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滨海县第一初级中学初一英语期末复习导学案(2)课题:7B Unit6 命题人:洪惠萍 审核人:_一、 背写上下列单词1. 急忙 2. 抱怨 3. 户外的 4. 在旁边 5. 野营 6. 骑马 7. 到达,击中 8. 她自己 9. 溜冰 10.兔子 11.独自,单独 12.穿过 t 13.洞 14.经过 15.到.里面 16.侧,边 17.手表 18.落下 19.锁上的 20.使惊奇 21.低的 22.注意 23.一段时间 24.激动的 25.帐篷 26.木头 27.意大利的 28.变成 29.朝代 30.世纪 31.足够的 32.手机 33.甜的 34.决定 35.向,朝 36.伸手够到 37.进入 38.忘记 39.爬,攀登 40.失败 二、 翻译下列短语1. 快点 2. 为我提它 3. 抱怨太多 4.转过身 5. 在他们回家的路上 6. 自言自语 7. 捡起小猫 8. 吃惊地做某事 9. 迅速地逃跑 10. 前天 11. 还有别的什么事吗? 12. 生活在很干的地方 13. 再也不 14. 听说 15. 前几天 16. 同时 17. 停下来吃饭 18. 至少 19. 每一百个家庭 20. 和一样打 21. 要求 22.变得流行 三、 完成下列句子1. 鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 Fish_ _ eyes _.2. 我们的眼睛和出生时一样大。 Our eyes _ _ _ _ _ _.3. 太阳约是地球的130万倍大。The Sun is about 1300000 _ _ _ the _.4. 突然,他们听到从树后的灌木丛里传来一声低语。_, they _ a _ _the _ _the tree.5. 你发生什么事了? _ _ _ you?6. 她告诉了Anday一切。 She _ Andy .7. 我们需要保持我们的房子干净。We need _ _ our house_.8. 我再也不害怕动物了。I am _ _ _ _ _ _9. 他骑车环游80多个国家。 He _ _ _80_ _ _.10. 他能用粉笔画三维画。 He_ _ _ _ _ _.11. 三明治得名于一个名叫John Montagu的男子。 _ _ _ _ _ a man_John Montagu.12. 后来这食物开始在全世界变得流行。 _the food _ _ _ _ _ _.13. 现在电视的尺寸大到152英寸。 Now _ _ _ _ _ _152_.五、语法(一)、用 法1. 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。2. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 (二)、句型结构:1 谓语动词为实义动词的一般过去时 : 主语+谓语动词过去式2. 谓语动词为be动词的一般过去式: 主语+was / were +.(三)、常与一般过去时态连用的时间有:yesterday, yesterday morning (afternoon, evening ), just now (刚才)last night (week, month, year ) ,two days ago, a week ago, the other day When +句子(一般过去时)e.g.When I was young, in the past (在过去) (四)、规则动词过去式的构成1. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ed look_ play_2. 结尾是e的动词 加-d hope_ use_3. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词, 先双写这个辅音字母, 再加-ed stop_ plan_ chat_4. 结尾是“辅音字母+y”的动词, 先变“y”为 “i”, 再加-ed e.g. carry_ study_ cry_ try_(五)、规则动词+-ed的读音1.清念 /t/,即 ed 在清辅音后面念 /t/,例:finished helped passed cooked 2.元浊 /d/,即 ed 在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/,例:borrowed enjoyed called 3. /t/ /d/ 之后念 /id/即 ed 在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/,例: wanted needed (六)不规则动词变化见书106-107页,要背上。写出下列动词的过去式1. become _ 2. bring_ 3. buy_ 4. teach_5. leave_6. cost_7. write_8. spend_9. catch_10. put_11.find_12. say_13. pay_14. fall_15. hear_16. meet_17. burn_18. can_19. stop_20. know_ 练习( )1. My cousins _computer games last year. But they _ ball games. A. was enjoyed ,wasnt enjoyed B. enjoyed, didnt enjoy C. enjoyed, wasnt enjoyed D. enjoy, dont enjoy ( )2. My father_ ill yesterday. A. isnt B. arent C. wasnt D. werent( )3. _ your parents at home last week? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were( )4.When_ you come here? -We_ here last week. A. do; come B. do ; came C. did; came D. did; come( )5. Is _here? Yes, we can begin our meeting. A. anybody B. nobody C. somebody D. everybody( )6. _Aunt Marie afraid_travelling by plane? -Yes, she is. A. Is, to B. Is, of C. Does, to D. Does, of( )7. I met an old friend of mine_ yesterday. A. on my way to home B.in my way home C. on my way home D.in my way to home( )8. _ , Daniels father got up early and went to work on time. A. As usually B. Than usually C.As uaual D. Than usual( )9. Hi, everyone! I have _ to tell you. A. something new B. anything new C. new something D. new anything( )10. An English boy _ Jim will visit our school next week. A. is called B.called C. is calling D. was called二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Millie _ (go) to the Reading Club yesterday afternooon.2. “ Is _(somebody) there?” the postman asked.3. We should listen to our teachers_(careful) in class.4. He heard some strange noise and _(find) nothing.5. That old man_(leave) his hometown in 1959.6. Yesterday I _(meet) a friend of mine .7. He didnt know anything because nobody _(tell) him about the thing.8. “ I must work hard and learn English well,” Simon said to _(he).9. All of us were very_(surprise) to see Mr Li here.10. _ you _ (remember) to buy the book just now?11 There is only fat in the back of _(elephant) feet.12. All of us are tired, why not stop_(work) and have a rest.13. All of us are tired, why not stop_(have) a rest.14. its going to rain soon. Please keep the window _(close).15. Who _(buy) the computer last week?16.What time _you _(get) to school this morning?17.Jim _(do) a lot yesterday. He_(go) shopping and_(cook) supper.18.She _(not do ) her homework last night.19.-_she _(practise) her guitar yesterday?-No, she_.20. -What _Tom_(do) on Saturday evening? -He watched TV and _(read) a book.21. -How _(be) Jims weekend? -It _(be not) bad.三、句型转换1. Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2. He found some meat in the fridge. (变一般疑问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge? No, he _.3. She stayed there for a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4. There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup? Yes, _ _.四、 根据首字母及句意完成下列短文。One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy s_ under a big tree as u_.S_, they h_ a whisper. They turned around but saw n_.They asked but nobody r_. They left q_. On their way home,They m_ Andy and t_ him everything. Andy came to the park and s_ the bushes c_. He f_the ghost was a w_ cat. L_ that day, they t_ the cat to the animal centre.


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