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语法理论目录:1 .定语从句2 .名词性从句3 .状语从句4 .特殊句式5 .非谓语6 .谓语时态7 .介词8 .名词数词+独立主格+虚拟语气9 .情态动词10 .形容词副词11 .主谓一致12 .基本句型及句子种类1.定语从句第一部分知识透析第一节定语从句的分类定语从句按照其与先行词(即定语从句的修饰对象)的关系可以分为“限制性定语从句”和“非限制性 定语从句”。1 .限制性定语从句对先行词起限制确定作用,是先行词不可缺少的定语,如果去掉句子的意思就不完 整,不明确或失去意义。这种从句与主句的关系十分密切,写时不用逗号隔开。如:Ive found the key that I lost yesterday.Here is the boy who damaged the vase.It happened at the time when I left.The person whom you talked to just now has come again.2 .非限制性定语从句和先行词的关系比较松散,只是对先行词作附加的说明,如去掉,从句的意思仍 然清楚,这种从句与主句之间常用逗号隔开。如:He lives in Beijing, which is about five hours ride from here.I am seeing the manager tomorrow, when he will be back from New York.My cousin, who is an engineer, when to Europe last week.His speech, which bored everyone, went on and on.第二节定语从句的连词1.关系代词与关系副词的用法关系词先行词在从句中充 当的成分例句准刑大国Who人主语 宾语Do you know the cook who is working?Do you know the speaker who he has invited?whom人宾语The girl whom I met is so beautiful.that人/物主语 宾语 表语A rocket is a machine that can fly into the space.This is the place that I visited last year.This place is not the one that it used to be.He has changed and he is not the man that he was.which物主语 宾语This is a book which tells about China.The book which you lent me last week is interesting.whose人/物定语The room whose door is red is mine.The young man whose design has won the first prize is my brother.when时间状语Dont forget the day when we met here.where地点/抽状语This is the place where we lived last year.象名词It got to the point where he had to leave.why Reason状语I dont know the reason why he didnt go.注意:1) Which, who, whom在从句中作宾语,that在从句中作宾语表语时常可省略,但介词提前时,不用 that/who,且 which, whom 不可省。如:Prof. White is the man for whom I have the greatest respect.The case to which you are referring is now closed.2) when where = 介词+wnich; why 二 for+which 如:I shall never forget the day when we first met.I shall never forget the day on which we first met.The room where he worked is now kept in good repair.The room in which he worked is now kept in good repair.The reason why he came so early is his own affair.The reason for which he came so early is his own affair.3)在从句结构完整的前提下,抽象名词(如situation, condition, point, case, environment, atmosphere, circumstance, system, job, activity, competition, contest, match, game, nice 等)后面可以用 where 引导定语从句。 如:His technique developed to the point where he can repair many electrically-powered machines.We should create an environment where human beings and animals live in harmony2.关系代词与关系副词的确定在定语从句中,是选择关系代词还是关系副词主要是看定语从句部分是否缺少基本成分,缺少基本成分(主语、 宾语、表语)选关系代词,不缺成分选关系副词(或者whose)。如:This is the room where he lived.This is the room that/which he visited.I will always remember the time when we stayed together.I will always remember the time that/which we spent together.We dont know the reason why he didn/t come to the party.We are surprised at the reason that/which he has given for his absence from the party.Dont stay in the room whose roof is damaged.I will have an interview with the guy whose ambition is to be a pilot.3. that 与 which/who/whom 的用法区别which 与that、who(m)1)限制性定语从句的先行词是物时,which, that可互换。如: Where is the book which/that I bought this morning?可互换的情况I like the sports shoes which/that he has just bought.2)限制性定语从句的先行词是人时,who(m), thal可互换。如: Where is the man who/whom/that I saw this morning?Is that the man who/whom/that you gave your tickets to?They are the boys who/that always go to school with me.不能用that 的情况1)在非限制性定语从句中,只能用which指物(或整个句子),用who/whom指人。如: This book, which only appeared a year ago, has already gone through several editions.He tried to stand on his hands for five minutes, which is rather a difficult thing to do.The driver, who was very young, had only just got his license.The young man had a new boss, who/whom he wanted to impress.2)在由“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,只能用which指物,用whom指人。如: Miss Green is the person to_whom you should write.He works in a factory, in front of which there is a river.They tried to think of a plan by which they could fulfill their task on time.3)先行词为those, one, ones, anyone且指代人时,用who。如:Those who are in favor of the plan please raise your hands.Anyone who breaks the rules will be fined.只用that 的情况1) something, everything, anything, nothing, all, little, much 等不定代词作先行词时 He told me all that happened.There is nothing that I can do.2)序数词或形容髙级修饰先行词时Computer is the most useful machine that I have ever known.Madame Curie is the first woman that won the Nobel Prize twice.3)当先行词既指人又指物时We talked about the things and persons that we remembered in the school.He talked brilliantly of the man and the books that interested him.4)当先行词被the only, the very, the last所修饰时He is the only person that I want to see.This is the very book that I am looking for.Investing in the stock market is the last thing that we will do.5)先行词被 all, any, every, each, few, little, no. some 等修饰时Ive read all the books that you gave me.Any boy that wants to succeed must work hard.6)当句中已有which或who时,为避免重复,多用thatWho is the man that is talking to Jim?4. the way后面接定语从句的情况当way表示“方式、方法”在句中作先行词,在定语从句中作状语时,引导定语从句的连词可用that, in which,或省略。I dont like the way that he laughed at me.I dont like the way in which he laughed at me.I dont like the way he laughed at me.The way that you answered the questions was admirable.The way in which you answered the questions was admirable.The way you answered the questions was admirable.5. as引导定语从句的情况as可以引导非限制性定语从句,与which 样指代这个主句。但当从句位于句首时,只能用as,不能用which。As we all know, the Olympic Games is held every four years.The Olympic Games is held every four years, which/as we all know.2.名词性从句第一部分知识透析第一节名词性从句的分类名词性从句包括:主语从句What we need is more time.It remains to be seen whether he can recover from the illness.Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.How the book will sell depends on its author.宾语从句We must never think that we are good in everything while others are good in nothing.I will not trust whomever they will elect.I cant imagine what made him act like that.Do you know whether any decision has been arrived at?表语从句The question is whether the task can be finished on time.My suggestion is that you should spend more time doing physical exercise.The mystery is how he has managed to arrive there.The fact is that he didnt notice the car until too late.同位语从句I have no idea when he will come back home.It is a fact that he cant afford his tuition.I firmly hold the opinion that effective measures should be taken to solve these problems.Word comes that our school will hold a speech contest later this month,第二节名词性从句的连词1)概述是否作成分是否有意义that不作成分无意义whether/if不作成分有意义what/whatever作成分有意义which/whichever作成分有意义who/whoever作成分有意义whom/whomever作成分有意义when, where作成分有意义why, how, whose作成分有意义2) 比较 that & whatthat无意义,不作成分;what有意义,作成分I dont know that he will give us a gift.I dont know what he will give us.3) 比较 which & whatwhich有范围;what无范围All these pencil boxes are beautiful. I dont know which I should buy.I dont know which lane the driver will turn into.I dont know what I should buy.What he will give you as your birthday gift is still a secret.4)比较有无ever有ever泛指所有;无ever有明确的指代对象Whoever breaks the law must be punished.I dont know who will be our new manager.第三节名词性从句的其他要点1)主语从句屮it作形式主语主语从句中为了避免句子头重脚轻”,常用it作形式主语。如:It is still a question whether she will come or not.It is strange that you should like him.It is still unknown which team will win the match.4) 表语从句中 The reason why. is thatThe reason why.is that + 表语从句The reason why lie was late was that he missed the train this morning.3)宾语从句中的否定迁移当宾语从句的主句主语为第一人称,谓语动词为think, believe, imagine, suppose等(且时态为一般现在时),则 若宾语从句为否定句,要将否定迁移至主句We dont think you are here.I dont believe he will do so.4)同位语从句与定语从句的区别从意义看,同位语从句是对名词的补充说明;而定语从句是对名词加以修饰和限定It is a fact that she has done her best.同位语从句It is a fact that you cant deny,定语从句从语法看,同位语从句的连词that在从句中不充当成分,不能省略;定语从句的连词that在从句中充当成分, 且作宾语/表语时可以省略The news that our team has won the game is really encouraging, 同位语从句The news (that) he told me is really encouraging. 定i甘从句5)名词性从句的虚拟当名词性从句的主句部分出现表示建议、命令、要求的词(advise, suggest, insist, propose, request, require, demand, command, order)时,从句部分的谓语动词要用should do, should可以省略It is advised that young people (should) practice their handwriting.The proposal is that students (should) spend at least three hours on after-class activities every week.I insist that she (should) do her work alone.The suggestion came from the chairperson that the rule (should) be adopted.3.状语从句第一部分知识透析第一节时间状语从句1吊见连叫: when, while, as, once, since, until, before, after, as soon as, the moment, every/each time, by the time, hardly.when., no soonen.thanWhen the teacher came in, he was reading a novel.My mother likes listening to music while she is cooking.As spring warms the earth, all flowers begin to bloom.Once you began, you cant give it up half way.I haven*t heard from him since he went abroad.The boy didnt go to bed until his father came back.The roof fell before he had time to rush out of the room.He started the job soon after he left the university.It began to rain as soon as/the moment I arrived there.Every/Each time I call on him, he is out.By the time I come back next year, the construction of our new office building will have been completed.I had hardly arrived there when it began to rain.I had no sooner arrived there than it began to rain.2 .when/while/as的用法说明I)when可以表示两个重复性的,同时发生的事件,即过去或现在的习惯动作,此时when可以与whenever及 every/each time互换,意为“每当时.如:When(ever) he goes to town, he always visits his aunt.Every/Each time he goes to town, he always visits his aunt.She felt ill when (ever) she ate cheese.She felt ill every/each time she ate cheese.2)while后面只能跟延续性动词或be动词,而when则无此限制。如:I was cooking the dinner while/when she was playing the piano.She sang while/when I was reading.Strike the iron while/when it is hot.The dog barked when it heard a noise.She informed her husband of the news when she arrived home.I broke a glass while I was cooking the dinner.I was cooking the dinner when I broke a glass.3)as表示两个动作进行,意为“随着,边边一般不与表示状态的动词连用。如:As my mother sang those old songs, tears ran down her cheeks.The students took notes as they listened.As we talked on, he got more and more excited.As time went on, the weather got worse.As years go by, Chinese is getting stronger and richer.3 .before的相关句型It will be+时间段+before.要过多久才.It wont be+时间段+before.要不了多久就It was +时间段+before过了多久才.It wasnt+时间段+before.过了没多久就It will be two years before we meet again.It wasnt long before we met again.4 .since的相关句型it is/has been时间段+since自从以来已经It has been more than one year since the financial crisis broke out.5 .not. untiL.的倒装句与强调句The boy didnt go to bed until his father came back.倒装句:Not until his father came back did the boy go to bed.强调句:Il was not until his father came back that the boy went to bed.6 .hardly. when./no sooner. than.的倒装句I had hardly arrived there when it began to rain.-Hardly had I arrived there when it began to rain.I had no sooner arrived there than it began to rain.一一No sooner had I arrived there than it began to rain.第二节让步状语从句1 .常见连词:although, though, while, as, even if/though, whatever/no matter what, whoever/no matter who, whichever/no matter which, however/no matter how, wherever/no matter where, whenever/no matter when, whether.onAlthough/Though/While you are smart, you sometimes make small mistakes.Smart as/though you are, you sometimes make small mistakes.Even if/though you work day and night, you will not be able to finish this project in a week.Whatever/No matter what you say, we will not believe.WhicheverJo matter which route you take, it takes three hours.However/No matter how busy he is, he is ready to help others.Wherever/No matter where we are, we should serve our country.Whenever/No matter when I have a cold, I get a nosebleed.Whether you like it or not, you have to accept this arrangement.2 .as/though表示“虽然”的特殊句型adj./adv./n./v. +though/as+主语+谓语(在此结构中,名词前不要冠词)Young as/though he is, he knows a lot.Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.Much as/though I respect him, I cant agree to his plan.Try as/though he might, he failed again.3 .however/no matter how 的语序however./no matter ho w+adj ./adv. + 主语+谓语However/No matter how expensive this book is, I will buy it.However/No matter how late it is, I will wait until he comes.第三节原因状语从句常见连词:because, since, as, now thatHe won*t come tonight because/since/as he is busy.Now that everyone is here, lets begin our meeting.第四节目的状语从句常见连词:so that, in order that, in caseI got up early so that/in order that I could catch the first bus.Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.第五节结果状语从句1 常见连词:so that, so/such. that.He got up early so that he caught the first bus.He ran so fast that I could hardly follow him.She spoke in such a low voice that I couldnt hear her.She spoke in so low a voice that I couldnt hear her.注意:so that结构中,若有情态动词,则多半表示“目的,没有情态动作,则多半表示“结 果”。如: Im going to the lecture early so that I can get a good seat.目 的状谙从可I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.结果状语从句2.so/uch. that.的倒装句He ran so fast that I could hardly follow him.一So fast did he run that I could hardly follow him.He is so naughty a boy that he always upsets his parents.So naughty a boy is he that he always upsets his parents.He is such a naughty boy that he always upsets his parents.一Such a naughty boy is he that he always upsets his parents.第六节条件状语从句常见连词:if, unless, in case, as long asPH go with you if_I have free time.Youll fail in the exam unless you work harder.Call me in case you need some helpYou will certainly succeed as long as you keep on trying.第七节比软状语从句 常见连词:than, as. as, not as/so. as., the+比较级.the+比较级 It is warmer in spring than it is in winter.I get up as early as my parents do every morning.I dont like playing chess so much as my brothers do.The more books you read, the more knowledge youll gain.第节方式状语从句常见连词:as if/though, as She walks as her mother does.We heard a noise as ifVthough someone was breathing.第九节地点状语从句 常见连词:wherePlease stay where you are.4.特殊句式按考点分类1 .表存在意义的全倒装句1,表示存在意义的句型用倒装句,强调存在的方位,有如下几种:1) There(appear, seem, happen, used to)+be+主语+其他2) There stand(lie, live, happen)+主语+其他3) 地点状语+谓语+主语+其他2 .不指具体地点和时间的副词在句首时引起倒装:There(Here, Now, Then)十 come/g。/be+主语注意:1)这里there, now等不指具体地点和时间。2)谓语动词常是be, go, come, run等不及物动词。3)主语的数决定谓语动词的数:在两个或两个以上的主语并列存在时,谓语动词的数应与其最近的主语 保持一致,就近原则4)主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。ii .方向副词前置的全倒装句表方向的副词In(ut, Away, Down, Up, Back, Off, Over等)+不及物动词+主语+其他”,这种句型多用于生动的 描写。注意:1)动词多是表示位置移动的动词,如come, go, fly, run, rush, move等。2)主语是人称代词时,用主谓不倒装结构,即状语+代词+谓语”。iii .用直接引语中及分词前置的全倒装句1 .用于直接引语中的倒装句形式如:直接引语+谓语+主语(+直接引语)”注意:1)主语是人称代词时,主谓一般不倒装。2)谓语较长或带有间接宾语时,不倒装。2 .为了表达生动把分词置于句首时引起主谓倒装,形式为:分词+ be+主语+其他iv. so/ neither / nor/表语前置的全倒装句1 .(肯定句)+ so +助动词或情态动词+主语”,这种句型表示前文所谈情况也适用于下文的另一人或物。 注意:如果主语指的是同一人或物,so只是起强调作用,放在前面,主谓语用正常语序。2 .(否定句)+ neither/nor+助动词或情态动词+主语”,表示前文所谈的否定情况,也适合于后文的他人或他物。3 .表语放句首时引起句子倒装,其形式为:表语+联系动词+主语(名词)+其他。n.部分倒装i .否定词前置的部分倒装旬否定词语+助动词或情态动词+主语+谓语”,这种句型用于强调否定的意义。常见的否定词语有:never, little, seldom, hardly, rarely, not until, in no time, in no way, by no means, nowhere, not a bit, at no time, scarcely, not, under no circumstances, at no point, on no condition/ account, few, neither 等。ii . only前置的部分倒装句Only+状语+助动词+主语+谓语+其他”,这种句型用于强调和限定状语的意义,常表示”只有.才.。注意:当only强调和限定的是主语,即。nly+主语放句首时,语序不倒装。iii .几个固定的部分倒装句表示一, 就 ”时,用以卜句型:1) No sooner+had+主语+过去分词+than十从句2) Hardly+had+主语+过去分词+when+从句3) Scarcely+had+主语+过去分词+when+从句Notonly,+助动词+主语+谓语十其他+butalso+ (省略的)并列句表示不但.而且.”,用于说明前后并列句的 情况一致,在语气上更强调后者。注意:1) not only.but also连接两个并列主语时,主语后的语序不倒装。2)连接两个并列分句时,not only引导的前个分句倒装,后个则用正常语序。iii.虚拟语气中的部分倒装句虚拟语气条件句中省去连词if时,从句主谓部分倒装:Were(had, should)+主语+谓语动词+虚拟主句”。V,让步状语从句中的部分倒装形式as/ though引导的让步状语从句,其倒装形式为:副词/形容词/名词/动词十as(though, that)+主语十谓 语,相当于although引导的让步状语从句。注意:1)这种句型中提前的常是限制主语的形容词、副词、过去分词或名词。2)提前的表语是单数可数名词时,名词前不加a/an;但是有形容词修饰的名词前置时,不定冠词不能省略。3)动词提前后,主语后还应有一个情态动词may, might等或助动词do等。vi频率副词so, such, neither.nor前置的部分倒装句1. *Often (Always, Once, Once a week, Frequently, Many a time, Now and again, Thus, Hence)+助动词+主语+谓语十 其他,用于强调前置的状语所表示的意义。2. So+形容词/副词十助动词十主语十that-结果状语从句,用于强调形容词/副词所表示的意义。3. Such+ (a/an十)形容词+名词+助动词+主语+that结果状语从句,用于强调名词所表示的意义。4. “neithe助动词+主语+谓语十其他.nor+主语+ (并列省略句)表示既不.也不.”。5. 非谓语动名词第一部分知识透析第一节动名词的基本形式主动被动1 . 一般式(not) doing(not) being done(常用来泛指个动作,没有特别的时间意义,有时也可以表示在谓语动词之前或之后发生的动作) Swimming is her favorite sport.Learning to use electronic products is necessary in modem society.I remembered sending him an e-mail last week.He suggested taking my daughter to the zoo the next Sunday.I cant stand being kept waiting.His not coming made everyone very disappointed.2 .完成式(not) having done(not) having been done(动名词的动作在谓语动词的动作之前发生)1 really regretted having missed such a wonderful musical.He denied having cheated in the exam.I heard of his having been chosen to be the coach of the team.I remember not having returned the book to the library.第二节动名词的用法1 .动名词作主语/表语动名词作主语/表语表示泛指的经常性的事情Collecting information is very important to businessmen.My hobby is collecting stamps.One of my bad habits is biting nails.2 .动名词作宾语1)一些动词后面只能跟动名词作宾语,如:banconsiderdelaydenyescapefeel likefinishforbidinvolveappreciatekeeppractiserecommendquitsuggestadmitpermitavoidenjoymentionimagineincludemindmissresistRiskprohibitallowadviseencouragedislikeforgiveadvocatepostponefancyHe denied having been there.We enjoy walking along the Bund.Dont risk going to the forest alone.The old should avoid eating oily food.注意:allow, advise, encourage, forbid, permit, recommend后接动名词作宾语,接不定式作补语。如: We dont allow smoking here.We dont allow customers to smoke here.I recommend taking a holiday.I recommend you to take a holiday.They encouraged learning English by radio.They encouraged me to learn English by radio.2)以下动词后面既能跟动名词,也能跟不定式,但意思不同 remember to do记得去做某事(动作发生在remember之后)remember doing记得做过某事(动作发生在remember之前)Please remember to tell me your decision.Cant you remember telling me the story last week?forget to do忘记去做某事(动作发生在forget之后)forget doing忘记做过某事(动作发生在forget之前)I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to call you.I will never forget seeing the Great Wall.regret to do遗憾要做某事regret doing后悔做过某事I regret to tell you that you havent passed the driving test.I regret wasting so much money.stop to do 停止做A,开始做Bstop doing停止正在做的事情The teacher asked the students to stop talking.The driver stopped to have a rest when he arrived at the top of the mountain.continue to do继续做某事(中间有去做其它事)continue doing继续做某事(中间没有去做其它事)After a rest, he continues doing the experiment.After he finished reading a novel, he continued to play with the children.try to do尽力做某事try doing试着做某事Frank tried to solve the problem by himself.If you want to improve the taste, try adding some sugar, mean to do计划做某事mean doing息 味有某事1 didnt mean to make you angry.Your plan would mean losing money.3)介词to后面跟动名词作宾语习惯于把奉献给/投身于与有关能胜任,等于除之外期盼反对坚持导致注意使暴露于/接触的关键由于谈及的路上对()有贡献/促成归功于将应用于(使)适应勇敢面对对()敏感的障碍为了提及与()相似be accustomed/used todedicate/de vote/commit. tobe devoted to/dev


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