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2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun1lSonnet:a definitionlTypes of sonnetlTextual study:Sonnet 18Sonnet 292022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun2lA sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun3lThere are mainly three types of sonnet:The Italian(Petrarchan)sonnetThe English(Shakespearean,Elizabethan)sonnetThe Spenserian sonnet2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun4lStructure:an octave(an eight-line stanza)followed by an sestet(a six-line stanza)lRhyme scheme:abbaabba cdecde or:abbaabba cdcdcdlNote:This type of sonnet is constructed with a change of thought or turn between the octave and the sestet,so that the content and the form are allied.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun5lStructurethree quatrains(a four-line stanza)followed by a couplet(a pair of rhymed lines)lRhyme schemeabab cdcd efef ggNote Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.The first 126 sonnets are dedicated to a young man;sonnets 127152 are dedicated to a“dark lady”,and the final two are allegorical.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun6lStructurethree quatrains and a couplet,and the couplet introduces new rhyme sounds to the poemlRhyme schemethe rhyme scheme interconnects the sound of the three quatrains:abab bcbc cdcd ee2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun7lWhat is the structure?lWhat is the meter like?lWhat is its rhyme scheme?lWhat is the theme of this sonnet?2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun8l“Thee”in this line means“you”.The sonnet begins with a question:how can I compare you to a summers day?And the answer to the question follows up in the next line.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun9lYou are more lovely,you are more gentle.The youths beauty is more perfect than the beauty of a summer day.lHere in this line,“more temperate”means more gentle,more restrained.Why did the poet say you are more lovely and more gentle than the summers day?The following lines give the answer:2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun10lToday,the month of“May”may be considered as a month in late spring,but in Shakespeares time,May was a summer month,because the calendar in use lagged behind the true sidereal calendar by at least a fortnight.ldarling buds of May-the beautiful,much loved buds of the early summer;favorite flowers.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun11lHere the word“lease”is a legal term.It means the duration of a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent.We two have a contract.You can use my pen for 10 days,and you will have to give me 2 yuan for the use of it.And the duration of this one week is called a lease.The overall meaning of this line is“summers time is too short.”2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun12lSometime=on occasion,sometimes;lThe eye of heaven=the sunlSometimes the sun of heaven is so hot that it will scorch.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun13lhis gold complexion=his(the suns)golden face,the golden sunshine.Quite often,the sunshine will be dimmed.When?-when it is cloudy or overcast.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun14l“Every fair”in this line means“all the beautiful things”and the second“fair”in the phrase“from fair”means“the previous state of beauty”.This line tells us that“all of the beautiful things occasionally become inferior in comparison with their essential previous state of beauty.They all decline from perfection.”2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun15l“By chance”means“by chance accidents”l“By natures changing course”means“by the fluctuating tides of nature”.The fluctuating times of nature are not subject to control,so the poet says“natures changing course untrimmed”.lThe word“untrimmed”in this line is ambiguous this can refer to the ballast(trimming)on a ship which keeps it stable;or to a lack of ornament and decoration.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun16l“Thy eternal summer”refers forwards to the eternity promised by the ever living poet in the next few lines,through his verse.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun17lowst=ownest,possess.lYour eternal summer will not lose its hold on that beauty which you so richly possess.Nor shall you lose any of your beauty.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun18l“brag”means“boast”,and“his shade”means“the shade of death.”lIn classical literature the shade of death flitted helplessly in the underworld like gibbering ghosts.Here,Shakespeare says:death will not boasts of his conquests over your life.Death can not make you die.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun19lin eternal lines=in the undying lines of my verse.lto time thou growst you keep pace with time,you grow as time grows.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun20lFor as long as humans live and breathe upon the earth,for as long as there are seeing eyes on the earth.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun21l“This”in this line refers to the poem by the poet.lAs long as this poem of mine will be there,it will give you life;it will make your beauty ever lasting.Summer is short,but my poem is immortal,my immortal poem will make you immortal.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun22lHow can I compare you to a summers day?You are more lovely and more gentle:Wild wind take off the tender budding in the month of May,and summers time is too short:sometimes the sun is too hot in summer,and sometimes its cloudy.Every beautiful thing will decline from time to time,every beauty is accidentally or naturally stripped off gay apparel.But your eternal beauty will not fade away,or you still possess the beauty you own.Even Death cannot make you die,since you are living in my eternal poem.So long as there are people who can read of my poem about you,and so long as this poem of mine will be there,it will make your beauty ever lasting.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun23lIn this sonnet,the poet is looking for a way of describing his loves beauty.The theme of the poem is to praise the power of poem,i.e.,literature that will keep transient beauty ever lasting.Here Shakespeare is immortalizing the young man in this poem.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun24lWhat is the structure?lWhat is the meter like?lWhat is its rhyme scheme?lWhat is the theme of this sonnet?2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun25lTo be in disgrace with fortune is presumably to be not favoured by her(taking fortune to be the goddess)lTo be in disgrace(in)mens eyes-this possibly refers to some form of public disapprobation,either real or imaginary.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun26lbeweep=weep for,bewail;Like bewail and beseem,the word has an archaic and biblical flavour.lmy outcast state=my condition of being a social outcast.The condition is probably exaggerated for the sake of effect,and to emphasize that the speaker sees everything in a gloomy light.Fortune has turned against him and he feels that he does not belong any more to society.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun27ldeaf heaven-Heaven(God)turns a deaf ear to his complaints and laments.The parallel is drawn with Job in the Old Testament,who was cast out on a dung heap and bewept his mournful state.lbootless=to no avail,achieving nothing.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun28lAnd look upon myself-as the outcast contemplates his own fallen state.lcurse my fate-another echo from the Book of Job in the Bible:(Job.III.1-4.)After this Job opened his mouth and cursed his day.And Job spake and said:Let the day perish wherein I was born,and the night in which it was said,There is a man child conceived.Let that day be darkness,let not God regard it from above,neither let the light shine upon it.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun29lWishing myself to be like one who is more richly endowed with all manner of blessings,including wealth.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun30lFeatured like him,like him=with features like this person,like this second person having friends,like this third,desiring his skills(line 7)etc.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun31lthis mans art=the skill that one particular person has;lthat mans scope=the capability,range,mental ability that another particular person has.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun32lIt is unspecified what he most enjoys,but evidently,in his despondency,things which ought to give him enjoyment do not do so.The implication is that he no longer enjoys the love of his beloved,although that idea is countermanded by the final couplet.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun33lin these thoughts=while I am engaged in these thoughtslmyself almost despising-and almost considering myself to be despicable for being so cast down.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun34lHaply=by chance,by a happy stroke of luck;lmy state=my mental state,with a suggestion also that his fortune,or the state of affairs in which he finds himself,improves.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun35lThere is an echo of this in Cym.II.iii.20-1Hark!hark the lark at heavens gate sings,And Phoebus gins arise.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun36lsullen=gloomy,dark,miserable;lFrom sullen earth-the phrase may be taken both with this and with the preceding line.The lark rises from sullen earth,and it also sings hymns which rise up from the earth to the gate of heaven,or,as it sings,it rises from earth towards heaven.lsings-the subject is the lark,but also the poets soul,which has been liberated by his thinking of his beloved.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun37lthy sweet love remembered=when I have called to mind your love,when your sweet love springs up again in my memory.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun38lAlthough the primary meaning is that I am happier than a king could be,and therefore have no wish to swap places with him there is a hint of the political meaning of state,i.e.nation state,as in 64:When I have seen such interchange of state,Or state itself confounded to decay;Hence,even though I were to be offered the possession of a kingdom,I would not exchange the happiness of knowing you for that supposedly superior state.2022-11-7Prepared by Tony Sun391.What are Shakespeares achievements3.Explain the terms:Humanism,Renaissance,blank verse,sonnets,Shakespeare Sonnet,The University Wits
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