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体育锻炼与促进心理健康经济飞速发展、信息膨胀、社会节奏不断加快的21世纪,世界变得越来越小,人与人的交往越来越多,人际关系越来越微妙,怎样处理好复杂的人际关系是每个人不可避免的。人们生活在一个缤纷复杂的大环境中,这样就要求人必须具备较高的心理素质来适应时代与社会的要求。现在人们已经开始越来越关注自己的心理健康状态。什么是心理健康?世界卫生组织指出:健康应包括躯体健康、心理健康、良好的社会适应性和道德健康。人类对健康内涵的认识不断丰富和深化的同时,个体的心理健康日益得到现代社会的广泛重视。综合许多学者的不同的观点可以认为,心理健康是个体的一种持续的积极的内部状态,个体表现出良好的社会适应性,并充分发挥其身心的各种潜能,在应付各种问题和环境时更多表现出积极的倾向。众所周知,体育锻炼有助于保持身体健康。体育锻炼通常是指那些有计划、有规律、重复性的、以增强体能为目的的身体活动。有些人把体育锻炼理解为任何形式的身体活动,日常生活中的行走到打扫卫生;有些人则认为,体育锻炼是做大量的有氧运动或力量练习。可以看出人们对于体育锻炼对心理健康状况的影响还不够明了。研究表明,体育锻炼对人的心理健康有着不可替代的促进作用。不同的运动项目对人的心理健康所起的作用不尽相同。体育锻炼对心理健康的影响表现在以下几方面:Rapid economic development, information, social rhythm is accelerating expansion of the 21st century, the world becomes smaller and smaller, people contact more and more, interpersonal relationship is more and more subtle, how to deal with complex relationships are inevitable. Everyone People living in a complicated environment, so that it must be able to ask for higher psychological quality to adapt to the requirement of era and society. Now people are already more and more concerned about their mental health status. What is a mental health? The world health organization says that health should include physical health, mental health, good social adaptation and moral health. In healthy human connotation at the same time, constantly enrich and deepen the understanding of the individuals mental health is becoming more and more get the wide attention of modern society. Integrated many scholars of different points of view can be thought of, individual mental health is a constant positive internal state, showing good social adaptability, and give full play to its various potential of body and mind, when deal with various problems and environment more show a positive tendency. As is known to all, physical exercise will help maintain a healthy body. Physical exercise is usually refers to the planned and regular, repetitive, in order to enhance physical fitness for the purpose of physical activity. Some people interpret physical exercises for any kind of physical activity, walking to the cleaning in everyday life; Others believe that physical exercise is to do a lot of aerobic exercise and strength training. You can see people for physical exercise influence on mental health status is not clear enough. Research shows that physical exercise on mental health has an irreplaceable role in promoting. Different sports in the role of the mental health of the people is not the same. The influence of physical exercise on mental health in the following respects: (一) 体育锻炼与情绪方面(a) physical exercise and emotional aspects 体育锻炼可以改善情绪。情绪是人对客观事物是否符合自己的需要而产生的态度体验。情绪是衡量体育锻炼对心理健康影响的主要指标。良好的情绪对人的行为具有增力作用,消极的情绪会影响人的正常学习工作,还会对人的身体心理产生许多不良影响。长时期的情绪压抑,忧虑和紧张,还可导致疾病。有调查表明, 人运动时大脑会产生一种类似吗啡作用的物质-内啡肽。吗啡的作用是消痛并使人产生欣快感, 内啡肽也会产生欣快感, 它可以降低抑郁、焦虑、困惑以及其他消极情绪的程度。体育锻炼也给人们提供一个机会, 使人们能够分散对自己的忧虑和挫折的注意力,在单调重复性的技术动作中, 通过冥想思考等思维活动, 可能促进思维反省和脑力的恢复, 这种对注意力的有效集中或转移,可以达到调节情绪目的。经常参加体育锻炼,可使机体产生极大的舒适感。在各种运动项目中,去感受运动的美感、力量感、韵律感、从而陶冶情操,开阔心胸,激发生活的自信心和进取心,形成豁达、乐观、开朗的良好心境。Physical exercise can improve mood. Emotion is one of whether objective things meet their own needs and the attitude of the experience. Mood is the main measure the effect of physical exercise on mental health indicators. Good mood on a persons behavior has a reinforcing effect, negative emotions will affect peoples normal work study, can also cause many adverse effects on a persons mental body. Depressed for a long period of time, anxiety and tension, also can lead to disease. Survey shows that people are moving the brain produces an effect similar to morphine material - endorphins. Morphine is XiaoTong and make the person produces euphoria, endorphins also produces euphoria, it can reduce depression, anxiety, confusion, and other negative emotions. Exercise also gives people a chance to enable people to distract about their worries and frustrations, in drab repetitive technical movement, through meditation, thinking and thinking activity, can promote thinking of reflection and mental rehabilitation, the effective set or transfer of attention, can achieve the purpose of emotions. Often take part in physical exercise, can make the body produce great comfort. Among various kinds of sports, to feel the aesthetic feeling of movement, strength, rhythm, so as to edify sentiment, open mind, inspire life confidence and motivation, form the good state of mind open-minded, optimistic and open-minded attitude. (二) 体育锻炼与人格方面(2) the physical exercise and personality 人格,也称个性。经常参加体育锻炼有利于形成正确的世界观和人生目标以及健康、积极、进取向上的人格。体育竞赛中的取胜催人奋发向上,有利于个性形成。而失败也是对人格的一种考验,在失败中挖掘有利因素可以看到成功的希望。体育运动能提高心理耐挫水平,在遇到挫折、困难时能正确地面对和处理各种挫折和困难,形成高尚的人格和独特的个性。Personality, also called personality. Often take part in physical exercise is conducive to form a correct world outlook and life goal and personality healthy, positive and enterprising. Win people exert themselves in the sports competition, is conducive to personality formation. And failure is also a test of personality, the favorable factors in failure mining can see hope of success. Sports can improve the level of psychological resistance to fall, when setbacks, difficulties can properly deal with all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, to form noble personality and unique personality. (三) 体育锻炼与心理适应方面(3) the physical exercise and psychological adaptation 人类的心理适应,最主要的就是对人际关系的适应。人与人的交往不仅反映了人的健康状态,人与人中正常、友好的交往不仅是维持心理健康的必不可少的条件,也是获得心理健康的重要方法。经常到公共场合进行体育锻炼,不仅可改善人际关系,而且能使人与人之间互相产生亲近感,使个体社会交往的需要得到满足,丰富和发展人们的生活方式,这有利于个体忘记工作、生活带来的烦恼,消除精神压力和孤独感,从而给个体带来心理上的益处,有利于形成和改善人际关系。Human mental adaptation, the most main is the adaptation of interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal communication not only reflects the persons health status, the normal people and friendly exchanges not only is essential for maintaining mental health conditions, it is also an important way for mental health. Exercise regularly to the public, not only can improve interpersonal relationships, and closeness can make each other between people, make the individual social needs are met, and develop the peoples life style, which is beneficial to the individual forget work and life bring trouble, eliminate mental pressure and loneliness, and thus brings to individual psychological benefits, is advantageous to the formation, and improve interpersonal relationship. (四) 体育锻炼与智力方面(4) exercise and intelligence 正常的智力水平是人们从事各种活动最基本的心理条件。人要有正常的智力,就必须有健康的神经系统和身体。认知行为假说指出:体育锻炼可诱发积极的思维和情感。Normal level of intelligence is the most basic psychological conditions people engaged in all kinds of activities. People want to have normal intelligence, there must be a healthy nervous system and body. Cognitive behavioral hypothesis pointed out that physical exercise may induce positive thinking and emotion. 对于学生来说是要求其学习效率,是由大脑的高级神经系统所决定的,经常从事体育活动和身体锻炼,可促进肌体的新陈代谢,提高神经系统的活动能力,增强呼吸和循环系统的功能,使大脑供氧充分,进而使记忆力增强,思维更加敏捷灵活。通过进行体育锻炼可使学生紧张的大脑皮层得到休息,从而大大提高学习效率。For students is to require the learning efficiency, is determined by the brains higher nervous system, often engaged in sports activities and physical exercise, can promote the body metabolism, improve the activity of the nervous system, strengthen the function of the respiratory and circulatory system, to make oxygen to the brain, adequately, in turn, enhances memory, thinking more agile and flexible. Through exercise can make the students nervous cerebral cortex, the rest, thus greatly improve the learning efficiency. 结语conclusion 体育锻炼可以提高智力, 促进身体健康, 也是影响心理健康的重要因素。经常参加体育锻炼, 可使身体产生极大的舒适感, 在运动中享受节奏韵律。体育可给人们提供更多的交往机会, 有助于消除体育之外的阶层或文化上的差距, 有助于消除孤独心理, 冲破闭关自守的生活方式, 从而增进和发展与不同类型的人的交往。体育运动对于人的心理健康的积极促进作用是其他任何方式、手段所无法替代的。我们要充分利用体育运动的有利条件, 在参与运动的过程中有意识的发挥其特殊功效, 促进人们的心理健康。同时, 健康的心理又能促使机体战胜各种病魔的侵袭和摆脱各种挫折及逆境。因此,心理健康的持续化、年轻化, 需要经常参加体育活动。Physical exercise can improve intelligence, promote healthy body, is also the important factors that affect mental health. Often take part in physical exercise, can make the body produce great comfort, enjoy the rhythm rhythm in the movements. Sports can provide people with more opportunities for exchanges, help to eliminate class or outside of the sports cultural gap, help to eliminate loneliness, break through the closed way of life, so as to improve and develop with the relationship between different types of people. Sport for peoples mental health role is actively promoting, means cannot be replaced by any other way. We should make full use of advantage of the sport, in the process of participating in sports consciously develop its special effect, promote the mental health of people. At the same time, mental health and can cause the body to overcome all kinds of illness and get rid of all kinds of setbacks and adversity. Mental health, therefore, the steps, younger, need often to participate in sports activities.


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