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Unit 1Money,Content,Warm-up Activities,I. Pair works What do you know about money? Think about its value and talk with your partner.,II. Group work Different items have been used as money at some time in history. Work in small groups, discussing how each of them was used in history or is still being used today. IIIThink about and then make a list of all the different currencies you know in the world today, for example, yuan, dollar, pound,Background Information,Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context or country.,Functions of money Medium of exchange Unit of account Store of value Standard of deferred payment Measure of value Types of money Commodity money Representative money Fiat money Coinage Paper money Commercial bank money Digital money,Money is historically an emergent market phenomenon establishing a commodity money, but nearly all contemporary money systems are based on fiat money. Fiat money, like any check or note of debt, is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity. It derives its value by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for all debts, public and private. Such laws in practice cause fiat money to acquire the value of any of the goods and services that it may be traded for within the nation that issues it.,The word “money” is believed to originate from a temple of Hera, located on Capitoline, one of Romes seven hills. In the ancient world Hera was often associated with money. The temple of Juno Moneta at Rome was the place where the mint of Ancient Rome was located. The name Juno may derive from the Etruscan goddess Uni (which means the one, unique, unit, union, united) and Moneta either from the Latin word monere (remind, warn, or instruct) or the Greek word moneres (alone, unique). In the Western world, a prevalent term for coin-money has been specie, stemming from Latin in specie, meaning in kind.,Money Supply The money supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and bank money (the balance held in checking accounts and savings accounts). Bank money, which consists only of records (mostly computerized in modern banking), forms by far the largest part of the money supply in developed nations.,Currency,A currency is a unit of exchange and hence a kind of money and medium of exchange. Currency includes paper, cotton, or polymer banknotes and metal coins. Countries generally have a monopoly on the issuing of currency, although some countries share currencies with other countries. Today, currencies are the dominant means of exchange. Different countries may use the same term to refer to their respective currencies, even though the currencies may have little else to do with each other. A place that is technically part of another country sometimes uses a different currency from that of the parent country.,List of circulating currencies by country or territory,Australia Australian dollar $ AUD Canada Canadian dollar $ CAD France Euro EUR Germany Euro EUR Italy Euro EUR Japan Japanese yen JPY Korea, South South Korean won KRW China, Peoples Republic of Chinese yuan or 元 CNY Norway Norwegian krone kr NOK Russia Russian ruble . RUB United Kingdom British pound GBP Penny United States United States dollar $ USD Cent,Notes of Text base metal: a metal that is common and not considered precious; lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc are base metals 基本金属 representative money: any type of money that has face value greater than its value as material substance. Used in this sense, fiat money is a type of representative money 代用货币 fiat money: state-issued money which is neither legally convertible to any other thing, nor fixed in value in terms of any objective standard, but, can be used as a medium of exchange to buy all other items in the economy. 法定货币,Text Analysis,1. From the beginning of humankind, the system of barter or exchange, has been used to buy goods. Personal items of value such as crops or animals were exchanged for goods or services wanted. 在人类发展的初期,以物易物的体制用于购买物品。诸如谷物,动物这些有价值的个人物品,已被用来交换想要的商品或服务。 barter 1. V-T/V-I If you barter goods, you exchange them for other goods, rather than selling them for money. 以物交换; 以物易物 例: They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber. 他们一直在用小麦交换棉花和木材。 2. N-UNCOUNT Barter is also a noun. 物物交换 例: Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions. 总的说来,物物交换是一种非常低效的组织交易的方式。 Phrase: barter trade 易货贸易,实物交易 barter away 经吃亏廉卖;拿作交易,be used to get adapted to, be accustomed to习惯于 例:But the technique I used to memorize those chapters can be used to memorize anything. 但是我用来记住那些章节的技巧可以用来记住任何事情. 例:Some memory has to be used to keep track of all those reverse mappings. 不得不用一些内存来保持对所有那些反向映射的追踪 Phrase be not used to我不习惯 get used to习惯于;过去惯于 be well used to do被好好地用来做 be used to something习惯于某事,item 1. An item is one of a collection or list of objects. 一些物品中的一项 例:The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing. 展览中最有价值的作品将是毕加索的一幅画。 2. An item is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about. 项目 例: The other item on the agenda is the tour. 另一项议程是旅行。 3. An item is a report or article in a newspaper or magazine, or on television or radio. (报刊、电视或广播中的) 一篇报道或文章 例:There was an item in the paper about him. 报纸上有一篇关于他的报道。 4. If you say that two people are an item, you mean that they are having a romantic or sexual relationship. (在恋爱或有性关系的) 一对非正式 例: She and Gino were an item. 她和吉诺曾是一对。,Phrase menu item 计菜单项 item on the agenda 议程项目 construction item 施工项目,建设项目 item by item 逐项;逐条 project item 工程项目 data item 计数据项;计资料项 item number 项目编号;品目号,项目号;产品编号 news item 新闻条目 test item 测验项目 end item 成品,最终产品 line item 排列项,Text Analysis,2. Consequently, over time, the bartering system evolved, so that people could sell their pigs at the best possible time and receive coins which could later be used to buy grain when the wheat was harvested. 因此,以物易物体制随着时间的推移而发生着改变,人们在最适宜的时间变卖猪肉换取钱币,使得他们在小麦丰收时购买谷物。 Consequently: means as a result. 结果 例: Grandfather had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. 爷爷在矿上做工时受了背伤,结果,他在轮椅上度过了他的余生。 例: Consequently I am able to show interest in him as a person. 结果是,我可以对作为一个人的他感到有了兴趣。,evolve 1. When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms. 进化 例:The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to have evolved to attract females. 许多雄鸟的鲜艳羽毛被认为是为吸引雌鸟而进化来的。 例:Birds are widely believed to have evolved from dinosaurs. 鸟类普遍被认为是从恐龙进化而来的。 2. If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced. 使逐步发展; 逐步发展 例:.a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines. 最终发展成为巴基斯坦国际航空公司的一家小型航空公司。,Phrase evolve into vt. 发展成,进化成 evolve from v. 由进化 vt.发展,进化;进化;使逐步形成;推断出 go way, to develop vi.发展,进展;进化;逐步形成 grow, expand, advance 词根:evolve adj. evolutionary 进化的;发展的;渐进的 evolutionism 进化论的 n. evolution 演变;进化论;进展 evolutionism 进化 进化论,harvest 1. The harvest is the gathering of a crop. 收割 例:There was about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest. 收割伊始田间大约有三亿吨的谷物。 2. harvest is the crop that is gathered in. 收成 例:Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests. 数百万人因干旱和歉收正受到饥饿的威胁。 3. When you harvest a crop, you gather it in. 收割 例: Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand. 这儿的稻农仍然靠双手种植和收割庄稼。 Phrase bumper harvest 丰收 good harvest 丰收;好收成;高产 harvest time 收获季节;收割期 harvest moon 秋分前后的满月 harvest festival 收获节(由基督教教会所举行) rich harvest 丰收,3. The expression “as good as gold” developed from this practice as it was generally accepted that although the receipt itself was of very little value it had a significant value since it was backed by the promise to pay the amount stated on the receipt. “价似黄金”这一说法,坊间普遍认为尽管收据本身价值较小,却因为它允诺支付收据上的数额而具有巨大价值。 receipt 1. receipt is a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you. 收据 例: I wrote her a receipt for the money. 我为那笔钱给她开了张收据。 2. Receipts are the amount of money received during a particular period, for example by a shop or theatre. 收入 例: He was tallying the days receipts. 他正在结算当天的收入。,3. The receipt of something is the act of receiving it. 收到正式 例: Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order. 收到你的订单28天内供货。 4. If you are in receipt of something, you have received it or you receive it regularly. 已收到; 定期收到正式 例: We are taking action, having been in receipt of a letter from him. 收到他的信之后,我们正采取行动。 Phrase on receipt of 在收到后 official receipt 正式收据 acknowledge receipt 证实收到 acknowledge receipt of 收到 in receipt of 已收到,state /stet/ (stating, stated, states) 1. You can refer to countries as states, particularly when you are discussing politics. (政治上所指的) 国家 例:Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican. 墨西哥是个非宗教国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。 2. Some large countries such as the U.S. are divided into smaller areas called states. (美国等大国的) 州 例:Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville. 南部各州的领导人们正在路易斯维尔会晤。 3. The U.S. is sometimes referred to as the States. 美国非正式 例:She bought it last year in the States. 她去年在美国买了它。 4. You can refer to the government of a country as the state. 政府 例:The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure. 政府没有征到足够的税来支付它的费用。,5. State industries or organizations are financed and organized by the government rather than private companies. 政府的; 国家的ADJ n See: state school 例:.reform of the state social-security system. 国家社会保障体制的改革。 6. N-COUNTWhen you talk about the state of someone or something, you are referring to the condition they are in or what they are like at a particular time. 状况; 状态 例:For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression. 丹尼尔去世后的头几个月,我一直处在临床抑郁状态。 7. V. you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way. 说明; 写明 例:Clearly state your address and telephone number. 清楚地写明你的地址和电话号码。,Phrase state council 国务院 in a state 口语 不整洁(或混乱)的状态 兴奋(或激动、紧张)状态 in state adv. 庄重地;正式地 state ownership 公有制;国家所有制 state of mind 心理状态,思想状态;心境 current state 现行状态;初速电流状态 secretary of state n. (美)国务卿;(英)国务大臣;(美)州政府秘书长 steady state 定态;恒稳态 state university 美州立大学 state department n. (美国)国务院 solid state 固态 state power 国家权力;国家电力 in a state of 处于的状态,Exercise:I. Answer the following questions according to the text:,1. What is the main topic of the passage? 2. What is the problem with using perishable commodities such as salt, tea, tobacco or seeds as money? 3. Could you list the disadvantages of barter? 4. What is the development of coins in China? The influence of various monetary systems in our lives through the ages. Storage and transportation of such items. It is not easy to store and transport and not convenient to buy other things on time. In China around 1200 BCE cowry shells were used. As time went by, the Chinese began making mock cowry shells out of metal.,5. Which countries coins development has been mentioned? 6. What do you know about the receipt? 7. What is the fiat money? 8. What is the standard form of national currency and when it begins? 9. What can prove that coins have been the most important form of money? China, Turkey, Egypt, Greece and Rome. It was of value little value. It is money which is given value by a government, not based on the representation of any commodity or precious metal stored in a bank. Fiat money has become the standard form of national currency in1971 when the United States declared its dollar would no longer be backed by any commodity. In an auction at Sothebys in London in July 1995, 200 ancient coins sold for over two million pounds. One coin, minted in 460 BCE was sold for one hundred and thirsty two thousand pounds.,Word PracticeFill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.,1. Energy is a traded c but it is important also the political input we put into this project. 2. In what way? Only ten years ago, you could b for things, but now its all cash. 3. M stimulus alone is not enough - it must be combined with fiscal stimulus if you want more bang for your buck, he noted. 4. In one p discipline, they say that in communication there is no failure but only feedback. 5. To e is to surrender choices.,1. commodity 2. barter 3. Monetary 4. psychological 5. evolve,6. Audit culture is the ability and achievements the audit organizations and personnel acquire, a , create and extend in audit practice. 7. Good advertising does not just c information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. 8. In both cases, bidders compete against one another to win the a . 9. If you cannot confirm r of our remittance by tomorrow, please fax us immediately. 10. Its a slack season and were going to s business.,6. accumulate 7. circulate 8. auction 9. receipt 10. stash,Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words or phrases given in the box. Change the forms where necessary.,be central to from the beginning of consider as be known as base on as a consequence of in exchange for stash away end up with make ends meet the origin of such as 1. What do you the marrow of this business? 2. At the dinner we usually start with soup and fruit. 3. That is not to deny that foreign affairs will Mr. Bushs reputation.,1. consider as 2. end up with 3. be central to,4. Deflation is a real possibility in 2009 global recession. 5. your request, confirmation letter would be issued to you. 6. So small amounts of money in an emergency fund, and make sure you use it well, only for emergencies! 7. the universe is an ageless topic. 8. Laugh at work and a positive achiever. 9. This has been time, the division and the endless conflict. 10. You can also request something your offer.,4. as a consequence of 5. Base on 6. stash away 7. The origin of 8. be known as 9. from the beginning of 10. in exchange for,TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English:,1. 你也有自己的家庭需要考虑。 2. 她几乎挣不到足够的钱来维持开支。 3. 在那里,他存够了婚礼的费用。 4. 据预测,海平面升高是由于全球气候的变暖。 5. 有关女性和领导阶层的问题将必定成为世界新秩序的核心。 1. You have your own family to consider as well 2. She scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet 3. There, he earned enough to stash away savings for his wedding 4. The rise in sea levels is predicted as a consequence of global warming 5. Issues surrounding women and leadership are sure to be central to our new world order.,V. Reading comprehensionRead the text carefully, and choose the best answer.,In recent years, more and more people have been paying for things with credit cards. There are now 565 million credit cards worldwide, but it doesnt stop there. Debit cards (电子记账卡) are being issued by banks, and store cards are being offered by many department stores. Bills and coins are gradually being replaced by plastic money. In many countries, phone cards have been introduced for people to use in pay phones. In addition, cards made of paper are being replaced by plastic ones by many organizations and clubs. For example, if you belong to a sports club, your membership card may well be made of plastic. How safe is the plastic used to make these cards, though? Until now, most cards have been made from a plastic called PVC. While PVC is being produced, harmful chemicals are released into the atmosphere. One of the most dangerous chemicals that is released is dioxin, which is known to cause cancer in humans. A further problem is that, when a PVC card is thrown away, it is not biodegradable; this means that it does not break down and cannot be recycled. Obviously, recycling reduces pollution of the environment.,The executive director of the environmental organization and charity Greenpeace, Peter Melchett, says, If there is a solution to this - and an alternative then it would be madness not to use it. Greenpeace has found a solution and an alternative. Their new credit card is made entirely from a biodegradable plastic that uses plants. The card breaks down in around three months in soil; in this way, it is recycled. In contrast, a PVC card lasts for centuries Greenpeace hopes that many organizations will soon follow their example and issue cards that do not threaten the public health. 1. Fewer and fewer credit cards are made of paper.A) Right B) Wrong C) Not mentioned2. The plastic used in credit cards is fairly safe.A) Right B) Wrong C) Not mentioned3. The cards that are wildly used now are credit cards.A) Right B) Wrong C) Not mentioned4. Most credit cards are biodegradable.A) Right B) Wrong C) Not mentioned5. The new credit card that is being introduced by Greenpeace is not made of plastic.A) Right B) Wrong C) Not mentioned 1. A2. B3. C4. B 5. B,Writing Rsum Your rsum introduces you to potential employers. Find out how to write one that will make a good impression. In todays competitive job market, a well-written rsum is the single most important factor in getting your foot in the door and on your way to landing the perfect position In this part, we will learn about HOW TO WRITE A PROPER RESUME. I. The elements of the proper resume Any resume should include the following basic elements, which can show your different aspects to your potential employers. 1. Identifying information 2. The objective Most employers want an objective on a rsum. It acts as a heading, a guiding statement that helps them to direct the rsum to the appropriate person, for the appropriate job, while giving your rsum a focus. It should be a short, succinct description of the type of position you are currently seeking. It is best, then, if your goals are defined well enough for an objective. One of the most difficult tasks in writing the objective is balancing your statement between being too specific and too broad.,3. Education background If you are in college now, you will most likely want to place this section immediately after the OBJECTIVE. An exception to this is the student who has significant experience that is applicable to a career. After you have post-bachelors degree experience in your field, your work experience will be placed after the OBJECTIVE. 4. Experience In this section you can include employment, volunteer experience, internships, or academic credit experiences. Use section titles to group your experiences by relevance: 5. Additional Sections You Can Include In The Rsum: a. Special Skills/Accomplishments:b. Course Work:c. Honors and Activities: d. Summary of Qualifications: 6. Reference Including a REFERENCES section in your rsum is still an accepted practice, although many people leave it off. It is usually assumed that your references are available upon request.,II. Sample of Rsum:,Sarah student Present address Permanent Address Box 0000, Capital University 555 Crayon Road Columbus, Ohio 43209 Baltimore, Ohio 43105 (614) 136-0000 (614)555-0000 OBJECTIVETo utilize my foreign language skills in an international business or federal government internship EDUCATIONCAPITAL UNIVERSITY, Columbus, Ohio Bachelor of Social Work, May 2003Majors: Spanish and FrenchMinor: Political ScienceGPA: 3.8/4.00 Major GPA: 4.00/4.00,CAREER RELATED Research Intern, June 2002-August 2002 EXPERIENCE Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio Participated in investigations of customer-owned, coin-operated telephones (COCOTs) or pay phones Compiled investigative information of various COCOTs into a database. Organized projects notifying owners of violations and processing the response ADDITIONAL Departmental Assistant, August 2000 May 2002 EXPERIENCE French and Spanish Departments, Capital University, Columbus, Ohio Evaluated papers and projects Administered exams in the absence of professor Provided additional assistance to students in the form of


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