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初一下学期每周英语20句(第1周)1今年春节是什么时候?2是二月十八号。3.你春节过得开心吗?4.不,有点闷。5新年你到哪里玩啦?6.我去了海南旅游,真的很好玩。7新年你有没有去探访亲戚朋友啊?8.我去看了我爷爷和奶奶。他们都很健康。9春节你收到多少利是啊?10什么时候开学?11回到学校开心吗?12新的学期准备怎么样学习?13在新的学期里我会更认真的学习。14新学期你们有多少科目?15你最喜欢哪一科?为什么?16你班里有没有来新同学啊?17你的同学和老师都好吗?18你们有没有新老师啊?19现在你们班有多少位同学?20新年快乐!初一下学期每周英语20句(第2周)1. 我哥哥不想要吉他,他想要一把小提琴。2. 我的家就在大街的另一边。3. 你的笔友说什么语言?4. 她最喜欢的课程是什么?5. 没有水,我们不能穿过茂密的森林。6. 沿着这条街右手一侧是一间旅馆。7. 我把我的名字告诉了格林先生。8. 中国是一个幅员辽阔、历史悠久的大国。9. 打扰了,请问你知道东莞群英学校在哪里吗?10Bridge 大街是一条安静的街道。11超市在第五大街。12我认为你的汉语非常好。13英语俱乐部在图片馆旁边。14这条街上有付费电话吗?15学生们平时努力学习,周末他们喜欢玩电脑游戏和看电视。16我喜欢网球,但是我网球打不好!17沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。18他通常工作到很晚。19让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。20Lucy很想学习中国历史方面的知识。初一下学期英语第三周翻译1.我认为她不是来自澳洲。2.我最喜欢的语言是汉语。3.我认为中国是一个非常有趣的地方。4.我会讲一点法语。5.它在邮局的对面。6.那个公园是个玩得高兴的好地方。7.沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。8.这儿附近有图书馆吗?9.让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。10.看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父亲。11.我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。12.这只企鹅不是很可爱吗?13.其他的绵羊都住在这个农场里。14它喜欢白天睡觉。15不要害羞,你是一个聪明的孩子。16它通常每天都要睡上18个小时。17你瞧那边两只漂亮的熊猫。一只叫欢欢,另一只叫迎迎。18非洲有许多不同种类的可怕动物。19那个大眼睛的男孩是谁?20动物园里的熊猫对人们很友好。初一下学期英语第四周翻译1.他正在干什么?2.他正在跟他的老师打电话3.他正在哪里踢足球啊?4.他们全都要去哪里?5.他们正要去听音乐会6.他们怎么去啊?坐巴士?7.你们什么时候考试? (have an exam)8.我们下个星期四考试.9.考什么?10.我们考语文,数学,英语还有政治. (politics)11.谁教你们英语?12.布朗先生教我们英语.13.他是中国人吗?14.不,他来自澳洲,他是澳洲人.15.澳洲人?他住在那个城市?16哦,他住在悉尼.17他喜欢动物吗?18. 是的,他最喜爱的动物是安静的长颈鹿.19. 他说什么语言?英语还是法语?20他是我们的英语老师,他当然说英语,不过,他也会说一点法语.Answer第1周1. When is the Spring Festival this year?2. Its February 18th.3. Did you have a good time in the Spring Festival?4. No, it was a little boring.5. Where did you go to play in the Spring Festival?6. I had a trip to Hainan Island. It was really fun.7. Did you visit the friends or relatives in the Spring Festival? 8. I went to visit my grandparents. They are very healthy.9. How much lucky money did you get in the Spring Festival?10. When do we begin the school? 11. Are you happy to come back to school?12. How are you going to study in the new term?13. I will study harder in the new term.14. How many subjects do you have in the new term?15. Whats your favorite subject? Why?16. Are there any new students in your class?17. How are your classmates and teachers?18. Do you have new teachers?19. How many students are there in your class now?20. Happy New Year.第2周1. My brother doesnt want a guitar, he wants a violin.2. My house is across from the avenue.3. What language does your pen pal speak?4. Whats her favorite subject?5. We cant go through the forest without water.6. Walk along this street, there is a hotel on your right.7. I tell Mr. Green my name.8. China is a greet country with a long history.9. Excuse me, do you know the way to Qunying school?10. Bridge street is a quiet street.11. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.12. I think your Chinese is very good.13. The English Club is near the library.14. Is there a pay phone on this street?15. Students usually study very hard. They like playing computer games and watching TV on weekends.16. I like playing tennis, but I cant play it well.17. Walk along this road, then turn right.18. He usually works late at night.19. Let me tell you how to get to the airport.20. Lucy wants to learn something about Chinese history.第三周1. I dont think she is from Australia.2. My favorite language is Chinese.3. I think China is a very interesting place.4. I can speak a little French.5. Its across from the post office.6. That park is a good place to have fun.7. Walk straight down the street, then turn right.8. Is there a library near here? Is there a library in the neighborhood?9. Let me tell you how to arrive at the airport.10. Look at the picture, my father is on my right. on the right of me is my father.11. I like reading books on the long bench in the park.12. Isnt the penguin very cute?13. Other sheep all live in the farm. Other sheep are all in the farm.14. It likes sleeping during the day.15. Dont be shy, you are a clever child.16. It usually sleeps 18 hours every day.17. Look at two beautiful pandas over there. One is Huanhuan, the other is Yingying.18. There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa.19. Who is that boy with big eyes?20. The pandas in the zoo are friendly to people.第四周1. What is he doing?2. He is talking on the phone with his teacher.3. Where is he playing football?4. Where are they all going?5. They are going to listen to the concert.6. How are they going there? By bus ?7. When will you have an exam?8. We will have an exam next Thursday.9. What exams will you have?10. We will have Chinese, math, English and politics.11. Who teaches you English?12. Mr Brown teaches us English.13. Is he Chinese?14. No, he is from Australia, he is Australian.15. Australian? Which city does he live in?16. Oh, he lives in Sydney.17. Does he like animals?18. Yes. His favorite animal is the quiet giraffe.19. What language does he speak? English or French ?20. He is our English teacher. He speaks English of course. But he can speak a little French.


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