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三种能量平衡减肥方法3 Ways to Change Your Energy Balance to Lose Weight邮啊训hl5D1D0150三种能量平衡减肥方法Life is all about achiev ing bala nee, right? Well, not if you re trying to lose weight. If youve achieved an energy bala nee the n you will not lose weight. A per fect energy bala nee equati on helps you to maintain your weight. If you want to slim dow n, you n eed to knock that scale off kilte r.生活就是追求平衡,对吧?然而,如果你在减肥,就打破了平衡。如果你实现了能量平衡,那么 你不会减肥。一个完美的能量平衡可以帮助你保持你的体重。如果你想减肥/尔需要打破这 种能量平衡。What Is My Energy Bala nee?我的能量平衡是什么?Energy bala nee is the diffe rence betwee n your energy in put or the n umbe r of calo ries that you put into your body and the energy you burn each day.能量平衡就是身体能量摄取或者摄入卡路里的数量,和你每天消耗的能量之间的差异。Some people refer to the energy bala nee equati on as the cal or ies in, cal or ies out equati on. You should calculate your energy bala nee if you want to lose weight. This equati on pr ovides a sta rting point for your en ti re weight loss progr am.有些人将能量平衡方程称为卡路里摄入和卡路里输出”的方程,如果你想减肥你应该计算你 的能量平衡,这个方程为你的减肥计划供了一个起点。Energy bala nee equati on: Cal or ies in (energy in put) - Cal or ies out (energy output)能量平衡方程:卡路里摄入(能量摄入)-卡路里输出(能量输出)Once you have your energy bala nee figu red out, take a look at the r esult. Youll have eithe r a positive energy bala nee, a n egative energy bala nee or a per feet bala nee.一旦你核算出能量平衡,核查一下结果,要看一下结果。你要么有一个正能量平衡要么是负 能量平衡,或是一个完美平衡。Per feet bala nee: If you end up with a 0 at the end of your energy equati on, youve found a per feet energy bala nee. In this state you wont gai n or lose weight. Per feet energy bala nee is for people who are in the weight maintenance stage of the ir weight loss journ ey.完美平衡:如果你的能量方程得到的结果为零,那么你将得到了一个完美能量平衡。在这种状 态下你不会减肥或增肥,完美的能量平衡是减肥之旅中人们体重保持稳定的阶段。Positive energy bala nee: If you end up with a positive nu mbe r, youve aehieved the right bala nee for weight gain. For some people, like pregnant wome n, growing ehild ren and weight lifte rs who are tr yi ng to bulk up, this is a healthy state.正能量平衡:如果你得到一个正数,那么你体重达到正的平衡。对于一些像孕妇、儿童和举重 者的那些试图增重的人来说,这是一种健康的状态。Negative energy bala nee: If you end up with a n egative n umbe r, youve found the energy imbala nee n eeessa ry for weight loss. Youve tipped the seales to slim dow n. For best r esults you want a n egative r esult of 500-1000 eal or ies per day to lose 1-2 pounds per week.负能量平衡:如果你得到一个负数,你会发现减肥所需的能量是不平衡的。你打破限度来瘦身。 对于你想要的最好的结果是,每天消耗卡路里负500-1000,可以达到每周减1 - 2磅。l.lose weight减肥;体重减轻Ac ross the evide nee base, it seems that its toughe r for wome n to lose weight tha n men, affi rms Ken Fox, pro fess or of exe rcise and health scie nces at Br istol Univer sity.在整个证据的基础上,它似乎是更严格的妇女比男性失去的重量,肯定肯福克斯,运动与 健康科学教授在布里斯托尔大学。2. scale off剥落;脱落Thanet wi nd farm incr eases the n umbe r of lar ge-scale turbines off Br ita in to 436, with 2,640 on land.塔奈特岛风力发电站使海上大型涡轮数目增加到436个,陆上的增加到2640个。3. end up结束;死亡But many of us end up with jobs like that.但大多数人最后找到就是那样的工作。4. slim down 消瘦More tha n a thi rd (35 per cent) of those sur veyed admitted owning a pai r of tr ophy jea ns they used to fit into and kept in the hope they would slim dow n eno ugh to wea r.超过三分之一(35%)的受访者坦称她们留有一条曾经穿过的具有昔日美丽之纪念意义 的牛仔裤,并一直希望自己瘦下来,能够再次穿得上这条裤子。


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