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Parker Pen Weibo Case Study,Feb 2, 2012,1,Agenda,MONTBLANC万宝龙 GUCCI Burberry Armani阿玛尼 VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,2,Introduction: Introduce the brand features and positioning , also production categories Bulletin board: New stores opening Picture: Montblanc s print ad Links: Official website,MONTBLANC万宝龙,Video: Take the theme of “The beauty of a second”. Video shows the process of looking for beauty moment, which creates a warm and nice atmosphere. This is also the trailer of Montblanc “Beauty of a second” video competition.,Page layout,Background: Grey color without any pictures, which is simple and clear.,KOL,Fashion media,Luxury Website,Duration: 2011.8.22 to 2012.1.31,3,Production: Different characters of different production. There are also pictures showing with words together.,Weibo content,MONTBLANC万宝龙,Famous stars with Montblanc: Show the photos of stars wearing Montblanc production.,Event: When the event of “Red carpet Show” starts in Montblanc concept store, Weibo broadcasts the scene in real time.,Most forwarders and commentators are potential consumers, they express their favorable impression to this production. Some criticize the design, some propose questions about price, but Montblanc hasnt replied in time.,Most forwarders and commentators are stars funs, they appreciate idols beauty, only a few of them pay attention to the production. Stars themselves wont forward it, but their funs club or other organization will care about it.,Mantlancs event is linked with stars, so most forwarders and commentators are stars funs. They express their worship and appreciation. A few of them will say something about the event, and Mantblanc replies actively.,4,The most popular message,Activity,Send Montblancinkfor free,People who forward this Weibo content will have chanceto get Montblanc ink. While this promotional activity is launched by 第一商城, not Montblancs official Weibo.,MONTBLANC万宝龙,5,Agenda,MONTBLANC万宝龙 GUCCI Burberry Armani阿玛尼 VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,6,GUCCI,Page layout,Introduction: Introduce the brand establishment and characters Picture: Five pieces of Guccis beauty shoot. Pictures are rolling automatically. Links: Gucci Official website, Gucci Youku video space, Gucci blog and Gucci museum.,Video: This is a 15s video of “Gucci spring summer 2012”. Some productions such as shoes and clothes show in this video. The video continues Guccis consistent style of luxury and sexy.,Background: Gold color with florid pictures, which is accordance with Guccis luxury style.,Message board: The space for Net users to leave message. From this channel, we can know what consumers focus on about our brand.,Duration: 2011.1.26 to 2012.1.31,KOL,Fashion media,Brand,Shopping centre,7,Weibo content,GUCCI,Top Message: In order to create a festival atmosphere, Weibo sets the new year greeting message on top.,Famous stars with Gucci: Show the photos of stars wearing Gucci production.,Production: Use vivid words to describe different production, and put on the nice photos.,Event: Report the information of related event.,Guccis funs will interact below this message. Most of them enjoy the happy moment, some propose suggestions, but Gucci hasnt replied.,Most forwarders and commentators are stars funs, they express their appreciation and phrase. Some of theme pay attention to the production and ask questions, but there is no reply.,Most forwarders and commentators are potential consumers, they express their intension to buy this production. Some propose questions about price, but there is no reply.,Most Weibo funs comment this because they like the clothes, bags or models that show in the picture. Some of them consult about their production, but still no reply.,Feature,When the page transforms to a specific message page, the background will change. Here shows Guccis production.,The most popular message,Activity,GUCCI,Just like Montblancs activity, people who forward the Weibo message will have chance to get Guccis production for free. These activities are also launched by Guccis sales dealers.,Send Gucci for free,Sales promotion,Cooperate with Sina Style to promote productions.,9,Agenda,MONTBLANC万宝龙 GUCCI Burberry Armani阿玛尼 VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,10,Burberry,Page layout,Introduction: Introduce the brand history, characters and creative spirit. Bulletin: Introduce the Sign in activity that cooperates with J, and call for people to attend. Links: Burberry official website, Gucci Youku space, Burberry Kaixin space and Burberry Douban station.,Video: This video is shooted on MilanFashion Week. Male models are showing on the T stage. The last happy moment express the enjoyable feelings.,Background: Shining brown color with a beautiful model and the fragrance production. Its simple and noble.,Production page: A separated page for its fragrance production, Burberry Body. We can apply for samples and share its ads in this page. This is a unique feature. We can contact with Sina weibos consumer service to open this function (for free).,KOL,Fashion media,Luxury Website,Video Website,Duration: 2011.2.1 to 2012.2.1,11,Burberry,Weibo content,Famous stars with Burberry: Show the photos of stars wearing Burberry production.,Production: Introduce new productions with beautiful photos.,Event: Put on photos and videos that shoot on Milan Fashion Week.,Purchase information,S tars funs admire models beauty. Not only care about stars, some of them also comment the clothes. There are some negative words, but just for discussion.,Weibo funs forward and comment this message to express their favor to this production. Most are positive words, but there are still some unfriendly comments, but they are not concerned by Burberry.,Burberrys funs like not only this brand style, but also these handsome models.,Burberrys funs express their intention to purchase these production, but some will ask for low price. There is not much interaction.,12,The most popular message,Burberry,Activity,Apply for sample,Send Burberry for free,Click into the BODY page on its Weibo and apply for the production sample.,Forward the Weibo message, or attend the turntable lottery, people will have chance to get Burberrys production for free.,Sales promotion,Cooperate with Sina Style to promote productions.,13,Agenda,MONTBLANC万宝龙 GUCCI Burberry Armani阿玛尼 VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,14,Armani阿玛尼 ,Page layout,Introduction: Introduce Giorgio Armani Group, including its production and sub-brand. Bulletin: Call for people to pay attention to Armanis Weibo. Links: A, GiorgioArmani, EmporioArmani, ArmaniCollezioni, ArmaniJeans, ArmaniJunior and ArmaniBeauty,Video: This is Armani Jeans ad video. The running scene and dynamic music create energetic motion.,Background: Set two models as the background. Show their clothes at the same time.,Duration: 2011.10.10 to 2012.1.20,Armani has a separated column named “sub-brand”. It is aimed at communicate more brands to auduence.,KOL,Fashion media,Luxury website,Brand,Shopping centre,15,Armani阿玛尼 ,Weibo content,Activity information: Call for funs to attend their interactive activity.,Famous stars with Armani: Show the photos of stars wearing Armani production.,Production: Select appropriate theme to Introduce new productions with beautiful photos.,Event: Show the event scene that related with Armani.,Armani hasnt got so many comments as other brands. It may because that the starts Armani choose are not Weibo funs idols. Weibo funs who comment this message always have positive opinions to both models and productions.,Armanis funs express their purchase decision in comments. Some propose questions about the price or production, but still, they are ignored.,There are some famous stars attending this event, thus to attract a lot of starts funs. They express their worship.,People who comment this message seem like communication employees, because they almost discuss about the communication method, not the brand itself.,16,The most popular message,Armani阿玛尼 ,Activity,Trial,Sales promotion,Cooperate with Self magazine to launch the Trial activity in Beijing. Consumers will have a try on Armanis make-up production.,Dealers launch this activity to sell production in low price.,Interactive activity,Consumers who purchase Armani jeans will download music via a specific code online for free.,17,Agenda,MONTBLANC万宝龙 GUCCI Burberry Armani阿玛尼 VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,18,VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,Page layout,Introduction: Introduce brand story and history, as well as the delicacy craftsmanship. Picture: Show some beautiful productions, and all of them are in elegant style. Links: VanCleefArpels official website and VanCleefArpels Youku zone.,Video: This video records the manufacture process. Feature shot shows the careful and serious craftsmanship, also reflect brands noble and elegant.,Background: Beautiful and clear background, with one of its production.,Duration: 2012.2.1,KOL,Fashion media,19,Weibo content,Fashion medias forward this message to help communicate the launch message, which broaden the propaganda range. Brand & Jewelry funs follow this message and express their favor to the beautiful productions.,Brand story: Tell a romantic story about the brand origin, which is accord to the main ideal of VanCleefArpels.,Launch information: Inform the launch of official Weibo, and call for web users to share love story.,VanCleefArpels梵克雅宝,Brand funs and jewelry funs appreciate the brand ideal of love, and look forward to knowing more information about it.,This Weibo has been launched for only two days, but the funs has reached almost 3000. It can be concluded that fashion medias spread helps to attract more attention.,20,Conclusion & Suggestion (1),Page layout,Video is set on top of the page, to tell brand story or show productions. Parker can also shoot a film, and upload it on Weibo, and let more Net users to know about Parkers brand ideal. Graphic elements highlight the brand feature. Low key color reflects the stable style of Parker, and beauty shoot of pen directly show the production. They are used for the background. Introduction, bulletin and links are general information on the left of Weibo page. Brand message and story can put in this column. Some will set up the column of pictures, which can show the production directly. This is used for Parkers production show. We can learn from VanCleefArpels, to design a suitable page for each pen, and use the form of photo album. Some have the message board for leaving message. Parker can receive consumers reflection from this board to know more about our target, and reply in time for more communication. A separated page comes out on Burberrys Weibo to introduce one of its productions, Johnnie Walker also carry out this form. Parker can also set a similar page for production, event or online activities. Pay attention to KOLs, media and luxury websites. Parker should also care about these kinds of users, focus on their message and join their discussion to get more attention.,21,Conclusion & Suggestion (2),22,Weibo content,Famous stars are KOLs, so they always show with the production, thus to attract their funs. This kind of topic is always the most popular message. But the star themselves havent forward or comment on it. Perhaps they want to be in low key. Parker will select right KOLs to display the production in a right way. Production message is necessary. Many funs care about these, and they will ask some related questions, but always no reply. Parker will introduce the production in detail, with suitable words and pictures. Pay attention to consumers questions, and reply in time, so that we can establish a good image. Event broadcast communicates information to more target. As the event is going on, we can broadcast the scene in real time. So consumers can view the event in ahead of medias report, thats a great chance for interaction. Purchase message informs sales news to consumers. It will be convenient for consumers purchases if provide the price and store information on Weibo.,Conclusion & Suggestion (3),Activity,The official Weibo launches less activities than dealers. Those activities use low price, even send for free to attract consumers. This sales promotion method may be not fit for Parker. Armanis trial and interactive activity is more creative than others. Parker can also launch some unique events on Weibo, such as upload your handwriting pictures, and the best photo may get a Parker pen for reward. Cooperate with fashion media, and utilize their recourse to widen the target range, like VanCleefArpels. The message of Parkers Weibo launch will be forwarded by other medias, and attract more funs in short time. Other suggestion: Create and discuss about the hot topic to cause more attention. These topics are focused by most of audience, so we can use this platform to publicize our brand.,23,Thank You!,24,


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