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一、单选题1( 2 分 ) Whats your name?_A. Whats your name? B. Goodbye. C. My names Pipi. 答案: C2( 2 分 ) This _ Zoom.Nice to meet you.A. is B. am C. are答案: A3( 2 分 ) 朋友介绍 John 跟你认识,你应该说:A. Whats your name? B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you. 答案: C4( 2 分 ) 早上你约好朋友一起去上学,你应该说:A. Lets go to school. B. Lets play.答案: A5( 2 分 )A. crayon B. pencil答案: A6( 2 分 ) How old are you?_A. Im Xiaoling. B. Im fine.答案: C7( 2 分 ) Whats that?_A. Its a panda. B. I like it.答案: A8( 2 分 ) _ My name is Jim.C. Im five.C. It is big.A. Is your name Jim? B. Whats your name? C. Whats this?答案: B二、填空题9( 8 分 ) 给下列数字排排队。two nine six three eight five seven four one_ _ten答案: two;three ;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine10( 5 分 ) 选出下列句子相对应的汉语意思。_ Look!A funny dog. A这是什么?_ Cool,I like it ! B那是什么?_ Whats this ? C看,一条有趣的狗。_ Whats that? D它是只熊猫,我喜欢它。_ Its a panda.I like it. E真酷,我喜欢它。答案: C;E;A;B;D11( 5 分 ) 为下列句子选择相对应的图片,将序号写在横线上A. B. C.D. E._I have five pens._Today is my birthday. I am six years old._Look at the pig. It is fat._Open your mouth._Id like some water.答案: E;D;A;C;B12( 1 分 ) 用线条把单词连向正确的身体部位,并涂上相应的颜色。_black eargreen nosered mouthyellow faceblue eye答案:13( 10 分 ) 看图,在四线三格中写出下列小写字母的左邻右舍。(1)_ _(2)_ _(3)_ _(4)_ _(5)_ _答案: (1) ;(2) ;(3) ;(4) ;(5) ;14( 5 分 ) 写出字母表中缺的字母的大小写形式。Aa Bb Cc Dd _ _ Gg Hh _ Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp _ Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww _ Yy Zz答案: Ee;Ff;Ii;Qq;Xx15( 1 分 ) 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符,并写出正确单词。This is my arm. _答案: T16( 3 分 ) 单词归类。A. ruler B. blue C. eye D. redE. pencil F. face G. yellow H. bagI. hand J. crayon K. ear L. white(1)身体部位_(2)颜色_(3)文具_答案: (1)CFIK(2)BDGL(3)AEHJ三、选词填空17( 10 分 ) 根据图片选单词。Aeraser Bmilk Ceight Dhand Emonkey Fmouth Gsix Hpen ljuice Jelephant(1) (_)(2) (_)(3)(4)(_)(_)(5) (_)(6) (_)(7) (_)(8) (_)(9)(10)(_)(_)答案: (1)B(2)D(3)J(4)H(5)C(6)G(7)E(8)A(9)I(10)F18( 3 分 ) 看图片,把同一类的单词写在相应的横线上bear, five, egg, monkey, rice, two, ten, cake, pig, one, milk, elephant(1) _(2) _(3) _答案: (1)bear, monkey, pig, elephant(2)egg, rice, cake, milk(3)five, two, ten, one19( 5 分 ) 根据图示,用方框中的单词完成句子。A. eye B. nine C. egg D. pencil E.monkey(1)Im _ years old.(2)I have a _.(3)Its an _.(4)Act like a _.(5)Id like an _.答案: (1)B(2)D(3)A(4)E(5)C20( 1 分 ) Whats that? Its a _ (tiger/panda).答案: panda21( 2 分 ) _(What/Whats) this? Its a _(tiger/ lion).答案: Whats;lion22( 6 分 ) 看图,根据图片选择合适的单词补全短文pictures; front; is; are; on; livingHello, this is Zhang Pengs _room.There are some _on the wall. My father draws them very well. In one of the pictures, you can see a garden in _ of the house. There are lots of beautiful flowers in it. Under the pictures, there _ a TV. Look! There _ two lovely dogs here! The black dog is _ the table. There are so many plants here, too.答案: living;pictures;front;is;are;on23( 6 分 ) 读一读,选择合适的单词,并将序号填在横线上。thank Nice you school OK MeWu Yifan: Good morning, Chen Jie. How are _?Chen Jie: Im fine, _ you. And you?Wu Yifan: _ too. This is my friend(朋友)John.Chen Jie: _ to meet you, John!John: Nice to meet you, too. Lets go to _ together(起)!Chen Jie and Wu Yifan: _!答案: ;24( 1 分 ) This is my _(face/arm).答案: arm四、情景交际25( 5 分 ) 找出句子的正确答语。Lets play._ A. Me too!Hello, Im Mike. _ B. My names Mike. I have a ruler. _ C. Great!Goodbye, Miss White. _ D. Hello, Im Chen Jie.Whats your name? _ E. Bye!答案: C;D;A;E;B26( 5 分 ) 问答搭配。Hello!_ A. Me, too.Whats your name ?_ B. Bye.Goodbye!_ C. Hi!I have a pen._ D. My names Zoom.Close your book._ E. OK.答案: C;D;B;A;E27( 4 分 ) 选出下列各句的最佳应答语。A. Hi, Leo!B. Im-fine. Thank you.C. Great!D. Good afternoon.(1)Hi, Tom!_(2) Good afternoon._(3) How are you?_(4)Lets make a puppet._答案: (1)A(2)D(3)B(4)C五、阅读理解28( 5 分 ) 根据短文内容,为相应的小动物涂上或标注上颜色。Look, this is my zoo. The pig is white.The duck is yellow. The cat is brown.The dog is orange. The monkey is blue.How about the bird? Its green.And my elephant is black.I like my zoo.答案: 鸭子:黄,猫:棕,狗:橙,猴子:蓝,鸟:绿,大象:黑29( 5 分 ) 读一读下面内容, 用勾选出每个人物喜欢的颜色。Good morning. Im Mike. I see red. I like it.Hello, Im Chen Jie. I see yellow. I like it.Hi, Im Sarah. I like green.Good morning. Im John. I like orange. Oh, Wu Yifan, you like blue. Show me blue. red blue yellow green orangeMikeChen JieSarahJohnWu Yifan答案:redblue yellow green orangeMikeChen JieSarahJohnWu Yifan30( 5 分 ) 根据短文内容选择下列文具的颜色, 将其字母标号写在题前的括号里。Hello! Im Lily. I have a pen. It( 它) is black. I have a ruler. It is green. My pencil box is red. I have a yellow bag and a white eraser.( _ ) 1. A. red( _ ) 2. B. black( _ ) 3. C. yellow( _ ) 4.( _ ) 5.答案:B;C;D;E;AD. whiteE. green


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