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,Competing through Knowledge: The Human Capital Architecture 通过知识竞争:人力资本架构,IBM,“You can get capital and erect buildings, but it takes people to build a business.” “你能得到资金和高楼大厦,但你需要员工才能完成交易” Thomas J. Watson, IBM,Did IBM forget? $168 billion (Tobins Q = 2.1) Hardware, software, and services Nobel prize-winning scientists 3,768 patents (1993-1995),Whats Happening Today?今天发生了什么?,Industry Changes工业变化 Globalization全球化 Information technology信息技术,Knowledge-based strategies以知识为基础的战略 Core competencies核心能力 Innovation变革 External partnerships外部合作伙伴,Leading to 导致,New Business Equation新的商业等式,Need for需要 Organizational agility敏捷的组织 Speed速度 Innovation变革 Cost成本,网络型组织,对顾客诚实,智力资本,信息技术,合作者与契约伙伴,打破界限,关注核心能力,Core Competence核心能力,is a bundle of skills and technologies that enables a company to provide a particular benefit to customers. 包括大量技能和技术,可以提供给消费者特殊的利益。 Hamel and Prahalad, 1994,SONY索尼 Miniaturization微型设计Pocketability便携式 FEDERAL EXPRESS联邦快递 Logistics后勤(协调能力)On-time delivery准时送货 HONDA本田 Engine design/mfg.机械设计 Reliable performance值得信赖的产品 MOTOROLA摩托罗拉公司Wireless technology无线技术Untethered comm.无线沟通,Core Benefit to Competence Customer 核心能力 给消费者的利益,Knowledge,Technologies,Processes,Relationships,CRITERIA标准 valuable有价值的 unique唯一的 extendable可扩展性 learning学习,Benefits VALUE = - Costs,UNIQUE = (social complexity + causal ambiguity),LEARNING = (experience x challenge),Competing Through Peoplet人的竞争 Identify & develop core skills确定和发展核心技能 Integrate diverse activities整合多样化的动机 Respond with agility & speed敏捷、快速反应 Empower action授权 Innovate变革,Core Competence核心能力,is a bundle of skills and technologies that enables a company to provide a particular benefit to customers.包括大量技能和技术,可以提供给消费者特殊的利益。 -Hamel and Prahalad,价值收益/成本,学习经验挑战,唯一社会的复杂性原因的模糊性,KNOWLEDGE知识 - customer客户 - technology技术 - operations 执行 - managing 管理,PROCESSES流程 - customer segmentation客户服务部门 - just-in-time (hrs)及时服务 - mass customization模块用户化 - build to order (AIM)以订单为核心 - ROIC metrics 计算基本回报率制度 - experimentation试验,TECHNOLOGY技术 - Premier pages主页 - software installation软件安装 - TPM triggers (parts, service) - customer purchasing systems客户购买系统,RELATIONSHIPS关系 - customer intimacy (Boeing)客户的熟悉程度 - Platinum councils顶尖顾问 - supplier partnerships (Sony)供应商合作 - employee involvement雇员参与 - third party service maintainers (TPMs)第三方提供维修服务 - distribution agreements (UPS, Airbourne)分享协议,“Virtual Integration”,Leading to,Value价值 Uniqueness唯一 Learning学习,“A low-value product can be made by anyone anywhere. When you have knowledge no one else has access to -thats dynamite. We guard our intellectual assets even more carefully than our financial assets.” 低价值的产品任何人、任何地方都可以做。当你拥有别人无法掌握的知识时那才是优势。我们小心保护着我们的智力资本甚至超过了我们的金融资本 -Roy Vagelos, former CEO Merck,价值整合,“Positively Outrageous Service”,Southwest Airlines西南航空,TECHNOLOGY技术 - Premier pages主页 - software installation软件安装 - TPM triggers (parts, service)第三方提供维修服务 - customer purchasing systems客户购买系统,PROCESSES流程 - customer segmentation客户服务部门 - just-in-time (hrs)及时服务 - mass customization模块用户化 - build to order (AIM)以订单为核心 - ROIC metrics计算基本回报率制度 - experimentation试验,KNOWLEDGE知识 - customer客户 - technology技术 - operations 执行 - managing 管理,RELATIONSHIPS关系 - customer intimacy (Boeing)客户的熟悉程度 - Platinum councils顶尖顾问 - supplier partnerships (Sony)供应商合作 - employee involvement雇员参与 - third party service maintainers (TPMs)第三方提供维修服务 - distribution agreements (UPS, Airbourne)分享协议,积极的额外服务,KNOWLEDGE知识 - microbiology微生物 - biochemistry有机化学 - imunodiagnostics免疫诊断 (antibodies/conjugates)抗体/融合,PROCESSES流程 - R&D/Mfg.研发 - bioconjugation生物聚和 - antibody purification抗体提纯 - PCR amplification - DNA hybridization DNA杂交 - TQM全面质量管理 - commercialization商品化,TECHNOLOGY - immunoassays确定抗原 - ELISA (serum/blood)免疫血清 - rapid diagnostics快速诊断 - DNA based DNA基础,RELATIONSHIPS关系 - CRC-DT, CDC - U.S. Army 美国军队 - World Health Org国际健康组织. - universities大学 - distribution network分享网络 - employee (science/mkt)雇员,C2 = “Rapid Learning”,Leading to,An organization at the frontier of its intellectual field is more likely to stay at the frontier. It can attract and challenge more and better intellect than its competitors. By solving more advanced problems, it has more capacity to solve others. And so on.” 一个处于智力领域的前沿的组织一定处于行业的前沿。它能够比竞争对手吸引更多更好的人才且为其提供更多的机会。通过解决尖端问题它也能解决其他问题。 - JB Quinn,BIOTECH INC.,Value价值 Uniqueness唯一 Learning学习,C2 =快速学习,Combination of people and systems leads to.,Human Capital,Social Capital,Organizational Capital,BioTech, Inc.: Intellectual capital生物技术:智力资本,People,Systems,KNOWLEDGE知识 - microbiology - biochemistry - bioconjugation - imunodiagnostics,PROCESSES流程 - R&D/Mfg. - bioconjugation - antibody purification - PCR amplification - DNA hybridization - TQM - commercialization,TECHNOLOGIES技术 - immunoassays - ELISA (serum/blood) - rapid diagnostics - DNA based detection,RELATIONSHIPS关系 - CRC-DT, CDC - U.S. Army - World Health Org. - universities - distribution network - employee (science/mkt),C2 = “Rapid Learning”快速学习,PEOPLE,SYSTEMS,Core Competence核心能力,人员,系统,人力资本,社会资本,组织资本,人与系统的整合导致,How does human capital contribute to the core competence?人力资本对核心能力的贡献,Value有价值的 Unique唯一的,Resources need to be:资源是,Benefits VALUE 价值= - Costs,Drives innovation推动变革 Responds to customer demands反映消费者需求 Provides excellent customer service提供出色的客户服务 Achieves highest quality达成最优质量 Instrumental in process improvements有助于流程完善 Develops new business opportunities发展新的商业机会 Directly affects efficiency and productivity直接影响效率和生产率 Minimizes costs of production, service, delivery最小化产品成本、服务成本、送货成本,Not widely available in the marketz在市场上没有得到广泛的信赖 Cannot be bought or appropriated不能被购买或采购 Difficult to imitate or duplicate难以模仿或复制 Specialized KSAs特别的KSA Difficult to replace难以替代 Customized to our firm在公司定做 Developed through on-the-job experiences通过有实际经验的人培训 Distinguishes us from our competitors差异化,收益,成本,KEY 财务人员 HR人员 技术管理团队 信息系统员 操作人员 市场/销售 研发员 质量控制人员 生物研究员 客户服务人员 . 快速诊断员 .法律顾问 分配,研发人员,机械操作员,运输员,销售员,销售员,技术管 理团队,客户服 务人员,HR 人员,研发人员,快速诊断员,财务 人员,客户服务人员,操作工,研发 人员,研发 合作伙伴,Core Knowledge 核心知识,Low VALUE high,低 唯一性 高,人力资本图,快速 诊断,Scott A. Snell, Cornell University,C2 = Rapid Learning,HR 人员,法律 顾问,信息管 理员,生物研究员,财务人员,质量 控制员,技术管 理团队,公用型知识Compulsory Knowledge,Idiosyncratic Knowledge 特殊知识,辅助型知识Ancillary Knowledge,价值,低,高,R&D,Manufacturing/ Operations,Distribution,Sales,Sales,TMT,Cust Serv,HR,R&D,Rapids,Fin,Customer Service,Mfg,R&D,R&D Partners,Core Knowledge 核心知识,Low VALUE high,Low UNIQUE high,BIOTECH, INC: Mapping Human Capital人力资本图,KEY Finance财务 HR人力资源 TMT技术管理团队 MIS信息系统 Mfg/Operations 操作人员 Market/Sales市场/销售 R&D研发 Quality质量 Biologicals生物 Cust. Service客户服务 Rapid Diag. 快速诊断 Legal/Reg.法律 Distribution 分配,Rapids,Scott A. Snell, Cornell University,C2 = Rapid Learning,HR,Legal,MIS,Biologicals,Fin,Quality,TMT,Compulsory Knowledge,Idiosyncratic Knowledge 特殊知识,Ancillary Knowledge,唯一性,价值,低,高,低,高,High Value高价值,Low Value 低价值,Generic普遍性,Core核心,Idiosyncratic 独特性,Ancillary 辅助性,Compulsory公用性,Unique唯一性,Human Capital Architecture 人力资本架构,Human Capital unique value,HRM System,Employ Mode,人力资本 唯一性 有价值,人力资源管理系统,雇佣模型,Core Human Capital核心人力资本 High Value: Direct link to core competence 高价值:直接与核心能力相连 High Uniqueness: Firm-specific knowledge and skills 独一无二:公司特别的知识和技能,High Value,High Value,Low Value,Low Value,Unique,Generic,Generic,Idiosyncratic,Idiosyncratic,Ancillary,Ancillary,Compulsory,Compulsory,Human Capital Architecture,Core,例如,Employment Mode: knowledge work雇佣方式:知识工作 Employment Relationship: organization-focused 雇佣关系:组织为核心 Examples: software developers (Microsoft)软件开发人员 drug researchers (Merck)药物研究人员 fund managers (Fidelity)基金管理经理 “gold-collar” workers金领工人,High Value,High Value,Low Value,Low Value,Unique,Generic,Generic,Core,Core,Idiosyncratic,Idiosyncratic,Ancillary,Ancillary,Human Capital Architecture,Human Capital Architecture,Compulsory,Employment Mode: traditional job雇佣方式:传统工作 Employment Relationship: job-focused雇佣关系:以工作为核心 Examples: staff accountants (Andersen)人事会计 sales people (Sears)销售人员 truck drivers (UPS)卡车司机,HighValue: Direct link to strategy High Uniqueness: Generic knowledge and skills,Compulsory Human Capital公用型人力资本 High Value: Direct link to core competence高价值:直接与核心能力相连 Low Uniqueness: Generic knowledge and skills普遍性:普通知识和技能,


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