物料数量不能超过Kanban数下工序(或岗位)Kanban满时,本工序(或岗位)停做先进先出,即先做的那块(或LOT)板一定要先出4业内优讲5业内优讲6业内优讲PPC负责对生产部执行DFT的情况进行监督,并不定时检查.监督的具体内容:半成品和物料摆放位置是否整齐 数量与所规定的Kanban数量是否相符 实际操作与要求是否相符不符合处不符合处,PPC有权要求生产部必须改正有权要求生产部必须改正.如果生产工艺有改变或者设备有增减时,相关部门要积极配合PPC及时7业内优讲8业内优讲9业内优讲Arrangement of IPK on shop floor10业内优讲11业内优讲12业内优讲Kanban Card:The kanban signal can be a card with the following information13业内优讲14业内优讲15业内优讲DFT对全面质量控制非常重视.事实上实行DFT后,WIP会大量减少,生产线上任何质量问题将可能导致全线停产.为了控制质量,DFT使用了OMS.OMS原则上是员工日常工作的指引.针对工作性质,将工作分为三部分:16业内优讲17业内优讲Steps Symbol Color CodeTQCCheck the previous operation or incoming materialWork Content Content of the work you are supposed to perform on the unitVerifyAfter completing the work content,check to ensure its goodRedYellowBlueFormat:TQC Work Content Verify18业内优讲TQC Basic Concepts:Continuous improvement.TQC attempts to build quality not only into product or process,but also instill discipline upon the people.The heart of TQC is essentially“built in quality”through self inspection.In the TQC process,problems are found right at the source.Problems are detected real time,so avoiding potential rework.The area of inspection is small enough for each Operator to cover with a high level of certainty.When repeated errors are found,manufacturing is immediately stopped to find the root cause.19业内优讲DFT ManufacturingTraditional Manufacturing Implemented at the point where work contentis performed Implemented as quality inspection forfinished goods One unit at a time reduces Quality risk Batch Inspection increases Quality risk TQC information in SOE(sequence of events)TQC information hard to access Graphical work instructions directly locatedwhere work is performed Work instructions may be centralized20业内优讲21业内优讲22业内优讲ABCDEFGNameBobSharonJulieVinceJoeSusanFredLINE OPERATIONSPermanent Certified OperationCertified one up/one downUnder training one up/one downAll Operators should be trained at minimum of“1 up/1 down”from their own position.This keeps products moving down the line at all times.A training matrix can be kept for each product.It should show all operations&each Operator certified(or under training)for that operation:23业内优讲


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