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2021/3/101介词in+名词类词组2021/3/102During their stay in China they visited a cotton mill._,they went to a seaside resort.在华逗留期间,他们参观了一个棉纺厂,并且并且游览了一个海滨避暑胜地。In addition2.There is no reason why you shouldnt tell them _ that you are going.你没有理由不提前把你要离开之事告诉他们。in advance2021/3/1033.He didnt go into the details;he only gave the facts _.他只扼要扼要陈述事实,没讲细节。in brief4.The swimming pool is used _ by all the children in the neighborhood.游泳池由附近小孩共同共同使用。in common2021/3/1045.We hadnt enough money to pay our bus fare,and _ we had to walk.我们没有足够的钱买票,只得步行。(结果)in consequence6.He was _ when he was poor,but has been out of debt since he got rich.他穷的时候负了债负了债,但他变富以来就不负债了。in debt2021/3/1057.The patient told the doctor his history of illness _.病人把他的病史详细详细地告诉了我。in detail8.Without your help,Ill be _.要是你不帮我的忙,我的经济经济情况会非常困难非常困难。in serious financial difficulty2021/3/1069.The committee agreed to what was _ a reduction in the hourly wage.委员会同意了实质上实质上是减少每小时工资的办法。in effect10.No one believed it,but _,Mary did get an A on her book report.虽然每人相信,但是事实上事实上玛丽的读书报告的确得了个“优”。in fact2021/3/10711.Boys _ like active sports more than girls do.大多数男孩比女孩更喜欢激烈的运动。(总的说来,大体)in general12.The ticket takers at the football game tore the tickets _.那场足球赛收票员把门票撕成两半两半。in half2021/3/10813.He gave his whole attention to whatever he has _.不论负责办理什么事情,他都是全神灌注。(在处理的,手中的)in hand14.The boys stood _ to buy their tickets.男孩子们排队排队买票。in line2021/3/10915.Chairs were arranged and printed material _.椅子排得整整齐齐整整齐齐,印刷材料放得井井有条。in order16.His success is _ owing to luck.他的成功在某种程度上在某种程度上是由于幸运。in part2021/3/101017.I noticed his eyes _ because they were very large.我特别特别注意到他的那双眼睛,因为它们非常大。in particular18.I cant attend the meeting _,but Ill send someone to speak for me.我不能亲自亲自出席会议,但我将派人替我发言。in person2021/3/101119.Nothing is _ after the earthquake.Even trees and houses are turned over.地震之后,一切东西都不在原位置不在原位置,连树和房子都翻倒了。in place20.Your idea sounds good but I dont think it will work _.你的主意不错,可我认为在实践中实践中行不通。in practice2021/3/101221.The mayor has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it _.市长告诉他的朋友说他病了,但不会公开公开宣布。in public22.These goods are greater _ than in quality.这些货数量数量多,担质量却一般。in quantity2021/3/101323.He always visited the factory _ to give himself ideas about their manufacturing process.他经常去所谈论的谈论的那家工厂,以便了解它的生产过程。in question24.He helped me and _ hoped that I would do something for him.他帮助了我,并希望我做点什么作为回报作为回报。in return2021/3/101425.Everything you have heard indicates that the situation is serious._ we are facing a crisis.你所听到的每一件事都表明局势是非常严重的。简单地说简单地说,我们正面临一场危机。In short26.The town was deserted;there was no one _.那个城备遗弃了,看看不见见一个人。in sight2021/3/101527.I hope my ideas are _ with public opinion.我希望我的想法与公众舆论是一致一致的。in step28.I found her in agitated and _ because of the automobile accident.我发现她因这次车祸而焦急,流泪流泪。in tears2021/3/101629.Do you think we can get there _ for the first act?你认为我们能及时及时赶到,看上第一幕吗?in time30.We must keep _ with what is happening in foreign countries.我们必须时时关心国外发生的事情。in touch2021/3/101731.A written word is a sign of a certain sound,and that sound is _ the sign of an idea.文字是声音的符号,而声音又是思想的符号。(反过来反过来)in turn32.Everybody advised him not to do that,but it was all _.每个人都劝他不要那么做,但都归无效无效。in vain


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