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Teacher Identity in Teacher Development Contents 1. The connotation of teacher identity and teacher development 2. The significance of teacher identity to teacher development 3. Influencing Factors of Teachers Identity 4. Literature Review 6.Teachers identity in the application of the new curriculum reform 6.1Current status of teacher identification 6.2 Princples of Teacher Identity 6.3Tcacher identification and expectation to teachers given by the new curriculum reform 6.4 The promotion strategies to realize teachers identification in new curriculum reform 1.1.Teacher identity Identity has long been one of the key issues in social and cultural theory Based on developments in social and cultural theory a number of theorists have framed teacher education in terms of the development of teacher identityMany educators regard the development of a teacher as the development of a teacher identity rather than the acquisition of a set of skills and techniques Palmer(1998:4)proposed that Teacher identity is described as the integrity of the subject he or she teaches,the students and his or her authentic being,because teaching,like any truly human activity,emerges from ones inwardness”. Bullough(1997) wrote that teacher identity is what beginning teachers believe about teaching and learning as self as-teacher-is of vital control to teacher education;it is the basic for meaning making and decision makingTeaching education must begin,then,by exploring the teaching self Rose(1990)constructs of teacher identity as“coherent bounded,individualized,intentional,the locus of thought, action,and belief,the origin of its own actions,the beneficiary of a unique biography(Zembylas,2004) 周淑卿( 2004, E131) 认为 , 教师的身份认同 是指教师 自我对社会所界定的教师内涵的认知与体验,确认自己作 为一位教师,允诺和遵从作为教师的规范准则,把教师职 业作为自己身份的重要标志。教师工作有其 特定的属性 (如 教学 )与 社会关系 (如与学生、同事的关系 从某种意义上说,教师的身份认同即 教师的职业认同 。教 师的身份认同还可以指教师对于自己作为专业人员身份的 辨识与确认,是一名教师追问“我是否是一位专业教师 、 “我是否是一位优秀教师的历程。由于个人生活经验 、志趣、认知特点的不同。每个教师对“专业”的理解并 不一致,因此,教师的身份认同体现出很大的差异性和个 性化特点。由此而言,教师构建身份认同的过程,也是教 师作为“生活中的我”和“专业的我”交织互动的过程 。 1.2.Teacher Development Hargreaves and Fullan(1992.)categorize three types of teacher development as knowledge and skill development;self- understanding;and ecological change Therefore,second language teachers are animated personsand independent thinkers rather than the instruments used for carrying out teaching syllabus and transmitting curriculum (吴宗杰 ,黄 爱凤 ,2005:259) Stages in Teacher Development The devoloment of teacher is a lifelong learning during which there are many stages that are necessary in acquiring their capacities Teachers in different stages have different conflicts concerns and behaviors According to Fullers teachers developmental levels of concern theory(1969), these stages are mentioned as following: The first stage is survival stageTeachers in this stage are primarily focused onselfTheir key questions are:how am I doing? Will I make it? Do others approve of my performance? They always seek approval from school administrators,other teachers especially mentors,parents and students The second stage is the task stageTeachers in this stage are primarily focused on task and timeThey ask themselves:is there a better way? How can I do all that is expected of me? How can I improve this? In order to improve their teaching,they try to adapt to new schedule or optimize lesson plan and get personal tasks done The third stage is the impact stageTeachers in this stage are primarily focused on student learningSome key impact stage questions are:are students learning? How can I raise achievement levels? Is this meaningful to students? In sum,teacher development encourages teachers to do more self-evaluation and self-reflection as to their teaching in order to obtain their personal understanding of themselves as well as teaching practice 2.The significance of teacher identity to teacher development 2.1.有助于教师变化的自我实现 教师教育的任务 不能够仅仅停留于教师行为和能力的改变 ,而是应该 转向对教师身份认同的积极关注 ,实现教师内在的深度改变。 佛瑞德 (Fred)在一篇探讨优秀教师素质结构的论文中提出了一个教师 改变的洋葱头模型 ,如图 1所示。他指出 ,在这个洋葱头结构里 ,内层和外层 之间可以相互影响 ,外层比较容易改变 ,而内层的改变相对较为困难 ,但是根 本性的教师改变却依赖于内层的信念、认同和使命层面的改变。 图 1:教师改变的洋葱头模型 2.2 有助于促进教师专业自主发展 从教师专业发展的基本进程来看 ,生命取向、自我更新取 向 的教师专业自主发展已经成为教师专业化运动中的重要趋 势。 周淑卿指出 ,教师专业发展的概念必须重建 ,即强调要将 教师首先看作一个“人” ,就是要将教师的生命经验、教育教 学的认知情感态度纳入专业自我的范畴 ,强调教师自我的信念 和价值观。 教师的身份认同就是在不断地追问“我是谁”、“我何 以属于这个群体”的根本问题 ,试图将“作为人的教师” 和“作为教师的人”有机统一起来。唯有得到教师内在 的身份 ,教师个体的生命发展才能得到强调 ,教师个体的专业 自主发展才能现实。 2.3 有助于认识教师在教育改革中的不同表现 在身份认同研究中长期存在着本质主义和建构主义的性质之争。 鲍曼 (Bauman, Z.)在对现代性与后现代性的分析中形象地对两者 的差异进行了阐述。他认为 ,在确定性的现代生活中 , 人们是以“朝圣 者”的身份不断有目的地行进 ;而在不确定性的后现代生活中 ,人们则 是像“漫游者 ” 、“观光者”、“流浪者”、“游戏者”那样生活。 尹弘飚 等人借用了鲍曼的概念 ,认为在课程变革中教师的身份认同 也存在着“领头羊”、“适应者”、“小卒子”和“演员”四种不同 类型。这一分析结论与麦卡洛克的观点保持一致。 麦卡洛克 (McCulloch)曾指出 ,教师对改革的反应有四种 :一是毫无 反应 ,这可能是因为教师认为其工作已经符合改革的要求 ,也可能是漠 视或拒绝新政策 ;二是虚应故事 ,只做些点缀式的调整 ,而不做实质的改 变 ;三是只在既有的假设与认知框架内调整一些行事方法 ;四是改变原 先持有的深层认知和假设。 因而 ,由于教师对待变革态度的差异性 ,从身份认同的角度检视教师 与教育改革(尤其是当前的课程改革 )的关系 ,能够有力地解释教师为 什么具有不同的教育价值观和态度倾向 ,以及不同的教师为什么在课程 改革中出现抗拒或惰性的现象。 3.1.Teaching Experience as Source Teachers personal life experiences in the past exert a great influence on their professional lives .Teachers life experiences impact on views of teaching and practiceTeachers seem to have developed rich,well-organized knowledge bases that enable them to draw readily on their past experiences after years of teaching during the induction period.The experience of their prior study and teaching practice accounts a lot for teacher identity One of the most important aspects of teachers life experience is the appearance of a favorite teacher who substantially influences the person as a young pupilSuch teachers provide a role model and in addition they most probably influence the subsequent vision of desirable pedagogy and teaching style Teachers life experience are repeatedly influence their classroom practice in various conscious and unconscious waysWhen teachers take their experience into the classroom,the class becomes more alive 3. Influencing Factors of Teacher Identity 3.2. School as a Setting A teachers teaching context places an important role in teachersprofessional identity.Schempp and his partners(1999)hold that the development of self in teaching is strongly influenced by the context of teachingThe context consists of the ecology of the classroom and the culture of the school Some measures are taken to train a high-quality teacher team. 1)Emotional motivation The school provides the teachers with all kinds of oportunities to let them do their bestTeachers are greatly motivated to achieve successThe teachers live in a harmonious atmosphere. 2)Incentive target The school sets up different goals according to different age group and levels of teachersWhen they have the goal,they have a clear directionDuring the curriculum reform,teachers are regarded as researchers. They explore new teaching model to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. 3)Evaluation activities The school carries out evaluation activities for both teaching group and individual teachers to motivate them,such as Top Teacher,“Promising Young Teacher”,“Backbone Teacher”, Master Teacher”,“Advanced Group”and so onSchool serves as a setting where teachers perform their identity formation Teacher identity is,to some extent,affected by the influence of the school environment 3 Reflection as a Way of Developing The practice of reflection is vital for both personal and professional growthTeacher development is a process continues throughout a teachers entire career. The practice of reflective teaching can promote professional development in the areas of teacher knowledge of identity as a powerful link between thought and action,reflection can make it possible for a teacher to gains strategy knowledge from specific learning activities through which,a teacher can also foster a more critically self-conscious understanding of their identity of being a teacher. The process of reflection is a process of reflection on their teaching and their identities as well 4.Literature Review 4.1 Literature Review on Teacher Identity Mayer (1999)holds learning to teach can be learning the skills and knowledge to perform the functions of a teacher or it can be developing sense of oneself as teacher.becoming goals in their own rights. Britzman(1991) argues against teaching as competence in a range of skills and techniques. Wenger (1998)echoes this line of thinking that issues of education should be addressed first and foremost in terms of identities and modes of belonging and only secondarily in terms of skills and information. 4.2.Literature Review on Teacher Development It is the idea of “teaching should be regarded as a profession, that it leads to the transformation from the term teacher training to the term teacher professional development, or TPD (Villegas一 Reimers,2003). Research in teacher Professional development has changed its focus over the Past few years. Two decades ago ,teacher development was based on the “delivery mechanism” (Freeman1998),which was mainly concerned with what we knew or thought was important about teaching. By the 1990s, interests had been diverted towards “the thinking of the teacher,(ibid) i.e. Teacher learning. It has long been considered that knowledge of subject matter is central in Chinas teacher education system. Much of the research on teacher knowledge comprises “ personal practical knowledge”,(Clandinin ( 2)要求教师能够为学生创设一个 良好的学习氛围 。 6.4The promotion strategies to realize teachers identification in new curriculum reform 新课程改革中帮助教师实现身份认同的促进策略 新课程提出的一些新的理念对教师的思想 观念提出了很大的挑战,促使教师在教 学实践和管理实践中对其做出回应。 这种回应主要体现在教师对传统课程理念 下的“对手”式的身份理解和对新课程 理念下的“伙伴”式的身份定位上。可 从以下几个层面来考虑 : (一 ). Course level The policy makers should take account of teaehers beliefs and knowledge and listen to teachers voice more than before, empower teaehers to become the master of the curriculum reform. 教师要从官定的课程执行者转变为 “生本 ”的课程设计者 和与专家、家长一起参 与课程的共同开发者。 (二) .Teaching level Teachers should consider themselves as students friends and communicate with them. 教师 以平等的人格与学生进行人际交往 , 以民主的方式与学生进行心灵交流,由 以往的“高高在上者”改变到现在的“ 共同遭遇者”,对学生实施“对话教学 ”。 (三 ).The level of the relationship between teachers and colleagues Teaehers should learn from colleagues, learn from teaehing models and even leam from their studenis. 新课程要求教师彼此打破孤立、隔离的状 态,而以更多的参与、沟通和合作,一 起行动和成长。做到 互相尊重、互相学 习、互相关注 ,共同研究和解决教育问 题,齐心协力地完成促进学生发展的任 务。 (四 ).The level of the relationship between teachers and parents Teachers should respect the students parents, take parentsadvice and help them to set up correct concept of education. 教师要尊重学生家长,虚心倾听他们的教育意 见,帮助家长树立正确的教育观念,并向家 长介绍教育的一般技巧和方法 ,使家长能掌 握基本的教育科学知识,提高教育修养 ,重视 与家长的合作。 结语 教师要从严谨详尽的教科书、教学大纲的 束缚中解放出来,从学生考试考级的制 约中释放出来,拥有对课程与教学的设 计、决策、评价与管理权利,同时又能 成为自身专业发展的主体,能够不断研 究、持续反思、终身学习。 要从“搬运工变成“研究者”,要从 “一桶水 成为“涓涓细流”,要从“ 知识复制者”成为“潜能开发者” References 1.Clark,M.2008.LanguageTeacherIdenrities:Co- constructing Discourse and Community M. 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