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Reading in Depth,攻克,大学英语六级考试阅读理解,Section A 简答题 (5%) Section B 仔细阅读 (20%) Time:25m,材料来源,Economist经济学家(英) Guardian 卫报 (英) Newsweek新闻周刊(美) New York Times纽约时报(美) Time时代周刊(美) USA Today 今日美国(美) Washington Post 华盛顿邮报(美),文章体裁,人文类(教育、学术、人物) 社会类(福利、健康、环保、商业、农业),五大题型,主旨题、猜词题、推论题、态度题 + 细节题 (70%),常见考查题型,1)细节类:在阅读理解里出题数量最多。有的文章出的题目全部是细节题。 细节题:文中涉及事物的原因,目的等细节。分单一细节题和多项细节题。 词汇题:文章中某个词汇(包括短语)的理解。 单句题:根据上下文来猜测、判断句子的意义。,(1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage. (2) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? (3) What is the example ofas described in the passage? (4) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ,细节题 70-80% 特征:有关键词,答案在文章的表层 A. 照搬原文 B. 句式变换 c. 同义改写,三类关键词: 1 显性关键词: 大写、数字、年代、时间、连字符单词等 2 谓语结构(动宾短语) 3 核心名词或生词,(2)推理类:出题量较少。一篇文章通常最多出一个。 推论题:根据已知的信息来推理四个选项哪一个符合逻辑并符合原文。 结论题:根据已知的事实细节来做出合理的并符合原文的结论。,错误选项的特征 出现绝对词: all / never / only / exclusively / uniquely / solely / absolutely / always / too 出现文中没有体现的比较级和最高级 违背常理,推论题原文的长难句理解 抓住句子主体信息(主句),略读辅助信息(从句)。,Children were observed as they slowly graspedor, as the case might be ,came acrossconcepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to admit that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short thick glass into a tall thin one. According to the study of psychologists, children_ that quantity is unchanged as water pours from one glass to another with a different shape. A. didnt think B. took it for granted C. finally admitted D. could never understand,主旨题 1. 出题形式 * main idea / central idea / mainly talk about / mainly discuss 中心思想,* the best title / the appropriate title 最佳标题 * the writing purpose 写作目的 * sum up / summarize 总结,2. 解题流程 * 选项一般比较概括抽象 事实信息、局部信息、信息扩大、花开两朵 * 解题顺序:文首-选项-文尾 (3句),态度题 态度题分类 *段落态度题 *话题态度题 *篇章态度题,态度题,作者态度题(attitude)-正负态度 凡是文章探讨新事物-正态度(新正:支持) 凡是文章探讨老事物-负态度(老负:抨击、反对),(1) What is the authors attitude toward? (2) The authors attitude towardscould be described as_. (3) Which of the following best describes the authors tone in this passage? (4) From the tone of the passage we know that the author is.,2. 常见态度词汇 积极 positive / active / supportive approving / optimistic / pleasant enthusiastic / favorable concerned / sympathetic,否定:negative / doubtful suspicious / critical pessimistic / scornful disappointed / ironic,中立:neutral / objective / impersonal 必错:indifferent / depressed biased / unclear / vague,先判断文章难度,难的文章往后放。一般规律是,文章的段落越少,文章阅读和出的题目越难。,仔细阅读解题步骤和各题型解题思路,(1)浏览题目,推测全文主题 阅读理解的五道题目之间通常都会有隐含的 逻辑联系,所以通过第一遍的初步浏览,有助于 把握文章所谈论的主题,作出简单设想和推测。 如,仔细阅读解题步骤和各题型解题思路,1. The phrase “emanate from” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “_”. 2. Which of the following is mentioned as one of the causes of bad breath? 3. According to the passage, alcohol has something to do with bad breath mainly because_. 4. Mouthwashes are not an effective cure for bad br -eath mainly because_. 5. We can infer from this passage that_. 第1、5题分别为猜词题和推论题,没有提供任 何信息。不过第2、3、4题都提到了bad breath (难 闻的口气,口臭),因此文章谈论的主题就非常清 晰,对于后面的理解和解题会有帮助。,(2)判断题型,确定题干关键词 浏览问题,决定做题顺序:细节题-推理题-主旨题。 读、做细节类题,顺序为:细节题、单词、单句题、多项细节题。,(3)跳读文章,寻找关键词 浏览文章切忌试图弄懂文中的每一个单词。 如果逐句翻译会影响做题的速度,而且会忽略各 题区域的寻找。跳读的目的是要整体把握一下文 章脉络,找到每道题目中的关键词,从而可以确 定每道题目答案的所在位置。答案在文中一般情 况都是依次而下顺序出现。,哪些句子不读? 同位语和较长的后置定语(如人物身份,句子中间的非限制性定语从句),很长的专有名词(如机构名称)等。这些信息需要用跳读(skip)的方法,略去不读。,例:1.“People assume that office politics involves some manipulative (工于心计的)behavior,” says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. 2. A recent study, published in last weeks Journal of the American Medical Association, offers a picture of how risky it is to get a lift from a teenage driver. 斜体字的信息可以一扫而过,目光不需要在上面停留细读。,(4)理解区域,排除干扰项 根据第三步寻找的区域,进行深度的翻译和 理解,比较选项与文章的信息,注意选项的同义 改写、主动被动转换,同时要当心偷换概念、以 偏概全等陷阱,依据选项一般不过于绝对(如出 现never, only, all)等原理,排除干扰项,最终确 定答案。,阅读整体解题过程,读题,关键词定位,出题原则解题,本句后句为核心,定位明确,定位宽泛,无法定位,关键词出现多次,解细节类题,细节题的关键词主要有三类(1)显性关键词:大写、数字、连字符单词、序数词等;(2)实意动词;(3)核心名词和生词。这一步对于接下来的浏览文章圈定关键词至关重要。,原则一 举例 1. 形式:数字、年代、引言 2. 作用:论证观点 3. 论点论据位置: * 多段:忽略有举例的段落 * 一段: for example/for instance观点在前 prove/show/discover 观点在后,出题原则定位,原则二 特殊标点 : 总结说明,引号 Butcher said, “.” “.,” said Butcher, “.” He added “.”,一段中出现多处引号,他们是一个完整的整体,与引号之外的内容没有必然的联系。,(2) 多处引号的出现表明其中有其说话的重心。重心的寻找依赖引号句中出现的逻辑连接词。,(1)如果问题中有人名、地名等专有名词或时间、价格等数词,就以这些词为主要线索在原文中其它位置(非通读的句子)搜索,因为开头字母大写的专有名词和阿拉伯数字很容易辨别。,(2)快速核对问题中其它成分在原文中是否有体现。如果有,此处就是原文定位的句子,可以做一下标记,以便复查的时候能够迅速找到。,3审查选项,做出选择 。这一步是核对原文定位的句子里面有没有问题问的内容,或者有没有题干缺少的信息(原因、目的等)。有下面几种情况和对策: (1)如果原文中的句子各个成分与问题中的都匹配,对比各选项,看一下哪一个与定位的句子说法最一致。这一步仍然要把选项各成分与原文对照,确保意义完全符合原文。,(2)如果定位的句子与四个选项任何一个都无关系,需要根据问题的性质(原因、条件等)来确定在文章里继续搜索答案的方向。 (3)搜索原文一直到发现某个选项中的各要素为止。,词汇语义题常见题干,The word “” most probably means _. The expression “” stands for _. From the passage, we can infer that the word “” is _. By “”, the writer (probably) means _. The author uses the phrase “” to illustrate _.,词汇语义题常考题目类型,词组短语; 生僻单词; 旧词新义; 指代性名词或代词。,词汇语义题解题技巧,如果是生词,首先根据构词法知识进行猜测 根据上下文线索来帮助判断 注意: 解答这类试题一定要紧扣该词的基本意义和短文内容 一定要注意排除干扰项中与上下文并不吻合的我们所熟悉的定义,如何根据上下文推断词义,利用同义词、近义词 利用比较、对照关系 利用举例 利用定义或重述 利用常识性知识,猜测词义,1同义词或复述线索。在同一句子中使用另外一个词,该词与生词具有基本相同的意义;或者,使用几个词来复述生词的意义。例如: AThe woman found herself in a difficult situationIn fact her plight was so serious that she decided to get help BChildren often try to emulate or copy the behavior that they see on television,2比较对照线索,一个句子可能包含有这样一个词,它与生词具有相反的意义。作者有时使用on the other hand,however,although,unlike,yet和but等转折语,提醒读者注意他要使用一个与生词具有相反意义地词语。 ASome people like to walk quickly home after work,but I prefer to stroll home and look at the store windows along the way. BAlthoughthe doctorusually performed the operation perfectly, the nurse knew he had slipped when she saw the patients blood pressure suddenly rise,3例释线索。作者有时给出一些例子,指示或解释生词的含义。 There was a kind of detachment about the old mans behaviorIt appeared as if he didnt care what you were saying to him,as if what you were saying were of no interest to him,4直接下定义。作者有时担心自己所使用的词不易为读者理解,于是就直接解释该词的意义。 AThe powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid;that is,it could not be tasted,seen,or smelled BFrom the shelf above him,the old man took down a phiaI,a small glass bottle used to keep liquids,and he placed it on the table in front of him,5常识、经验线索或情景线索。有些生词可以根据它们所出现于其中的情景去理解;也可以结合读者自己的经验去理解。 AAlan found himself on the first floor of an old,seemingly abandoned building,as he walked up to the second floor he could hear the old wooden stairs creak with each step he took BIt was the first time Nancy had been in a big cityShe felt a little apprehensive as she walked out onto the street,with so many strange faces staring at her,单句理解题所选用的句子通常字面意思较模糊,可以从不同角度来理解,但在文中的意思必须根据语境来判断,难度较大。常见的问法有: (1) The sentencemeans that _. (2) What does the sentenceimply? (3) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence?,解题的基本方法是结合通读时掌握的文章大意,并参考上下文来进行合理推测,同时要善于利用连接词判断考查的句子与上下文句子之间的逻辑关系。如果考查句由hence, as a result, consequently, therefore, so等开头,通常需要到上文(一句或多句,逐渐扩大搜索范围)寻找原因,因为这些词是对上文内容引起的结果。,如果考查句由For example, takefor example , for instance等表举例的短语,也通常要到上文寻找线索,因为考查句子充当一个观点或现象的实例。看到on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast; however, but等对比或转折表达时,也需要参考前面的句子,只有了解了上文的意思,才能推测出相反的意思是什么。,单句理解题,找单句所在句子关系 转折关系。例如:六级很难,但是,找转折连词But, Yet, However。 并列关系。例如:A and B,问A就把B内容填进去。六级中and前后一定是一致的。 解释关系。用because和从句in which等联系。,Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.,30. An identifying figure (Line 2, Para. 5) refers to a person _. A) who serves as a model for others B) who is always successful C) who can be depended upon D) who has been rewarded for his success,Examples,If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life-style without any exercise. To “live a completely sedentary life-style” in the passage means _. A. to live an inactive life B. to live a decent life C. to live a life with complete freedom D. to life a live of vice (Restatement or Definition),Examples,Though classed with the carnivores, the grizzly bear is largely vegetarian and rarely eats flesh. During the summer these bears are avid fishers and comb the waters of mountain streams and rivers to catch salmon swimming upstream. What does the word carnivore mean? A) a vegetable eaterB) a flesh eater C) a fishermanD) a type of bear (Compare and Contrast),Examples,Herbicides, like all chemicals sprayed in the environment, have some adverse affects. Not only have earthworms and other soil microorganisms been killed by some herbicides, but also much needed insect predators have been destroyed by these chemicals. The word “adverse” could be best replaced by which of the following? A)unusual B) interesting C) harmful D) notorious (Common Knowledge),多项细节题/重要细节判断题,常见干扰项: 1. 是短文中的内容,但不是题干所指向的短文相应位置的内容; 2. 不是短文明确指出的(not clearly-stated),而是通过推断得来的(but got through inference); 3. 与短文细节部分相吻,部分相悖; 4. 与常识相吻但短文未曾提及。,重要细节判断题,解题要点: 首先分析题干,判断题目的类型是否属于“重要细节判断题”; 根据题干,准确找到短文中的相应位置; 注意排除干扰项; 答案往往是短文原句的重述 (restatement),主题思想归纳题,常见题干: What is the subject (topic) of the passage? What does the passage mainly discuss? Which sentence best expresses the main idea? The best title for this passage would be_. The passage deals primarily with _.,Aapple fruit orange Banimal cat dog bird Cgreen red yellow color Dchair table furniture couch Enurse profession teacher lawyer,主题思想归纳题,常见干扰项: 覆盖面太大、太笼统,超出了短文论述的范围; 覆盖面偏窄,只涉及到短文的某一部分或若干要点; 与短文内容“擦边”,似是而非。,主题思想归纳题,解题要点: 首先根据题干判断题目的类型是否属于“主题思想归纳题” 注意区分文章的主题和阐释主题的细节,文章的第一段、最后一段和每段的首句、末句往往含有文章的主题(如有必要,可以重读这些句子) 注意排除干扰项,Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery. Labours concern over automation arises from uncertainty about the effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. To protect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies.It is possible, however, that labour will rely mainly on reduction in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation.,Which of the following can best sum up the passage? A) Advantages and disadvantages of automation. B) Labour and the effects of automation. C) Unemployment benefit plans and automation. D) Social benefits of automation.,暗示推断题,常见题干: It can be inferred from the passage that _. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? It is implied but not openly stated that _. Apparently the author suggests that _. What conclusion can we draw from the passage? It is implied that _.,暗示推断题,常见干扰项: 是短文内容的重述(restatement),而不是“推而论之”(inference) 偏离主题,打“擦边球” 与常识相吻,但无法从短文内容推知 选项在文章中根本未提及,只是个人作出的假设。,暗示推断题,解题要点: 忠于原文,切忌用自己的观点取代作者的原意 答案往往是短文内容的“正话反说”或“反话正说” 组织结构题应注重识别文章中的信息词 态度题、语气题均应注重作者在文章中使用的表达感情的形容词、副词、动词和名词。,暗示推断题,文章和题目中常见的暗示推断类词汇 表示目的: to discuss, to tell about, to summarize, to tell how, to explain, to present, to show, to illustrate, to warn, to discredit, to describe, to classify, to praise, to advocate, to predict, to persuade, to convince, to compare and contrast,命题规律总结,一 固定观点1.作者对大众的观点和老的观点一定是否定的态度2.作者对专家的观点一定是支持的态度,专家的观点就是作者的观点。3.计算机和人的固定观点:计算机一定会超过人;计算机的发展对人是有好处的;计算机不可能控制人类。4.有关教育的固定观点:学校是没钱的;作者对学校的做法是不满的;学生水平差,老师是没有责任的。,5.穷国和富国的固定观点:事务的发展对富国是有好处的。对穷国是有害处的,至少有利富国。6有关睡眠的固定观点:我们的睡眠不足,应该多睡。7.机器人性化的固定观点:机器是人得产物,会犯错误。,二常见考点,1. 列举处常考。关键看最后一个例子。2. 举例子,打比方。本身不重要,重要的是所说明的观点3. 名人名言的要点在于所说明的观点,本身看不懂不要紧。4. 强转折,强对比处常。BUT HOWEVER等。强对比有三种:IN CONTRAST,UNTIL UNLIKE 过去和现在强对比;男女强对比。,5. 复杂句常考6. 因果句常考。BECAUSE OF BECAUSE SINCE THEREFORE THUS 表因果的不定式,分词,定语从句,破折号等7. 特殊标点:冒号,破折号,分号,一般考察标点前面的内容8. 段首,段尾句,特别是文章的首尾两句常考,蒙题技巧,一、答案中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。 这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very completely, none, hardly等。 若出现下列词则不可能为正确答案:SURE CERTAIN PROVE CONFUSED PECULIAR 合成词 选项中以肯定形式出现绝对化的词一般不是正确答案。否定词绝对化的词极有可能为正确答案。,二、选项中有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。 这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, moreorless, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。 如果有下列结构可认为为正确答案:?THOUGH?;THAN+谓语; INSIGHT OR INSIGHTFUL,答案的特征和猜题的技巧,含有“suggest”的选项是答案(语气婉转、客观) 含义具体的选项不是答案,含义概括的选项是答案 含有some, someone, somebody, sometime, something, certain, a certain kind of的选项是答案 含义具体的选项不是答案,含义抽象的选项是答案 简单的选项不是答案,复杂的选项是答案 表示发展变化的选项是答案 含有表示“重要”(important, necessity, essential等)的选项是答案 含有表示“基础”(basis, be based on等)的选项是答案,三、选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项 这个是出题者为了迷惑考生的常用出题策略,所以大家做阅读题的时候一定要倍加小心。 四、选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。,五、选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。,


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