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Unit Twelve,Teaching Objectives,了解跨文化交际的不同类型 了解如何消除跨文化交际的障碍 了解如何实现有效的跨文化交际,Teaching Emphases,cross-cultural Communication communication styles custom barriers of Intercultural Communication Christmas celebrations,Content,Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II,TEXT Cross-cultural Communication,Pre-reading questions 1.How many patterns of cultural difference do you know? 2. What general principles should we insist on when conducting business with people of different cultures?,UP,PREV.,NEXT,What is the key to cross-cultural communication? Knowledge. First, it is necessary for you to understand the potential problems in cross-cultural communication and make efforts to overcome these problems. Second, it is important to adjust your behavior appropriately because ones efforts will not always be successful. There is a significant possibility that cultural differences can easily cause communication problems. You should be willing to be patient and forgiving, rather than hostile and aggressive. Generally speaking, there are six fundamental patterns of cultural differences.,Different communication styles The way people communicate varies widely between different cultures. The two aspects of communication style embrace language usage and the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication. Some words and phrases are used differently in different cultures. For example, the meaning of yes varies even in English speaking countries. In some countries, it means maybe”,” I will consider it, while in others it equals definitely so. Non-verbal communicating includes facial expression, gesture, seating arrangements, personal distance, sense of time, voice, etc. For example, if you raise you voice, some white Americans think it signs that a fight has begun, while some black feel that it signs an exciting conversation between friends.,Different attitudes towards conflicts The differences in attitudes towards conflicts mainly refer to peoples view about conflicts and the effective methods to solve them. In some cultures, conflict is viewed as a positive thing, while in others; it is viewed as a negative thing to be avoided. Americans often deal with conflicts directly, such as face-to-face meetings. While in some eastern countries, open conflict is considered embarrassing and differences are worked out quietly.,Different approaches to completing tasks In different cultures, the ways that people move toward competing tasks are different. There are many reasons for this difference. People in different cultures have different access to resources, different judgment and assessment of the rewards about the task completion and different ideas about how to build relationship during the task. How to work together on the task? How to establish relationships that promote the project? In Asian culture, people usually attach more importance to establishing and developing relationships at the beginning of a shared task. In contrast, Americans tend to focus on the task at hand and let relationships develop automatically during the period that they work on the task.,Different decision-making styles Individuals play different roles in the process of decision-making from culture to culture. For example, in many Latin American countries, an official usually holds decision-making responsibility himself. While in America, an official assigns responsibility for a particular matter to a subordinate. Decisions are frequently delegated.,Different attitudes toward disclosure In some cultures, people are frank about their emotions, reasons behind conflict and personal information. In contrast, it is completely different in some other cultures. When you are talking or working with someone from a different culture, keep this in mind. Questions like “What was the conflict about?” “What was your role in the conflict may seem natural to you. But to others, they may be intrusive.,Different approaches to knowing Differences appear among different cultures when it comes to the ways people come to know things. African cultures tend to acquire knowledge through symbolized imagery and rhythm, while European cultures prefer to acquire information through cognitive means, such as counting and measuring. In fact, the modern society is paying more attention to the ways of knowing which were overlooked previously. In addition to helping us to understand our own culture, knowledge of these six patterns of cultural difference can help us to understand people from different cultures. Particularly, in todays global business environment, more and more people are required to understand people from different cultures. There are some general principles that can help us succeed in conducting business with people of different cultures.,Opening and closing a conversation Different cultures may have different customs about when and how and who has the right and duty to speak first, right or wrong way to commence or conclude a conversation. The topic includes modes of address, salutations, levels of deference to social position, proper ways to conclude gracefully and so on. Taking turns and interrupting In some cultures, it is appropriate to take turns in a conversation and communicate in an interactive way. In contrast, in others, the audience is expected to listen without comment or immediate response. A response may be considered a challenge. The same issues arise when it comes to interrupting. In some cultures, interruption is considered to be the default conversational style, esp. among people of equal positions or among men.,Choosing appropriate topics In the western talk shows, such issues a money, love are often talked about and have formed the basis of the kinds of TV programs. In contrast, in some other cultures, it is considered vulgar to speak openly about money. So in business, it is necessary to learn the customs surrounding the making of the deals and choose an appropriate topic to develop your conversation. Using of humor In the western cultures, humor is an appropriate way to build immediate rapport. But it cannot be used universally in all situations. In some other cultures, the use of laughter can be considered as a sign of disrespect. So it is important to understand that this is an area where misunderstanding can be caused.,Using of silence In some countries, silence is a sign of response, indicating that the listener is thinking about the original speakers words. Yet in some other occasions, silence may be a sign of hostility. In western meetings, if your silence is longer than twenty seconds, people will feel uncomfortable. Of course, in other cultures, the customs are different. Knowing how much to say In some places, the less the better, while in other places, it is more appropriate to extend a small point longer. In the west, people tend to value speaking directly and to the point. When westerners say too much, it is likely for them to lose their ability to communicate well.,Sequencing elements When is the appropriate point during a conversation to refer to a more sensitive issue? How soon in a negotiation is it reasonable to ask for directions? Since all cultures and systems can differ, it is important to know the importance of sequence in a conversation. So ask the right question in the right way. Dont ask too soon or too late. Sequencing and timing do matter in all cultures. Each of the mentioned differences can influence the course of communication and can be responsible for conflict or escalation of conflict when it leads to misunderstanding or misinterpretation. While there is no easy way to learn about a given culture in any depth, pay attention to the general principles in communicating with people of backgrounds unlike our own .,Language points overcome,- v. to defeat (another) in competition or conflict; conquer. 战胜:在比赛或争斗中击败(他人);征服 e.g. In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. 在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。 - to prevail over; surmount: 胜过,克服,越过: e.g. tried to overcome the obstacles of poverty. 尽量克服贫穷的障碍,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points aggressive,- a. inclined to behave in a hostile fashion 侵犯的;挑衅的:倾向于敌对行为的 e.g. As a teenager John was aggressive and moody. 约翰十多岁时好斗暴躁 - assertive, bold, and enterprising: 积极的, 过分自信的、大胆的和积极进取的 e.g. an aggressive young executive. 一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points embrace,- v. to surround; enclose 包围;包含: e.g. We allowed the warm water to embrace us. 我们让温水包围我们 - to include as part of something 包含,包括: e.g. The talks embraced a wide range of issues. 这些谈话涉及的话题非常广泛。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points non-verbal communication,verbal - a. of, relating to, or associated with words: 用言辞的,用文字的:属于、关于或涉及言辞的: e.g. a verbal picture. 文字描述 non-verbal - a. being other than verbal: 无需语言的 e.g. non-verbal communication 无需语言的交流,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points refer to,- to mention or speak about 提到,谈及,说起 e.g. I promised not to refer to the matter again. 我答应过再也不提这件事了。 - to describe or be connected to 描述,设计,与有关 e.g. This paragraph refers to the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points embarrassing,- a. making you feel shy, ashamed or awkward 使人害羞的(或惭愧的,难堪的) e.g. an embarrassing mistake / situation / question 令人难堪的错误/ 处境 / 问题,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points access,- n. a means of approaching, entering, exiting, or making use of; passage. 通道,入口,出口,使用途径:接近、进入、出去或使用的方法手段 e.g. The police gained access through a broken window. 警察从一扇破窗里钻了进去。 - the right to approach, enter, exit, or make use of: 接近权,享用权,出入权:接近、进入、出去或使用的权力: e.g. has access to the restricted area 有权进入禁区,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points assessment,- n. the act of assessing; appraisal. 评估,估价:估价的行为;评价 e.g. What is your assessment of the situation? 你对形势的看法如何? - an amount assessed, as for taxation. 核定的付款额 e.g. a tax assessment 税款核定额,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points subordinate,- a. belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary. 次要的:下级的,级别低的;第二等级的 e.g. All other issues are subordinate to this one. 所有其他问题都没有这一问题重要。 - subject to the authority or control of another. 隶属的:服从于他人的权威或控制的 e.g. In many societies, women are subordinate to men. 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。 - n. one that is subordinate. 部属,从属物 e.g. the relationship between subordinates and superiors 上下级关系,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points intrusive,- a. too noticeable, direct, etc. in a way that is disturbing or annoying 侵入的,闯入的,侵扰的,烦扰的 e.g. intrusive questions / sales methods 唐突的问题 / 硬性促销方式,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points when it comes to,- when it is a question of something 当涉及某事(或做某事)时 e.g. When it comes to getting things done, he is useless. 一涉及到做事,他就不中用了。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points in addition to,-over and above; besides 加于之上;除之外又 e.g. In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些安排外,另增救护车值班至午夜。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points deference,- n. submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another; courteous respect 遵从,听从;敬重,尊敬 e.g. The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country. 这些妇女带着面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际,它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任 何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。通俗来说 就是如果你和外国人打交道(由于存在语言和文化背景的差 异),应该注意什么问题,应该如何得体地去交流。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,salutation 称呼,指的是人们在日常交往应酬之中,所采用的彼此之间的 称谓语。各国、各民族语言不同,风俗习惯各异,社会制度不 一,因而在称呼与姓名上差别很大,如果称呼错了,姓名不 对,不但会使对方不高兴,引起反感,甚至还会闹出笑话,出 现误会。在人际交往中,选择正确、适当的称呼,反映着自身 的教养、对对方尊敬的程度,甚至还体现着双方关系发展所达 到的程度和社会风尚,因此对它不能随便乱用。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,social position 社会地位,简称“地位”。社会成员在社会系统中所处的位置。 一般由社会规范、法律和习俗限定。它常用来表示社会威望和 荣誉的高低程度,也泛指财产、权力和权威的拥有情况。分先 赋性地位(ascribed status)和自致性地位(achieved status)两种: 前者取决于性别、年龄、家庭关系等,后者往往与所受教育、 职业和婚姻状况等有关。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,talk show 脱口秀是从英语词组Talk Show(口才展示)中音意同译的精彩 典范,脱口秀是形容人的口才很好,说出的话非常有吸引力, 而且谈吐不俗,博得众人的喝彩。 在西方,脱口秀是一个视频 节目的栏目,也是一种主持风格。我国的相声艺术就被西方国 家认为是脱口秀。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,You should be willing to be patient and forgiving, rather than hostile and aggressive. (1) rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather.than.”句式,意思是“宁 愿而不愿”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。 Shed rather die than lose the children. (2) rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是而不是; 与其不如”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介 词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. We should help him rather than he should help us. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. He ran rather than walked.,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,In Asian culture, people usually attach more importance to establishing and developing relationships at the beginning of a shared task. attach importance to: 重视,认为重要 The government attaches great importance to education. We attach importance not only to our development in this century, but even more to our development in the next.,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,In contrast, Americans tend to focus on the task at hand and let relationships develop automatically during the period that they work on the task. tend to: be inclined to 倾向于,往往会 British people tend to be rather conservative. Men tend to be more disputative than women.,UP,PREV.,NEXT,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,1. How do you understand the key to cross-cultural communication? The key to cross-cultural communication is to understand the potential problems and adjust your behavior appropriately to overcome these problems.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,2. What will Americans think about your raising your voice? If you raise you voice, some white Americans think it signs that a fight has begun, while some black feel that it signs an exciting conversation between friends.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,3. In eastern countries, what does open conflict mean? It is considered embarrassing and differences are worked out quietly.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,4. How can you choose an appropriate topic? In order to choose an appropriate topic, you should learn the customs surrounding the making of the deals and choose an appropriate topic to develop your conversation.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,5. In your opinion, what is the most important principle? Why? Open,Reference,II. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.,1.deference 2.aggressive 3.intrusive 4.escalate 5.verbal 6.conflict 7.embraces 8.subordinate 9.gesture 10.hostility,a. to clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection b. courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another c. relating to, or associated with words d. a motion of the limbs or body made to express thoughts e. to increase, enlarge, or intensify f. tending to intrude (especially upon privacy) g. belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank h. an unfriendly disposition i. a state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests j. inclined to behave in an actively hostile fashion,1.b 2. j 3.f 4.e 5. c 6.i 7.a 8.g 9.d 10. h,III. Translate the following passage into Chinese,How to work together on the task? How to establish relationships that promote the project? In Asian culture, people usually attach more importance to establishing and developing relationships at the beginning of a shared task. In contrast, Americans tend to focus on the task at hand and let relationships develop automatically during the period that they work on the task.,如何共同致力于同一项工作? 如何建立起能够促进本项目发展的人际关系?在亚洲文化中, 人们通常更加重视在一项共同的工作刚开始时,就建立和发展人际关系。相反, 美国人则往往注重手头的工作,让人际关系在工作的过程中自发地形成。,Reference,IV. Please put the following sentences into English.,1. 网络是一个日益重要的通讯手段。 Internet is an increasingly important means of communication. 2. 我从她的面部表情看出发生了很严重的事。 I told from her facial expression that something serious had happened. 3. 这项政策不受欢迎,在组织内部引起了很多矛盾。 It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the organization. 4. 他把例行检查安排给了一个下属去做。 He assigned the routine checks to one of his subordinates. 5. 我们已经共事好多年,建立了密切的关系。 Wed worked together for years and developed a close rapport.,Fast Reading I,Breaking the Barriers of Intercultural Communication,UP,PREV.,NEXT,We live in an increasingly complex world. One element of this complexity is the mixing of different cultures, languages and faiths. Within the business world intercultural communication is vital for success. Effective communication between colleagues from different cultural backgrounds ensures a team is working harmoniously. The six steps to intercultural communication are basic pointers that all working in intercultural teams should be aware of to ensure culture becomes a vehicle for positive advancement rather than a barrier., Break Assumptions Everyone makes or has assumptions about others. Assumptions are beliefs rather than objective truth and are usually influenced by a number of subjective factors. For intercultural communication to truly work, people need to assess their assumptions and ask themselves why they hold those ideas or beliefs. Doing so and even openly examining them with others overcome the initial barrier to intercultural communication., Empathize In order to come to appreciate and understand people from different cultures, empathy is vital. Through putting yourself in someone elses shoes you come to see or appreciate their point of view. Involve Involving others in tasks or decision-making empowers and builds strong relationships. Using intercultural diversity is in essence a more creative approach to problem solving as it incorporates different points of view., Discourage Herd Mentality Herd mentality refers to a closed and one-dimensional approach. Such a way of thinking curbs creativity, innovation and advancement as people are restricted in how to think, approach and engage with people or challenges. Intercultural communication can only flourish and therefore contribute if people are encouraged to think as individuals, bring their cultural influences to the table and share ideas that may be outside the box., Shun Insensitive Behavior People can and do behave in culturally insensitive ways. By attacking someones person, you attack their culture and therefore their dignity. This can only be divisive. Intercultural communication is based upon people thinking through words and actions to ensure they do not act inappropriately. When insensitive behavior is witnessed it is the responsibility of all to shun it and ensure it remains unacceptable., Be Wise Wisdom is not called wisdom for nothing. People need to be aware how to interact with people with respect and knowledge. Intercultural communication is essentially founded upon wisdom, i.e. showing maturity of thought and action in dealing with people. Through thinking things out and having background knowledge to intercultural differences, much of the communication problems witnessed within business could be avoided.,I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False according to the text. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the brackets.,1. ( ) We live in an increasingly complex world because there are different cultures, languages and faiths. 2. ( ) Cultural barrier can be turned into positive advancement if proper steps are taken. 3. ( ) Assumptions are mainly influenced by objective factors. 4. ( ) Working together with people from different cultures help to build strong relationships 5. ( ) In order to promote creativity, innovation and advancement, one should insist on his own idea without being changed.,1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F,II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.,1. According to the passage, some teams fail to work harmoniously because of _. A. financial difficulties B. ineffective communication C. assessing their own assumptions D. showing empathy to people from different cultures,II. Choose the


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