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Oct.19, 2010 1 Review What are the five semantic changes? And give one example for each. 1. Generalization 2. Specialization 3. Elevation 4. Degradation 5. Transference Oct.19, 2010 2 Semantic Classification Chen Qianfeng Qianjiang College, Hangzhou Normal University Oct.19, 2010 3 Preview What are main Semantic Classification types? 1. Hyponymy 2. Synonymy 3. Antonymy 4. Homonymy Oct.19, 2010 4 Hyponymy Semantic field describes a set of words grouped in a certain way. It was introduced in 1931 by the German linguist Jost Trier. Oct.19, 2010 5 Semantic Field (陆: 112) living plant animal bush tree shrub flower tiger wolf dog sheep pine oak ash maple ram ewe lamb Oct.19, 2010 6 Hyponymy entails the inclusion of one labeled class in another, structured by the semantic relation of “kind of”. Hyponymy / Superordinate: tree Hyponyms: pine, oak, ash, maple Co-hyponyms / / Oct.19, 2010 7 Classroom exercise (陆: 130) Part Part Oct.19, 2010 8 Synonymy / Definition: The sameness or close similarity of meaning. A1 A2 Synonyms / Oct.19, 2010 9 Synonym Origins (Palmer: 1981:88) Oct.19, 2010 10 Native French Latin Holy sacred consecrated belly stomach abdomen fire flame conflagration ask question interrogate rise mount ascend Word Length Formality Illustration Oct.19, 2010 11 British English vs. American English AmE BrE AmE BrE pants trousers candy sweets movie film railroad railway sick ill call ring loan lend couch sofa baggage luggage apartment flat elevator lift fall autumn Oct.19, 2010 12 4. Stylistic synonyms: Synonyms differing in style. 2. Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning. 3. Collocational synonyms: Synonyms differing in their collocation. 1. Semantically different synonyms. Synonyms Oct.19, 2010 13 Definition: the oppositeness of meaning. Antonymy / Gradable antonyms Complementary antonyms Relational antonyms 程度 非此即彼 关系成对 / / Oct.19, 2010 14 Classroom exercise North / South Above / Below Vacant / Occupied Expensive/Cheap Doctor / Patient Wide / Narrow Poor / Rich On/Off Oct.19, 2010 15 Application Oyxmoron(矛盾修饰法) Examples: Living death Bittersweet Visible darkness Open secret A thunderous silence 活受罪 苦乐 若明若暗 公开的秘密 无声胜有声 Oct.19, 2010 16 Definition: The words (differing in meaning) + (the same in sound or spelling, or both) Homonymy / Homophones (同音异义词 ) Homographs (同形异义词 ) Complete homonyms (同形同音异义词 ) The two words share the same spelling but have different meanings. The two words share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. The two words are pronounced the same but differ in meaning. Oct.19, 2010 17 Homophone Homograph Complete homonyms Lead /li:d/ 引导 Lead /led/ 铅 Passed Past Two Too Rose 玫瑰 Rose 上升 Bear 熊 Bear 忍受 Oct.19, 2010 18 Lexical ambiguity A family of three tomatoes were walking downtown one day when the little baby tomato started lagging behind. The big father tomato walks back to the baby tomato, stomps(践踏 ) on her, squashing(挤 ) her into a red paste, and says, Ketchup! Oct.19, 2010 19 Thank You!


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