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绝密启用前天津市和平区普通高中2021 届高三毕业班下学期第二次质量调查(二模)英语试题2021 年 4 月本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分 ,共 130 分,考试用时 100 分钟 ,第 I 卷 1 页至 10 页,第 II 卷 11 页至 12 页。答卷前 ,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考 试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。考试 结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。祝各位考生考试顺利 !第 I 卷注意事项:1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。2.本卷共 55 小题,共 95 分第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。例: Stand over there youll be able to see it better.A. or B. and C. but D. while 答案是 B。1. Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize, international honours a person can receive.A. that B. what C. which D. where 2. -Shall we go and see the museum?is considered one of the highest-No,.A. dont mention it B. not at all C. never mind D. its not worth it13. My neighbour Sana is always sheltering her child too much , and thats we differ.A. when B. where C. how D. what4. -How can I find your brother at the airport?-Dont worry. He a board with your name on it at that time.A. has held B. has been holding C. will be holding D. will have held5. My friend came around for a cup of tea and we having a big meal together. A. put up B. ended up C. took up D. brought up6.-Mary, I got lost.-Sorry, I a map for you.A. must have drawn B. should draw C. could draw 7.-Lets take a coffee: break.D. ought to have drawn-We have been working for hours.A. Why bother? B. What for? C. You got me there. D. You said it.8. We still havent got the sponsor the fact that weve written to dozens of companies.A. regardless of B. in view of C. in spite ofD. on account of9. Im not sure a thank- you letter is really necessary., I cant be bothered towrite one.A. Anyway B. However C. Obviously D. Besides10. The trip aims to provide the children with a of the countryside first-hand. A. taste B. reach C. touch D. load11.- I heard Mr. Smith is the newly elected president of your university.-Yes. But with a lot of difficult problems, he is having a hard time.A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled12.-I was wondering whether perhaps you could remember the name of the place. -Im afraid that me for the moment.A. reminds B. puzzles C. disturbs D. escapes213. Many Chinese brands ,challenges from the modern market.their reputations over centuries , are facing newA. having developedC. developedB. being developedD. developing14. -Hi, Im Peter. Are you new here? I havent seen you around.-Hello, Peter. Im Bob. I just on Monday.A. start B. started C. have started D. had started15. the content of this letter can be confidential , security is an issue that you must address.A. Although B. Since C. Unless D. After第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-35 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。Tischler and her daughter,Ruby,6,have a routine: They place canned goods , nonperishable ( 不易坏的)food and toiletries on a long table on their front lawn. They go back into their house and wait.This is Tischlers Sharing Table. After being 16 . by a magazine article about a woman who collects and 17 essential goods , Tischler created her own version of the community plan.The 18 of her table is the same: “Take what you need, leave what you can, if you can.”“I just thought it was such an easy yet 19 way to help local people ,” Tischler said. Two Sundays ago, she 20 some “starter supplies” in the local store to get the Sharing Table 21 . “It also gave me a(n) 22 to clean out my own cabinets ( 储藏 柜),” she said. She placed handmade 23 on the table, indicating that everything on it was free.With the help of her sister-in-law, Kristine Lenza, Day One of the Sharing Table was “surprisingly successful,” Tischler said.3Weather 24, Tischler now set up the table every day. “You dont , have tohave lost your job , you dont have to have had COVID ,” she said. “It could just be that you need an extra 25 to get you through the year , or if your budget is 26 this month.”The Sharing Table has also taught Tischlers daughter some valuable life 27 .“The world is so full of 28 and fear right now and I feel like this is a really positive way to remind people we can help each other and 29 for one another ,” Tischler said.One Long Islander 30 out to Tischler on Facebook, saying she wished shelived closer to the Sharing Table and could have used some of the 31 on it.Tischler and Ruby packed up a few bags and 32 them to a home in Long Island.“Now, seeing families stop by the table is really 33,” she said. “A lot ofpeople around here are 34 and not telling anyone out of pride , not wanting to ask for help. Its really nice to have a community space where people are all 35 a hand,”she said. “This is not something Im doing; its something the community is doing for the community.”16. A. expected17. A. gives awayB. inspired C. convinced D. educatedB. sends out C. sets out D. takes away18. A. noticeB. markC. message D. symbol19. A. commonB. effective C. typicalD. limited20. A. donated21. A. goingB. produced C. increased D. purchased B. loading C. showing D. working22. A. changeB. aimC. excuse D. hope23. A. designsB. signalsC. formsD. signs24. A. breaking25. A. uplift26. A. availableB. permitting C. promisingD. appealing B. attention C. expense D. effortB. similar C. tight D. modest427. A. tests B. abilities C. memories D. lessons28. A. freedomB. anxiety C. riskD. doubt29. A. lay outB. set outC. look out D. put out30. A. sent31. A. items32. A. reservedB. kept C. crossed D. reachedB. sources C. facilities D. partsB. delivered C. ordered D. collected33. A. heartwarming B. annoying C. impressiveD. shocking34. A. fighting35. A. wantingB. waiting C. strugglingD. complaining B. holding C. waving D. lending第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Arctic has long fascinated people across the world , so its no wonder that storiesfrom this region have inspired movies and TV shows. Its frozen landscapes make the perfect setting for stories of survival , showcasing how both people and animals adapt to the ice and cold. Here are four of our favorite Arctic shows and movies.Nanook of the North (1922)This silent film from 1922 is a classic story of man versus (与对抗) nature. It tells the story of an Inuit hunter namedNanook “The Bear” and his family as they struggle to survive inthe harsh environment. Nanook of the North is one of the earliestdocumentaries although some of the scenes were staged. Viewers are invited towitness how the Inuit people live. Audiences also see how the Inuit construct igloos one block at a time into icy, domed structures.Balto (1995)Based on a true story , this animated ( 动画的)movie takes place when a deadly disease strikes the small town of Nome , Alaska, in 1925. A half -wolf dog named Balto must lead a5sled-dog team across the snowy expanse ( 宽阔区域)to deliver life -saving medicine tothe towns citizens hundreds of kilometers away. Balto is not only an inspiring truestory but an important look at the difficulties of Arctic travel and the brave people and animals that are relied on to save the day when people need them most.Arctic Tale (2007)Arctic Tale is a US documentary film about the life of apolar bear and her cubs as well as a walrus and her calves. Footage ( 素材)used for the film was shot over a 15 -year period.The documentary gives an inside look at how these.two Arcticanimals grow from babies into adulthood as they learn how tohunt and survive in dangerous conditions. Throughout the film , the narrator remindsviewers that climate change is melting the Arctic ice and threatening the animals living there.Ice Road Truckers (20072017)This US reality TV series features truck drivers who mustcross frozen lakes and rivers in remote Arctic land. They risk their lives to deliver much-needed supplies to small towns , diamond mines and offshore oil rigs ( 钻塔). The series highlights the dangers of working in the Arctic and subarctic ( 亚北极的),as well as the bravery it takes to battle the icy storms and freezing temperatures.36. Why is the Arctic attracted to people to make films and TV shows?A. It has wonderful landscapes for animals to survive.B. People and animals find it easy to adapt to the icy cold.C. The Arctic provides ideal background for survival stories.D. Stories about the Arctic are very popular with young people.37. What do audiences know about the film “Nanook of the North”?A. They can catch a glimpse of the Inuits daily life.6B. Little can be known about how the Inuit build igloos.C. They can watch several earliest documentaries in the film.D. Nanook tells their story against nature in tough environment.38. Which of the following can best describe Balto (1995)?A. It is a make-up but inspiring story about a deadly disease.B. It is a story about how the Inuit trained dogs to save people.C. Dogs are the only animals that people can depend on in the Arctic.D. It is an encouraging story about Balto5s team overcoming difficulties.39. Audiences who are environmentalists may be interested in .A. Nanook of the North (1922)B. Balto (1995)C. Arctic Tale (2007)D. Ice Road Truckers (2007 2017)40. Ice Road Truckers mainly tells the audiences that .A. people have to cross frozen lakes to work in small townsB. people have to risk their lives to get much -needed suppliesC. drivers can earn some money in diamond mines and offshore oil rigsD. drivers need great determination to fight against the tough condition.BTraveling alone can be daunting ( 令人畏缩的). I have traveled by myself many times but, on every occasion , there was someone to meet me at the other end of the bus , train or plane journey. This time was different.Last week I had a holiday, from work, but none of my friends had the same week off. I decided that I still wanted to do something , so I booked a train ride to Toronto and reserved (预订)a bed in a hostel for one week.One week by myself. Would I be lonely? Would I be bored? Quite the opposite. In fact, there are many benefits that come from traveling alone. Firstly, I was able to dowhatever I wanted. I spent hours in museums that would have seemed boring and dullto some of my friends. I walked all around the city, which some people may havefound too exhausting ( 令人疲惫的). Instead of relying on someone else to remember7directions or to suggest activities to do , I discovered my independence and developed map-reading skills that I didnt know I had. I could get up and go to sleep when Iwanted and I didnt have to wait for anyone else to shower and get ready every morning. Being in the safe environment of a hostel with like -minded travelers also gives a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world , which can help combat loneliness.In spite of the benefits , I found that there were also some disadvantages of traveling alone. I missed having someone to talk to and to bounce ( 探讨)ideas off. Experiences are often more enjoyable if they are shared , and part of the fun of traveling is the memories you have afterwards. Without a travel partner , I wont be able to laughabout and remember my Toronto adventure with a friend or family member in years to come.In addition, eating in a restaurant or cooking in the hostel was less fun on my own. I am very proud of myself for traveling alone , and I had a fantastic time in Toronto. However, in the future, I think I will always prefer to travel with another person or in a small group. Though, maybe it depends on who you travel with I would rather be by myself than with someone who is lazy, difficult and argumentative (好争论的). 41. What happened to the author last week?A. She traveled alone to Toronto during a work vacation.B. She felt lonely away from home and missed her family.C. She found someone meeting her during a trip to Toronto.D. She made a trip as her friend during the same week to Toronto.42. We can learn from the article that the author .A. finds it boring and dull to visit museumsB. has already acquired great map-reading skillsC. believes she could benefit by traveling alone moreD. enjoys sharing traveling stories with family and friends43. What does the underlined word “combat” in paragraph 3 probably mean?8A. Learn about. B. Adapt to. C. Fight against. D. Live with. 44. What can we know from the last 2 paragraphs?A. She is proud of cooking in a hostel.B. She will find it fun to travel with anyone.C. She favors travelling with good company.D. Argumentative travelers1 will be ideal choices.45. Which of the following words can best describe the author?A. Optimistic and talkative.C. Ambitious and imaginative.B. Humorous and generous.D. Enthusiastic and independent.CIsraeli company Watergen has produced an appliance that can generate ( 生 产)clean, drinkable water out of air. The device, called GENNY, is small enough to be used in a home or office but can generate up to 30 liters of water a day.GENNY takes air in and passes it through a filter ( 过滤器)to remove dust and dirt.The filter is powerful enough to work even in areas with high air pollution. The air is directed through GENius, a heating and cooling process which causes water in the air to condense ( 凝结). This water is then passed through several more filters and minerals are added to improve the flavor of the water. Finally, the water is stored in a tank where it: is continually circulated to keep it fresh. Therefore , the water produced byGENNY is often of a higher quality than water running through filtration systems attached to the citys water lines.The technology of GENius is much better than other technologies that generatewater from air. It produces four to five times more water per kilowatt-hour. Watergenhas other products that use this same technology on a larger scale, the largest of which can produce up to 5,000 liters of water per day.As an added bonus, during the water generation process; GENNY can emit clean air which is healthier for people to breathe.At the 2020 Smart home mark of Excellence Awards at the Consumer Electronics9Show in Las Vegas, GENNY was named the Energy Efficient Product of the Year. The award series recognize the worlds top high-tech home products.As a company, Watergen focuses on dealing with the global water shortage. Last year, Watergens large-scale products were donated to authorities in Brazil , Vietnamand India. They also assisted rescue and recovery efforts during the 2018 California wildfires and provided clean , safe water for the residents of Texas and Florida in the aftermath of the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.Watergen also seeks to help protect the environment by reducing waste generatedby plastic water bottles. People are called upon to put the water from GEENY into reusable bottles so that plastic ones dont get used and thrown away.46. What does the author tell us in Paragraph 2?A. How high-quality water is produced.B. Air will condense through cooling process.C. Drinkable water can be got directly from air.D. Polluted water becomes drinkable through filter.47. What does GENNY accomplish by adding minerals to.the water?A. It keeps the water fresh. B. It helps kill harmful bacteria.C. It makes the water taste better. D. It satisfies local water regulations.48. Which of the following can-best describe GENius?A. Time-saving. B. Energy-efficient.C. Ground-breaking.D. Environment-friendly.49. What does the underlined word “emit” in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Blow away. B. Cut down. C. Use up. D. Give off.50. What can Watergen do using its large-scale products?A. Consume plastic waste. B. Test water quality globally.C. Respond to natural disasters.D. Relieve drought in some countries. DDuring a visit to the United Arab Emirates, I was invited to speak to college10students to learn more about how the country is preparing the next generation for thefuture. I met with students who were required to present their final projects in a three-minute presentation to members of the ruling family. Now , that is pressure. Butlearning the art of public speaking is no longer an option to succeed in the 21st century; it is fundamental.Educators who I have met across the Middle East , Europe and Asia say that theyare elevating the art of public speaking to a core requirement along with math and science. Chris Anderson, the curator(负责人)of TED, encourages schools in theUnited States to make “presentation literacy” a requirement in elementary schools. There is a wrinkle, however. According to an article in The Atlantic, some American middle-school and high-school students are advocating for the elimination ( 取消)of mandatory (强制的)in- class, presentations.Their anxiety is real. Psychology professor Matthew Lieberman writes in book ,“Our brains crave the positive evaluation of others almost to an embarrassing degree.”Thats why most of us get anxious about public speaking. Anxiety can turn into full-blown panic attacks or create lifelong fears.As an author whose books are used in public speaking classes around the world , I will explain why public speaking skills are more important than ever. Persuasion - one person convincing another to change their mind - is now responsible for 25 percent of Americas total income , according to Deirdre McCloskey at the University of Illinois. The percentage will rise to 40 percent soon , she assured me. It is a terribleidea to reduce public speaking opportunities in class at a time when students need theskills it can give them to succeed. Today anyone who is better at presenting their ideas can see a sudden, massive increase in wealth that is unprecedented in human history.In the age of ideas, public speaking is one of the greatest skills that students need in order to learn , grow, and inspire the rest of us to dream bigger. If students enjoy the process of building the necessary skill set , they will learn to love public speaking. 51. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?11A. Public speaking is essential in preparing for the future.B. Students dont have to choose the course of public speaking.C. The ruling family plays a key role in judging the presentation.D. College students are under pressure in preparing the introduction.52. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Simple case. B. New idea.C. Small problem. D. Strong belief. 53. Matthew Lieberman is telling us that .A. we long for the positive judgment terriblyB. good public speaking skills can promote our confidenceC. we feel embarrassed when expecting positive evaluationD. public speaking can make us feel scared rather than anxious54. Which of the following is the benefit of public speaking?A. It can help persuade others to change their mind.B. Good speakers can see huge rise in their income.C. It will offer students skills to make a great success.D. It e


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