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What are we doing?我们我们正在正在干什么?干什么?We are having an English class now.我们正在上英语课。我们正在上英语课。Im teaching English.我正在教英语。我正在教英语。Youre learning English.你们正在学英语。你们正在学英语。Its 9:20 now.What are you doing?Imreadingrunningtaking a showereating breakfastwatching TVtalking on the phoneHe is playing computer games.He is playing the violin.He is drawing.He is cooking.He is talking on the phone.Whats he doing?Whats he doing?He is thinking.He is sleeping.He is eating an apple.He is fishing.Whats she doing?She is singing.She is running.She is reading.She is shopping.She is cleaning.What is the bird doing?What are they doing?They are talking.They are playing basketball.They are drawing.They are swimming.They are having a class.They are doing their homework.They are having a party.They are walking.They are studying.I am playing computer.She is singing.He is swimming.It is flying.They are dancing.请归纳请归纳什么什么是现在进行时?是现在进行时?见课本见课本(P99-100)The Present Progressive Tense (现在进行时)现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行的动作。例如:现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:现在进行时是由助动词be(am/is/are)加动词-ing形式构成的。I am watching TV now.They are playing basketball.1、定义:、定义:2、结构:、结构:Have a look(说出动词加说出动词加ing的规律的规律)dodoing watchwatching cleancleaning eateatingreadreading talktalkingsingsingingplayplayingwritewriting dancedancing comecoming havehavingarrivearrivingrunrunning swimswimming stopstopping getgetting一般在动词原形末尾加-ing。以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。watch watch play play dodohavehaveseeseetalktalkrunrunbeginbeginlistenlistencleancleansingsingwritewritebebeeateatreadreadswimswimopenopenpaintpaintwatchwatchingingplayplayingingdodoinginghavehaveingingtalktalkingingrunrunningningbeginbeginningninglistenlisteningingseeseeingingsingsingingingcleancleaningingwritewriteingingeateatingingreadreadingingswimswimmingmingopenopeningingpaintpaintingingbebeingingI believe you can make the“ing”forms I believe you can make the“ing”forms What is he doing?Is he dancing?What,s he doing now?He is eating dinner.What,s he doing?Is he thinking?What,s he doing?He,s running.What are they doing?Are they?They,re dancing.Is he?Whats he doing?Is he?Is he?Whats he doing?He is calling.Pair-work:Pair-work:A:is Nancy doing homework?A:is Nancy doing homework?B:No,she is not.She is writing a letter.B:No,she is not.She is writing a letter.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Nancy doing homework?No,she isnt.shes writing a letter.2cLets guess what are they doing?Is Mary doing homework?No,she isnt.shes playing with a bird.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Tom doing homework?No,he isnt.hes drawing.Lets guess what are they doing?Is Bill doing homework?No,he isnt.hes eating dinner.Are you reading?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Is the girl _(get)up?No,she _.What _ she _?She _ _.getting isntisdoingis sleepingAre they _a book?No,they _._ are they_?Theyre _.reading arentWhatdoingwriting 现在进行时的肯定句的构成形式:主语+be+现在分词(v-ing)+其他 现在进行时的否定句的构成形式:主语+be+not+现在分词(v-ing)+其他 现在进行时的一般疑问句句的构成形式:Be+主语+v-ing+其他?Yes,主语+be.No,主语+be+not.现在进行时的特殊疑问句句的构成形式:特殊疑问词+be+主语+现在分词+其他?句型转换句型转换1.I am watching TV.(否定句否定句)2.Shes opening the box now.(一般疑一般疑问句问句)3.He is doing his homework.(复数句复数句)I am not watching TV.Is she opening the box now?They are doing their homework.汉译英汉译英1.我们正在看电视我们正在看电视.2.他们正在打扫教室他们正在打扫教室.3.汤姆正在吃早饭汤姆正在吃早饭.4.那个女孩正在买玩具那个女孩正在买玩具.We are watching TV.They are cleaning the classroom.Tom is having breakfast.The girl is buying toys.选择填空:选择填空:1.What are you doing?I_ A.eat B.can eat C.eating D.am eating2.We want _this book.A.reading B.am reading C.read D.to read3.Our teacher is _the blackboard.A.clean B.cleans C.cleaning D.to clean4.That boy isnt _the teacher.A.listen B.listens C.listening D.listening to 5.Its 8 o clock.Jims parents _TV.A.is watching B.are watching C.watch D.to watch6._ your sister _ on the phone?A.Is,talk B.Is,talking C.does,talk D.does,talking7._you _the window?Yes,I am.A.Do,clean B.Is,cleaning C.Are,cleaning D.Do,cleaning 8.What _ you _for?A.are,look B.is,look C.are,looking D.do,lookI do my homework every day.I am doing my homework now.区别下面的几组句子:He cleans his room every afternoon.He is cleaning his room now.区别这两种时态主要是看时间状语。两种时态区别主要体现在动词的形式上。一般现在时一般现在时A:含义和时间状语含义和时间状语经常发生或反复发生的动作或存在的状态经常发生或反复发生的动作或存在的状态,通常和表示频率的副通常和表示频率的副词连用词连用,如如:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever(几乎不几乎不),never,every day/week/year/month/morning 等时间状语连用等时间状语连用.1)He gets up at six every day.他每天六点起床他每天六点起床 2)She works eight hours a day.她每天工作八小时她每天工作八小时 3)Do you often wash your hair?你经常洗头吗?你经常洗头吗?4)Thank you.I dont smoke.谢谢你,我不吸烟谢谢你,我不吸烟 5)Do you go to work by bus or by bike?你坐公共汽车上班,还是骑自行车?你坐公共汽车上班,还是骑自行车?6)He is always late for class and often naps in class.(be表状态表状态)他总是上课迟到而且课堂上经常打瞌睡。他总是上课迟到而且课堂上经常打瞌睡。Period TwoGuessing Game Whats he doing?drawingreadingGuessing Game Whats he doing?What is he doing?He is playing soccerWhat is he doingHe is runningWhat is she doing?She is writingWhat are they doing?They are eating dinnerWhat is he doing?He is swimmingWhat is he doing?He is playing ping-pongWhat is he doing?He is playing the violin32Write the correct numbers of the pictures next to the conversations below.Conversation AA:Do you want to go to the movies?B:Sure,this video is boring.A:When do you want to go?B:Lets go at six oclock.3Conversation BA:What are you doing?B:Im reading a book.A:Do you want to go to the movies?B:Sure,when do you want to go?A:Lets go at 7:00.2Where is he?Whats he taking?He is in a supermarket.He is taking a bottle of milk.thiefWhats he waiting for?Whats he reading?He is waiting for a bus.He is reading newspaper.bus stop Who are Lisa and Tim talking to?What are they talking about?They are talking to a policewoman.They are talking about the thief.talking to 与与交谈交谈 Sure.当然。常当然。常 用于口语中,相用于口语中,相当于当于certainly,of course 用来同意对方的请求或建议。用来同意对方的请求或建议。Can you help me with my English?Sure.你能帮我学习英语吗?你能帮我学习英语吗?当然。当然。Lets+动词原形动词原形 表表“建议建议”,意为意为“让我们让我们做做”Lets see the tigers first.让我们先看老虎吧。让我们先看老虎吧。Explanation read a book 看书看书 也可说也可说“read books”wait 等;等候等;等候wait for sb./sth.等候某人或某物。等候某人或某物。wait for sb to do sth.等候某人做某事。等候某人做某事。cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事。迫不及待地做某事。He is waiting for a bus.他正在等一辆公共汽车。他正在等一辆公共汽车。Are you waiting for me?你在等我吗?你在等我吗?The kids cant wait to see their father again.talk to sb.对某人说话对某人说话 一方主动,一方被动的听一方主动,一方被动的听 talk with sb.和某人交谈和某人交谈 双方平等双方平等 talk about sth.谈论某事谈论某事 He is talking with his mother about his study.他正和他妈妈谈论他的学习情况。他正和他妈妈谈论他的学习情况。all 全部;全都全部;全都 指三者及三者以上。通常放助动词后,实义动指三者及三者以上。通常放助动词后,实义动词前。词前。We are all students.我们全都是学生。我们全都是学生。They all work hard.他们全都努力学习。他们全都努力学习。both 两者,双方,俩两者,双方,俩 They are both doctors.他们俩都是医生。他们俩都是医生。She and her sister both like dancing.她和她姐姐都她和她姐姐都喜欢跳舞。喜欢跳舞。What do people do at the pool?People swim at the pool.What is he doing now?He is swimming.What do people do at the library?People read books at the library.What is he doing now?He is reading books.What do people do at the mall?Go shopping.What is she doing now?She is going shopping.What do people do at school?They play football.What is he doing now?He is playing football.placesActivities1.reading books2.pool3.4.libraryschoolswimmingplaying basketballmallshopping activity n.活动 activities是activity 的复数形式。e.g.We have all kinds of activities after class.课后我们有各种各样的活动。at the mall 在购物商场在购物商场 注意用注意用“at”。又如又如:at the library 在图书馆在图书馆 at the pool 在游泳池在游泳池 at school 在学校在学校 at home 在家在家nameplaceactivityTinamallMikeLisaeating lunchschoolPlaying basketballlibraryreading books Conversation 1 A:Hello,is Tina there?B:No,she isnt.Shes at the mall.A:Oh,is she shopping?B:No,shes eating lunch with a friend.Conversation 2 A:Hello,is Mike there?B:Sorry.Hes still at school.A:Oh.Um,is he doing his homework?B:No,he isnt.Hes playing basketball.Conversation 3 A:Lisa?B:No,this is her sister,Julia.A:Oh.Is Lisa there?B:No,she isnt.Um,shes at the library.A:Oh.Is she reading?B:Yes,she is.He is runningHe is swimmingShe is doing homework.He is watching TV.They are eating dinner.Whose photos are these?They are Mikes photos.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos.Here are somephotos.In the first photo,Im playing basketball at school.In the second photo,Im swimming at the pool.In the next photo,you can see my family at home.Were eating dinner.In the last photo Im with my sister Gina.Shes doing homework-Im watching TV.Mike3aPhotosPhotosActivitiesActivitiesPlacesPlacesPhoto1 Mikephoto2 Mikephoto3Mikes familyphoto4 Mikes sisterMikeplaying basketballswimmingat the pooleating dinnerat homedoing homeworkat homewatching TVat school423thanks for相当于相当于thank you for 因因而感谢而感谢 e.g.Thanks for your pen.Thank sb.for+名词名词/代词代词/V-ing.因因而感谢某人而感谢某人。Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。谢谢你的帮助。=Thank you for helping me.Thank him for his pen.谢谢他的笔。谢谢他的笔。photo 照片照片 复数加复数加-s。以以o结尾的名词只结尾的名词只hero,tomato 和和potato的复数加的复数加-es.其余的加其余的加-s。take photos/take pictures 照相照相Here is/are 这儿有这儿有 is后接单数;后接单数;are后接复数。后接复数。Here is your book.这是你的书。这是你的书。Here are your books.这是你们的书这是你们的书。some of“中的一些中的一些”后接可数复数或不可数名词。后接可数复数或不可数名词。Some of meat is bad.有些肉坏了。有些肉坏了。Some of us are teachers.我们中有一些是老师。我们中有一些是老师。I like some of these books.我喜欢其中的一些书。我喜欢其中的一些书。又如:又如:One/two of 中的一中的一/两个两个 Many of 中许多中许多 All of 中全部中全部 in the first photo 在照片上在照片上 用介词用介词“in”。序数词前一般加定冠词序数词前一般加定冠词the,但序数词前如,但序数词前如果已有物主代词,如果已有物主代词,如my,his等,则不能再等,则不能再加定冠词。加定冠词。e.g.the first lesson第一课第一课 our first lesson我们的第一课我们的第一课family 家庭,家人。家庭,家人。family是集合名词,是集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要视情况作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要视情况而定,表示整体时用单数,表示家庭成而定,表示整体时用单数,表示家庭成员时用复数。员时用复数。His family has a shower.他们家有一个淋浴。他们家有一个淋浴。His family are watching TV.他的家人都在看电视。他的家人都在看电视。family,home和house区别1)family意为“家,家庭”,是集合名词,着重 强调家庭成员,与房屋及设施无关。e.g.How many people are there in your family?2)意为“家,故乡”,指一家人生活的住所,也可指一个人出生或长大的地方。它常常带有感情色彩,有使人觉得亲切、温暖的意味。e.g.My home is in Beijing.3)House意为“家,房子,住宅”。多指居住的房屋或建筑。e.g.Please come to my house for dinner.a photo of my family=my family photo 一张我的全家照一张我的全家照 This is my brother,Scott.这是我哥哥,斯科特。This is表示“这是”,此句型常用于将第三者介绍给对方认识。若同时介绍身份和名字,则先说身份,再说名字,中间用逗号隔开。e.g.This is our math teacher,Mrs.Wang.这是我们的数学老师,王老师。name get upeat lunch activities in the eveningweekendsJohnat 6 oclockat 11:50does homeworkplay computer gamessurveysurveyReport:John usually gets up at 6 oclock.He eats lunch at 11:30.In the evening,he usually does homework.On weekends,he likes playing computer gamesname at 6:00at 12:00 after 18:00placesJohnsleeping eating lunchdoing homeworkat home/at schoolsurveysurveyReport:John is getting up at 6 oclock.He is eating lunch at 12:00.After 18:00,he is doing homework at homeMikeMikes grandfatherMikes motherMikes grandmotherMikes fatherMikes sisterReport:This is Mike.He is doing his homework.This is Mikes sister.She is Fill in the blanksDear Bob,Here is a photo of my family.In this photo,Im doing my homework.My father is _.My grandfather is _.My grandmother is _ to my mother.And my sister is _.watching TVreading the newspapertalkingeating dinnerNameActivitiesPlacesMikeMikes fatherMikes grandfatherMikes grandmotherMikes sisterdoing my homework at home(sitting at the table)watching TVat home(sitting on the sofa)reading the newspaper at hometalking to my mothereating dinnerat homeat homeReport:Mike is doing his homework at home.His father is Make a dialogue about a photo of your own family.Report like this:Hello,Everyone.This is a photo of my family.In this photo,Im doing my homework.My mother is cleaningFill in the blanks:Fill in the blanks:Its a fine Sunday morning.Therere many people Its a fine Sunday morning.Therere many people in the park.They are playing.in the park.They are playing.Look:Two boys _ Look:Two boys _(play)(play)with yo-yos.with yo-yos.A girl_ A girl_(fly)(fly)a kite.Two Children_ a kite.Two Children_(mend)(mend)a toy boat.There_ a toy boat.There_(be)(be)a lake in the park.a lake in the park.Near the lake,a young man_ Near the lake,a young man_(run).(run).There _ There _(be)(be)two men near the house.They two men near the house.They_ _(work)(work)hard now.A woman hard now.A woman _ _(water)(water)the flowers.A girl_ the flowers.A girl_(draw).(draw).Look at the big tree.Two cats _ Look at the big tree.Two cats _ (run)(run)up the tree.What do they want to do?They want up the tree.What do they want to do?They want _ _(catch)(catch)the bird.All of them are very happy.the bird.All of them are very happy.are playingis flyingare mendingisis runningareare workingis wateringis drawingare runningto catch 现在进行时的标志:I am doing homework now.Look!Tom is playing soccer.Listen!They are reading English.Its six oclock.My mother is cooking breakfast.现在六点了。我妈妈正在做早餐。(根据语境或上下文意思,表示动作正在进行。)Where is your mother?She is cooking dinner.Dont make a noise.The baby is sleeping.不要吵。婴儿正在睡觉。一一.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Look!The cat_(run)up the tree.2.Her parents_(have)breakfast.3.-_he _(clean)the blackboard?-No,he isnt.4.Tom_(play)the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.5.Listen!They_(sing)in the classroom.is runningis runningare havingare havingIsIs cleanincleaning g is playingis playing are singingare singing 二二.选择填空选择填空.1.My mother is _TV.A.looking at B.seeing C.reading D.watching2.-_you _a book?-Yes,I am.A.Do,read B.Are,read C.Are,reading D.Are,looking3.Kate _,the other students _.A.sing,listen B.is singing,is listening C.sing,are listeningD.is singing,are listening4.I _my eraser,but I cant _ it.A.look for,finding B.am finding,look for C.am looking for,find D.find,look for三三.句型转换句型转换1.I am watering the flowers.(否定句否定句)2.Shes opening the box now.(一般疑一般疑问句问句)3.The boys are playing cards.(划线提划线提问问)4.He is doing his homework.(复数句复数句)I am not watering the flowers.Is she opening the box now?What are the boys doing?They are doing their homework.1.给下列的动词加上形式。write watch swim run have read sit put take clean shop begin 2.用括号里的词的恰当形式填空。It is seven oclock in the evening.I (do)my homework.My parents (watch)TV.My sister (sit)on the sofa and play)with the cat.3.按要求句型转换。(1)He is doing his homework.(变为否定句)He doing his homework.(2)They are watching TV.(对划线部分提问)are they?(3)She is reading.(变为一般疑问句,并否定回答,用括号 里的词填空)reading?No,she .She (write).writingwatchingswimmingrunninghavingreadingsittingputtingtakingcleaningshoppingbeginning am doingare watchingis sittingplayingis notwhatdoingIssheisntis writing5.男孩子们正在池里游泳男孩子们正在池里游泳.6.她正在等我她正在等我.7.我和朋友正在看书我和朋友正在看书.8.你们正在谈论这张画吗你们正在谈论这张画吗?The boys are swimming at the pool.She is waiting for me.I am reading with my friend(s).Are you talking about the picture?1、我妈妈正在看杂志。、我妈妈正在看杂志。My mother is reading a magazine.2、我正要和我的朋友去看电影。、我正要和我的朋友去看电影。I am going to the movies with my friend.3、他正在听新闻吗?、他正在听新闻吗?Is he listening to the news?4、她不在学英语。、她不在学英语。She isnt learning English.5、她们在干什么?正在打排球。、她们在干什么?正在打排球。What are they doing?They are playing volleyball.6、Lucy 和和Mary正在做作业。正在做作业。Lucy and Mary are doing their homework.Exercises 1.This TV _ is interesting.A.movie B.shop C.sport D.showD解析:解析:“电视节目电视节目”为固定短语为固定短语TV show。2.My mother is _ cakes.She often _ cakes for us.A.make;making B.making;makes C.do;doing D.doing;does B解析:根据句意前半句时态为现在进行时,解析:根据句意前半句时态为现在进行时,后半句因为句中有后半句因为句中有often,所以句子的时,所以句子的时态为一般现在时。态为一般现在时。3.My parents are _ TV now.A.reading B.looking C.watching D.seeing C解析:此题考查固定短语解析:此题考查固定短语“看电视看电视”为为watch TV。4.What does your mother do?She is _.A.reading B.in the factory C.a teacher D.from the USAC解析:解析:What do/does.do?为典型的为典型的对某人职业进行提问的句型。对某人职业进行提问的句型。5.Dont talk here.Grandparents _.A.sleepB.is sleeping C.are sleeping D.sleeping C解析:此句的时态为现在进行时,并且解析:此句的时态为现在进行时,并且句子的主语是第三人称的复数形式。句子的主语是第三人称的复数形式。6.Look!Who is _ in the pool?A.swims B.swimming C.swimming D.swim B解析:句首的单词解析:句首的单词look已经提醒我们这已经提醒我们这个句子要用现在进行时,注意个句子要用现在进行时,注意swim的现的现在分词形式为在分词形式为swimming,而不是其他,而不是其他形式。形式。7.My brother and I _ at school.A.am B.is C.are D./C解析:句子的主语是两个人,所以谓解析:句子的主语是两个人,所以谓语动词要用语动词要用are。8.Is Ann _ American girl?No,she isnt.Shes _ English girl.A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;anD解析:解析:American 和和English开头字开头字母的发音都是元音,都应该用母的发音都是元音,都应该用an表示表示“一个一个”。9.One of my classmates_ from France.A.isB.are C.am D.come A解析:解析:one of 后接名词的复数形式,后接名词的复数形式,它作主语时看作单数形式。它作主语时看作单数形式。解析:根据答语知道这个问句是对地点解析:根据答语知道这个问句是对地点的提问,要用特殊疑问词的提问,要用特殊疑问词where。10._ does the musician play the guitar?In the park.A.WhatB.How C.WhereD.WhichC11.Listen,someone _(sing)in the classroom.解析:句首单词解析:句首单词“listen”提醒我们句子提醒我们句子应该用现在进行时时态,主语是应该用现在进行时时态,主语是someone,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数is。is singing12.How much are the blue _(pant)?)?解析:在句子中解析:在句子中pant常用其复数形式常用其复数形式pants。13.Ben and his sister _(eat)lunch now.解析:常与现在进行时连用,句子的主解析:常与现在进行时连用,句子的主语是两个人,应该用语是两个人,应该用are eating。pantsare eating now14.What kind of movies _ you _(like)?)?解析:因为句子中有实义动词解析:因为句子中有实义动词like,主主语是语是you,所以要用助动词所以要用助动词do,后面后面的动词用原形的动词用原形like。dolike15.Bobs _(sister)birthday is May 1st.解析:根据句意可以判断出此处应该用解析:根据句意可以判断出此处应该用所有格形式。所有格形式。sisters16.are,Lisa,talking,to,who,Tim,and?(连词成句)?(连词成句)_解析:观察所给的单词确定句子的类型为解析:观察所给的单词确定句子的类型为特殊疑问句,因此先要找好特殊疑问词特殊疑问句,因此先要找好特殊疑问词who,句子的时态是现在进行时,按照现,句子的时态是现在进行时,按照现在进行时基本的结构可以得到答案。在进行时基本的结构可以得到答案。Who are talking to Lisa and Tom?17.She comes from Shanghai.(就划线部分提问)(就划线部分提问)_解析:可以看出划线部分是地点名词,所解析:可以看出划线部分是地点名词,所以特殊疑问词应该用以特殊疑问词应该用where,再找出助动,再找出助动词和其他句子成分即可。词和其他句子成分即可。Where does she come from?18.He isnt having lunch at school.(every day).He _ _ lunch at school every day.doesnt have解析:时间状语为解析:时间状语为every day时,时,have是是实义动词,所以句子的否定要用到助动词。实义动词,所以句子的否定要用到助动词。19.They are doing their homework.(变为一般疑问句)(变为一般疑问句)_解析:现在进行时的一般疑问句只需要把解析:现在进行时的一般疑问句只需要把be动词提前就可以,因此在这个句子中只动词提前就可以,因此在这个句子中只需把需把are提前就可以了。提前就可以了。Are they doing their homework?20.Kate is looking for her watch.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)_解析:解析:现在进行时的否定句只需要在现在进行时的否定句只需要在be动词后面直接加动词后面直接加not就可以了就可以了。Kate isnt looking for her watch.Exercises1.门口有个门口有个Smith先生在等你。先生在等你。There is a Mr.Smith waiting for you at the gate.2.那听起来是个不错。那听起来是个不错。That sounds good.3.我们别看电视了吧。我们别看电视了吧。Lets not watch TV.4.多谢你的帮助。多谢你的帮助。(Many)Thanks for your help.5.谢谢你送给我这么多照片。谢谢你送给我这么多照片。Thank you for sending me so many photos.6.我最后的机会来了。我最后的机会来了。There goes my last chance.7.老板来了。老板来了。Here comes the boss.1.Its time _(play)football.2._(put)on your shoes,please.2.My father is over there.He _(clean)his car.3.Dont _(do)it like that.Do it like this.用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。to play Put is cleaning do 4.Jim is good at _(swim).He swims well.5.Would you like _(play)football?If so,Lets go and have a try.to play swimming Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Class Two _ an English lesson now.The teacher _ near the blackboard and writing some English words on it._ _ the words at the same time.All the students _ at the blackboard and _is having is standingHesreadingare lookinglistening tohim.Only Mingming _ something on his desk.Li Lei _ next to him and _ him not to write any more.is writingis sittingis telling 背诵背诵a ,3b.


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