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A break for fun UNIT 2 Unit 2 A break for fun Lead in Listening to the world Speaking for communication Further practice in listening Homework Learning objectives describe an event 4 Learning objectives talk about various leisure activities 1 identify words and expressions for describing peoples appearance 2 ask for and give recommendations 3 2020/10/13 Lead in(for level 1) Warm up questions: What do you often do in your spare time?Try to list some activities you like to take part in and give some reasons. Such as:listening to music,going shopping,climbing,seeing movies,etc. 2020/10/13 2020/10/13 2020/10/13 Lead in(for level 2) Warm up questions: Can you name some leisure activities you usually take part in?Why do you like these activities? Camping, outing, traveling, fishing, taking a walk, Yoga, dancing ,drawing, calligraphy, skating, bowling, picnic, Kara OK, barbecue, playing music, etc. 2020/10/13 2020/10/13 Listening to the world Listening Viewing Short conversations Listening to the world 3 Listen to Part 2 of the radio program. Then match the people to the film stars they like. Listening WHILE you listen Woman 1 Sean Connery Woman 2 Gael Garcia Bernal Will Smith Man 1 Judi Dench Man 2 Scarlett Johansson Listening to the world 4 Read the table. Then listen to Part 2 of the radio program again and complete the table. Listening 1) tall 2) masculine face / best-looking 3) black hair 4) dark brown 5) red hair 6) grey 7) slim 8) blonde hair 9) lovely WHILE you listen Listening to the world 5 Discuss the questions. Listening After you listen 1 What is your personal preference about peoples appearance? What is your idea of beauty? The man I like should be strong and fit, without a beard. The woman I like most is someone who is slim and healthy. Beauty is what we see and feel. So my idea of beauty is what is pleasing to the eyes. As long as it makes you feel good, it is beauty. So both inner qualities and body features are important factors to make one look beautiful. Listening to the world 5 Discuss the questions. Listening After you listen 2 Do you think ideas of beauty in China are changing? Why? The ideas of beauty have changed over the past several decades in China. Truly, on the one hand, many still stick to the idea that ones inner quality counts more than outer appearance. On the other hand, more and more people think outer appearance is more important. Listening to the world 5 Discuss the questions. Listening After you listen 3 Is it wise to judge a person by his / her appearance? How do you understand the proverb “Never judge a book by its cover”? I dont think it is wise to judge a person by his / her appearance because appearance is superficial. Sometimes the appearance of a person may mislead your judgment. The greatness of a book lies in its content instead of its cover. So it is with a person. Listening to the world 2 Watch the video clip and check the reasons mentioned. Viewing WHILE you view 2, 4, 6 Additional Notes the Isle of Wight a small island off the south coast of England. The island has a maritime ( 海事的 ) and industrial, and the testing and development of Britains space rockets. It has many traditional tourist attractions, and because of its attractive scenery, many annual festivals, such as Bestival, the Isle of Wight Festival, and the Isle of Wight International Jazz Festival are held there. Listening to the world Viewing Listening to the world Viewing 3 Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks. WHILE you view 1 garden; baby and wife 2 traditional values; likes 3 being together Listening to the world Viewing 4 Discuss the questions. AFTER you view 1 What do you think about Bestival? Would you like to go to a festival like Bestival? Why or why not? Bestival seems a fun festival. People, young and old, can gather together, enjoy themselves, and forget about their worries. I would like to go to a festival like Bestival because I like to be outdoors, listen to music, and do activities with other people. Most important of all, I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends. Listening to the world Viewing 4 Discuss the questions. AFTER you view 2 Of all the festivals held on your campus or in your city, which one do you like most? Why? Additional Tips Asking for and giving recommendations Here are some other ways to ask for and give recommendations. Expressions for asking for recommendations: Do you have any recommendations for ? What would you do about .? I was hoping / wondering / thinking if Expressions for giving recommendations: You might want to What I would do is to If I were you, Id You could think about Speaking for communication Role-play Speaking skills Additional Tips Asking for and giving recommendations Expressions for accepting recommendations: That is a good recommendation. That sounds like a good idea! / Great. / Thats very helpful. Great. Sounds like the perfect place to go! OK, why dont we do that? Speaking for communication Role-play Speaking skills Speaking for communication Role-play 4 Role-play the situations. Situation 1 Finding a place for a birthday dinner Student A I plan to invite my friends to dinner. Do you have a nice place to recommend? I know the food is good there, but its a bit too crowded. That sounds perfect. Student B How about the Sichuan restaurant beside the university gate? The food is delicious there! In that case, why not try the Sunset Restaurant? They have a large private room specially designed for activities like a birthday party. Speaking for communication Role-play 4 Role-play the situations. Situation 2 Looking for a part-time job on campus Student A Im thinking of doing a part-time job to cover some of my tuition fees (学费 ). What do you think I should do? Well they are pretty good ideas. But I prefer to find a job that is related to what Im learning. Thats a great idea! Student B If you prefer to work on campus, you may get a job in the library. Then you should work for a company. How about joining a translation company? Speaking for communication Group discussion 1 Listen to a woman talking about an event and answer the questions. 1 What was the event? It was a free concert. 2 When and where was it? It was held in the evening in City Park. Get ideas Speaking for communication Group discussion 1 Listen to a woman talking about an event and answer the questions. 3 Whom did she go with? She went with her boyfriend and some other friends. 4 What did they do in the afternoon? They took a picnic and went out early in the afternoon. They got a place close to the stage. They chatted and lay in the sun. 5 What did she think of the event? She thought the concert was fantastic. Get ideas Speaking for communication Group discussion 2 Read the key expressions. Then listen to the talk again and underline the ones you hear. 1 Recently 2 in 3 We 4 a free concert 5 fantastic 6 really liked Get ideas Speaking for communication Group discussion 3 Work in groups of four. Share briefly with your group members a recent event you went to, e.g. a festival, a concert, a sports event, an exhibition, a play, a party, or a film. Discuss and organize ideas 4 Decide on one event your group would like to share with other classmates. Speaking for communication Group discussion 5 Prepare for your talk. Take notes on the event and use the questions below as clues. Discuss and organize ideas What was the event? When and where was it? Why did you go there? What did you do or see? What did you think of it? Speaking for communication Group discussion 6 Present the event to the class. Before you begin, refer to the checklist below to see if you are ready. Present ideas Checklist Provide enough details about the event. Describe the event in an attractive way. Use correct pronunciation. Use eye contact and proper tone of voice when describing the event. 2020/10/13 Speaking(for both level 1 Second, require them to describe the celebrity in accordance with the people s appearance chart; Third, each group select one representative to report their description in class and allow other group to guess who the celebrity is. 2020/10/13 The Sample Description He is a black man withshort, black hair, sparkling brown eyes and a broad, friendly smile. He is wearing a dark suit and tie. He appears to be fit and trim. He looks like an intelligent, competent man. 2020/10/13 Celebrities Pictures 2020/10/13 2020/10/13 Words and Expressions for DescribingPeople s Appearance General appearance: pretty, cute, handsome, plain-looking, good- looking, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, attractive, charming, feminine; Build: well-built, plump, muscular, tall, short, overweight, underweight, fat, robust, thin, skinny, slim, slender; 2020/10/13 Hair or beard(especially about colors/ length/ styles/ shapes): Long/ short hair, curly/straight/wavy hair, bald, pigtails, parted hair, blonde, dyed, crew cut, grey/white beard Further practice in listening Long conversation Q1: Why is the suring the mans favorite activity? D Because it cn help him forget his sleeping troubles. Q2 : What is the woman going to do this weekend? C To go to the beach. Q3 : What does the woman love doing? B Enjoying the warm sun on the beach. Q4: What does the man remember doing with his brothers? C Building sand castles. 2020/10/13 M: After such a tiring week,I can t wait to have a rest and relax a little this weekend. W: Me too,Mr. Simpson.So what are you doing this weekend?Looks like it ll be nice weather for sailing. M: Yes,Mary,I hope it stays this sunny.I m going out to the beach and spending all weekend surfing. W: You,sir?Surfing? Further practice in listening Long conversations 2020/10/13 M: Haha,I bet you think I m too old for surfing!I ve been surfing since I was 11,and it s still my favorite activity.The cool blue waves,the smell of the sea,just take me back to when I was a teenager free from care.I forget all my troubles.By Sunday night,I fall into a deep sleep,sore and tired,without a care in the world. W: That s really nice.I m going to the beach,too.I love relaxing in the warm sun,watching my niece and nephew play in the sand and jump in the waves.They ll tire themselves out building sand castles,collecting seashells,and trying to bury each other in the sand. Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 M: Oh,I remember building sand castles with my brotherssuch great fun.How old are little Timmy and Monica now? W: Tim s five and Monica s three. M: Wow, kids grow up so fast! Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 Questions Q1:Why is surfing the mans favorite acivity? Q2:What is the woman going to do this weekend? Q3:What does the woman love doing? Q4:What does the man remember doig with his brothers? Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 Question1 解题思路: 定位到句中的“ I forget all my troubles.By Sunday night,I fall into a deep sleep,sore and tired,without a care in the world” , 可知, D为正确答案。 Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 Question2 解题思路: 直接可以在对话中定位到女人的谈话,即 “ Im going to the beach,too.I love relaxing in the warm sun,watching my niece and nephew play in the sand and jump in the waves” . 因此,选 C. Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 Question3 解题思路同上 选 B Further practice in listening 2020/10/13 Question4 解题思路: 可定位到对话中的“ Oh,I remember building sand castles with my brothers” 故答案为 C选项。 Further practice in listening Summary Use the following self-assessment checklist to check what you have learned in this unit. OK Needs work I can talk about leisure activities. I can identify words and expressions for describing peoples appearance in listening. I can use proper expressions to ask for and give recommendations. I can describe a past event in an organized and attractive way. 2020/10/13 Dubbing: Viewing (voice -over) Listening:Further practice:The short conversations&passage1&2 Reciting: The long conversation Homework 2020/10/13 机房学习情况 2020/10/13


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