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2 Strategies of Colonization,I. The Iberian Model: (Portuguese, Spanish) “Take and Enslave” Extract valuable resources to take home (often using native slave labor) while converting the indigenous population to Christianity, which values servitude and the humble servant mentality. II. The British Model (Anglo) “Make us pay for stuff” Create Markets, as for Oil today (make us buy even though we created it; even workers will pay for the final product) GANDHIs response: spin our own cotton; make our own salt,Arguments Against Iberian Model: (Mexican Colonizations),People are not machines or mere tools (Kant); people are autonomous: choose! Slavery is immoral (Locke, Kant, etc.) People of color DO have souls (Papal Bull decreed); thus they can be converted. Spiritual service is not slavery.,Arguments Against British Model,Creating markets is inefficient and unecological, dislocating goods and incurring transportation costs and waste Local cultures and products are eaten up by the “economy of scale” of the Big Guys, e.g. Wal-Mart, “erasure of national boundaries for economic purposes.” Globalization “undercuts the ability of nations to internalize environmental and social costs into prices.” so that as John Ruskin said, “that which SEEMS to be wealth is in verity but a gilded index of FAR-REACHING ruin.”,What is “Globalization” and WTO?,“Globalization” Video showed serious harms occurring when transnational companies externalize costs. Why do 400,000+ people protest WTO? (World Trade Organization) ? What is “free trade” really? Do its supporters challenge the monopolistic transnational corporations in their “globalization” strategies and harms?,John Maynard Keynes Prescription:,“I sympathize therefore, with those who would minimize, rather than those who would maximize, economic entanglement between nations. Ideas, knowledge, art, hospitality, travel- these are the things which should of their nature be international. But let goods be homespun whenever it is reasonably and conveniently possible; and, above all, let finance be primarily national.”,Case of Yanomani Family Groups in Threatened Rain Forest,In the movie, Medicine Man, Western scientists discover native medicines that cure cancerous tumors but the health of the rain forest and possibly colonized indigenous people (e.g., the Yanomani) are threatened. Does happiness include whole families, healthy children, and a clear sense of identity, which is ecological, ethnic, bioregional, and national? Are most Americans happy? Why or why not, using families as a focus.,Feed the Starving? Why?,Famine Relief: Should we help, or not? Arent “they” already overpopulated? Feeding breeds more! What ARGUMENTS can be given for feeding hungry peoples who have exceeded the “Carrying Capacity” of their land or bioregion? What arguments count AGAINST that?,How Globalization is Valued (?)Not Everyone Approves!,Security Issues: “Pro:” We can cooperate internationally to solve ecological problems and tackle diseases e.g., AIDS, smallpox, polio; this leads to RESENTMENT of strong nation power by weaker nations, who band together. (Arabs) Better NOT “go global!” Wetlands take up H2O.,GLOBALIZATION:” a “hot button” term,“Internationalization:” trade, finance, govt.(U.N.) Universalization: common calendar Portugal colonized BRAZIL (Portuguese: its main language.),“Neoliberalism” (“Free Traders”),Market Capitalism wants no restrictions on trade; so the larger transnationals always trump the local, small, ethnically distinct, perhaps more sustainable businesses. If this is true, then what?: WHAT THIS MEANS: Local “Mom and Pop” stores cannot survive against competition from “more free” large companies. This applies all over the world. So real cultural diversity DIES!,Mohandas K. (“Mahatma”) Gandhi (1869-1948),Assuming a basic dignity and equality, Gandhi argued for, and personally co-led the Indian independence movement against colonists =? From Hinduism He never separated methods from goals. (the just “end” doesnt justify violent means!),Afrocentrism,Afrocentrists assert that there is much to be learned by departing from the Eurocentric view, to study the cultures of the African continent: from Morocco, Eqypt, Libya, etc., down to Lesoto, Botswana, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc. Anthropologists proved that black Africa was the source of Egyptian civilization; now, genetic analysis proves we are all descended from families in Africa.,Sonia Saldivar-Hull: Feminism on the (Mexican) Border,More attention must be paid to the issue of class, because class-based exploitation often renders gender-based exploitation functionally irrelevant (Marx was right!) White/ Anglo feminists may find their families not as supportive as Blacks and Hispanics. The black-white racial dichotomy should be abandoned, since it excludes the majority of women (who are neither black nor white) and a wide range of situations, economic status, educational class, occupations wrote This Bridge Called My Back & on being “mestiza” living on margins or frontiers. Internationally known (except in Valle?!) Born in Raymondville, in Rio Grande Delta (Valle). Died of diabetes in 2004- was mourned by women readers globally. Argued for sexual choice.,BY GLORIA ANZALDUAfrom Borderlandsamong her many voluminous works.,Chicana Artists: Exploring nepantla, el lugar de la frontera “To be disoriented in space is to be en nepantla, to experience bouts of disassociation of identity, identity breakdowns and buildups. The border is in a constant nepantla state, and it is an analog of the planet. “,“At the Denver Museum of Natural History,here is the culture of nuestros antepasados indgenas. I ask myself:”,“What does it mean to me esta jotita, this queer Chicana, this mexicatejana to enter a museum and look at indigenous objects that were once used by my ancestors? Will I find my historical Indian identity here at this museum among the ancient artifacts and their mestisaje lineage? “,Gloria Anzaldua is a major Mexican-American/Chicana literary voice. She produced:,Borderlands: La Frontera (1987) and: the childrens book Friends from the Other Side/Amigos del Otro Lado (1993), and Edited a widely-studied book: Making Face, Making Soul ( 1990).,QUIZ,Which is a Post-Colonial Philosopher? A) Francis Hutcheson, Moral Sense Theorist B) Aristotle, re: Alexanders colonies C) Hypatia, in Egypt: great Greek library D) Cornell West, American E) Thomas Jefferson F) Thomas Mrugavel Dorsey and see QUIZ from our website !,SOURCES,Moore, Brooke and Kenneth Bruder. Philosophy: The Power of Ideas. (NY: McGraw Hill), 2005. (6th Ed. Ch.17) Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands the new mestiza = La frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters Aunt Lute, 1987. PS3551 .N95 B6 Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color. edited by Gloria Anzalda. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation Books, 1990. PS509 .F44 M35,


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