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主持词尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:下午好!自介+他介Dear teachers and classmates :Good afternoon! 十二月,白色的季节;十二月,纯洁的季节;十二月,天真烂漫的季节;十二月,充满希望的季节。November, the white season; the simple season; the season of naivety; the season of hope. 暮秋已过,天气转冷,初冬默默来临,我们终于迎来了大理学院护理学院2010级双语教学查房。 在此我谨代表大理学院护理学院对精心筹备本次活动的老师及同学们表示诚挚的谢意,对前来参加活动的老师们和同学们表示最热烈的欢迎。Late autumn has passed, the weather turns cold and the winter is coming quietly. We have 2010 levels of bilingual teaching of the nursing school of Dali University. We are very lucky to meet our teachers in this hospital and we want to express our sincere. And we honor to welcome everybody here.“博学达真,大德至理。一个人再完美,也就是一滴水,一个高效的团队就是大海。” 我们正是秉承了这一理念,将知识融入实践,将团结协作的精神导入活动。使每个同学能得到多方面的发展,从而提升各方面的能力。“The human even is perfect, but also a drop of water. An effective team is the sea. We will order to the idea, to put knowledge into practice, and put the spirit of solidarity and collaboration to the import. Make every student can get many aspects of development, so as to improve various aspects ability. 教学查房是指在临床带教老师组织下,以学生为主的师生互动的以真实病例为教授内容并行归纳总结的临床教学活动,是医学知识传授的一种重要方法。The teaching ward-round is an activity under the guidance of the teacher to students interaction between teachers and students. It is an important method of introducing medical knowledge.接下来:有请王利梅同学给我们做病史介绍Next, please Wang Limei introduce the history of the disease.感谢王利梅同学给的精彩介绍。接下来,有请唐丽娟,杨继兰,王婷瑾,张淑会同学为我们分别作体格检查Thanks for the wonderful introduction of Wang Limei . Next, Tang LiJuan, Yang Jilan, Wang Tingjin ,Zhang Shuhui will do the physical examination, welcome!感谢四位同学规范的操作。Thanks to their standardized operation.接下来,讲述定义:Today, what we introduce is the disease of gallstones, who can tell me the definition of it? 非常感谢!下面有请王纯同学为我们讲述病因、病理。Thanks very much! Please Wang Chun show her part, welcome!(其余部分省略)总结:通过此次教学查房,我们掌握了胆囊结石症状,体征,病因病理等,并提出主要护理诊断、护理措施和健康教育。在整个过程中,增强了我们的团队意识,也培养了我们独立思考的能力,感受到了老师的用心良苦,但我们还有许多不足的地方,希望老师提出宝贵意见帮助我们改进,我们争取做得更好。下面有请老师做点评:Here, we say something to express our feelings: Through this teaching ward-round, not only made us mastered the gallstones symptoms, physical signs, etiology pathology and etc.But also put forward the main nursing diagnosis, nursing cares and health education. In the whole process, strengthened our team consciousness and also trained our ability of independent thinking, feel the warmhearted of our teachers, but we still have many shortages , we hope the teacher put forward some valuable advices to help us improve, we will try to do our best. Following, please the teacher give us some summrize.感谢孙彤老师悉心指导。Thanks for our dear teacher Sun Tongs guidance. 最后我们为大家展示一下护理礼Finally, we prepare a fashion show for you. 接下来,请各位老师点评。Dear teachers, the teaching ward-round has come to an end, please give us some advices.最后,祝所有老师和同学身体健康,工作顺利。Thanks! Best wishes to you! Good luck!


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