crts i 无砟轨道施工时常见缺失与注意事项

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Precautions on common defects of CRTS-I Non-Ballasted track construction,成渝客运专线监理三标,CRTS I 型双块式无砟轨道 施工常见缺失与注意事项,1,Basic concept must keep in mind必须常记在心的基本观念,Accuracy / Tolerance requirement: mm evenmm 施工精度与误差要求:毫米甚至毫米以下, 失之毫厘差之千里 2. Working and inspecting in details 细化施工工艺与检查:多检查并及时整改才能少返工。魔鬼藏在细节里 Standardized construction procedures 标准化施工工序:谋定而后动,一次到位 一步错全盘皆输,2,Protection on CPIII Bench marksCPIII 网控制点的保护,No protection cap applied and Mortar clued onto bolt thread 预埋的CPIII 螺栓孔未加防护盖,水泥砂浆粘附孔内螺纹,3,Protection on CPIII Bench marksCPIII 网控制点的保护,No clearance between CPIII pole and backfilling layer CPIII 控制点立柱与路基回填材料之间,未保持净空,4,Protection on CPIII Bench marksCPIII 网控制点的保护,Scratch found on the CPIII pole CPIII 控制点立柱表面存在碰撞痕迹,5,6,Protection on CPIII Bench marksCPIII 网控制点的保护,Out forcing on the CPIII pole 施加外力在CPIII 控制点立柱上,Preparation and takeover the Deck furniture桥面系附属构件的准备与移交工作,7,8,Preparation and takeover the Deck furniture桥面系附属构件的准备与移交工作,OCS foundation was cast in two pieces 接触网基础被分割为两次浇筑,非一体成型浇筑,9,Preparation and takeover the Deck furniture桥面系附属构件的准备与移交工作,Expansion joint seams of precast parapet were not match to the inner wall of CIS parapet,then the joint seams broken due to lack of free space for the girder deflection 现浇A墙的变形缝与预制遮板的变形缝未对齐,造成A墙与遮板伸缩空间被束缚固定,因梁体挠度变化使得墙顶互相挤压而破损,此情况在列车运行后,所有的遮板变形缝的破损将无一幸免,Multi construction properties arrangement同一施工作业面多种作业项目与工序的安排,10,Roughness treatment on Bridge deck桥面的凿毛工作,11,Roughness treatment on Bridge deck桥面的凿毛工作,Roughness treatment applied on the waterproofing area 设计上需要铺设防水层的位置也进行了凿毛,12,Roughness treatment on Bridge deck桥面的凿毛工作,13,Tool rail and steel frame轨排框架与工具轨,14,Tool rail and steel frame轨排框架与工具轨,15,Expansion joint seal and steel channel installation伸缩缝耐候型钢与橡胶密封带的安装,16,Expansion joint and steel channel installation伸缩缝耐候型钢与橡胶密封带的安装,17,Expansion joint and steel channel installation伸缩缝耐候型钢与橡胶密封带的安装,18,Expansion joint and steel channel installation伸缩缝耐候型钢与橡胶密封带的安装,Incompletely inserted expansion joint seal 伸缩缝橡胶密封的嵌条,未完全嵌入耐候型钢的卡槽内,19,Geotextile installation of Track slab construction无砟轨道轨道板施工-土工布隔离层安装,Late removed fixing nail 串钉拔除时机太晚,20,Rebar installation of Track slab construction无砟轨道轨道板施工-钢筋安装,21,Rebar installation of Track slab construction无砟轨道轨道板施工-钢筋安装,Defective insulation 绝缘不良,22,Rebar installation of Track slab construction无砟轨道轨道板施工-钢筋安装,23,Concrete curing of Track slab construction无砟轨道轨道板施工-混凝土养护,Lack of continue moistening 未保持混凝土湿润的连续性,24,25,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-CPIII网控制点管理,Carry out full inspection on the CPIII marks and record the surface conditions just prior to the CPIII network survey。 CPIII网定位测量前,对所有的CPIII控制点所在的基座和立柱结构进行全面盘查,并详实记录表面可见的损伤尺寸、位置与发现日期。 Marking or labeling the existing defects on the CPIII marks at jobsite. 对所有已发现的CPIII控制点基座和立柱结构表面的既有伤痕进行现场标示并标注日期。 Check all the CPIII marks and re-survey the CPIII network if there is any new damaged marks occurred on the CPIII poles. Do not use the new damaged CPIII marks prior to re-survey work done. 每日的施工巡检与进行测量放样工作时必须同时检视CPIII控制点所在的基座和立柱结构的表面,若发现新的伤痕,立即汇报并通知测量专员对该CPIII控制点进行重新定位复测。在复测完成重新定位之前该点位旧有的CPIII座标与高程数据不得引用。,26,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-桥面板凿毛时的防尘,Install cover and vacuum on the concrete scrubber to prevent dust pollution 安装防护罩及吸尘机在凿毛机上,及时将凿毛时的尘土收集在吸尘机的集尘袋内,防止凿毛时的尘土飞扬,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-底座板施工,27,28,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-轨道板钢筋问题,Designed upper layer and lower layer rebar were in same size and length, the hooks joint together became complicated at corner. It causing different concrete cover on side and the rebar cage will not be quadrated shape. Especially 4 hooks fixed at corners. 原设计钢筋笼上下层钢筋长度相同,因此在轨道板四周的立面弯钩都会出现互相干扰,特别是四个角落钢筋弯钩的绑扎变得极其复杂,造成同一根钢筋有不同的保护层的现象;且钢筋笼整体无法形成方正的主体,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-轨道板钢筋调整方案-1,29,Modify all the rebar to two different lengths as upper layer rebar longer than lower layer 统一将钢筋笼上下层钢筋长度调整成上层筋较下层筋长,以上包下的形式形成箍,Plan view 平面效果模拟,Vertical view 立面效果模拟,3D view 立体效果模拟,Longitudinal bar 纵向钢筋,Horizontal bar 横向钢筋,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-轨道板钢筋调整方案-2,30,Combine the upper and lower layer horizontal bar to be closed stirrup if there is no problem with the electricity insulation between each single one of them and agreed by designer. It could save huge cost on material and installation 请设计单位研究,在无单一组上下层横向钢筋绝缘必要性的前提下,可否将横向钢筋笼上下层改为由单一根钢筋弯折成的闭合箍,可省下许多材料与人工成本,Fix the overlap joint by two insulation clips 闭合搭接处使用两个绝缘卡夹固定,Three hooks remained at corners from four 轨道板各个角落的弯钩可因此由四个减少到三个,31,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-防水层基底-底座板根部,Make footing corner as smooth curve prevent void kept under waterproofing 将底座板的根部做成圆弧可有效保证防水层密贴避免防水层下气泡,Suggestion of construction optimization施工优化的建议-防水层基底-底座板模板,32,谢谢聆听 敬请指教,hanks for your attention,33,CYPDL Supervision Lot 3 成渝客运专线监理3标 - 高生华,


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