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英语代词部分语法练习题初中英语分类练习I.单项选择1_will spend the winter holiday in Hanna (海南) Island.AHe, you and IBHe, I and youCYou, he and IDI, you and he2My parents bought a new schoolbag for _.AthemBtheirsCmeDthey3With my parents away from home. I have to cook _ meals.Afor meBfor myselfCmeDmyself4Don and I found _ lying on ground when we work up.AthemselvesBourselvesCthemDus5Whos _?_ is speaking, Mr. Wang.Athis ThisBthat ThatCthat ThisDthis That6Lam is often compared to Taiwanese singer Jay Chou because _ both write _ own songs and are developing R&B style.AtheirtheirBtheirtheyCtheytheirDtheythey7. I dont think this is a good suggestion. Have you any _ ones?A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others8.How _ Greek do you know?I am sorry. I know _ about it. Its too difficult.A. manyfewB. muchlittleC. manya fewD. muchlittle9. Its _ use talking without doing.A. notB. noC. noneD. no one10. Her brothers and sisters are _ college students in Shanghai.A. allB. bothC. neitherD. either11.Which of these two bicycles do you like the red one or the black one ?I like _ of them.A. someB. eitherC. allD. any12. He swims faster than _ boy in his class.A. anyB. the otherC. all the otherD. any other13. _ people in Shanghai go swimming in freezing weather.A.FewB.A fewC.LittleD.A little14. I dont think _ of the answers is correct.A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. all15. Only Li Ming and Wang Ping stayed at school for the wall newspaper. Where are _?A. allB. the otherC. othersD. the others16. _ of us is working hard to make our country richer and stronger.A.EachB.EveryC.EveryoneD.Every one17. We need _ color chalk. Have you got _?A. somesomeB. someanyC. anyanyD. anysome18. If you dont want _ of those two trains, there is _ one at 10:30.A. anyanotherB. eitheranotherC. boththe otherD. eitheranother19.Has _ lost this watch?Yes, but we cant find out who.A. anybodyB. someoneC. oneD. some20. _ of them are famous doctors, but _ of them has been to Britain.A.BothbothB.NeitherneitherC.EithereitherD.BothneitherII.把下列句子译成英语(选用括号内的不定代词)1.你昨晚吃得多吗?(much, many)2.假如有人打电话来,告诉他,我不在。(anyone, someone)3.我姐姐给我两张照片,一张是长城,另一张是上海浦东新区。(another, the other)4.他们都来会议室,没一个迟到。(neither, none)5.这个机器人展览会太精彩了,每个机器人都是学生们做的。(each, every)6.这两部电影没一部是有趣的,它们都很乏味。(either, neither)7.李奶奶没有米了,让我们给她买些。(little, a little, some, any)8.你想要吃些蛋糕吗?(some, any)III.改正下列句子中的错误1.All pupil was asked to write down his name on the book.2.The fish was so delicious. I had many fish.3.There are five new ball pens over there. Please give me the red some.4.The teacher gave every of her children a toy.5.There are some chairs on every side of the small river.6.Everyone of us was allowed to ask some questions.7.None of my parents are Party members.8.Neither bats is mine.9.My aunt is going to stay in the U.S. for another weeks.10.The both children can play the piano well.IV.用适当的不定代词填空:Alittleallneitherbothneitheranother1.Please help yourself to the fruit.Sorry, I cant now, because _ my hands are dirty.2.I failed to pass the test._ did she.3.Theres _ letter for you, Mary.4._ goes well. _ are here.5.I dont like the pair of shoes. Please show _ pair.1.Theres _ rain in Xian these months.Banythingeachmanyeveryotherfewersomething1.How _ new Japanese words have you learned this term?2.Theres a red ball in the boys hand and an apple in his _ hand.3._ child enjoys Christmas. They _ have some presents.4.She did better than I. There are _ mistakes in her test than in my test5.Mum, I am so hungry. I want to eat _. _ will do.附加练习代词专项练习(1)() 1. Open the door, please! Its.A. IB. myC. meD. mine() 2. _ have known each other for 15 years.A. He and IB. I and HeC. You and himD. You and me() 3. He lost his book. Will you lend him _.A. youB. yourC. yoursD. yourself() 4. Wont you let_ help you?A. I and my friendB. my friend and IC. my friend and meD. me and he() 5. “Here is a pair which fits”. “Could I _?”A. put it onB. try on themC. put on themD. try them on() 6. Thats not_, it is _. I made it _.A. yours, her, myselfB. yours, mine, myselfC. yours, my, myselfD. you, mine, my() 7. The sentence_ is not wrong.A. himselfB. myselfC. itD. itself() 8. The girl dresses_ when she gets up.A. herB. sheC. himselfD. herself() 9. _ these girls do you know?A. Who areB. Which ofC. WhatD. How many() 10. _ is he? He is an economist.A. WhoB. WhomC. WhatD. Which() 11. Our feeling was_.A. the same as theyB. same as theyC. the same as theirsD. same as theirs() 12. Who is that boy? _.A. He is a studentB. He is a workerC. He is her brotherD. He is tall()13. This dinning chair is different from_.A. onesB. yourC. that oneD. that()14. The population of Shanghai is larger than _ of Nanjing.A. thatB. oneC. thisD. those() 15. Everyone should be careful of _ pronunciation.A. theirB. onesC. ourD. his() 16. There isnt_ work for you to do.A. someB. anyC. aD. one() 17. Why not try_ local dishes in a downtown restaurant?A. someB. anyC. manyD. a little() 18. He often helped others; he never thought of _.A. myselfB. himC. himselfD. me() 19. You like this but I like_.A. thisB. theseC. thoseD. that() 20. _ hat is this?A. WhosB. WhoseC. WhomD. Who() 21. I invited Tom and Jane to dinner, but_ of them came.A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. none() 22. Is_ here? No, Xiao Wang is in the library.A. anybodyB. everybodyC. somebodyD. nobody() 23. Is there_ wrong with your TV?A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything() 24. Both of these are interesting books. You can borrow_ of them.A. someB. anyC. eitherD. no() 25. There are two windows in the room. They _ face east.A. allB. bothC. everyD. either() 26. Here are two dictionaries. You may use _of them.A. allB. everyC. eachD. either() 27. The teacher put_ the books he could find on the desk.A. allB. anyC. muchD. some() 28. ChenBin has read lots of stories by Chinese writers, now he would like to read_stories by writers from_ countries.A. some, anyB. other, otherC. other, someD. some, other() 29. I cant go there. There is_ bus.A. notB. not anyC. noD. none() 30. Let you and_ do it togetherA. IB. myC. meD. mine() 31. I dont think this is a good idea. Have you any_ suggestion?A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. other() 32. _ a pity you didnt see the film.A. ItsB. ThatsC. These isD. Whats() 33. It was _who helped me a lot.A. herselfB. sheC. himselfD. her() 34. I dont like playing football,_ does he.A. eitherB. neitherC. noneD. so() 35. _ are very good.A. Both theyB. The both boysC. Both of theyD. Both those boys() 36. _ of the three bus lines will take you to the station.A. AllB. EitherC. NeitherD. Both() 37. Try to make as_ mistakes as possible in your homework.A. lessB. littleC. fewerD. few() 38. I have _ money with me. Let me pay for you.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few() 39. Not all students go home on holiday, _ still stay in the school.A. a littleB. noneC. a fewD. few() 40. I havent _ money with me, but if you want I can give you_.A. much, manyB. many, littleC. much, someD. any, much() 41. Thats the matter between_.A. I and youB. me and yourC. you and ID. you and me() 42. Have you finished_ homework?A. yoursB. IC. yourD. you() 43. - This is _ ruler. Where is _?- Oh, _ is on the desk.A. me, yours, myB. my, your, myC. my, yours, mineD. mine, your, my() 44. _ has some new books. The books are on _ shelf.A. He, hisB. He, himC. Him, hisD. His, he() 45. We want_ example. This one is not enough.A. the otherB. othersC. otherD. another() 46. “_ teaches _ English?” “Mrs. Ma_.”A. Who, your, doesB. Who, you, doesC. You, whom, doD. You, whose, is() 47. Could you give me _ water?A. anyB. someC. littleD. many() 48. “_watch is this?”“ Its_.”A. Whose, yourB. Whose, yoursC. Which, youD. What, yours() 49. Most of _ can read as fluently as _.A. us, theyB. our, themC. we, themD. ours, theirs() 50. He is the boy_ I went swimming yesterday.A. whoB. whomC. with whomD. him代词专项练习 (2)( )51. The weather in summer in Wuhan is hotter than _ in Beijing. A. oneB. itC. thatD. this( )52. - How do you think about the film? - Sorry. _ of us have seen it.A. SomeB. AnyC. AllD. None( )53. - Which do you like better, English or Chinese? - _. I prefer math. A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. No one( )54. - What would you like to drink? - It doesnt matter. _ will do. A. SomethingB. NothingC. EverythingD. Anything( )55. - Shall we meet on Saturday or Sunday? - _ day is OK. A. AnyB. EitherC. EachD. Every( )56. - Is this your book? - No, _ is in my bag. Perhaps its_.A. my, her B. mine, hersC. mine, herD. my, hers( )57. Mr Wang taught _ English last term. A. we B. us C. our D. ours( )58. I have two brothers. _ is a doctor, _ is a soldier. A. One, the otherB. One, otherC. The one, the otherD. The one, other( )59. His mother did the housework all by _. A. her B. she C. hers D. herself( )60. This pair of trousers is too short. Would you please show me _ one. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the others( )61. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. new anythingB. anything new C. new somethingD. new everything( )62. I found _ important to read English in the morning. A. itB. thatC. itsD. which( )63. - _ are you going to visit in Beijing?- We are going to visit the Summer Palace. A. WhereB. WhatC. WhyD. When( )64. He wanted to invite three of _ - Tom, Mike and _ to his birthday party. A. we, IB. us, meC. us, ID. we, me( )65. They are twins. _ of them like English. A. EachB. BothC. AllD. Neither( )66. Your son is old enough to look after _. You neednt worry about _.A. him, him B. himself, himselfC. himself, himD. him, himself( )67. My father keeps some white cows and three black _.A. oneB. ones C. it D. its( )68. The desks in our classroom are bigger than _ in yours.A. themB. thoseC. onesD. that( )69. - _ are you? - Ah, its a secret. A. How B. How manyC. How muchD. How old( )70. _ sister asks _ to go to school with _. A. My, I, she B. My, me, herC. I, my, sheD. I, me, her( )71. - Do you have _ CDs here? - Yes, they are over there. - May I borrow _?- Yes, of course. A. some, someB. any, anyC. any, littleD. some, any( )72. They all lost _ in the beautiful music. A. themB. their C. theirsD. themselves( )73. Your computer is very different _. A. to me B. from mineC. for mineD. as me( )74. He wants to know _ ask about Father Christmas. A. to whoB. to whom C. whose toD. whom to( )75. - Is that Miss Li speaking? - Yes, this is Miss Li speaking. _? A. Who are youB. Who is heC. Who is sheD. Who is that()76. There are quite a few old books on the shelf , but _ of them is useful to him .A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none()77. The Smiths have visited two famous cities . One is in Japan and _ is in China . A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the other()78. Whats in your car ? _ . A. No oneB. NothingC. NobodyD. None()79. “_ does your father do ?” “He is a worker .”A. WhichB. WhoC. WhatD. How()80. I prefer the blue trousers . May I _ ? A. try it onB. try on itC. try them onD. try on them()81. _ of the two girls is from Beijing . A. AllB. BothC. NoneD. Neither()82. Students are usually interested in sports . Some like running ; some like swimming ;_ like ball games . A. the othersB. othersC. the otherD. other()83. The twins corrected the mistakes on the test papers _ . A. themB. themselvesC. himD. himself()84. She always thinks of _ more than herself . A. otherB. othersC. the other D. the others()85. The Greens garden is larger than _ . A. weB. usC. oursD. our()86. My watch keeps good time . What about _ ? Mine ? Oh , two minutes slow . A. youB. herC. hersD. yours()87. I dont think it very expensive to buy a family computer here . Really ? Ill buy _ next week . A. itB. thisC. oneD. mine()88. the weather in summer here is like _ in Beijing . A. thisB. thatC. itD. its()89. _ new radio it is ! A. How aB. What aC. HowD. What()90. _ is my son . Do you like to play with _ ? A. You , youB. She , herC. I , meD. He , him()91. We dont know _ he is . They say he is much better these days .A. whatB. whoC. how


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