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五年级上学期英语单词拼写名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图写出英文单词。_ _ _ _ _2. 尽可能多的写出含有th的单词。1th /_2th /_3. 根据首字母提示补全句子。1. Look at thec_. Its 9:00 a.m.2. My waterb_is yellow.3. The bike is inf_of the house.4. W_is the dog?Its behind the door.5. There is a photoa_the bed.32My music teacher is old, he is very_(可亲的).4. 补全句子四、根据汉语提示,完成句子。1This is a _(生日礼物)for you.2Its _(十月一日)3My birthday is _(在夏天)4Im_(十四) years old.5_(哪个月)do you like ?5. 按要求写单词。(1)come(反义词)_ (2)playing(原形)_ (3)doing(原形)_ (4)do(过去式)_ (5)near(反义词)_ (6)play(现在分词)_ (7)do(现在分词)_ (8)that is(简略形式)_ (9)they are(简略形式)_ (10)real(副词形式)_ 6. 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _7. 看图填空。1. Thisis a _. It is _(慢的).Thisis an _. It is _(快的).2. A bicycleis _(慢的).A truckis _(快的).3. Ais _ than an.4. Ais _ than a.5. Ais _ than a.6. Ais _ than a.7. Ais _ than a.8. 写出下列动词的现在分词。(1)do_ (2)drive_ (3)swim_(4)draw_ (5)ride_ (6)skip_(7)sing_ (8)skate_ (9)run_9. 按要求写单词。(1)write(现在分词)_ (2)make(现在分词)_ (3)clean(现在分词)_ (4)wash(现在分词)_ (5)listen(现在分词)_ (6)pupil(复数形式)_ 10. 看图补全单词。1.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-MissWhite.-Isshek_?-Yes,sheis.2.-Whosyourmusicteacher?-Mr.Young.-Isheo_?3.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-Mr.Li.-Ishes_?-Yes,heis.11. 按要求写单词。1.除夕_2.舞狮_3.红包_4.团圆饭_5.放鞭炮_12. 按要求写单词。(1)foot(复数形式)_ (2)play(现在分词)_ (3)they(宾格)_ (4)wrong(反义词)_ (5)watch(现在分词)_ (6)play(现在分词)_ (7)boy(复数形式)_ (8)teacher(复数形式)_ (9)girl(复数形式)_ (10)that(复数形式)_ 13. 根据中文,补全下列单词。1. 地铁 s_ 2. 居住 l_ 3. 远的 f_4. 近的 n_ 5. 主意 i_ 6. 学校 s_7. 自行车 b_ 8. 有时 s_ 9. 小汽车 c_10. 太,也 t_14. 看图,写短语。1. 2. 3. _speak_4. 5. _15. 选用括号内的单词填空。1.Sheoften_(do/does)herhomeworkontheweekend.2.Ican_(sing/sings)Englishsongs.3.Johnoften_(play/plays)ping-pongafterschool.4.Hecan_(do/does)somekungfu.16. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. My tooth hurts. What should I do?You should see the d_.2. You s_read in the sun Its bad for your eyes.3. When do you go to bed at night?My b_is before ten oclock.4. You should go to bed and have a r_.5. Whats the matter, Jim?I f_ill.6. Why are you so sad?Im ill. I dont want to eat a_.17. 根据图片提示填空。1.Thereisa_.2.Icanseea_.3.Thereisa_overtheriver.4.Thereisa_inourschool.18. 根据括号中的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。1My mother is a teacher, she_(教)English in my school.2Dont_(给)sweets to the little girl.3I can write_(信)in English to my e-friend.4Is she good at_(跳舞)? Sorry, I dont know.5He is tall, we often sit in front of_(他).19. 根据所给意思写出相应的单词。1This shirt is very pretty, but its too _ (短).2Its _ (冷) today.3There are _ (十三) cows.4I see five _ (兔子).5I want some _ (香蕉).20. 在词库里找出来写一写。注意书写格式。7 / 7


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