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Chinese Zodiac Culture中国生肖文化,1、Origin Legend 2、History Origin 3、About Personality 4、Own Zodiac 5、Modern Culture,In Chinese Zodiac, twelve animals are used to represent each year in turn in a twelveyear circle. According to their order, the animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey,rooster, dog and pig. In each Chinese New Year, one of these 12 animals is used to represent the year.,There are different legends about the origin of the twelve animals used in Chinese Zodiac Culture. One of the most popular legends explains the order of these animals and also why cats and rats bocome bitter enemies.,Original Legend,Jade Emperor,The actual history behind the Chinese Zodiac is hard to find. It is believed to be the results of the combination of animal totems(图腾) of minorty peoples and the twelve Earthly Branches(十二地支) Han people used to designate years.,Ten Heavenly Stems(十天干): 甲(ji) 乙(y) 丙(bng) 丁(dng) 戊(w) 己(j) 庚(gng) 辛(xn) 壬(rn) 癸(gu),Twelve Earthly Branches (十二地支) 子(z) 丑(chu) 寅(yn) 卯(mo) 辰(chn) 巳(s) 午(w) 未(wi) 申(shn) 酉(yu) 戌(x) 亥(hi),Chinese Zodiac & Personality,Find Your Animal,Familyoriented Soul of parties Thrifty Qick-temperd Hard-working Opportunist.,Rat,Loyalty Diligence Tough Uncompromising Methodical Traditional Curious,Ox,Courage Strength Strong ability Sensitive Passionate Daring,Tiger,Agility Faithfulness Intelligent Well-mannerd Head for business A pacifist Affectionate Careful,Rabbit,Vigor Power Proud Self-confident Intelligent Perfectionist,Dragon,Great wisdom Soft-spoken Deep thinker Different,Snake,Reliability Cheerfullness Attractive Independent Hate petty rules Explore Perceptive Quick-witted,Horse,Strong beliefs Compassion Easy-going Imaginative Creative Team-work Gifted Sense of humor,Sheep,Inquisitive Intelligent Observant Good at solving problems Sensible,Monkey,Active Ambitious Talented, Sharp Debate Woking alone Extravagant in dress,Rooster,Loyalty Faithfulness Sensitive Sympathy,Dog,Studious Well-informed Reliable Peace-makers Modest Understanding,Pig,Ones Own Chinese Zodiac 本命年,In China, When pepoles own Zodiac year comes,they shuld wear red to pray lucky from the begining of the new year.,Chinese Zodiac & Culture,paper-cuts,Tiger head shoes (虎头鞋),ornament,Conclusion Chinese Zodiac is more complex than what I displayed. So welcome to learn more about the culture.,


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