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Xiemengyuan.cn文法讲义be动词、一般动词和助动词be动词、一般动词和助动词一、be动词、一般动词的现在式(1)be动词的现在式am/are/isbe动词的含义a.是(表状态)We are happy.我们很高兴b.在(表存在)She is in America.她在美国主语+be动词主语be动词例句第一人称amI am a boy.第二人称areYou are my sons.第三人称的单数名词isHe is my student.be动词的否定句含be动词(am/are/is)的肯定句变成否定句时,在be动词后加not即可。肯定句:主语+am/are/is否定句:主语+am/are/is+notHe is a good baseball player.他是一个好棒球员(否定句)He is not a good baseball player.= Hes not a good baseball player.= He isnt a good baseball player.be动词的疑问句含be动词(am/are/is)的肯定句变成疑问句时,将be动词拿到主语前,句尾加?即可。肯定句:主语+am/are/is疑问句:Am/Are/Is+主语?1.That is his camera.那是他的相机(疑问句)Is that his camera?2.The girl is a junior high school student.那女孩是初中生(疑问句)Is the girl a junior high school student?O Be动词开头的疑问句为一般疑问句,可用yes或no回答,而答句中的主语用代名词(问句)Am/Are/Is+主语?(答句)Yes,主语+am/are/is No,主语+am/are/is not1.Is that man your math teacher?Yes, he is./No,he is not.2.Are you eating your lunch?Yes, I am./No, Im not.(2)一般动词的现在式一般动词的含义凡是日常生活中具体的动作,如:eat-吃饭,walk-走路及抽象的动作如:like-喜欢,think-思考皆为一般动词主语+一般动词人称数单数复数第一人称I like dogs.We like dogs.第二人称You like dogs.You like dogs.第三人称He likes dogs.They like dogs.O 一般动词加s或es的方法a.大部分动词加sworks/playsb.一般动词词尾为o/s/sh/ch时。加esgo-goes/wash-washes/watch-watchesc.一般动词词尾为字音+y时,去y加iescry-cries/study-studies 助动词have和hashas为have(有,吃)的单数形式They have a lot of money.He has a lot of money.一般动词的否定句含有一般动词从肯定句变为否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not,必须使用助动词do/does/did。且助动词之后用原形动词,因为助动词表示了时态、数的变化。do用于主语为I/you/复数does用于主语为第三人称单数she/hedid用于过去式,不分人称和数均可用肯定句:主语+一般动词否定句:主语+do/does/did+not+原形动词1.The twin brothers go to school by bus.这对双胞胎兄弟坐公交车上学(否定句)The twin brothers do not(=dont)go to school by bus.2.Sam has dinner at the restaurant.(否定句)Sam does not(=doesnt)have dinner at the restaurant.比较 否定句a.be动词He is my boyfriend.He is not my boyfriend.b.一般动词He likes dogs.He does not like dogs.一般动词的疑问句含有一般动词的肯定句变成疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主语前,必须用助动词do/does/did,且助动词之后用原形动词。肯定句:主语+一般动词疑问句:Do/Does/Did+主语+原形动词?1.You visit your grandmother on Sundays.(疑问句)Do you visit your grandmother on Sundays?2.He comes from England.(疑问句)Does he come from England? 助动词do/does/did开头的疑问句(即一般疑问句),其回答(问句)Do/Does/Did+主语+原形动词?(答句)Yes,主语+do/does/did No,主语+dont/doesnt/didntDoes the little boy go to school?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.比较 疑问句a.be动词She is beautiful.Is she beautiful? Yes, she is.b.一般动词She loves tennis.Does she love tennis? Yes,she does.二、be动词、一般动词的过去式Be动词的过去式表示:过去时间中发生的状态1.(现在式)He is busy now.(他现在很忙)(过去式)He was busy then.(他那时很忙)2.(现在式)My parents are at home now.(过去式)My parents were at home yesterday.时间副词改变,动词也应改变。 was和were现在式过去式be动词amisarewaswerebe动词过去式的否定句含be动词过去式was/were的肯定句边否定句时,在be动词后加not.肯定句:主语+was/were否定句:主语+was/were+not1.Mr.Brown was a vet.Brown先生是一个兽医(否定句)Mr.Brown was not(=wasnt)a vet.2.Joe and Brain were in the living room at that time.(否定句)Joe and Brain were not (werent)in the living room at that time.be动词过去式的疑问句含be动词过去式was/were的肯定句变疑问句时,将was/were拿到主语前,句尾加?即可。肯定句:主语+was/were疑问句:was/were+主语?1.Wendy was in the seventh grade last year.Wendy去年读七年级(疑问句)Was wendy in the seventh grade last year? Be动词开头的疑问句,可用yes或no回答,而答句中的主语用代名词。(问句)Was/Were+主语?(答句)Yes,主语+was/were/No,主语+was/were+not.Were you a pianist?你是钢琴家吗?Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.一般动词的过去式规则变化不规则变化原形动词+ed help-helped/spell-spelled/want-wanted原形动词词尾有e+d love-loved/dance-danced原形动词为子音+短元音+子音:双写词尾+ed stop-stopped/plan-planned原形动词词尾为子音+y:去y+ied study-studied/cry-criedeat-ate/take-tookread-read/give-gaveride-rode/teach-taughtcome-came/see-sawgo-went/have-had1.I walk to school every day.(过去式)I walked to school yesterday.2.Mother goes to a supermarket every morning.(过去式)Mother went to a supermarket yesterday.主语为第三人称单数时,动词过去式不加s。一般动词过去式的否定句含一般动词过去式的肯定句变否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not,必须用助动词did(不分人称和数),而助动词之后用动词原形。肯定句:主语+一般动词否定句:主语+did not+原形动词1.He called you last night.他昨晚打你电话(否定句)He did not call you last night.2.My sister and I watched TV all day yesterday.(否定句)My sister and I didnt watch TV all day yesterday.比较 否定句过去式a.be动词She was at home.She wasnt at home.b.一般动词She studied English.She didnt study English.一般动词过去式的疑问句含有一般动词过去式的肯定句变为疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主语前,必须用过去式助动词did,且did之后必须用原形动词。肯定句:主语+一般动词过去式疑问句:Did+主语+原形动词?1.His friends went to that movie case week.(疑问句)Did his friends go to that movie last week.(答句)Yes,they did./No,they didnt.2.Grace wrote a letter to David.(疑问句)Did Grace write a letter to David?(答句)Yes, She did./No,she didnt.比较 疑问句过去式a.be动词He was sick.Was he sick.b.一般动词He did his homework.Did he do his homework?三、助动词所谓助动词是和原形动词合在一起,用来表现时态、语态、语气的动词。此外,助动词也能表示疑问、否定、强调助动词的特点1.其后须接原形动词He can speak English.He can speaks English.2.现在式中,主语为第三人称单数,词尾不加sHe cans speak English.3.形成否定句时,在助动词后加notHe cannot speak English. He doesnt can speak English. 4.形成疑问句时,将助动词拿到主语前Can he speak English? Does he can speak English? 5.两个助动词不能连用You will can swim soon. 常见助动词的用法(1)can(could)Can表能力、许可、可能,而could是can的过去式a.表能力(=be able to)1.He can speak Japanese, but he cannot(=cant)write it.2.I will be able to(此处不能用can) finish the paper and go out to see the exhibition tomorrow.3.I havent been able to recall his name.我一直想不起他的名字b.表可能1.It cannot be true.那不可能是真的2.This kind of thing can happen every now and then.这种事随时可能会发生3.A quarrel can sometimes cause trouble.口角有时可能引发问题4.The light in the sky could be a UFO.天空中的光可能是外星飞船c.表许可1.You can come in if you have a ticket.如果你有门票就可以进来2.Im afraid you cant park your car here.恐怕你不能把车停在这儿3.Can I leave early because Im not well today?Certainly.因为我今天不舒服,可以早点离开吗?可以d.表请求1.Can you do me a favor?你能帮我忙吗? Could you do me a favor?是更可气的说法Could you repeat your cell phone number,please?请你重复一遍你的手机号码好吗?(2)may(might)a.表许可1.You may not chew gum in class.你不可以在课堂上嚼口香糖2.May I interrupt you?sure.我可以打断你吗?当然b.表可以1.You may be right but I am against your opinion.你可能是对的,但是我反对你的意见2.She might not know that you are here.她可能不知道你在这儿 Might可用于现在式或过去式,其表示的可能性较may低c.表意愿、祈祷1.May I never see a sight like that again!愿我不再看到那样的景象2.May you succeed.愿你成功(3)musta.表义务、命令1.You must return this book by next Tuesday.你必须还书在下周二之前2.You must not talk with your mouth full.你不可以在嘴巴有东西时说话 Must I really attend the meeting?我真的必须参加那场会议吗?Yes,you must.No, you need not.No, you dont have to.O Must=have to(必须),但must只能用于现在式,其过去式用had to,未来式用will have to,完成时用have had to1. I had to go to see the doctor because I caught a cold.我必须去看医生,因为我感冒了2.Youll have to replace this light bulb.你将必须更换这灯泡3.We have had to stay here because its raining heavily outside.我们必须一直呆在这里,因为外面在下大雨 口语中,常用have got to 代替have to1.Youve got to be more patient,Mary.Mary你必须更有耐心b.表推测1.You must be kidding.你一定是在开玩笑2.That is an enormous animal, it must weight a ton.那是个巨大的动物,它可能有一吨 表推测是的must,其否定用cannot代替1.She is very young. She cannot be over twenty.她非常年轻,她不会超过二十岁c.表必然1. All men must die.人一定会死(4)willWill除表未来外,还有下列用法a.表现在的推测1.Mom will be downstairs now.妈妈现在应该在楼下吧2. That will be his house.那应该是他家吧b.表主语强烈的意志1.The window will not open.窗户怎么也打不开2.He will insist on his right.他将坚持他的权利c.表习惯、倾向1.Accidents will happen.事故将发生2.A drowning man will catch at a straw.溺水者将抓住一根草d.表请求1.Will you bring me a ladder?麻烦给我拿个梯子好吗?2.Will you have one more coffee?你要不要再来杯咖啡?(5)wouldWould为will的过去式,但would有其独特的用法a.表客气的请求1.Would you mind if I sit next to you?你介意我坐你旁边吗?2.Would you call me back later?请稍后打给我好吗?b.表过去的习惯,常伴随着sometimes/often频率副词1.Before they had television, people would listen to the radio.在有电视之前,人们习惯听收音机2.Susan would often chat with us at this coffee shop.Susan以前经常和我们在这家咖啡厅聊天C.表过去的意志1.You wouldnt eat carrots when you were a boy.你小时候不愿吃红葡萄2.The rusty screw wouldnt come loose.生锈的螺丝拧不开(6)used toa.表过去的习惯1.John used to work part-time at a restaurant after school.John以前在下课后常到餐厅打工2.I used to go for a swim on my lunch break, but now I dont.我以前常在午休时间去游泳,但现在不去了3.I used to go to the movies every Sunday.我以前每个星期天常去看电影I would often go to the movies when I was young.我年轻时常去看电影 Used to 表过去的习惯Would 表过去动作的重复,其习惯意味较淡重点Used to的否定为used not to或didnt used to。疑问为Used+主语+?或Did+主语+use to?1.He used not to drink.=He didnt use to drink.他以前不喝酒2.Used he to go to school with you?=Did he use to go to school with you?3.We used to talk about our future, didnt we(或usednt we)?我们以前常谈到未来,不是吗?b.表过去持续的状态1.There used to be an old temple here.从前有一座古塔在这儿2.He isnt what he used to be three years ago.他不在是三年前的他 重点物+be used to +动词V(物)被用来人+be used to+Ving(人)习惯人+used to +V过去习惯于1. The knife is used to cut bread.这刀用来切面包2.I am used to keeping good hours.我习惯于早睡早起(7)shoulda.表义务1.You should exercise more and eat less.你应该多运动少吃2.The government should spend more money on education.政府应该花更多的钱在教育上b.表推测1.Our guests should be here within an hour.我们的客人应该在一个小时内会到这儿2.I sent you e-mail yesterday, so you should know about the invitation.我昨天发了电子邮件到你,所以你应该知道邀请函的事吧c.表强烈的惊奇1.Who should make such a foolish mistake?谁会犯如此愚蠢的错误?2.How should I know it?我为什么应该知道那件事呢? 重点Ought to(应该)语气较should强,在口语中常用1.My bicycle ought to be here because I left it just beside the telegraph pole.我的脚踏车应该在这儿,因为我停在电线杆旁边2.You oughtnt (to) do so.你不应该这样做3.Ought we (to) tell him about it.我们应该告诉他 注意美式英语口语中,to常省略(8)needNeed(需要)一般做为动词使用,若当助动词,只能用于否定句或疑问句1.You dont need to speak so loud. I hear you very well.=You need not speak so loud. I hear you very well.2.Do I need to record the program on the tape?No, you dont need to.我需要把节目录到光盘上吗?=Need I record the program on the tape?No, you neednt. 注意美语中,need多用于动词用法(9)dare助动词dare有敢于之意,过去式为dared,但dare也有动词用法,形成dare+(to)+原形动词1.She dare not tell the truth.=she does not dare (to) tell the truth.她不敢说实话2.I dared not laugh at him at that time.=I didnt dare (to) laugh at that time.3.I dare say he is right.我敢说他是对的含助动词的惯用表现(1)助动词+have+过去分词1.You may have heard this joke before.你以前可能听到过这个笑话2.The keys might have fallen out of your pocket.钥匙可能掉出了口袋3.I must have been asleep. I didnt hear your footsteps.我一定是睡着了,才没有听到你的脚步声4.He cannot have survived in the accident.他不可能在那场意外中幸存(2)含can的惯用表现1.cannot help+V-ing表禁不住I cannot help crying whenever I hear that song.每当我听到那首歌我都忍不住哭2.cannot help but V(不能不)I cannot help but think so.我不能不这样想3.cannottoo(无论再也不为过)You cannot be too careful when you choose a husband.你选丈夫是,越小心越好(3)含may(might)的惯用语1.may well+V(大可,恐怕是)He may well say so.他大可这么说She may well be lost. She has a poor sense of direction.她恐怕迷路了,她的方向感很差2.may(might) as well+V(不妨)Youll never solve that problem. You might as well give up.你无法解决那问题,不妨放弃吧。3.may(might) as well V as V(与其不如)You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.与其借钱给他不如把钱丢到海里(4)should用于that子句中a.表感情因素1.It is natural that she should want to have children.她想要孩子是自然的事2.Its a pity that he should be sick in bed.他竟然卧病在床,实在可怜b.表当然、必要 此句型中常用的有:Important(重要的)necessary(必要的)essential(不可或缺)desirable(有期望的)right(正确的)1.It is necessary that you (should) take this medicine right away.你有立刻吃药的必要2.It is important that you (should) remember this formula.记住这个公式是重要的c.表提案、要求 此句型中常用:Advise(忠告) decide(决定)demand(要求)insist(坚持)order(命令)propose(提议)request(要求)suggest(建议)1.I suggest that the meeting(should)be postponed.我建议会议延期2.Mother insists that my brother(should)get up at five every morning.妈妈坚持要哥哥每天早上五点起来d.含would的惯用表现1.would ratherthan(宁愿不愿)I would rather go today than yesterday.= I had rather go today than yesterday.我宁愿今天去而不愿明天去2.would like to V(想要)I would like to have a date with him. = I want to have a date with him.= I feel like to having a date with him. 我想和他有个约会14


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