高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课件 新人教版必修5

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高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课件 新人教版必修5_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课件 新人教版必修5_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课件 新人教版必修5_第3页
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Section Learning about Language & Using Language,课前 自主预习,.重点单词 1. A d_is a large area of land with few plants and little water and where the weather is always dry. 答案:desert 2An i_decision refers to a decision made immediately. 答案:instant,3A person who lives in a particular place is called a c_. 答案:citizen 4To r_something is to treat the things that have already been used so that they can be used again. 答案:recycle 5To s_means to make food,drink etc.go down your throat into your stomach. 答案:swallow,6A man who wants more money,food,power etc.than he really needs is g_. 答案:greedy 7The s_of the problem made everyone present happy. 答案:settlement 8With the m_of making more friends,they joined the club. 答案:motivation,.重点短语 1_究竟 2_加速 3_在太空里 4_带领某人参观 5_因而责怪某人 6_过去常常做某事 7_盯,凝视 8_被所吸引,on earth,speed up,in space,show sb.around/round,blame sb.for,used to do,stare at,be absorbed by,.重点句型 1句型展示:Inside was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century. 太空站里展示出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。 名师指津:表方位的介词inside位于句首时,句子使用全部倒装。 句式仿写:他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。 _Jim.,Among these people is his friend,2句型展示:Well,now theres a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. 现在,我们有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。 名师指津:当先行词为system等,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,常用where引导。 句式仿写:事情发展到如此地步,不得不请双方家长来一趟了。 The accident has reached to _both their parents are to be called in.,a point where,.语篇理解 Read the passage on P22 and choose the best answers. 1If the user doesnt think his or her message clearly,_may be sent. Aan unclear messageBa right message Ca wrong message Da useless message 答案:A,2Who will take the place of the workers in the 31st century? AThe robots. BThe manufacturing machine. CThe waste machine. DThe spacemen. 答案:A 3In the future,there will be no_in the wonderful world. Awaste Bpollution Cenvironmental damage Dall of the above 答案:D,课内 研析探究,speed up 加速 Wed better speed up if we want to be there on time. 如果我们想要准时赶到那儿,最好加快速度。,with all speed以全速,开足马力 at high/low speed以高速/低速 at a speed of.以速度,Plenty of fresh air and exercise will speed up his recovery. 充足的新鲜空气和体育锻炼将加速他的康复。 Once outside the station,the train began to pick up speed. 一出车站,火车就开始加速。 He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour. 他以每小时60英里的速度开车。,desert n沙漠,不毛之地;vt.& vi.舍弃,遗弃;逃亡 教材原句P21:What would you do if you found yourself alone on a desert island? 如果你发现自己单独在一个荒凉的岛上,你会怎么做?,desert vt.舍弃,遗弃 deserted adj.无人居住的;被遗弃的,He survived the plane crash but died in the desert. 他在飞机失事时活下来了,却死在了沙漠里。 The poor baby was deserted by her parents as soon as she was born.这个可怜的婴儿一生下来就被父母遗弃。,instant adj.立即的,立刻的;n.瞬间,刹那 教材原句P22:You place the metal band over your head,clear your mind,press the sending button,think your message and the next instant its sent.你把金属带放在头上,整理思路,按下发送按钮,然后想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发出去了。,His new book became an instant success once published. 他的新书一经出版就大获成功。 People in the earthquakestricken area are in instant need of help.地震灾区的人们需要紧急援助。 The instant I reached the platform,the train began to move. 我一到站台,火车就开动了。,swallow vt.吞下,咽下,吞没 They cant treat me like that;Im not going to swallow it. 他们不能这样对待我,我忍不下这口气。,(1)swallow up(常用被动)卷进;吞没;花光(钱),耗尽 swallow ones pride/words放下架子,承认说错了话 (2)swallow n燕子,When he lost his job,he had to swallow his pride and ask for money from his sister. 在他失业的时候,他不得不抛开面子求他的姐姐资助。 Chew the food properly before swallowing it. 咽下食物前要好好咀嚼。 I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness. 我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。,.单词拼写 1She was _(吞没) up by the crowd and we lost sight of her. 答案:swallowed 2There are two _(按钮) on the machine:one for start,and the other for stop. 答案:buttons 3. Do you know where the_(垃圾箱) is? Go straight and you will find one. 答案:dustbin,4In the long run,we have to reduce the amount of_(材料) we use to save resources. 答案:material 5Mr Ma started to study_(生态学) and decided to devote his whole life to the science. 答案:ecology 6These_(货物) are in short supply;the price will be high. 答案:goods,.句型转换 1I told him what happened in the classroom as soon as I saw him. I told him what happened in the classroom_I saw him. I told him what happened in the classroom_I saw him. 答案:the instant;instantly,2The Internet is widely used,which makes the communication develop fast. The Internet is widely used,which_the development of communication. 答案:speeds up,Well,now theres a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. 噢,现在有个系统利用生态学原理处理废物。,(1)关系词where引导定语从句修饰先行词a system,且where在从句中充当地点状语。 (2)此句中的a system为抽象意义上的地点。类似的常见名词还有:point,stage,case,situation,position,activity,family等。,They need an activity where they can learn to cooperate with each other. 他们需要一项他们能够学习彼此合作的活动。 The homeless boy is eager to own a family where he can enjoy love from his family members. 这个无家可归的男孩渴望拥有一个能够享受家人之爱的家。,Inside was an exhibition of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century. 太空站里展示出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。,(1)表示方位的副词“inside”置于句首,句子用全部倒装。 (2)表示时间(now,then等)、方向或方位的副词(here,there,up,down,in,out,away,off,inside,outside等),以及表示地点的介词短语(in the room,on the wall等)置于句首,且主语为名词时,句子要用完全倒装。,Out rushed the little boy from the room. 小男孩从房间里冲了出来。 In front of the building stands a big tree. 楼前有棵大树。,.用适当的连接词填空 1She didnt catch the bus.Thats_she was late for class. 答案:why 2He has to stay at home.This is_he has a bad cold. 答案:because 3The reason_he was upset was_he failed to pass the exam. 答案:why;that,.完成句子 1Inside of the box _. 箱子里面是他最喜欢的邮票收藏品。 答案:is his favorite collection of stamps 2Now there is a system_some waste better. 现在有一种装置,能够让我们更好地重新利用一些废弃物。 答案:where we can reuse,3Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity_ more than hearing. 那些成功的聋哑舞蹈家认为舞蹈是一种视觉比听觉重要的一项活动。 答案:where sight matters 4Its helpful to put children in a situation_ themselves differently. 把孩子放在一个能使他们从另外一个角度认识自己的环境中对他们有益。 答案:where they can see,谢谢观看!,


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