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2022年高中英语Unit3Protectingourselves教案8牛津译林版选修科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M10 Unit3 Protecting ourselves第8课时计划上课日期教学目标1.Learn some info about Aids.2.Master the usage of the words and phrases教学重难点To help students understand what is aids教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1 Greetings Step2 Revisions Step3 Lead-in Step4 Teaching procedures Language points Word power1. Hu Jie attended a seminar about how development affects where people live and why they move. (P22)胡洁参加了一个关于发展是如何影响人们居住和为什么人们搬迁的研讨会。1). Affectaffect (INFLUENCE) verb T to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to change: 影响;Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.I was deeply affected by the film (= It caused strong feelings in me).effect n.the result of a particular influence: 影响、效果I think Im suffering from the effects of too little sleep.take effect to produce or achieve the results you want: 开始生效、起作用They had to wait ten minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect before they stitched up the cut.effective adjective successful or achieving the results that you want: 有效的、有影响的Its an extremely effective cure for a headache.Shes a very effective teacher相关高考试题:1. The new law will come into _ on the day it is passed. A. effect B. use C. service D, existence 答案及解析:1. A 开始生效2. She realized that there are reasons for moving within a country other than those mentioned in the magazine article. (P22)她认为除了书中提到的一些原因以外,还有其他的一些搬迁原因。1). other than 除了;Other than, except, apart from, besides, but 辨析:1. except和besides都可解作“除之外” 但含义不同。except 表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的。besides表示“除了之外,还有”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。 试比较: We all went except him. 除他之外,我们都去了。(他没有去) We all went besides him. 除他之外,我们大家也都去了。(他也去了) (1)besides常与othermoreelse等词连用 ,except常与alleveryeveryonenonenobodyeverythingnothing等总括词连用。 eg. He had other people to take care of besidesme. All the students in Class One went to the cinema except Li Ping. (2)若句中没有实义动词do的某种形式,except后接动词不定式,而besides后接动词的-ing形式。 eg.I had no choice except to obeybesides obeying his order. (3)若句中有实义动词do的某种形式,二者后面都可以接动词原形。 eg.She has nothing to do exceptbesides go with him. (4)二者后面都可以接从句。 eg. Besides that he explained the theory he gave us some examples. He is a good student except that he sometimes comes late to school. (5)except后面可接for(构成短语except for)或其他介词短语,而besides不能。 except for主要有三层含义: 表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,起部分修正主要意思的作用。 eg.Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes. 表示非同类事物进行比较。 eg. The street is empty except for several cars. 置于句首,表达except的含义。 eg. Except for this, everything is in order. except for后接名(代)词,可以转移为except从句或其他介词短语。 eg.The climate here is good except for some rainy days.(except when it rains;except that it sometimes rains;except on the rainy days) 作业布置教学心得


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