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英文小论文格式【篇一:英文 小论文 格式模板】 abc2013 paper format template last-name1 first-name, last-name2 first-name (capitalize last name or family name, followed by first name; list all authors) 1 associate professor, rocky mountain research institute, department of information systems and safety, street address, city, province, zip code; ph 21- 43691234; fax 21-77228611; email: author1 2 senior engineer, techtrans associates, street address, city, province, zip code, abstract the abstract should be about 150 words long; it must never exceed the first page and should not contain any artwork or references. the abstract should present a concise statement of the scope, principal findings, and conclusions of the paper. format length. paper length is limited to 6 pages, including all text, graphics, and appendices. point size and font. only and one font including italics, bold, and bold italics) can be used in the paper. layout. all text must be single-spaced between lines. page design should be consistent throughout the paper. margin settings (see below) must contain all elements of the paper that will be reproduced (text, figures, tables, captions). a simple way is to input the margins figures and tables. all graphics (photos, line art, and tables) must fit within the above margin settings, and should be understandable when printed in black and white. do not use single color as a distinguishing feature. use symbols or patterns toillustrations should be numbered consecutively as they are presented. each figure should be mentioned or called out in the text before it appears. more than one figure may appear on a page. captions and legends. a descriptive caption, including figure number, should be placed directly a descriptive legend, including table number, should be placed immediately style. the paper must be written in the best possible technical and grammatical english. titles should be concise and should describe the content of the paper. mathematics. all mathematics must be embedded in the text. equations need to be numbered. system of units. please refer to the internationally used units. references. all references should appear together at the end of the paper (see references). references are listed alphabetically by last name of the first author. when two or more references by the same author are listed, year of publication is taken into account, and the earliest work is listed first. wherever reference is made in the text to an authors work, the authors last name and year of publication should appear in parentheses. superscripts should not be used to denote references, as these numbers often appear too small to be read easily. conclusion with thanks for your efforts, we look forward to providing a record of this conference that will be useful to you and your colleagues for many years to come. references burka, l. p. (1993). “a hypertext history of multi-user dimensions.” mud history, (dec. 5, 1994). fisher, j. w., and struik, j. h. a. (1974), guide to design criteria for bolted and riveted joints,pennoni, c.r. (1992). “visioning: the future of civil engineering.” transportation engineering,【篇二:英语论文格式范本】 安 徽 农 业 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 论文题目 姓 名 _学 号 _专 业 指导教师 职 称 oo 年六月 安徽农业大学学士学位论文(设计)开题报告 image of new woman in sister carrie thesis submitted to the faculty of school of foreign languages anhui agricultural university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of arts by:xxx supervisor:xxx school of foreign languages, ahau may 2011 acknowledgements for this thesis, grateful acknowledgement goes first to my supervisor xxx, who took time from her busy schedule and gave me valuable advice on how to choose an appropriate topic, what and how to study. without her patient reading, careful thinking and expert instructions, the completion of this thesis would be impossible, at least, not so successful. besides, i would like to avail myself with this opportunity to thank all teachers and professors in school of foreign language, anhui agriculture university, whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures have benefited me a lot. moreover, i grateful acknowledge all my classmates and friends who have been supporting me throughout the four years, making my college life colorful and meaningful. last but not least, my sincere gratitude also extends to my family, especially my dear parents, who have been working hard all day, supporting, encouraging and caring for me all of my life. abstract theodore dreiser is an outstanding realistic novelist in the american literary history. his famous novel, sister carrie, has vividly recurred the american life and their attitude toward women during the period from later 19th century to the early of 20th century. in this novel, the author portrayed a successful image of new women, sister carrie, who transferred from an innocent country girl to a woman full of desire for material things and emotions. she was brave and smart in pursuit of love and ambitious to be successful in career. meanwhile, different from the traditional women, she dared to search for independence and freedom in her spirit and life. besides, sister carrie was fashionable enough to challenge traditional ideas, and accept new things and ideas which seemed to be weird and unacceptable in that society. though she knew that what she had done run counter to the social norms at that time, and would be mocked by people, she did whatever she could to realize her desire and got what she wanted. key words: new women;sister carrie;desire;independence【篇三:英语论文格式范文】 idiom translation under the chinese and english cultures class xxx students number xxx name xxx (说明:关键词key words为加粗。冒号后加空格再接关键词,相邻词间用逗号分隔。每个关键词的首字母大写。 从“摘要”开始到“参考文献”结束,所有正文的字体均为times new roman,12磅;两端对齐。均采用1.5倍行距) key words: idioms; culture; translation 1. introductionidioms universally exist in every language. an idiom is a word or an expression that cannot be literally translated from the source language into the target language because its idiomatic meaning cannot be understood by literally defining its component parts.(background) in a broad sense, idioms contain set phrases, proverbs, colloquialisms, slangs, maxims, allusions, etc. (yinli, 2007:9) in chinese, they also include enigmatic folk similes. newmark, a british translation theorist, in his work a textbook of translation, said, i define as culture the way of life and his manifestation that are peculiar to a community that uses a peculiar language as its means of expression. (previous research) english idioms derives from english cultures and daily life. in real context, idioms explain themselves: nine times out of ten they carry their own explanations. if we are unaware of these, we will find ourselves in a state of confusion since we will assign literal meaning to them. the chinese idioms, especially the four-character idioms, have their own unique origins which are closely correlative to the chinese history and cultures. in view of the difficulties in understanding idioms, we should pay due attention and efforts to understand their cultures and customs. this thesis is designed to dig into the cultural differences between chinese and english and then elaborates on the translation theories applied to idioms. (subject + method) 2. a comparison between english and chinese idioms 2.1 the cultural differences between english and chinese idioms 2.1.1 geographical conditions the formation of culture is closely related with natural geographical conditions. a specific geographical environment produces a specific culture, which also leads to a particular expression. great britain covers islands including the northern one-sixth of the island of ireland between the north atlantic ocean and the north sea, northwest of france. it has a moist climate with much rainfall. rivers and lakes are numerous. no wonder that fishery is thriving and most important in britain. accordingly, idioms concerning fish and navigation constitute a great part in english idioms. (liyuping,2008:20)(theory/results of previous research) for example, like a fish out of water. if you feel like fish out of water, you feel awkward and uncomfortable because you are in an unusual and unfamiliar situation. fish in the air 缘木求鱼 an odd fish怪人 miss the boat错过机会 trim the sails to the wind 顺势前进 a small leak will sink a great ship 小洞不补要沉大船 (examples) on the other hand, china is located in the asian continent and reputed as an agricultural country with a large population of peasants. it is not surprising to find many idioms relevant to farming, such as 骨瘦如柴,对牛弹琴, 众人拾柴火焰高,竹篮打水一场空. chinese people also have a mysterious and awe feeling for sea, so they have idioms like 海角天涯,海枯石烂,海阔天空,海底捞针,海市蜃楼. (analysis) 2.1.2 history . . . 2.2 the similarities between english and chinese idioms . . . 2.2.1 colours . . . . 2.2.2 numbers. . 3. methods of idiom translation translation is far more than a science. it is also a skill, and at the ultimate analysis, fully satisfactory translation is always an art. (nida, 1982:49) translation is considered as the cultural bridge and media between two languages. as there are wide differences in vocabulary and syntax between english and chinese, translation is no easy job. therefore, in order to keep the flavor of the original as well as cater for both the chinese and english languages, translation skills should be reasonably employed in the process of translating, such as the following translating methods: 3.1 literal translation . . . 3.2 free translation . . . 3.3 translation with notes . . . 3.4 replacement with similar idioms . . . 3.5 the translation of corresponding idioms with the same meaning . .3.6 a combination of literal and free translation . . . 4. some warnings concerning idiom translation . . . 5. conclusion one of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language. language plays a very important role in peoples daily life; it enables people communicate with each other and understand others feelings. language has close relations with culture. it is impossible to separate language from culture. as the essence of language, idioms also have close relations with culture. the contents of them range from society, history, psychology to customs and other various social phenomena. so, in the process of translation, translators should pay more attention to the cultural factors, in doing this, he can dig up the implicit meanings. (conclusion of research) only the cultural factors are concerned, translators can have a satisfactory translation. besides, people should get acquaintances with the cultural background when using idioms to avoid embarrassment in communication. (suggestions) references * 作者. 书名(英语的斜体). (出版地:)出版社,年份:参考内容页码 * 作者. 文章名(英语的斜体). 刊物名称. (出版地:)出版社,年份 1 li mei. mother tongue and translation. shanhai: shanhai foreign language education press, 2008 2 li qingming. a comparison of the cultures between the chinese and english language. xian: northwest university of technology press, 2007 3 nida eugene. the theory and practice of translation. leiden: e. j. brill, 1982


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