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2020年贵州省黔南州中考英语试卷听句子从下面各小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选择与句子内容相符的图片每个句子听两遍(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)1(1分)2(1分)3(1分)4(1分)5(1分).听对话.根据对话内容,从下面各小题所给的A、B、C三个选顶中选择最佳选项、每段对话听两遍、(共3小题,每题1.5分,满分10.5分)6(7.5分)听下面5段对话,完成下列小题(1)How is the weather now?ACloudyBRainyCWindy(2)What is the man doing?ASmokingBEating foodCTaking photos(3)Where is the library?ANext to a bankBOpposite a post officeCNext to a supermarket(4)How did the boy go to Beijing?ABy trainBBy carCBy plane(5)Who is Bob most probably?AHer uncleBHer cousinCHer brother7(3分)(B)听下面一段对话,完成下列小题(1)When did the pain start?AThree days agoBA week agoCTen days ago(2)What should the man do?ATake some medicineBHave a good restCHave an Xray8(4.5分)(C)听下面一段对话,完成下列小题(1)How does Leo usually go to school?AOn footBBy bikeCBy bus(2)How long did it take Leo to walk to school?ATwenty minutesBThirty minutesCFifty minutes(3)How far is the girls home from school?A 1 kilometerC 10 kilometersB 5 kilometers、听短文按照所听内容在表格里的横线处填入适当单词,每处限填一词本段短文听两遍(共1小题,每题2分,满分10分)9(10分)Information about The Legend of Hei(罗小黑战记)Characters(人物)A young (1) :Luo XiaobaiA cat:Luo XiaoheiStoryIt begins on a rainy(2) ;Luo Xiaobai brought home a (3) cat and gave it a name;The cat is not common:he doesnt (4) cat food,he can use the toilet,his long tail can turn to small creatures(生物)Popularity(受欢迎)The cute cat has lots of fans in ChinaThe movie was a big(5) 一、笔试部分(含到X大题,满分15分)、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)(A)从下面各小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入室白处的最佳选项10(1分)What good advice youve given me to keep healthy!()A/BaCanDthe11(1分)About 200 went to see the Asian Fashion Show last night()AGermanBAustralianCChineseDAmerican12(1分)There is going to bean English movie in our school the evening of June 30()AatBinCforDon13(1分)Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my dear grandpas birthday()AeightyBeightiethCeightDeighth14(1分)Though the man is not handsome, is very clever()AitsBitCheDshe15(1分)While Xiao Ming his homework, his mother came with a cup of tea()Ahas doingBhad doneCis doingDwas doing16(1分)The man in blue is old to finish the difficult task in such a short time()AtooBveryCsoDsuch17(1分)With the development of China, Chinese _by more and more people in the world()AspeaksBis spokenCspeakDis speaking18(1分)Polluted air and water kill plants, animals, and even people()AcanBcantCshouldDshouldnt19(1分)Cindy, you sing the English song among all the singersCongratulations!()AbetterBbestCbeautifullyDmost beautiful20(1分)I have seen the film We Are All Fighters against the COVID19What about you,Peter?OhI it last week()Ahave seenBseeCsawDwill see21(1分)Would you please the light?Its very dark now()Aturn toBturn onCturn offDturn around22(1分)Mike, will the new science museum be built?It will be built in the center of the city()AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy23(1分)Its Fathers Day, ?Yes, Lets buy a gift for dadHe works very hard for us()Aisnt itBdoesnt itCisnt heDdoesnt he24(1分)Which one of the two products do you want? ,Either is OK()AOf courseBIm sureCYes, pleaseDI dont mind(B)从下面各题入、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同成和近的最佳选项25(1分)Charlie, dont read in the sun!It is bad for your eyes !()Ais good forBis harmful toCis cruel toDis sad for26(1分)The boy failed the English midterm examinationSince then, he worked harder()AAt the momentBIn the futureCIn the pastDFrom then on27(1分)Zhang Hua is good at math and physics()Adoes well inBfalls behindCis strict withDkeeps learning28(1分)We should respect others, and we mustnt laugh at people in trouble()Amake use ofBmake faces withCmake fun ofDmake way for29(1分)After a long walk, they felt really tied, so they decided to have a rest under the big tree()Atake a walkBtake a breakChave a picnicDhave a talkV.完型填空阅读下列短文,从短文后各小题的四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项(共1小题,每题20分,满分20分)30(20分)I had the idea to be an exchange(交换) student in Germany in September 2019With tears in my eyes,I said(1) to my familyAfter I finally arrived at the airport in Berlin,I was welcomed by my host(主人) familyThey didnt know much about my(2) I hobble(跛行)a little,but I dont see is as a problemI think its the will that decides(3) you can and cannot do,and the disability doesnt matter! Before I went there, I knew I was going to(4) homeBut I went! Why?Ive been a fighter ever since I decided not to(5) my breath when I was born! My mother wrote to my host mom about my troubleMy host supported me greatly(6) email,they also told all my teachers about me Everything worked(7) By the end of my year, we were asked to talk about our yearsI spoke in front of about 100 people! I was(8) my great speechThe next day,some teachers stopped me and said, Your speech was the best one My year in Berlin was the(9) thing Ive done so far! I have proved I am a(10) and that nothing is impossible!(1)AnoBgoodbyeCsorryDokay(2)AstudyBfamilyCdisabilityDname(3)AwhatBthatCwhenDwhere(4)AleaveBforgetCloseDmiss(5)Atake upBgive outCgive upDtake out(6)AWithBByCThroughDWithout(7)AfastBslowChardDwell(8)Asurprised atBworried aboutCafraid ofDproud of(9)AlastBbestCworstDfirst(10)AfighterBstudentCwriterDspeakerVI.阅读理解。阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共三篇短文,4小题,每题2分,满分30分)31(10分) Our parents are important people in our lifeThey are our first teachers in our lifeThey love us and help us all the timeBut do you want to get on well with them? Here are some ways to help you to be happy with your parents Have fun together How much time do you spend just enjoying being with each other?Ask your parents to play with youGo outside together,try some sports,or go to the movies Be Kind Little things may bring a lot to your parentsMake a meal for them by yourself and that can make your parents happy Ask for help When you are in trouble or meet some sad things, you can ask your parents for help and adviceThey will be happy to listen to you and help you You dont have to be the best but you need to have a tryThey will be happy to see you have the courage to achieve your dreamIt lets them know theyre doing a good job in helping you grow up(1)Why are our parents important persons for us? AThey teach us first in classBThey love us sometimesCThey always give us a handDThey are happy all the time(2)How many suggestions does the writer give us in the text? AThreeBFourCFiveDSix(3)How do you have fun with your parents? ARead a book togetherBHelp with houseworkCTell them funny thingsDGo outside together(4)What should you do if you have a problem? AListen to your teachersBAsk your parents for helpCTurn to your friends aroundDTry to be the best of yourself(5)The best title for this ad is AHow to Love and Teach KidsBHow to Talk with Your ParentsCHow to Keep Happy with Your ParentsDHow to Try to Be the Best of Yourself32(10分) It was a cold eveningI was in a restaurant wearing a pair of new white shoes when a boy often came to meHe was in an old large shirtExcuse me ,sir! Could I clean your shoes?the boy asked_ I answered The boy was busy doing his work when a heavy rain beganMore and more people rushed in and I could not find the boy Several hours passed,I thought the boy would not return my shoesWhen it was near midnight, the rain stoppedAs the restaurant was to be closedI had to move to the door To my surprise, at the door, I found the boy was sleeping without his old large shirt He held a package wrapped(包裹) by his shirt in his armsI shook him and woke him upHe jumped up and cleaned his eyes for a while before he recognized meThen he opened the package hurriedly,gave my shoes back to me,and said, I am sorry,sirIt doesnt matter I sadThen, I thanked him and wrapped him with his unfit shit On my way home, the boy still stayed in my mind(1)Which of the following is RIGHT about the boy? AHe was very politeBHe was l1CHe had a new shirtDHe wore news shoes(2)Which of the following can be put in ?ASorry,OKBNo,ThanksCYes,pleaseDOf course not(3)Why was the writer not able to find the boy? AThe rain was very heavyBThe boy went to sleepCThe boy hid himself awayDToo many people came in(4)What does the underlined word recognized mean? A看见B付费C帮助D认出(5)What can we know from the above story? AThe writer was deeply moved by the boyBThe boy wanted to take the shoes homeCThe writers shoes were all wet finallyDThe boy got lots of money from the writer33(10分)Do you pay with paper money,credit(信用的)card, or your phone when you go shopping?People in China may pay wih WeChat(微信) on the phonesWe seldom use paper money While WeChat Pay is now a part of life in our country, this way of paying also appears in other countriesA lot of foreign companies and traders have to accept itAccording to Xinhua News, about 13 foreign countries have WeChat Pay services for Chinese travelers Is it good or bad to use WeChat Pay?Will people no longer use paper money in the future?Some discussions appear on the Internet I dont think soNearly half of Chinese people live in the countrysidePeople there cant enjoy it without good Internet serviceAnd most old people like to use paper moneysaid Winnie WeChat Pay is convenient and safeWe neednt tell if the money is real or fakeBut paper money is just the oppositeWe should encourage people to use WeChat Pay moresaid a wise man For along time, people will use different payment ways,said SunshineTraders should allow people to choose the ways they like to pay Will paper money disappear in the future?Whats your ideas about it?(1)When we pay with WeChat, we need to use our AphonesBpaper moneyCcredit cardsDwallet(2)A wise man thought Ait was not safe if people dont use paper moneyBWeChat Pay was convenient and safeCpeople would go on using paper money in the futureDold people like to use paper money more(3)The under ned word fake in Paragraph 5 may mean A脏的B麻烦的C假的D残缺的(4)From the passage,we can know Aonly Chinese people use WeChat PayBChinese travelers can use WeChat Pay in about 13 foreign countriesCpeople use WeChat Pay more than paper money in the worldDpaper money will surely disappear in the future(5)Whats the best title for this passage? AWhy People Use WeChat Pay?BWeChat Payment in ChinaCWill Paper Money Disappear?DPayment Ways in the Future、补全对话根据对话内容,从选项中选出最佳选项每个选项只能选用一次,注意其中有两项为多余选项(共1小题,每题10分,满分10分)34(10分)A:Hello, MaryB:Hello,TomIt is so nice to see you hereA:Me too(1) B:I am going homeI just came back from an exhibitionA:(2) And what?B:An exhibitionTo be exact,a fine art exhibition(展览)A:Really?(3) B:Yeah, pretty good, I should sayA:(4) B:A lot of traditional Chinese paper cuttingsA:I am also interested in paper cuttings(5) B:Yes,it is still open on SaturdayA:Many thanksB:You are welcome, and enjoy yourself thereA:Thank you,Mary! Ill be there on SaturdayA:When did you see that?B:Where are you going?C:Does it work on Sunday?D:What did you see there?E:Is it still open this Saturday?F:Is it really very good?G:I beg your pardon?、句型转换(每空一词,共5小题,每空1分,满分10分)35(2分)Twenty foreign students visited our school yesterday(改为一般疑问句) twenty foreign students our school yesterday?36(2分)You should nt walk across the road when the light is red!(改为祈使句) across the road when the light is red!37(2分)What beautiful flowers they are!(改为感叹句) the flowers are!38(2分)I lent the bike to Sam a few days ago(改为同义句)Sam the bike me a few days ago39(2分)He said,I am living with a British family now(改为间接引语)He said that was living with a British family IX.选词填空根据句意,在方框中选用合适的词或短语,用其适当形式完成下列句子每个选项只能选用一次,注意其中有两项为多余选项(共1小题,每题10分,满分10分)40(10分)during; unless; sky; time; arrive; proper; put up(1)Hurry up, HarryOur friends in half an hour(2)I usually sleep with the window open its really cold(3)There we tents and made a fire to keep us warm(4)The students who are good at writing can always use words (5)Because of the good environment, it is easy for us to see the blue now.书面表达(满分20分)41(20分)一场新冠病毒疫情在全世界蔓廷,对各行各业影响很大,使人们对未来的工作选择有了新的认识和思考, 请你以What is my dream job?为题, 用英语写一篇短文, 发表在学校美语手抄报上,谈谈你对未来职业选择的想法内容:1疫情前的职业梦想和原因(2点);2疫情后的梦想职业和原因(2点);3现阶段应该怎么做(2点)要求:1结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范,书写清晰;2文中不得出现任何真实的人名、学校名等信息;3词数80左右开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数参考词汇:scientist, engineer, policeman/policewoman, teacher, doctorWhat is my dream job? I have many dreams_ Ill be a good student2020年贵州省黔南州中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析听句子从下面各小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选择与句子内容相符的图片每个句子听两遍(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)1(1分)【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略2(1分)【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略3(1分)【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略4(1分)【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略5(1分)【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略.听对话.根据对话内容,从下面各小题所给的A、B、C三个选顶中选择最佳选项、每段对话听两遍、(共3小题,每题1.5分,满分10.5分)6(7.5分)听下面5段对话,完成下列小题(1)How is the weather now?ACloudyBRainyCWindy(2)What is the man doing?ASmokingBEating foodCTaking photos(3)Where is the library?ANext to a bankBOpposite a post officeCNext to a supermarket(4)How did the boy go to Beijing?ABy trainBBy carCBy plane(5)Who is Bob most probably?AHer uncleBHer cousinCHer brother【分析】【解答】略【点评】略7(3分)(B)听下面一段对话,完成下列小题(1)When did the pain start?AThree days agoBA week agoCTen days ago(2)What should the man do?ATake some medicineBHave a good restCHave an Xray【分析】【解答】略【点评】略8(4.5分)(C)听下面一段对话,完成下列小题(1)How does Leo usually go to school?AOn footBBy bikeCBy bus(2)How long did it take Leo to walk to school?ATwenty minutesBThirty minutesCFifty minutes(3)How far is the girls home from school?A 1 kilometerC 10 kilometersB 5 kilometers【分析】【解答】略【点评】略、听短文按照所听内容在表格里的横线处填入适当单词,每处限填一词本段短文听两遍(共1小题,每题2分,满分10分)9(10分)Information about The Legend of Hei(罗小黑战记)Characters(人物)A young (1):Luo XiaobaiA cat:Luo XiaoheiStoryIt begins on a rainy(2);Luo Xiaobai brought home a (3)cat and gave it a name;The cat is not common:he doesnt (4)cat food,he can use the toilet,his long tail can turn to small creatures(生物)Popularity(受欢迎)The cute cat has lots of fans in ChinaThe movie was a big(5)【分析】【解答】略【点评】略一、笔试部分(含到X大题,满分15分)、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)(A)从下面各小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入室白处的最佳选项10(1分)What good advice youve given me to keep healthy!()A/BaCanDthe【分析】你给了我多好的建议来保持健康!【解答】/不填a修饰以辅音音素开头的单词an修饰以元音音素开头的单词the表示特指What a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!感叹句的结构这里advice建议不可数名词故选:A【点评】掌握感叹句What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!的结构,结合语境,选择合适答案11(1分)About 200 went to see the Asian Fashion Show last night()AGermanBAustralianCChineseDAmerican【分析】昨晚大约有200人中国去看了亚洲时装表演【解答】A German德国人 B Australian澳大利亚人 C Chinese中国人 D American 美国人,根据题干前的数字200 ,可知此处是名词复数形式Chinese单复数一样选项ABD都是单数形式故选:C【点评】熟悉可数名词及其单复数的用法,结合题意,给出答案12(1分)There is going to bean English movie in our school the evening of June 30()AatBinCforDon【分析】六月三十日晚上我们学校有一场英语电影【解答】at在几点in在某年某月for为了on在具体某一天根据the evening of June 30六月三十日晚上可知,在具体某一天的晚上用介词on故选:D【点评】考查介词用法,这个知识点很广泛,有一些固定用法,需要日常积累,结合语境选择正确介词完成习题13(1分)Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my dear grandpas birthday()AeightyBeightiethCeightDeighth【分析】明天我们准备给我亲爱的外公庆祝80岁生日【解答】根据题干可知明天我们准备给外公庆祝80岁生日,生日通常用序数词表达,表示第个生日,eighty的序数词是eightieth故选:B【点评】本题考查序数词,基础题,掌握基数词和序数词的用法,注意序数词常见的考查方式,再根据题干即可作出选择14(1分)Though the man is not handsome, is very clever()AitsBitCheDshe【分析】虽然这个男人不帅,但他很聪明【解答】its它的it它he他she她根据the man这个男人可知,用he他故选:C【点评】考查代词分析选项代词意思及用法,结合语境,找到关键词,选择合适答案15(1分)While Xiao Ming his homework, his mother came with a cup of tea()Ahas doingBhad doneCis doingDwas doing【分析】小明在做作业时,他妈妈端了一杯茶来【解答】根据While Xiao Ming his homework,可知while引导的句子使用进行时,从 came 判断是过去时,过去进行时的结构是主语+was/were doing故选:D【点评】本题考查过去进行时,要求学生掌握该时态的用法是解题的关键,再根据题干即可作出选择16(1分)The man in blue is old to finish the difficult task in such a short time()AtooBveryCsoDsuch【分析】穿蓝色的衣服男人太老了而不能在如此短的时间内完成这项艰巨的任务【解答】根据题干可知穿蓝色的衣服男人太老了而不能在如此短的时间内完成这项艰巨的任务,其中too+形容词+to do sth表示太而不能故选:A【点评】本题考查副词辨析,基础题,要求学生掌握常见的固定搭配是解题的关键,再根据题干即可作出选择17(1分)With the development of China, Chinese _by more and more people in the world()AspeaksBis spokenCspeakDis speaking【分析】随着中国的发展,世界上越来越多的人说汉语【解答】根据题干,可知主语是动作的承受者,用被动语态be+过去分词时态是一般现在时,主语Chinese是不可数名词,用动词第三人称单数形式故选:B【点评】熟悉一般现在时被动语态的用法,结合题意,给出答案18(1分)Polluted air and water kill plants, animals, and even people()AcanBcantCshouldDshouldnt【分析】污染的空气和水可以杀死植物、动物甚至人【解答】can能,可以;cant不能,不会,不可能;should应该;shouldnt不应该;根据预测句意污染的空气和水可以杀死植物、动物甚至人和语法可知,要填可以,其它选项语意不通,也不符合语法故选:A【点评】考查情态动词,牢记情态动词的含义和用法,进行对比,排除错误的答案,从而做出正确的答案19(1分)Cindy, you sing the English song among all the singersCongratulations!()AbetterBbestCbeautifullyDmost beautiful【分析】辛迪,你唱的英文歌是所有歌手中最好听的祝贺你!【解答】根据among all the singers,可知是最高级的比较范围,副词最高级前可以省略thesing best唱歌最好故选:B【点评】熟悉副词比较级和最高级的用法,结合题意,给出答案20(1分)I have seen the film We Are All Fighters against the COVID19What about you,Peter?OhI it last week()Ahave seenBseeCsawDwill see【分析】我已经看过抗击新型冠状病毒的电影我们都是战士你呢,彼得?哦我上周看过它【解答】have seen现在完成时see看,动词原形saw过去式will see一般将来时态根据last week上周可知,一般过去时态,谓语动词用过去式saw故选:C【点评】考查动词的过去式通常用于一般过去时,分析时态,注意动词过去式变法,选择合适答案21(1分)Would you please the light?Its very dark now()Aturn toBturn onCturn offDturn around【分析】你能打开灯吗?现在很黑了【解答】turn to转向,求助于;turn on打开;turn off关上;turn around转身,好转;根据后句句意现在很黑了和语法可知,前句为你能打开灯吗,要填打开,其它选项语意不通故选:B【点评】考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词义及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案22(1分)Mike, will the new science museum be built?It will be built in the center of the city()AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy【分析】迈克,新的科学博物馆将建在哪里?它将被建在市中心【解答】when什么时候where在哪里what什么why为什么根据It will be built in the center of the city它将被建在市中心可知,应该是被建在哪里,对地点提问用where故选:B【点评】疑问词通常用来构成疑问句,要根据具体的语境,分清疑问词的用法,选择合适答案23(1分)Its Fathers Day, ?Yes, Lets buy a gift for dadHe works very hard for us()Aisnt itBdoesnt itCisnt heDdoesnt he【分析】今天是父亲节,不是吗?是的,我们给爸爸买件礼物吧他为我们工作很努力【解答】原句是一般现在时,根据Its Fathers Day是肯定形式,含有be动词,反意疑问句是isnt it故选:A【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,根据反意疑问句的构成,结合时态准确作答24(1分)Which one of the two products do you want? ,Either is OK()AOf courseBIm sureCYes, pleaseDI dont mind【分析】这两种产品你想要哪一种?我不介意,两者都可以【解答】AOf course当然;BIm sure我确定;CYes, please是的;DI dont mind我不介意;根据Either is OK可知应说我不介意故选:D【点评】首先迅速地浏览一遍对话,根据对话的情境,Either is OK,结合选


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