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五年级剑桥英语上学期单词拼写知识点专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 完成下列句子,每空一词。(1)Im_my_.(刷牙)(2)Heis_(穿衣服)now.(3)Its_(已经)eightforty.2. 读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词。1.-Howdoyougettotheclothesshop?-Turnl_atZhongshanRoad.2.Youshouldnteattoomuchmeat.Yous_drinktoomuchbeereither.3.-Whatanimalsdoyoulike?-Ilikes_inthesea.4.-DoesHarryPotterhavemagicb_?-Yes.5.Wecangetm_fromthebank.6.Donteatb_bed.Itsnotagoodhabit.3. 根据中文写出适当形式的单词。(1)-Do you like(散步,步行). -Yes I do.(2)(太阳)is a circle.(3) We have four English(课)a week.(4) Can you(放) a book on her head?(5) Come and join(我们).4. 根据图片提示填写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ 5. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Isthatbag_(your)?2.WhoseTshirt_(be)this?3.Itisnthis.Itis_(my).4._(his)areontheline.5.Thatis_(her)mother.6. 首写字母填空。1. My uncle is a teacher. He works at a s_.2. My aunt is a d_. She works at a hospital.3. They have one child-Tom. Tom is my c_.7. 单词拼写。1My mother will go to Shandong by t_.2I will get to the USA by p_.3Shanghai is far from here. Lets go by s_.4I will go to school on f_with my sister.5I will see a_at the Star Cinema on October_.8. 填上适当的单词,首字母已给,每线一词。1. There are a lot of s_in the cinema. We can sit on them.2. Here are my m_geese. She feeds them every day.3. I dont like this dress. Show me a_one.4. This nice toy bear is for h_.5. Please be quiet! The baby is a_.6. My father is a Chinese teacher. My mother is a maths teacher. Theyre b_teachers.9. 人称代词主格。1.第一人称_(单数)_(复数)2.第二人称_(单数)_(复数)3.第三人称_(单数)_(复数)10. 看图补全短语。1p_s_2c_my r_3t_a d_class4_a Chinese c_5g_s_11. 单词拼写。1We will h_a good time in the zoo.2That evening we will c_under the stars.3Whats the weather like in spring?It is w_.4I often p_flowers in spring.12. 单词拼写。1I give some gifts to Mr Wang on T_Day.2N_Day is on October 1st.3C_is coming soon.4M_Day is in May.13. 根据单词的首字母及汉语提示补全单词.1.My sister often w_TV on the weekend.2.What does Tom have on M_?3.What do you do on the w_(周末)?4.He often helps her mom w_clothes.5.Do you have English on T_(星期四)?14. 读一读,根据图片将单词补充完整。1 po_te 2 h_lpf_l3_y 4 h_d-working5 cl_v_15. 看图片根据提示填写单词。 f_ h_ r_ l_ m_16. 根据图示,将下列单词丢失的字母补充完整。17. 请根据句子的意思,写出所缺的单词。(第一个字母已给出)(1)MyEnglishteacherisverya_.Shecanplaymanygames.Itsfunny.(2)Hersisterisam_teacher,shecansingverywell.(3)Herbrotherisntshort,heist_.(4)MissZhangisana_teacher,shecanpaint.(5)TodayisS_.TomorrowisSunday.18. 根据首字母提示填空。I am a girl. I like a_very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like d_best. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly. I have a dog. H_name is Bobo. She is a female(雌性的)dog. She comes f_Beijing, China. She h_two big eyes and a small m_. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. She has nothing to do. She likes e_ice cream so much. So do I. When I eat ice cream, she will look a_the ice cream carefully(仔细地).So I will give her some to eat. I think Bobo is the cutest(最可爱的)dog i_the world.19. 根据图片及首字母提示填写单词,完成下列句子。1Miss Wang is our maths teacher. She is very y_.2Do you often r_books in the park every day?3Tom often plays f_with his friend after school.4My favorite food is s_.5What day is it today? Its F_.20. 读句子,根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子所缺的单词或词组。1. There are twelve m_in a year.2. Dont take any money or candy from s_in the street.3. Cooking can be fun, but you must be c_.4. Im going to the z_to watch an animal show(表演) this Sunday.5. The knife is sharp. You may cut y_.6. They are excited because they will_(去野营) at the weekend.7. Do cross the road at the_(安全的十字路口).8. When you are_(遇到麻烦) at school, tell your teacher.9. The floor is wet. Dont walk there. You may_(跌倒).10. I well get there_(按时).6 / 6


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