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初三英语名词复习与练习 考点一、词义理解有些名词在不同的语境中有不同的词义。词义理解题旨在考查学生能否通过对上下文的理解,使用合适的词汇。考查形式有三种:1、 一词多义(一个单词有多种意思)在不同的语言环境中使用不同的意义如:不可数意义可数意义wood(木头)woods (树林) paper(纸)papers (报纸,文件)room(空间)rooms (房间) fire(火)fires (炉火, 火灾)light (光) lights (灯) time (时间)times (倍数,次数)work(工作)works (著作) chicken (鸡肉)chickens (鸡)fish(鱼肉)fishes(不同种类的鱼)orange (橘黄色)oranges(橘子)2、 近义词(意义上比较接近)辨析 高频的近义词词组home , family , house 家 problem , question , trouble 问题clothing ,clothes , dress 衣服 job , work 工作sound , voice ,noise 声音 person ,people ,human 人3、 语境辩词运用生活经验、知识积累根据上下文推测出空格处所要表达的意思,选择正确的词。如:渴了就需要水(water)、饮料(tea, coffee, juice等);饿了就需要食物(bread, rice,meat, cake)取钱需要去bank考点二、词形变化 英语中,有时一个名词加上相应的前缀或后缀就可以变为形容词。 如:sleep(睡觉)asleep (睡着的)sleepy (瞌睡的,困乏的), 常见的名词变形容词的方法:名词类别方法举例 表天气的-ycloud -cloudy; wind-windy 表方位的-ernwestwestern , south-southern表人的-lyfriend-friendly; mother-motherly表时间的-lytimetimely, week-weekly表物质的-en/-ywoodwooden, sand-sandy表抽象概念的-fulcolourcolourful, use-useful-ylucklucky, healthhealthy-lesscare-careless, use-useless表大洲与国家的-nAmericaAmerican, RussiaRussian 另外,某些名词后加上-ous或-ish 也可构成形容词。如 danger(危险)-dangerous(危险的) ,fool(傻瓜) foolish (愚蠢的)考点三、可数名词(指有生命的,有一定整体,可以用数目来计算的一类名词)复数的构成方法 名词(可数名词和不可数名词),可数名词有单复数之分,不可数名词没有复数形式。1、 可数名词复数的规则变化类别变化规则例词一般情况加-sbook books, map-maps以s, x, sh,ch结尾的词 加-esbusbuses, box-boxes, watch-watches以“辅音字母+y”结尾变y为i再加-escity-cities, family-families以“f或fe结尾的词变f/fe为v再加-esknife-knives, leaf-leaves注:以o 结尾的名词变复数,多数情况加-s. 如:radio-radios, photo-photos等, 初中阶段学过的以o 结尾的名词只有negro, hero, tomato, potato三个词变复数后加-es, 可记为 黑人英雄吃西红柿拌土豆有意思(es)。【归纳拓展】 In order to save herself, the thiefs wife used a knife to cut the wolf in half, which hid behind the shelf under the leaves, and ended its life. 为了保住自己的性命,小偷的妻子用刀把躲在树叶下架子后的恶狼砍成了两半,结束了它的性命。(该句包含了中学课本中所有的变复数时需要把词尾-f/fe变为ves的单词,请牢记)2. 不规则变化 (1)改a 为e型。如:womanwomen, manmen, policemanpolicemen. (2)改oo 为ee 型。如:footfeet , toothteeth , (3)在词尾加-ren. 如:child - children (4)其他特殊变化。如:mousemice 注意:单复数形式相同的词:sheep , deer , police , people , Chinese 等, 还有一些名词只有复数形式 如: trousers, socks, shoes, gloves, glasses等【归纳拓展】 直接加-s 表示 “某国人”的名词中常见的有: German(德国人的)- Germans(德国人), American(美国人的) Americans(美国人) Australian(澳大利亚人的)Australians (澳大利亚人) Russian Russians Canadian Canadians Egyptian Egyptians 考点四、不可数名词及其量的表示法 不可数名词就是无法或者不能用数目来计算的名词。不可数名词没有复数形式。1. 不可数名词的分类 物质名词食物bread, meat ,rice, fish, beef饮料milk, cola, coffee, wine, tea 自然物质water, air, soil, sand, wood抽象名词情感love, joy, happiness概念experience, knowledge, energy, population学科maths, geography , physics, chemistry2. 不可数名词量的表示法(1) 用 much , a little, little, a lot of 等表示。如;I have a little time left. 我还剩下一点时间。There is much water in the lake. 湖里有很多水。(2) 用“计量词+of ”表示。如:a cup of tea 一杯茶 two pieces of paper 两张纸 a bowl of . 一碗. a kilo of . 一公斤. a teaspoon of 一茶匙. a bottle of . 一瓶.a slice of . 一片 a piece of 一块.half a kilo of . 半公斤. two and a half kilos of . 两公斤半.(注:即使数目大于1 但小于2 时, 也用复数形式 如;1.5公斤, one and a half kilos 或 one and a half 也就是说kilo 放在one and a half 后用复数, 只放在one后则用单数) 考点五、名词所有格的使用 1.s 形式的所有格类别构成方法举例有生命的单数名词加smy sons pen有生命的复数名词以s 结尾加the teachers office不以s结尾加sthe childrens homework表示时间、距离、国家等的名词单数加san hours walk 复数加ten days holiday表示几个人共同拥有在最后一个名词后加sMike and Johns desk表示每个人各自拥有在每个名词后加sMikes and Johns desks 注:名词所有格后跟表示住宅、学校、店铺、诊所等名词时,这些表示住宅、学校、店铺、诊所等的名词通常被省略。如:the Greens 格林夫妇的家 at the doctors 在诊所里2、 of 短语构成的所有格(1) 没有生命的名词一般用of短语来表示其所有关系。如:This is a map of China.(2) 当有生命的名词的定语较长时,也可以用of 短语来表示其所有关系。如;The story of the old kind woman is moving. 这位善良的老妇人的故事很感人。3. 双重所有格表示所属物的名词前有冠词(a, an)、数词、非确定特指的(some、 any , a few), 物主代词或指示限定词(this , that, these , those)时,常用“of +所有格/名词性物主代词”的形式,即双重所有格来表示所有关系。如: He is a friend of Toms. 他是汤姆的一位朋友。 考点六、名词作定语修饰名词 名词作定语时一般用单数形式, 但man 和woman作定语时,其数的形式要与被修饰的名词保持一致。如:one banana tree 一棵香蕉树 two banana trees 两棵香蕉树 One man doctor 一位男医生 four men doctors 四位男医生I单选1. The doctor told me to eat more _because its good for my health. A. oranges B. vegetables C. ice creams D. fish 2. -Im thirsty. May I have something to drink? -Ok, heres some _. A. rice B bread C water D apples3. Father went to his doctor for _about his heart trouble. A an advice B advice C advices D the advices4. _turn green in spring. A Leaf B Leafs C. Leafes D Leaves5. The village is far away from here. Its _walk. A a four-hour B a four hours C a four-hours D four hours 6. -where is your brother? -At _. A Mr. Greens B Mr. Green the Mr. Greens D the Mr. Green 7. He dropped the _and broke it. A cup of coffee B coffees cup C cup for coffee D coffee cup 8. -Would you like _, Sir? -No, thanks. I have had much.A some more orange B any more oranges C some more orange D any more orange9. There are a lot of _in our school. They work very hard.A woman teachers B women teachers C woman teachers D women teacher10. Many famers have lots of _and got much money by selling the _. A cow, beef B cows , beef C cow, beefs D cows , beefs 11. I hear we will have a _holiday in _.A two days, two days time B two day, two days time C two-day, two days time D two days, two day time 12A friend of my _ and I are going to visit_ next week.A. father; Browns B. fathers; the BrownsC. father; the Browns D. fathers; Browns13 Which shoes are for me? - .A. The red B. The red one C. The red ones D. Red one14- How many are there in your classroom?- There are twenty. A. boy B. boys C. boies D. photoes15Hes from . A. English B. Chinese C. America D. British16.This is bedroom.A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and LilysC. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lily17How many _ are there in your school.A. woman teacher B. women teacher C. woman teachers D. women teachers18Mr. Black is _ fatherA. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys19 _is the first day of a week.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday20People in Britain say “lorry” while people in the USA say “_”.A. store B. truck C. soccer D. eraser21Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling _ in her homework.A. plans B. jokes C. gradesD. mistakesII. 根据句意和所给首字母完成单词1. We can learn a lot of k from books. 2. I have seen this film t .3. Monday is the s day of the week.4. This morning when Mr Smith got to the a , the plane had taken off. 5. C Day is the most important festival in the western countries.6. Its 6:00 pm. Are you hungry? Lets have s together. 7. Many people died in the traffic a .8. The creasing p may be the greatest problem in the world today.9. Its 2:15 now. We can say“Its a q past two now.”10.Tom is the son of Mrs Martins sisters. So Mrs Martin is Toms a . 11. Take the m three times a day and stay in bed.12. We have two h every year. One is in summer, the other is in winter .13. The t will stay above zero in the daytime, but at night it will fall below zero again.14. The people who landed on the moon for the first time were two A .15. Uncle Wang usually goes to Beijing by plane, not by t .16. Were going to have a s in the river tomorrow.17. How many m are there in an hour?18. Which is the biggest a on land?19. Who is the best basketball p in your class?20. Mcdonalds is a famous fast food r in the United States. II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. They had a warm (discuss) last weekend.2. Lots of trees should be planted across the (northern) of China.3. Most of the (Canada) speak English.4. They made too much (noisy) in class.5. Edison was a great (science).6. Some of the visitors are (foreign).7. Go down the street and turn right at the third (cross).8. Lily and Lucy are both my good (friendly).9. Would you like to have a (drink)?10. Whats the (different) between British English and American English?11. How many (people) are there in your family? 12. What would you like, some (meat) or vegetables?13. Many people lost their (life) in the accident.14. There will be more modern (build) in Shanghai.15. You should take (careful) of your sister.16. Her mothers (die) made her very sad.17. Amy lives in the (eight) room on this floor.18. A (library) works in a library.19. We had a sports (meet) last Friday. 20. (practise) makes perfect(熟练的). III .改错, 下列各句中均有一处是错的,请指出错处并改正。 (10分)( ) 1.We will give our teacher some flowers on the Teachers Day. A B C D( ) 2.These are Lucy and Lilys bed rooms. A B C D( ) 3.There are three woman teachers in our class. A B C D( ) 4. Do you go to school on feet or by bike? A B C D( ) 5. This is an useful book. Dont lose it. A B C D( ) 6. A boy on the bike is Kates brother. A B C D( ) 7. Tom is good at playing piano. A B C D( ) 8. Id like some waters to drink. A B C D( ) 9. We should learn forty lessons this term, this is the thirtieth-ninth lesson. A B C D ( ) 10. Chinese speak Chinese. Frenchmen speak France. A B C D


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