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深圳牛津版 七年级 第 25期 同步课堂 Chapter 2 Protecting our environment 学案 (三 ) Language A 边学边做 1. She _ (do) her homework now. 2. I _ (listen) to the VOA at present. 3. Look! Some birds _ (fly) in the sky! Task I 目标展示。 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 is doing am listening are flying 4. Listen! Someone _(sing) in the room. 5. He _(work) for another company recently. is singing is working 现在进行时 (the Present Continuous Tense) 1. 现在进行时的基本用法: (1)表示现在 (指说话人说话时 ) 正在发生的 事情 , 常与 now, at present, at the moment, right now等时间状语连用。 Task II 基础学习。 请阅读下面语法 , 同学们试着翻译下面的例 句哦! 另外 , 如果句首出现“ Look!” “Listen!” 等词 , 通常也用现在进行时。例如: They are playing basketball on the playground. _ Look! The girl is crying! _ 他们在操场上打篮球。 看 , 这个女孩在哭! (2)表示现阶段正在进行或持续的状态 , 但说话时该动作并不一定正在进行。 常与 today, this week, this evening (今天晚上 ), these days(现在 , 目前 ), recently (最近 )等时间状语连用。 例如: I am reading a book these days. _ He is learning French recently. _ 目前我在看一本书。 他最近在学法语。 (3)表示已经确定或安排好的将来活动 (即进行时表将来 ), 与将来时间状语 连用。我们在 Language B部分会学 习它的用法。 (1)现在进行时由 be动词 (am, is和 are) 加动词的现在分词 (即动词的 -ing形 式构成 )。 (2)现在进行时的肯定句、否定句和疑 问句: 2. 现在进行时的构成: 肯 定 句 I am doing sth. You are doing sth. He / She / It is doing sth. We are doing sth. They are doing sth. I am not doing sth. You are not doing sth. He / She / It isnt doing sth. We are not doing sth. They are not doing sth. 否 定 句 Am I doing sth.? Are you doing sth.? Is he / she/ it doing sth.? Are we doing sth.? Are they doing sth.? 疑 问 句 肯定回答 否定回答 No, I am not. Yes, I am. Yes, Yes, he / she / it is. we / you / they are. No, No, he / she / it we / you / they isnt. arent. 3. 现在分词的变化规则: (1)大多数动词 (2)以不发音的 -e结尾: a.以单一的 -e字母结尾时; b.以 -ee结尾时 (3)以辅音字母加 -ie结尾 的动词 (4)重读闭音节 , 以一个元 音和一个辅音结尾时 直接 + -ing workworking, gogoing 去掉 e,再加 - ing 直接加 -ing 变 ie为 y, 再加 -ing 双写最后那个 辅音字母 , 再 加 -ing shopshopping, beginbeginning, runrunning, swimswimming diedying, lielying, tietying makemaking, hatehating, seeseeing, agreeagreeing 1. plan _ 2. live _ 3. Introduce _ 4. cut _ 5. do _ 6. come _ 7. lie _ 8. use _ 9. begin _ Task I 词形转换。 边做边学 请写出下列单词的现在分词形式。 planning living introducing cutting doing coming lying using beginning 10. produce _ 11. destroy _ 12. dig _ 13. read _ 14. give _ 15. try _ 16. make _ 17. pass _ 18. communicate _ 19. pollute _ 20. interview _ digging producing destroying reading giving trying making passing communicating polluting interviewing 1. I am reading a book while my mother _ the housework. A. is doing B. does C. do D. doing Task II 单项选择。 A 2. Jim _ playing football and now he is _ with his classmates. A. like, plays B. likes, plays C. like, playing D. likes, playing D 3. He _ a novel on panda this month. A. wrote B. is writing C. writes D. write B 4. Look! The girl _. A. smile B. smiles C. is smiling D. smiling 5. The stars _ brightly in the sky. A. shines B. shined C. is shining D. are shining D C 1. My brother _ (watch) an interesting film with his friends now. 2. Be quiet. The children _ (sleep). 3. Mother isnt able to go shopping now because it _ (rain). Task III 完成句子。 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 is watching are sleeping is raining 4. Look! There is something _ (fall) down from the sky. 5. Her mother _ (be) at work now. 6. Jenny _ (fly) to Beijing every month. falling is flies 1. Trees are communicating with one another. 否定句 : _ _ 一般疑问句 : _ _ 句子改写。 按要求改写句子。 Task IV Trees are not communicating with one another. Are trees communicating with one another? 肯定回答: _ 否定回答: _ Yes, they are. No, they arent. 2. Judy is interviewing Doctor Ray about trees. 否定句 : _ _ 一般疑问句 : _ _ Judy is not interviewing Doctor Ray about trees. Is Judy interviewing Doctor Ray about trees? Yes, she is. No, she isnt. 肯定回答: _ 否定回答: _ 3. The Young Pioneers are planting trees.(就划线部分提问) _ _ the Young Pioneers _? What are doing A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan on May 12, 2008. 1 people lost their lives and homes. During those days, a lot of stories about 2 could be heard. Here is 3 of them. After the earthquake, under a fallen building, Task V 综合训练。 阅读短文 , 从各题后所给的选项中选出 最佳答案。 some soldiers found that a 4 died in a very strange way. When they were ready to take her away, they were surprised to find that a baby in her arms was 5 alive. The baby was sleeping and 6 hurt at all. Between the dead mother 7 the living baby, there was a cell phone (手机 ) with a short 8 on the screen, “My dear baby, if you can survive (幸存 ) , remember that I love you.” Everybody 9 when they read these words. Besides this story, many other stories also moved (感动 ) us deeply. 10 these stories, we know more about love. Youre lucky if youre loved by others. Youre great if you love others when youre in danger. 1. A. All B. Many C. Few D. No 2. A. home B. life C. love D. hope 3. A. one B. none C. some D. each 4. A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl 5. A. still B. often C. never D. not 6. A. is B. isnt C. was D. wasnt 7. A. or B. and C. also D. but 8. A. story B. film C. message D. song 9. A. smiled B. shouted C. laughed D. cried 10. A. From B. On C. To D. With Chapter 2 Protecting our environment 学案 (四 ) Language B 边学边做 1. Julie is coming to China to spend her Christmas holiday here. _ 2. We are flying to Guilin tonight. _ Task I 目标展示。 翻译下面的句子。 朱莉即将到中国过她的圣诞假期。 我们今晚将飞往桂林。 3. The train is arriving soon. _ 4. My mom is leaving for Shenzhen tomorrow. _ 火车马上到达。 我妈妈明天将离开去往深圳。 5. We are going to the beach next Sunday. Will you go with us? _ _ 我们下周日去海边。你要和我们一起 去吗? 1. 上面句子中的“ be + 现在分词”表示 的动作并没有“正在进行”之意 , 那 么它们表示什么时间的动作? 答 : 表示 _的动作。 知识小结。 Task II 观察 Task I中的句子 , 回答下面的问题。 将来 2. 可以用于这种情况的动词通常有哪些? 答 : 这类动词常见的有 : _ _等。 3. 请用已学过的英语解释 Task I中的前两 个句子 (提示 : 使用 be going to)。 答 : _ _ _ arrive, come, Julie is going to come to China to spend her Christmas holiday here. We are going to fly to Guilin tonight. leave, go, do, get, fly 问题 判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)。 1. I am liking apples. ( ) 2. The flower is looking beautiful. ( ) 3. The coat is costing me 200 yuan. ( ) 4. I like watching TV and now I am watching TV with my mother. ( ) 问题探究。 Task III F F F T 探究 通过 Task III, 同学们发现问题了 吗 ? 请阅读下面表格 , 它可以解 答您的疑惑哦! 常见的不用于进行时的动词 能用于进行时的动词往往都是行为动 词 , 以下动词不能用于进行时: 类型 动词 例句 I am hungry. I want something to eat.我饿了 , 想吃点东西。 (此时不用 Im wanting) understand, believe, remember, prefer, depend, like, love, hate, want, need, own, know, realize (1)表示感 觉或状态 的动词 (2)系动词 seem, look, hear, smell, taste, feel, get , become, turn, remain The room smells bad. Lets open the window.这 个房间的空气不好,我们 开扇窗吧。 (此时不用 The room is smelling bad.) (3)表示事实 状态的动词 have(表示“有” 的意思时 ), cost, belong, weigh, mean, continue, contain I have a book. 我有一本书。 (不用 I am having a book.) She accepts my gift.她接受了我的 礼物。 (不用 She is accepting my gift.) accept, receive, refuse, finish, give, decide, complete (4)表示瞬间 行为的动词 边做边学 1. Please keep quiet. She _. 选词填空。 用方框中所给动词的正确形式填空。 Task I leave do build take stand stay swim work is working 2. Where is Mary? She is in her room. She _ her homework. 3. You _ on my foot. I am so sorry. 4. Look! Jack _ in the river. are standing is swimming is doing 5. They are here on holiday. They _ at a famous hotel. 6. I _ now. Goodbye. 7. Where is Lucy? She _ a shower. 8. We _ a new bookshop in the center of the city these days. are staying am leaving is taking are building 1. Look! The old man _ (dig) a hole on the ground to find something. 2. _ you _ (read) a novel at this moment? 3. Hurry up! The bus _ (leave) in 5 minutes. Task II 完成句子。 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 is digging Are is leaving reading is coming 4. Its half past six now. I _ (want) to read my book. 5. Mr Wang _ (not watch) TV now. He _ (ride) a bike. 6. Please hold on. He _ (come). want isnt watching is riding 7. He read her letter. He _ (understand) her now. 8. These cartoon books are very interesting. Yes, they are. My cousin _ (like) them very much. understands likes 1. These computers belong to me. I _ you. A. dont believe B. dont believing C. am not believe D. am not believing Task III 单项选择。 A 2. Someone _. I know. I _ it. A. is singing, am hearing B. is singing, heard C. sang, am hearing D. sang, heard B 3. The music _ good. A. sound B. sounds C. is sounding D. listens to B 4. What _ you going to do this weekend? I am going _ with my friends. A. is, shop B. are, shop C. is, shopping D. are, shopping D 5. Where are you _ next week? We are going to America. A. go B. goes C. going D. will go C 6. The Green family _ to France tomorrow. I will see them off. A. is fly B. is flying C. are fly D. are flying D Peter is having a celebration in this classroom at noon. Today is special for him because its his birthday. Peter wants to have his first middle-school-student birthday party at school very much. Task IV 综合训练。 请根据短文内容 , 按要求回答问题。 He wants others to know he is now a middle school student! Peter invites his friends to his party. They give him many presents. His mother makes a big birthday cake and a lot of delicious food, and sends them to school. Some of Peters friends are playing games and some are eating food. Peter feels very happy. But to his surprise, when the party is nearly over, Mr Huang, his head teacher, comes in with a small beautiful box in his hand. “Happy Birthday, Peter.” Peter is so happy that he doesnt know what to say. Mr Huang says, “Why dont you tell me you are going to have a birthday party in the classroom? Id like to celebrate the first birthday for you in our class! Heres my present for you. Wish you to be a good middle school student!” 1. What time do you think they are having their party? A. Lunch time. B. Class time. C. Bed time. D. Work time. 2. Why is Peter surprised at the birthday party? A. Because his friends arent happy. B. Because his teacher is angry. C. Because his teacher gives him a present. D. Because he gets many presents. 3. What does the underlined word “celebration” mean in Chinese in the passage? A. 狂欢 B. 庆祝 C. 纪念 D. 派对 4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Peters mother goes to school with a big cake and some delicious food. B. Mr Huang comes to the party when the party is almost over. C. Peter and his friends are having a good time at the birthday party. D. Mr Huang feels angry because Peter doesnt invite him to his party. 5. Which is the best title for this story? A. Having a birthday party B. Peters presents C. Mr Huang and Peter D. A special birthday party 特别鸣谢: 辛勤工作在一线上的全体老师! 祝同学们学习进步! 英语周报 2010年 1月


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